986 resultados para plaque vulnérable


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RESUME : L'athérosclérose, pathologie inflammatoire artérielle chronique, est à l'origine de la plupart des maladies cardiovasculaires qui constituent l'une des premières causes de morbidité et mortalité en France. Les études observationnelles et expérimentales montrent que l'exercice physique prévient la mortalité cardiovasculaire. Cependant, les mécanismes précisant les bénéfices cliniques de l'exercice sur l'athérosclérose sont encore largement inconnus. Le but général de ce travail a donc été d'explorer, en utilisant un modèle expérimental d'athérosclérose, la souris hypercholestérolémique génétiquement dépourvue en apolipoprotéine E (apoE-/-), les mécanismes athéroprotecteurs de l'exercice. La dysfonction endothéliale, généralement associée aux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire, serait l'une des étapes précoces majeures de l'athérogenèse. Elle est caractérisée par une diminution de la biodisponibilité en monoxyde d'azote (NO) avec la perte de ses propriétés vasculo-protectrices, ce qui favorise un climat pro-athérogène (stress oxydatif, adhésion et infiltration des cellules inflammatoires dans la paroi artérielle...) conduisant à la formation de la plaque athéromateuse. L'objectif de notre premier travail a donc été d'explorer les effets de l'exercice d'une part, sur le développement des plaques athéromateuses et d'autre part, sur la fonction endothéliale de la souris apoE-/-. Nos résultats montrent que l'exercice réduit significativement l'extension de l'athérosclérose et prévient la dysfonction endothéliale. L'explication pharmacologique montre que l'exercice stimule la fonction endothéliale via, notamment, une plus grande sensibilité des récepteurs endothéliaux muscariniques, ce qui active les événements signalétiques cellulaires récepteurs-dépendants à l'origine d'une bioactivité accrue de NO. Les complications cliniques graves de l'athérosclérose sont induites par la rupture de la plaque instable provoquant la formation d'un thrombus occlusif et l'ischémie du territoire tissulaire en aval. L'objectif de notre deuxième travail a été d'examiner l'effet de l'exercice sur la qualité/stabilité de la plaque. Nos résultats indiquent que l'exercice de longue durée stabilise la plaque en augmentant le nombre de cellules musculaires lisses et en diminuant le nombre de macrophages intra-plaques. Nos résultats montrent aussi que la phosphorylation de la eNOS (NO Synthase endothéliale) Akt-dépendante n'est pas le mécanisme moléculaire majeur à l'origine de ce bénéfice. Enfin, dans notre troisième travail, nous avons investigué l'effet de l'exercice sur le développement de la plaque vulnérable. Nos résultats montrent, chez un modèle murin de plaque instable (modèle d'hypertension rénovasculaire à rénine et angiotensine II élevés) que l'exercice prévient l'apparition de la plaque vulnérable indépendamment d'un effet hémodynamique. Ce bénéfice serait associé à une diminution de l'expression vasculaire des récepteurs AT1 de l'Angiotensine II. Nos résultats justifient l'importance de l'exercice comme outil préventif des maladies cardiovasculaires. ABSTRACT : Atherosclerosis, a chronic inflammatory disease, is one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in France. Observational and experimental data indicate that regular physical exercise has a positive impact on cardiovascular mortality. However, the mechanisms by which exercise exerts clinical benefits on atherosclerosis are still unknown. The general aim of this work was to elucidate the anti-atherosclerotic effects of exercise, using a mouse model of atherosclerosis: the apolipoprotein E-deficient mice (apoE-/- mice). Endothelial dysfunction, generally associated with cardiovascular risk factors, has been recognized to be a major and early step in atherogenesis. Endothelial dysfunction is characterized by Nitric Oxide (NO) biodisponibility reduction with loss of NO-mediated vasculoprotective actions. This leads to vascular effects such as increased oxidative stress and increased adhesion of inflammatory cells into arterial wall thus playing a role in atherosclerotic plaque development. Therefore, one of the objective of our study was to explore the effects of exercise on atherosclerotic plaque extension and on endothelial function in apoE-/- mice. Results show that exercise significantly reduces plaque progression and prevents endothelial dysfunction. Pharmacological explanation indicates that exercise stimulates endothelial function by increasing muscarinic receptors sensitivity which in turn activates intracellular signalling receptor-dependent events leading to increased NO bioactivity. The clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis are the consequences of unstable plaque rupture with thrombus formation leading to tissue ischemia. The second aim of our work was to determine the effect of exercise on plaque stability. We demonstrate that long-term exercise stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques as shown by decreased macrophage and increased Smooth Muscle Cells plaque content. Our results also suggest that the Akt-dependent eNOS phosphorylation pathway is not the primary molecular mechanism mediating these beneficial effects. Finally, we assessed a putative beneficial effect of exercise on vulnerable plaque development. In a mouse model of Angiotensine II (Ang II)-mediated vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques, we provide fist evidence that exercise prevents atherosclerosis progression and plaque vulnerability. The beneficial effect of swimming was associated with decreased aortic Ang II AT1 receptor expression independently from any hemodynamic change. These findings suggest clinical benefit of exercise in terms of cardiovascular event protection.


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Il est maintenant admis que la composition de la plaque athérosclérotique est un déterminant majeur de sa vulnérabilité à se rompre. Vu que la composition de la plaque affecte ses propriétés mécaniques, l'évaluation locale des propriétés mécaniques de la plaque d'athérome peut nous informer sur sa vulnérabilité. L'objectif est de comparer les techniques d’élastographie ultrasonores endovasculaire (EVE) et non-invasive (NIVE) en fonction de leur potentiel à identifier les composantes calcifiées et lipidiques de la plaque. Les acquisitions intravasculaire et extravasculaire ont été effectuées sur les artères carotidiennes de neuf porcs hypercholestérolémiques à l’aide d’un cathéter de 20 MHz et d'une sonde linéaire de 7.5 MHz, respectivement. Les valeurs de déformation radiale et axiale, rapportés par EVE et NIVE, ont été corrélées avec le pourcentage des zones histologiques calcifiées et lipidiques pour cinq plaques. Nos résultats démontrent une bonne corrélation positive entre les déformations et les composantes calcifiées (r2 = 0.82, P = 0.034 valeur par EVE et r2 = 0.80, P = 0.041 valeur par NIVE). Une forte corrélation entre les déformations axiales et les contenus lipidiques par NIVE (r2 = 0.92, P-value = 0.010) a été obtenue. En conclusion, NIVE et EVE sont des techniques potentielles pour identifier les composants de la plaque et aider les médecins à diagnostiquer précocement les plaques vulnérables.


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L’accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) est une cause principale de décès et de morbidité dans le monde; une bonne partie des AVC est causée par la plaque d’athérosclérose carotidienne. La prévention de l’AVC chez les patients ayant une plaque carotidienne demeure controversée, vu les risques et bénéfices ambigus associés au traitement chirurgical ou médical. Plusieurs méthodes d’imagerie ont été développées afin d’étudier la plaque vulnérable (dont le risque est élevé), mais aucune n’est suffisamment validée ou accessible pour permettre une utilisation comme outil de dépistage. L’élastographie non-invasive vasculaire (NIVE) est une technique nouvelle qui cartographie les déformations (élasticité) de la plaque afin de détecter les plaque vulnérables; cette technique n’est pas encore validée cliniquement. Le but de ce projet est d’évaluer la capacité de NIVE de caractériser la composition de la plaque et sa vulnérabilité in vivo chez des patients ayant des plaques sévères carotidiennes, en utilisant comme étalon de référence, l’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) à haute-résolution. Afin de poursuivre cette étude, une connaissance accrue de l’AVC, l’athérosclérose, la plaque vulnérable, ainsi que des techniques actuelles d’imagerie de la plaque carotidienne, est requise. Trente-et-un sujets ont été examinés par NIVE par ultrasonographie et IRM à haute-résolution. Sur 31 plaques, 9 étaient symptomatiques, 17 contenaient des lipides, et 7 étaient vulnérables selon l’IRM. Les déformations étaient significativement plus petites chez les plaques contenant des lipides, avec une sensibilité élevée et une spécificité modérée. Une association quadratique entre la déformation et la quantité de lipide a été trouvée. Les déformations ne pouvaient pas distinguer les plaques vulnérables ou symptomatiques. En conclusion, NIVE par ultrasonographie est faisable chez des patients ayant des sténoses carotidiennes significatives et peut détecter la présence d’un coeur lipidique. Des études supplémentaires de progression de la plaque avec NIVE sont requises afin d’identifier les plaques vulnérables.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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In our laboratory, we have developed methods in real-time detection and quantitative-polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR) to analyse the relative levels of gene expression in post mortem brain tissues. We have then applied this method to examine differences in gene activity between normal white matter (NWM) and plaque tissue from multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Genes were selected based on their association with pathology and through identification by previously conducted global gene expression analysis. Plaque tissue was obtained from secondary progressive (SP) patients displaying chronic active, as well as acute pathologies; while NWM from the same location was obtained from age- and sex-matched controls (normal patients). In this study, we used both SYBR Green I supplementation and commercially available mixes to assess both comparative and absolute levels of gene activity. The results of both methods compared favourably for four of the five genes examined (P < 0.05, Pearsons), while differences in gene expression between chronic active and acute pathologies were also identified. For example, a >50-fold increase in osteopontin (Spp1) and inositol 1-4-5 phosphate 3 kinase B (Itpkb) levels in acute plaques contrasted with the 5-fold or less increase in chronic active plaques (P < 0.05, unpaired t test). By contrast, there was no significant difference in the levels of the MS marker and calcium-dependent protease (Calpain, Capns1) in MS plaque tissue. In summary, Q-PCR analysis using SYBR Green I has allowed us to economically obtain what may be clinically significant information from small amounts of the CNS, providing an opportunity for further clinical investigations.


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Background Calcification is commonly believed to be associated with cardiovascular disease burden. But whether or not the calcifications have a negative effect on plaque vulnerability is still under debate. Methods and Results Fatigue rupture analysis and the fatigue life were used to evaluate the rupture risk. An idealized baseline model containing no calcification was first built. Based on the baseline model, we investigated the influence of calcification on rupture path and fatigue life by adding a circular calcification and changing its location within the fibrous cap area. Results show that 84.0% of calcified cases increase the fatigue life up to 11.4%. For rupture paths 10D far from the calcification, the life change is negligible. Calcifications close to lumen increase more fatigue life than those close to the lipid pool. Also, calcifications in the middle area of fibrous cap increase more fatigue life than those in the shoulder area. Conclusion Calcifications may play a positive role in the plaque stability. The influence of the calcification only exists in a local area. Calcifications close to lumen may be influenced more than those close to lipid pool. And calcifications in the middle area of fibrous cap are seemly influenced more than those in the shoulder area.


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Identification of vulnerable plaque pre-rupture is extremely important for patient risk stratification. The mechanism of plaque rupture is still not entirely clear, but it is thought to be a process involving multiple factors. From a biomechanical viewpoint, plaque rupture is usually seen as a structural failure when the plaque cannot resist the hemodynamic blood pressure and shear stress exerted on it. However, the cardiovascular system is naturally a cyclical hemodynamic environment, and myocardial infarction can be a symptomatically quiescent but potentially progressive process when plaque ruptures at stresses much lower than its strength. Therefore, fatigue accumulation is a possible mechanism for plaque rupture. In this study, a crack growth model was developed, and the previously-mentioned hypothesis was tested by conducting a comparative study between 18 symptomatic and 16 asymptomatic patients with carotid stenosis.


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Rupture of atheromatous plaque is the major cause of stroke or heart attack. Considering that the cardiovascular system is a classic fatigue environment, plaque rupture was treated as a chronic fatigue crack growth process in this study. Fracture mechanics theory was introduced to describe the stress status at the crack tip and Paris' law was used to calculate the crack growth rate. The effect of anatomical variation of an idealized plaque cross-section model was investigated. The crack initiation was considered to be either at the maximum circumferential stress location or at any other possible locations around the lumen. Although the crack automatically initialized at the maximum circumferential stress location usually propagated faster than others, it was not necessarily the most critical location where the fatigue life reached its minimum. We found that the fatigue life was minimum for cracks initialized in the following three regions: the midcap zone, the shoulder zone, and the backside zone. The anatomical variation has a significant influence on the fatigue life. Either a decrease in cap thickness or an increase in lipid pool size resulted in a significant decrease in fatigue life. Comparing to the previously used stress analysis, this fatigue model provides some possible explanations of plaque rupture at a low stress level in a pulsatile cardiovascular environment, and the method proposed here may be useful for further investigation of the mechanism of plaque rupture based on in vivo patient data.


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BACKGROUND: Rupture of atheromatous plaque in the carotid artery often leads to thrombosis and subsequent stroke. The mechanism of plaque rupture is not entirely clear but is thought to be a multi-factorial process involving thinning and weakening of the fibrous cap and biomechanical stress as the trigger leading to plaque rupture. As the cardiovascular system is a classic fatigue environment, the weakening of plaque leading to rupture may be a fatigue process, which is a symptomatically quiescent but potentially progressive failure process. In this study, we used a fatigue analysis based on in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the rupture initiation location, crack propagation path and fatigue life within plaques of asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals. METHODS: Forty non-consecutive subjects (20 symptomatic and 20 asymptomatic) underwent high-resolution multi-sequence in vivo MRI of the carotid bifurcation. Fatigue analysis was performed based on the plaque geometry derived from in vivo MRI of the carotid artery at the point of maximum stenosis. Paris’ Law in fracture mechanics is adopted to determine the fatigue crack growth rate. Incremental crack propagation was dynamically simulated based on stress distributions. Plaque initiation location, crack propagation path and fatigue cycle of symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals were compared. RESULTS: Cracks were often found to begin at the lumen wall at areas of stress concentration. The preferred rupture direction was radial from the lumen center. The crack initially advanced slowly but accelerated as it developed, depending on plaque morphology. The fatigue cycles of symptomatic plaques were significantly less than those in the asymptomatic group (2.3 ± 0.9 vs 3.1 ± 0.7 (x106); p = 0.003). CONCLUSIONS: The number of cycles to rupture in symptomatic patients was higher than those predicted in asymptomatic patients by fatigue analysis, suggesting the possibility that plaques with a less fatigue life may be more prone to be symptomatic and rupture. If further validated by large-scale longitudinal studies, fatigue analysis based on high resolution in vivo MRI could potentially act as a useful tool for risk assessment of carotid atheroma.


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Stroke is one of the leading causes of death in the world, resulting mostly from the sudden ruptures of atherosclerosis carotid plaques. Until now, the exact plaque rupture mechanism has not been fully understood, and also the plaque rupture risk stratification. The advanced multi-spectral magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has allowed the plaque components to be visualized in-vivo and reconstructed by computational modeling. In the study, plaque stress analysis using fully coupled fluid structure interaction was applied to 20 patients (12 symptomatic and 8 asymptomatic) reconstructed from in-vivo MRI, followed by a detailed biomechanics analysis, and morphological feature study. The locally extreme stress conditions can be found in the fibrous cap region, 85% at the plaque shoulder based on the present study cases. Local maximum stress values predicted in the plaque region were found to be significantly higher in symptomatic patients than that in asymptomatic patients (200±43. kPa vs. 127±37. kPa, p=0.001). Plaque stress level, defined by excluding 5% highest stress nodes in the fibrous cap region based on the accumulative histogram of stress experienced on the computational nodes in the fibrous cap, was also significantly higher in symptomatic patients than that in asymptomatic patients (154±32. kPa vs. 111±23. kPa, p<0.05). Although there was no significant difference in lipid core size between the two patient groups, symptomatic group normally had a larger lipid core and a significantly thinner fibrous cap based on the reconstructed plaques using 3D interpolation from stacks of 2D contours. Plaques with a higher stenosis were more likely to have extreme stress conditions upstream of plaque throat. The combined analyses of plaque MR image and plaque stress will advance our understanding of plaque rupture, and provide a useful tool on assessing plaque rupture risk.


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Plaque rupture has been considered to be the result of its structural failure. The aim of this study is to suggest a possible link between higher stresses and rupture sites observed from in vivo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of transient ischemic attack (TIA) patients, by using stress analysis methods. Three patients, who had recently suffered a TIA, underwent in vivo multi-spectral MR imaging. Based on plaque geometries reconstructed from the post-rupture status, six pre-rupture plaque models were generated for each patient dataset with different reconstructions of rupture sites to bridge the gap of fibrous cap from original MRI images. Stress analysis by fluid structure interaction simulation was performed on the models, followed by analysis of local stress concentration distribution and plaque rupture sites. Furthermore, the sensitivity of stress analysis to the pre-rupture plaque geometry reconstruction was examined. Local stress concentrations were found to be located at the plaque rupture sites for the three subjects studied. In the total of 18 models created, the locations of the stress concentration regions were similar in 17 models in which rupture sites were always associated with high stresses. The local stress concentration region moved from circumferential center to the shoulder region (slightly away from the rupture site) for a case with a thick fibrous cap. Plaque wall stress level in the rupture locations was found to be much higher than the value in non-rupture locations. The good correlation between local stress concentrations and plaque rupture sites, and generally higher plaque wall stress level in rupture locations in the subjects studied could provide indirect evidence for the extreme stress-induced plaque rupture hypothesis. Local stress concentration in the plaque region could be one of the factors contributing to plaque rupture.


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High mechanical stress in atherosclerotic plaques at vulnerable sites, called critical stress, contributes to plaque rupture. The site of minimum fibrous cap (FC) thickness (FCMIN) and plaque shoulder are well-documented vulnerable sites. The inherent weakness of the FC material at the thinnest point increases the stress, making it vulnerable, and it is the big curvature of the lumen contour over FC which may result in increased plaque stress. We aimed to assess critical stresses at FCMIN and the maximum lumen curvature over FC (LCMAX) and quantify the difference to see which vulnerable site had the highest critical stress and was, therefore, at highest risk of rupture. One hundred patients underwent high resolution carotid magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. We used 352 MR slices with delineated atherosclerotic components for the simulation study. Stresses at all the integral nodes along the lumen surface were calculated using the finite-element method. FCMIN and LCMAX were identified, and critical stresses at these sites were assessed and compared. Critical stress at FC MIN was significantly lower than that at LCMAX (median: 121.55 kPa; inter quartile range (IQR) = [60.70-180.32] kPa vs. 150.80 kPa; IQR = [91.39-235.75] kPa, p < 0.0001). If critical stress at FCMIN was only used, then the stress condition of 238 of 352 MR slices would be underestimated, while if the critical stress at LCMAX only was used, then 112 out of 352 would be underestimated. Stress analysis at FCMIN and LCMAX should be used for a refined mechanical risk assessment of atherosclerotic plaques, since material failure at either site may result in rupture.


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Stress analysis within carotid plaques based on in vivo MR imaging has shown to be useful for the identification of vulnerable atheroma. This study is to investigate whether magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based-biomechanical stress analysis of carotid plaques can differentiate acute symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. 54 asymptomatic and 45 acute symptomatic patients underwent in vivo multi-contrast MRI of the carotid arteries. Plaque geometry used for finite element analysis was derived from in vivo MR images at the site of maximum and minimum plaque burden. In total 198 slices were used for the computational simulations. A pre shrink technique was used to refine the simulation. Maximum principle stress at the vulnerable plaque sites (i.e. critical stress) was extracted for the selected slices and a comparison was performed between the two groups. Critical stress at the site of maximum plaque burden is significantly higher in acute symptomatic patients as compared to asymptomatic patients [median: 198.0kPa (inter quartile range (IQR) = (119.8 - 359.0) vs. 138.4kPa (83.8, 242.6), p=0.04]. No significant difference was found at the minimum plaque burden site between the two groups [196.7kPa (133.3- 282.7) vs. 182.4kPa (117.2 - 310. 6), p=0.82). Stress analysis at the site of maximal plaque burden can be effectively used for differentiating acute symptomatic carotid plaques from asymptomatic plaques. This maybe potentially used for development of biomechanical risk stratification criteria based on plaque burden in future studies.