994 resultados para plant hormone
Slugs and snails are important herbivores in many ecosystems. They differ from other herbivores by their characteristic mucus trail. As the mucus is secreted at the interface between the plants and the herbivores, its chemical composition may play an essential role in plant responses to slug and snail attack. Based on our current knowledge about host-manipulation strategies employed by pathogens and insects, we hypothesized that mollusks may excrete phytohormone-like substances into their mucus. We therefore screened locomotion mucus from thirteen molluscan herbivores for the presence of the plant defense hormones jasmonic acid (JA), salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA). We found that the locomotion mucus of one slug, Deroceras reticulatum, contained significant amounts of SA, a plant hormone that is known to induce resistance to pathogens and to suppress plant immunity against herbivores. None of the other slugs and snails contained SA or any other hormone in their locomotion mucus. When the mucus of D. reticulatum was applied to wounded leaves of A. thaliana, the promotor of the SA-responsive gene pathogenesis related 1 (PR1) was activated, demonstrating the potential of the mucus to regulate plant defenses. We discuss the potential ecological, agricultural and medical implications of this finding.
Plant growth is tightly controlled through the integration of environmental cues with the physiological status of the seedling. A recent study now proposes a model explaining how the plant hormone ethylene triggers opposite growth responses depending on the light environment.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Phytohormones regulate a wide array of developmental processes throughout the life cycle of plants. Over recent years, mounting evidence led to the widely accepted concept that plant hormone action is not the read-out of linear pathways, but determined by the extensive combinatorial activity of the signaling molecules and the integration of their signaling pathways, both in terms of regulating growth and development and in adapting to external stimuli. Recent work is beginning to shed light on the crosstalk of both nominally synergistically and antagonistically acting plant hormones such as, for example, auxins with oxylipins. Here, we report that oxylipins directly contribute to the regulation of the expression of two Arabidopsis YUCCA (YUC) genes, YUC8 and YUC9. Similar to previously characterized YUC family members, we identify both YUC8 and YUC9 as involved in local auxin biosynthesis, as demonstrated by the altered auxin contents and auxin-dependent phenotypes displayed by loss-of function mutants and transgenic overexpressing lines. Gene expression data obtained by qPCR analysis and microscopic examination of promoter-reporter lines reveal an oxylipin-mediated regulation of YUC9 expression that is dependent on the COI1 signal transduction pathway. The microscopic data indicate a functional overlap of the two analyzed auxin biosynthesis genes, but also point out specific functions for YUC8 and YUC9, which are in part related to different spatio-temporal expression pattern. In support of these findings, the analyzed yuc knockout mutants had lower free auxin contents and displayed a reduced response to oxylipins. This work provides evidence of a molecular mechanism that links oxylipin signaling with auxin homeostasis.
Alteration of Hormone Levels in Transgenic Tobacco Plants Overexpressing the Rice Homeobox Gene OSH1
The rice (Oryza sativa L.) homeobox gene OSH1 causes morphological alterations when ectopically expressed in transgenic rice, Arabidopsis thaliana, and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) and is therefore believed to function as a morphological regulator gene. To determine the relationship between OSH1 expression and morphological alterations, we analyzed the changes in hormone levels in transgenic tobacco plants exhibiting abnormal morphology. Levels of the plant hormones indole-3-acetic acid, abscisic acid, gibberellin (GA), and cytokinin (zeatin and trans-zeatin [Z]) were measured in leaves of OSH1-transformed and wild-type tobacco. Altered plant morphology was found to correlate with changes in hormone levels. The more severe the alteration in phenotype of transgenic tobacco, the greater were the changes in endogenous hormone levels. Overall, GA1 and GA4 levels decreased and abscisic acid levels increased compared with wild-type plants. Moreover, in the transformants, Z (active form of cytokinin) levels were higher and the ratio of Z to Z riboside (inactive form) also increased. When GA3 was supplied to the shoot apex of transformants, internode extension was restored and normal leaf morphology was also partially restored. However, such GA3-treated plants still exhibited some morphological abnormalities compared with wild-type plants. Based on these data, we propose the hypothesis that OSH1 affects plant hormone metabolism either directly or indirectly and thereby causes changes in plant development.
Recently, the introduction of second generation sequencing and further advance-ments in confocal microscopy have enabled system-level studies for the functional characterization of genes. The degree of complexity intrinsic to these approaches needs the development of bioinformatics methodologies and computational models for extracting meaningful biological knowledge from the enormous amount of experi¬mental data which is continuously generated. This PhD thesis presents several novel bioinformatics methods and computational models to address specific biological questions in Plant Biology by using the plant Arabidopsis thaliana as a model system. First, a spatio-temporal qualitative analysis of quantitative transcript and protein profiles is applied to show the role of the BREVIS RADIX (BRX) protein in the auxin- cytokinin crosstalk for root meristem growth. Core of this PhD work is the functional characterization of the interplay between the BRX protein and the plant hormone auxin in the root meristem by using a computational model based on experimental evidence. Hyphotesis generated by the modelled to the discovery of a differential endocytosis pattern in the root meristem that splits the auxin transcriptional response via the plasma membrane to nucleus partitioning of BRX. This positional information system creates an auxin transcriptional pattern that deviates from the canonical auxin response and is necessary to sustain the expression of a subset of BRX-dependent auxin-responsive genes to drive root meristem growth. In the second part of this PhD thesis, we characterized the genome-wide impact of large scale deletions on four divergent Arabidopsis natural strains, through the integration of Ultra-High Throughput Sequencing data with data from genomic hybridizations on tiling arrays. Analysis of the identified deletions revealed a considerable portion of protein coding genes affected and supported a history of genomic rearrangements shaped by evolution. In the last part of the thesis, we showed that VIP3 gene in Arabidopsis has an evo-lutionary conserved role in the 3' to 5' mRNA degradation machinery, by applying a novel approach for the analysis of mRNA-Seq data from random-primed mRNA. Altogether, this PhD research contains major advancements in the study of natural genomic variation in plants and in the application of computational morphodynamics models for the functional characterization of biological pathways essential for the plant. - Récemment, l'introduction du séquençage de seconde génération et les avancées dans la microscopie confocale ont permis des études à l'échelle des différents systèmes cellulaires pour la caractérisation fonctionnelle de gènes. Le degrés de complexité intrinsèque à ces approches ont requis le développement de méthodologies bioinformatiques et de modèles mathématiques afin d'extraire de la masse de données expérimentale générée, des information biologiques significatives. Ce doctorat présente à la fois des méthodes bioinformatiques originales et des modèles mathématiques pour répondre à certaines questions spécifiques de Biologie Végétale en utilisant la plante Arabidopsis thaliana comme modèle. Premièrement, une analyse qualitative spatio-temporelle de profiles quantitatifs de transcripts et de protéines est utilisée pour montrer le rôle de la protéine BREVIS RADIX (BRX) dans le dialogue entre l'auxine et les cytokinines, des phytohormones, dans la croissance du méristème racinaire. Le noyau de ce travail de thèse est la caractérisation fonctionnelle de l'interaction entre la protéine BRX et la phytohormone auxine dans le méristème de la racine en utilisant des modèles informatiques basés sur des preuves expérimentales. Les hypothèses produites par le modèle ont mené à la découverte d'un schéma différentiel d'endocytose dans le méristème racinaire qui divise la réponse transcriptionnelle à l'auxine par le partitionnement de BRX de la membrane plasmique au noyau de la cellule. Cette information positionnelle crée une réponse transcriptionnelle à l'auxine qui dévie de la réponse canonique à l'auxine et est nécessaire pour soutenir l'expression d'un sous ensemble de gènes répondant à l'auxine et dépendant de BRX pour conduire la croissance du méristème. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse de doctorat, nous avons caractérisé l'impact sur l'ensemble du génome des délétions à grande échelle sur quatre souches divergentes naturelles d'Arabidopsis, à travers l'intégration du séquençage à ultra-haut-débit avec l'hybridation génomique sur puces ADN. L'analyse des délétions identifiées a révélé qu'une proportion considérable de gènes codant était affectée, supportant l'idée d'un historique de réarrangement génomique modelé durant l'évolution. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous avons montré que le gène VÏP3 dans Arabidopsis a conservé un rôle évolutif dans la machinerie de dégradation des ARNm dans le sens 3' à 5', en appliquant une nouvelle approche pour l'analyse des données de séquençage d'ARNm issue de transcripts amplifiés aléatoirement. Dans son ensemble, cette recherche de doctorat contient des avancées majeures dans l'étude des variations génomiques naturelles des plantes et dans l'application de modèles morphodynamiques informatiques pour la caractérisation de réseaux biologiques essentiels à la plante. - Le développement des plantes est écrit dans leurs codes génétiques. Pour comprendre comment les plantes sont capables de s'adapter aux changements environnementaux, il est essentiel d'étudier comment leurs gènes gouvernent leur formation. Plus nous essayons de comprendre le fonctionnement d'une plante, plus nous réalisons la complexité des mécanismes biologiques, à tel point que l'utilisation d'outils et de modèles mathématiques devient indispensable. Dans ce travail, avec l'utilisation de la plante modèle Arabidopsis thalicinci nous avons résolu des problèmes biologiques spécifiques à travers le développement et l'application de méthodes informatiques concrètes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons investigué comment le gène BREVIS RADIX (BRX) régule le développement de la racine en contrôlant la réponse à deux hormones : l'auxine et la cytokinine. Nous avons employé une analyse statistique sur des mesures quantitatives de transcripts et de produits de gènes afin de démontrer que BRX joue un rôle antagonisant dans le dialogue entre ces deux hormones. Lorsque ce-dialogue moléculaire est perturbé, la racine primaire voit sa longueur dramatiquement réduite. Pour comprendre comment BRX répond à l'auxine, nous avons développé un modèle informatique basé sur des résultats expérimentaux. Les simulations successives ont mené à la découverte d'un signal positionnel qui contrôle la réponse de la racine à l'auxine par la régulation du mouvement intracellulaire de BRX. Dans la seconde partie de cette thèse, nous avons analysé le génome entier de quatre souches naturelles d'Arabidopsis et nous avons trouvé qu'une grande partie de leurs gènes étaient manquant par rapport à la souche de référence. Ce résultat indique que l'historique des modifications génomiques conduites par l'évolution détermine une disponibilité différentielle des gènes fonctionnels dans ces plantes. Dans la dernière partie de ce travail, nous avons analysé les données du transcriptome de la plante où le gène VIP3 était non fonctionnel. Ceci nous a permis de découvrir le rôle double de VIP3 dans la régulation de l'initiation de la transcription et dans la dégradation des transcripts. Ce rôle double n'avait jusqu'alors été démontrée que chez l'homme. Ce travail de doctorat supporte le développement et l'application de méthodologies informatiques comme outils inestimables pour résoudre la complexité des problèmes biologiques dans la recherche végétale. L'intégration de la biologie végétale et l'informatique est devenue de plus en plus importante pour l'avancée de nos connaissances sur le fonctionnement et le développement des plantes.
Fertility and flower development are both controlled in part by jasmonates, fatty acid-derived mediators produced via the activity of 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOXs). The Arabidopsis thaliana Columbia-0 reference genome is predicted to encode four of these enzymes and it is already known that one of these, LOX2, is dispensable for fertility. In this study, the roles of the other three 13-LOXs (LOX3, LOX4 and LOX6) were investigated in single and double mutants. Four independent lox3 lox4 double mutants assembled with different mutated lox3 and lox4 alleles had fully penetrant floral phenotypes, displaying abnormal anther maturation and defective dehiscence. The plants were no longer self-fertile and pollen was not viable. Fertility in the double mutant was restored genetically by complementation with either the LOX3 or the LOX4 cDNAs and biochemically with exogenous jasmonic acid. Furthermore, deficiency in LOX3 and LOX4 causes developmental dysfunctions, compared to wild type; lox3 lox4 double mutants are taller and develop more inflorescence shoots and flowers. Further analysis revealed that developmental arrest in the lox3 lox4 inflorescence occurs with the production of an abnormal carpelloid flower. This distinguishes lox3 lox4 mutants from the wild type where developmentally typical flower buds are the terminal inflorescence structures observed in both the laboratory and in nature. Our studies of lox3 lox4 as well as other jasmonic acid biosynthesis and perception mutants show that this plant hormone is not only required for male fertility but also involved in global proliferative arrest.
How the apical-basal axis of polarity is established in embryogenesis is still a mystery in plant development. This axis appeared specifically compromised by mutations in the Arabidopsis GNOM gene. Surprisingly, GNOM encodes an ARF guanine-nucleotide exchange factor (ARF-GEF) that regulates the formation of vesicles in membrane trafficking. In-depth functional analysis of GNOM and its closest relative, GNOM-LIKE 1 (GNL1), has provided a mechanistic explanation for the development-specific role of a seemingly mundane trafficking regulator. The current model proposes that GNOM is specifically involved in the endosomal recycling of the auxin-efflux carrier PIN1 to the basal plasma membrane in provascular cells, which in turn is required for the accumulation of the plant hormone auxin at the future root pole through polar auxin transport. Thus, the analysis of GNOM highlights the importance of cell-biological processes for a mechanistic understanding of development.
Phototropism is an adaptation response, through which plants grow towards the light. It involves light perception and asymmetric distribution of the plant hormone auxin. Here we identify a crucial part of the mechanism for phototropism, revealing how light perception initiates auxin redistribution that leads to directional growth. We show that light polarizes the cellular localization of the auxin efflux carrier PIN3 in hypocotyl endodermis cells, resulting in changes in auxin distribution and differential growth. In the dark, high expression and activity of the PINOID (PID) kinase correlates with apolar targeting of PIN3 to all cell sides. Following illumination, light represses PINOID transcription and PIN3 is polarized specifically to the inner cell sides by GNOM ARF GTPase GEF (guanine nucleotide exchange factor)-dependent trafficking. Thus, differential trafficking at the shaded and illuminated hypocotyl side aligns PIN3 polarity with the light direction, and presumably redirects auxin flow towards the shaded side, where auxin promotes growth, causing hypocotyls to bend towards the light. Our results imply that PID phosphorylation-dependent recruitment of PIN proteins into distinct trafficking pathways is a mechanism to polarize auxin fluxes in response to different environmental and endogenous cues.
In the present scenario, there is an increasing demand for natural products in food industry, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and agricultural sectors. In this context phytochemical study to identify newer chemicals has got great relevance. Phytochemical studies have become more reliable and encouraging with the development of modern analytical techniques.In the present work the leaves of Piper colubrinum (Piperaceae), aerial parts of Mussaenda fiondosa (Rubiaceae) and Humboldtia vahliana (Leguminosae) and the pericarp of fruits of Artocarpus heterophyllus (Moraceae) were investigated for their secondary metabolites. The major compounds isolated belong to the groups of flavonoids and triterpenoids.Naturally occurring flavonoids have been used widely in chemotaxonomic studies of plants. Flavones and flavonols constitute a group of biosynthetically related natural products. No universal function has been established for flavones and flavonols in plants. However, many functions in individual plants have been demonstrated. These include protection of plants from ultraviolet light, insects and pests; pollinator attractants; antioxidants; plant hormone controllers; enzyme inhibitors and allelopathic agents. Flavonoids are attracting the attention of medical scientists in recent years because of their anticarcinogenic, antiallergic and antiinflammatory properties. The recent discovery that flavonoids are involved in the process of nitrogen fixation in plants also opens the way for agricultural application of these constituents.Triterpenoids are another class of compounds that are ubiquitous in plants. Some triterpenoids present in the latex and resins of plants are believed to be involved in chemical defence against pathogens and herbivores. Triterpenoids possess various biological properties including anti-inflammatory, antifeedant, pesticidal, fungitoxic and antimicrobial activities. Triterpenoids with cytotoxic activity and inhibitory effect on seed germination are also known.
The inability of a plant to grow roots rapidly upon transplanting is one of the main factors contributing to poor establishment. In bare-rooted trees, treatments such as root pruning or application of the plant hormone auxin [e.g., indole butyric acid (IBA)] can promote root growth and aid long-term establishment. There is little information on ornamental containerised plants, however, other than the anecdotal notion that 'teasing' the roots out of the rootsoil mass before transplanting can be beneficial. In the present study we tested the ability of various root-pruning treatments and application of IBA to encourage new root and shoot growth in two shrub species, commonly produced in containers - Buddleja davidii 'Summer Beauty' and Cistus 'Snow Fire'. In a number of experiments, young plants were exposed to root manipulation (teasing, light pruning, or two types of heavy pruning) and/or treatment with IBA (at 500 or 1,000 mg l-1) before being transplanted into larger containers containing a medium of 1:1:1 (v/v/v) fine bark, sand and loam. Leaf stomatal conductance (gl) was measured 20 min, and 1, 2, 4 and 6 h after root manipulation. Net leaf CO2 assimilation (A) was measured frequently during the first week after transplanting, then at regular intervals up to 8 weeks after transplanting. Plants were harvested 8 weeks after transplanting, and root and shoot weights were measured. In both species, light root pruning alone, or in combination with 500 mg l-1 IBA, was most effective in stimulating root growth. In contrast, teasing, which is commonly used, showed no positive effect on root growth in Buddleja, and decreased new root growth in Cistus. The requirement for exogenous auxin to encourage new root growth varied between experiments and appeared to be influenced by the age and developmental stage of the plants. There were no consistent responses between root treatments and net CO2 assimilation rates, and changes in root weight were not closely correlated with changes in assimilation. The mechanisms whereby new root growth is sustained are discussed.
Senescence is a vitally important sequence of events in the latter phase of the life cycle of a plant that determines yield and reproductive success. In many species, and in different plant organs, ethylene is a key regulator of senescence and an increased understanding of the way the hormone functions will enable the timing and location of senescence to be manipulated in order to improve yield, quality and longevity. This chapter examines the physiological and molecular regulation of senescence in different plant organs and introduces the concept of the ‘senescence window’ in which plant organs are receptive to ethylene-mediated senescence cues. Several studies have attempted to elucidate global patterns of the regulation of senescence, which have enabled the function of ethylene to be placed in the context of the involvement of other, often antagonistic, hormones in the execution of senescence and downstream processes. Finally, we examine the consequences of senescence for post-harvest biology, an area where the control of ethylene action has been actively sought in order to control precisely the timing of senescence and ripening processes so that crop quality can be enhanced and maintained.
Ethylene is a plant hormone that is of fundamental importance to in vitro morphogenesis, but in many species, it has not been thoroughly studied. Its relationship with polyamines has been studied mainly because the two classes of hormones share a common biosynthetic precursor, S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). In order to clarify whether competition between polyamines and ethylene influences in vitro morphogenetic responses of Passiflora cincinnata Mast., a climacteric species, different compounds were used that act on ethylene biosynthesis and action, or as ethylene scavengers. Treatment with the ethylene inhibitor, aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) caused a greater regeneration frequency in P. cincinnata, whereas treatment with the ethylene precursor, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic-acid (ACC) lessened regeneration frequencies. The data suggested that levels of polyamines and ethylene are not correlated with morphogenic responses in P. cincinnata. It was ascertained that neither the absolute ethylene and polyamine levels, nor competition between the compounds, correlated to the obtained morphogenic responses. However, sensitivity to, and signaling by, ethylene appears to play an important role in differentiation. This study reinforces previous reports regarding the requirement of critical concentrations and temporal regulation of ethylene levels for morphogenic responses. Temporal regulation also appeared to be a key factor in competition between the two biosynthetic pathways, without having any effects on morphogenesis. Further studies investigating the silencing or overexpression of genes related to ethylene perception, under the influence of polyamines in cell differentiation are extremely important for the complete understanding of this process.
Over recent years nitric oxide (NO) not only has appeared as an important endogenous signaling molecule in plants and as a mediator in many developmental and physiological processes, but has also received recognition as a plant hormone. The impressive recent achievements in elucidating the role of NO in plants have come about by the application of NO donors. The aim herein was to study the effects of the different NO donors, sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and the nitrosyl ethylenediaminetetraacetate ruthenium(II) ([Ru(NO)(Hedta)]) complex on cellular growth in embryogenic suspension cultures of Araucaria angustifolia. Appraisal of our data revealed that [Ru(NO)(Hedta)] stimulated about 60% of cellular growth in embryogenic suspension cultures of A. angustifolia, with results similar to those observed with the SNP donor. Nevertheless, application of the NO scavenger PTIO (2-phenyl-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide) inhibited this cellular growth in both. Cellular growth was correlated with an increase in endogenous NO levels after 21 days of culture, especially in treatments with NO donors. Our results demonstrated that the [Ru(NO)Hedta] complex could possibly be used as a NO donor in plants. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.