12 resultados para planetarium
This dissertation proposes an initial framework for designing and presenting exhibits in science centers and to recommend methods for improving the educational role of planetariums in science centers.
Imprint on cover reads: New York, M'Elrath, Bangs & Herbert, 1834.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 76-81).
Depuis l’entrée en vigueur du Programme de formation de l’école québécoise en 2001, l’astronomie est à nouveau enseignée dans les classes du Québec. Malheureusement, l’école est mal outillée pour enseigner des concepts astronomiques complexes se déroulant pour la plupart en dehors des heures de classe et sur de longues périodes de temps. Sans compter que bien des phénomènes astronomiques mettent en jeu des astres se déplaçant dans un espace tridimensionnel auquel nous n’avons pas accès depuis notre point de vue géocentrique. Les phases de la Lune, concept prescrit au premier cycle du secondaire, sont de ceux-là. Heureusement, l’école peut compter sur l’appui du planétarium, musée de sciences dédié à la présentation, en accéléré et à toute heure du jour, de simulations ultra réalistes de divers phénomènes astronomiques. Mais quel type de planétarium secondera l’école ? Récemment, les planétariums ont eux aussi subi leur propre révolution : ces institutions sont passées de l’analogique au numérique, remplaçant les projecteurs optomécaniques géocentriques par des projecteurs vidéo qui offrent la possibilité de se déplacer virtuellement dans une simulation de l’Univers tridimensionnel complètement immersive. Bien que la recherche en éducation dans les planétariums se soit peu penchée sur ce nouveau paradigme, certaines de ses conclusions basées sur l’étude des planétariums analogiques peuvent nous aider à concevoir une intervention didactique fructueuse dans ces nouveaux simulateurs numériques. Mais d’autres sources d’inspiration seront invoquées, au premier chef la didactique des sciences, qui conçoit l’apprentissage non plus comme la transmission de connaissances, mais plutôt comme la construction de savoirs par les apprenants eux-mêmes, avec et contre leurs conceptions premières. La conception d’environnements d’apprentissages constructivistes, dont le planétarium numérique est un digne représentant, et l’utilisation des simulations en astronomie, complèteront notre cadre théorique et mèneront à la conception d’une intervention didactique à propos des phases de la Lune dans un planétarium numérique s’adressant à des élèves âgés de 12 à 14 ans. Cette intervention didactique a été mise à l’essai une première fois dans le cadre d’une recherche de développement (ingénierie didactique) visant à l’améliorer, à la fois sur son versant théorique et sur son versant pratique, par le biais de multiples itérations dans le milieu « naturel » où elle se déploie, ici un planétarium numérique gonflable de six mètres de diamètre. Nous présentons les résultats de notre première itération, réalisée en compagnie de six jeunes de 12 à 14 ans (quatre garçons et deux filles) dont nous avons recueilli les conceptions à propos des phases de la Lune avant, pendant et après l’intervention par le biais d’entrevues de groupe, questionnaires, mises en situation et enregistrement des interventions tout au long de l’activité. L'évaluation a été essentiellement qualitative, basée sur les traces obtenues tout au long de la séance, en particulier sous la voûte du planétarium. Ce matériel a ensuite été analysé pour valider les concepts théoriques qui ont mené à la conception de l'intervention didactique, d'une part, mais aussi pour faire émerger des améliorations possibles visant à bonifier l'intervention. Nous avons ainsi constaté que l'intervention provoque effectivement l'évolution des conceptions de la majorité des participants à propos des phases de la Lune, mais nous avons également identifié des façons de rendre l’intervention encore plus efficace à l’avenir.
The H.R. MacMillan Space Centre is a multi-faceted organization whose mission is to educate, inspire and evoke a sense of wonder about the universe, our planet and space exploration. As a popular, Vancouver science centre, it faces the same range of challenges and issues as other major attractions: how does the Space Centre maintain a healthy public attendance in an increasingly competitive market where visitors continue to be presented with an increasingly rich range of choices for their leisure spending and entertainment dollars?This front-end study investigated visitor attitudes, thoughts and preconceptions on the topic of space and astronomy. It also examined visitors’ motivations for coming to a space science centre. Useful insights were obtained which will be applied to improve future programme content and exhibit development.
The purpose of this study was to investigate pupils’ knowledge about science and what role science center is playing as a medium of communication to increase knowledge among students. This study also tried to find out pupils’ interaction: how they use science center as a source of scientific information, what they learn from their visit to a science center, their pattern of communication with it. This project also measured attraction, holding and learning power of exhibits of the science center at Dalarna University in Borlänge and learning power of planetarium program and slide show of Stella Nova Planetarium at Dalarna University.The subjects of this study consisted of students of class seven and eight and teachers of an urban school in Borlänge, Sweden. To find out students’ learning in a science center a pre and post visit test were conducted through questionnaires. Interview method by questionnaires was also used to explore pupils’ interaction with science center.The results of this study show that students learn by their visit to a science center but learning was not statistically significant (0.05).Girls learnt better than boys. School classes that have better pre-knowledge about science before a visit to a science center learnt worse than other classes having less pre-knowledge. Girls and boys interact with a science center in different ways. Science center is playing important role as a science communicator.
The effluents released by the textile industry have high concentrations of alkali, carbohydrates, proteins, in addition to colors containing heavy metals. Therefore, a filter was prepared aiming primarily to the removal of color. In order to prepare this filter, rice hulls and diatomite were used, which have in their structure, basically amorphous hydrated silica. The silica exists in three crystalline forms: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite. In accordance with the above considerations, this study was divided into two stages; the first corresponds to the preparation of the filter and the second to carry out the tests in the effluent/filter in order to verify the efficiency of the color removal. First, the raw material was subjected to a chemical analysis and XRD, and then the diatomite was mixed, via humid, with a planetarium windmill with 20 %, 40 %, 60 % and 80 % of rice husk ash. To the mixture, 5 % carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was added as a binder at room temperature. The samples were uniaxially compacted into metallic matrix of 0.3 x 0.1 cm² of area at a pressure of 167 MPa by means of hydraulic press and then sintered at temperatures of 1,000 °C, 1,200 °C and 1,400 °C for 1 h and submitted to granulometry test using laser, linear retraction, water absorption, apparent porosity and resistance to bending, DTA, TMA and XRD. To examine the pore structure of the samples scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used. Also tests were carried out in a mercury porosimeter to verify the average size of the pores and real density of the samples. In the second stage, samples of the effluent were collected from a local industry, whose name will be preserved, located in Igapó, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The effluent was first pretreated before filtration and then subjected to a treatment of flotation. The effluent was then characterized before and after filtration, with parameters of color, turbidity, suspended solids, pH, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD). Thus, through the XRD analysis the formation of cristobalite α in all samples was observed. The best average size of pore was found to be 1.75 μm with 61.04 % apparent porosity, thus obtaining an average 97.9 % color removal and 99.8 % removal of suspended solid
The aluminothermic reduction consists in an exothermic reaction between a metallic oxide and aluminum to produce the metal and the scum. The extracted melted metal of that reaction usually comes mixed with particles of Al2O3 resulting of the reduction, needing of subsequent refine to eliminate the residual impure as well as to eliminate porosities. Seeking to obtain a product in powder form with nanometric size or even submicrometric, the conventional heat source of the reaction aluminothermic , where a resistor is used (ignitor) as ignition source was substituted, for the plasma, that acts more efficient way in each particle of the sample. In that work it was used as metallic oxide the niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5) for the exothermal reaction Nb2O5 + Al. Amounts stoichiometric, substoichiometric and superestoichiometric of aluminum were used. The Nb2O5 powder was mixed with aluminum powder and milled in planetarium of high energy for a period of 6 hours. Those powders were immerged in plasm that acts in a punctual way in each particle, transfering heat, so that the reaction can be initiate and spread integrally for the whole volume of the particle. The mixture of Nb2O5 + Al was characterized through the particle size analysis by laser and X-ray diffraction (DRX) and the obtained product of reaction was characterized using the electronic microscopy of sweeping (MEV) and the formed phases were analyzed by DRX. Niobium powders with inferior sizes to 1 mm were obtained by that method. It is noticed, through the analysis of the obtained results, that is possible to accomplish the aluminothermic reduction process by plasma ignition with final particles with inferior sizes to the original oxide
Sound is potentially an effective way of analysing data and it is possible to simultaneously interpret layers of sounds and identify changes. Multiple attempts to use sound with scientific data have been made, with varying levels of success. On many occasions this was done without including the end user during the development. In this study a sonified model of the 8 planets of our solar system was built and tested using an end user approach. The sonification was created for the Esplora Planetarium, which is currently being constructed in Malta. The data requirements were gathered from a member of the planetarium staff, and 12 end users, as well as the planetarium representative tested the sonification. The results suggest that listeners were able to discern various planetary characteristics without requiring any additional information. Three out of eight sound design parameters did not represent characteristics successfully. These issues have been identified and further development will be conducted in order to improve the model.
The effluents released by the textile industry have high concentrations of alkali, carbohydrates, proteins, in addition to colors containing heavy metals. Therefore, a filter was prepared aiming primarily to the removal of color. In order to prepare this filter, rice hulls and diatomite were used, which have in their structure, basically amorphous hydrated silica. The silica exists in three crystalline forms: quartz, tridymite and cristobalite. In accordance with the above considerations, this study was divided into two stages; the first corresponds to the preparation of the filter and the second to carry out the tests in the effluent/filter in order to verify the efficiency of the color removal. First, the raw material was subjected to a chemical analysis and XRD, and then the diatomite was mixed, via humid, with a planetarium windmill with 20 %, 40 %, 60 % and 80 % of rice husk ash. To the mixture, 5 % carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) was added as a binder at room temperature. The samples were uniaxially compacted into metallic matrix of 0.3 x 0.1 cm² of area at a pressure of 167 MPa by means of hydraulic press and then sintered at temperatures of 1,000 °C, 1,200 °C and 1,400 °C for 1 h and submitted to granulometry test using laser, linear retraction, water absorption, apparent porosity and resistance to bending, DTA, TMA and XRD. To examine the pore structure of the samples scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used. Also tests were carried out in a mercury porosimeter to verify the average size of the pores and real density of the samples. In the second stage, samples of the effluent were collected from a local industry, whose name will be preserved, located in Igapó, in the State of Rio Grande do Norte - RN. The effluent was first pretreated before filtration and then subjected to a treatment of flotation. The effluent was then characterized before and after filtration, with parameters of color, turbidity, suspended solids, pH, chemical and biochemical oxygen demand (COD and BOD). Thus, through the XRD analysis the formation of cristobalite α in all samples was observed. The best average size of pore was found to be 1.75 μm with 61.04 % apparent porosity, thus obtaining an average 97.9 % color removal and 99.8 % removal of suspended solid