878 resultados para pituitary apoplexy
Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is a rare and potentially life-threatening syndrome resulting from an acute infarction or hemorrhage of the pituitary gland. Although the pathogenesis is not fully understood, some predisposing factors such as pituitary stimulation tests, diabetes mellitus, anticoagulant or antiplatelet aggregation therapy, head trauma, and high blood pressure may play a role in its pathophysiology. Octreotide is the mainstay of medical treatment for acromegaly. The majority of reported complications of octreotide therapy are gastrointestinal. We report the case of a 51-year-old acromegalic woman who developed pituitary apoplexy within the context of high blood pressure and a single dose of long-acting octreotide. Our data suggest that the combination of hypertension and octreotide therapy enhances the risk of pituitary apoplexy.
No Abstract
Pituitary apoplexy (PA) is a rare and potentially life-threatening syndrome resulting from an acute infarction or hemorrhage of the pituitary gland. Although the pathogenesis is not fully understood, some predisposing factors such as pituitary stimulation tests, diabetes mellitus, anticoagulant or antiplatelet aggregation therapy, head trauma, and high blood pressure may play a role in its pathophysiology. Octreotide is the mainstay of medical treatment for acromegaly. The majority of reported complications of octreotide therapy are gastrointestinal. We report the case of a 51-year-old acromegalic woman who developed pituitary apoplexy within the context of high blood pressure and a single dose of long-acting octreotide. Our data suggest that the combination of hypertension and octreotide therapy enhances the risk of pituitary apoplexy.
Pituitary apoplexy in pregnancy is rare. Its clinical features may range from unspecific complaints to panhypopituitarism resulting even in coma and death. Therefore, alertness to signs and symptoms of acute loss of pituitary function in pregnancy is mandatory. We report a woman in her 7th week of her first gestation presenting with sudden coma due to severe hyponatremia. Secondary adrenal insufficiency could be identified as the underlying cause. Panhypopituitarism including central diabetes insipidus and spontaneous abortion developed during the follow-up. Magnetic resonance imaging showed pituitary apoplexy without a pre-existing pituitary mass. The clinical course was notable for severe complications, including neurological deficits through cerebral ischemia, but eventual recovery could be achieved. We discuss the diagnostic difficulties in the evaluation of pituitary disease in pregnancy.
Introduction Hemangioblastomas are rare, benign tumors occurring in any part of the nervous system. Most are found as sporadic tumors in the cerebellum or spinal cord. However, these neoplasms are also associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease. We report a rare case of a sporadic sellar hemangioblastoma that became symptomatic due to pituitary apoplexy. Case presentation An 80-year-old, otherwise healthy Caucasian woman presented to our facility with severe headache attacks, hypocortisolism and blurred vision. A magnetic resonance imaging scan showed an acute hemorrhage of a known, stable and asymptomatic sellar mass lesion with chiasmatic compression accounting for our patient's acute visual impairment. The tumor was resected by a transnasal, transsphenoidal approach and histological examination revealed a capillary hemangioblastoma (World Health Organization grade I). Our patient recovered well and substitutional therapy was started for panhypopituitarism. A follow-up magnetic resonance imaging scan performed 16 months postoperatively showed good chiasmatic decompression with no tumor recurrence. Conclusions A review of the literature confirmed supratentorial locations of hemangioblastomas to be very unusual, especially within the sellar region. However, intrasellar hemangioblastoma must be considered in the differential diagnosis of pituitary apoplexy.
Sellar masses are associated most commonly with pituitary adenomas. Many other neoplastic, inflammatory, infectious, and vascular lesions, however, may affect the sellar region and mimic pituitary tumors. These lesions must be considered in a differential diagnosis. This article describes the characteristics of rare sellar masses that provide clues to their differential diagnosis.
Pituitary apoplexy, diabetes insipidus, thyroid storm, myxedema coma, parathyrotoxic crisis, hypocalcemia tetany, pheochromocytoma and Addison crisis, diabetic ketoacidosis, diabetic hyperosmolar nonketotic coma, hypoglycemia and carcinoid crisis are the most important endocrine crises. Some of them are common, others very rare. All physicians nevertheless need to have at least a basic knowledge of all of them, since symptoms and signs of endocrine crises overlap with those of other severe disease states, and the failure to recognise endocrine crises as such and to begin rapidly the specific therapy can have fatal consequences.
A apoplexia pituitária é uma rara síndrome neuroendócrina causada, na maioria dos casos, pela hemorragia ou enfarte de um adenoma pituitário preexistente. O tratamento recomendado é variável; alguns autores defendem a descompressão cirúrgica do tumor em regime de urgência, enquanto outros sugerem que o tratamento conservador pode levar à recuperação da função neuroftalmológica. Descrevemos os casos de dois pacientes com apoplexia pituitária que apresentaram macroadenomas clinicamente não secretores e hipopituitarismo, incluindo hipogonadismo. Ambos foram submetidos ao tratamento conservador, sem cirurgia, e houve a remissão do tumor.
Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal surgery has gained increasing acceptance by otolaryngologists and neurosurgeons. In many centers throughout the world, this technique is now routinely used for the same indications as conventional microsurgical technique for pituitary tumors. To present a surgical experience of consecutive endoscopic endonasal trans-sphenoidal resections of pituitary adenomas. In this study, consecutive patients with pituitary adenomas submitted to endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery were evaluated regarding the rate of residual tumor, functional remission, symptoms relief, complications, and tumor size. Forty-seven consecutive patients were evaluated; 17 had functioning adenomas, seven had GH producing tumors, five had Cushing's disease, and five had prolactinomas. Of the functioning adenomas, 12 were macroadenomas and five were microadenomas; 30 cases were non-functioning macroadenomas. Of the patients with functioning adenomas, 87% improved. 85% of the patients with visual deficits related to optic nerve compression progressed over time. Most of the patients with complaints of headaches improved (76%). Surgical complications occurred in 10% of patients, which included with two carotid lesions, two cerebrospinal fluid leaks, and one death of a patient with a previous history of complications. Endoscopic endonasal pituitary surgery is a feasible technique, yielding good surgical and functional outcomes, and low morbidity.
Pituitary macroadenomas are rare intracranial tumors. In a few cases, they may present aggressive behavior and invade the sphenoid sinus and nasal cavity, causing unusual symptoms. In this paper, we report an atypical case of pituitary adenoma presenting as a nasal mass. The patient was a 44-year-old woman who had had amenorrhea and galactorrhea for ten months, with associated nasal obstruction, macroglossia and acromegaly. Both growth hormone and prolactin levels were increased. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a large mass originating from the lower surface of the pituitary gland, associated with sella turcica erosion and tumor extension through the sphenoid sinus and nasal cavity. Histopathological analysis demonstrated a chromophobe pituitary adenoma with densely packed rounded epithelial cells, with some atypias and rare mitotic figures. There was no evidence of metastases. Macroadenoma invading the nasal cavity is a rare condition and few similar cases have been reported in the literature. This study contributes towards showing that tumor extension to the sphenoid sinus and nasopharynx needs to be considered and investigated in order to make an early diagnosis when atypical symptoms like nasal obstruction are present.
Objective: To reevaluate the responses of thyrotropin-releasing hormone ( TRH) stimulation test in baseline condition as well as after the administration of graded supraphysiological doses of liothyronine ( L- T-3) in normal subjects. Design: To assess various parameters related to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis and peripheral tissue responses to L- T-3 in 22 normal individuals ( median age: 30.5 years). Subjects were submitted to an intravenous TRH test at baseline condition and also to the oral administration of sequential and graded doses of L- T-3 ( 50, 100, and 200 mu g/day), each given over 3 days, at an outpatient clinic. Blood samples were obtained for thyrotropin (TSH) and prolactin (PRL) at basal and then 15, 30, and 60 minutes after the TRH injection. Effects of L- T3 administration on cholesterol, creatine kinase, retinol, ferritin, and sex hormone-binding globulin ( SHBG) were also measured at basal and after the oral administration of L- T-3. Main outcome: TRH administration resulted in an increase of 4-to 14-fold rise in serum TSH ( 8.3 +/- 2.5-fold), and in a slight rise in serum PRL concentrations ( 3.8 +/- 1.5-fold). Administration of graded doses of triiodothyronine ( T-3) resulted in a dose-dependent suppression of TSH and PRL. Basal thyroxine- binding globulin (TBG) and cholesterol levels decreased, and ferritin and SHBG increased after L- T-3 administration, while creatine kinase and retinol did not change throughout the study. There was a positive correlation between basal TSH and TSH peak response to TRH at basal condition and after each sequential L- T-3 doses. On the other hand, TSH peak response to the TRH test did not predict cholesterol, TBG, ferritin, or SHBG values. Conclusion: Using the current methods on hormone and biochemical analysis, we standardized the response of many parameters to TRH stimulation test after sequential and graded T-3 suppression test in normal subjects. Our data suggest that the evaluation of the responses of the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to TRH test as well as the impact of L- T-3 on peripheral tissues were not modified by the current methods.
The specific role of the hypothalamus in regulating the developmental profile of anterior pituitary (AP) cells remains largely unknown. The present study evaluated hypothalamic contributions to AP cell development, utilizing the technique of hypothalamo-pituitary disconnection (HPD). HPD of fetal sheep or sham surgery was performed at 110 days gestation (d) (n=6 each group; term ~ 147d). Fetuses were removed and pituitaries collected at 110d (no surgery; n=6) or 141d (sham and HPD groups). The impact of HPD on AP cell development was assessed by single-labeled immunofluorescence for five hormones to identify proportions of AP cells expressing each hormone. HPD was associated with a 70% increase (P
The prepartum surge in fetal plasma cortisol is essential for the normal timing of parturition in sheep and may result from an increase in the ratio of ACTH to proopiomelanocortin (POMC) in the fetal circulation. In fetuses subjected to experimental induction of placental restriction, the prepartum surge in fetal cortisol is exaggerated, whereas pituitary POMC mRNA levels are decreased, and in vitro, unstimulated ACTH secretion is elevated in corticotrophs nonresponsive to CRH. We therefore investigated the changes in the relative proportions of cells expressing POMC, ACTH, and the CRH type 1 receptor (CRHR1) shortly before birth and during chronic placental insufficiency. Placental restriction (PR) was induced by removal of the majority of placental attachment sites in five ewes before mating. Pituitaries were collected from control and PR fetal sheep at 140 d (control, n = 4; PR, n = 4) and 144 d (control, n = 6; PR, n = 4). Pituitary sections were labeled with specific antisera raised against POMC, ACTH, and CRHR1. Three major subpopulations of corticotrophs were identified that expressed POMC + ACTH + CRHR1, ACTH + CRHR1, or POMC only. The proportion of pituitary corticotrophs expressing POMC + ACTH + CRHR1 decreased (P < 0.05) between 140 (control, 60 +/- 1%; PR, 66 +/- 4%) and 144 (control, 45 +/- 2%; PR, 56 +/- 6%) d. A significantly higher (P < 0.05) proportion of corticotrophs expressed POMC + ACTH + CRHR1 in the pituitary of the PR group compared with controls. This study is the first to demonstrate subpopulations of corticotrophs in the fetal sheep pituitary that differentially express POMC, ACTH, and CRHR1 and the separate effects of gestational age and placental restriction on these subpopulations of corticotrophs.
Context: GLI2 is a transcription factor downstream in Sonic Hedgehog signaling, acting early in ventral forebrain and pituitary development. GLI2 mutations were reported in patients with holoprosencephaly (HPE) and pituitary abnormalities. Objective: The aim was to report three novel frameshift/nonsense GLI2 mutations and the phenotypic variability in the three families. Setting: The study was conducted at a university hospital. Patients and Methods: The GLI2 coding region of patients with isolated GH deficiency (IGHD) or combined pituitary hormone deficiency was amplified by PCR using intronic primers and sequenced. Results: Three novel heterozygous GLI2 mutations were identified: c. 2362_2368del p. L788fsX794 (family 1), c. 2081_2084del p. L694fsX722 (family 2), and c. 1138 G > T p. E380X (family 3). All predict a truncated protein with loss of the C-terminal activator domain. The index case of family 1 had polydactyly, hypoglycemia, and seizures, and GH, TSH, prolactin, ACTH, LH, and FSH deficiencies. Her mother and seven relatives harboring the same mutation had polydactyly, including two uncles with IGHD and one cousin with GH, TSH, LH, and FSH deficiencies. In family 2, a boy had cryptorchidism, cleft lip and palate, and GH deficiency. In family 3, a girl had hypoglycemia, seizures, excessive thirst and polyuria, and GH, ACTH, TSH, and antidiuretic hormone deficiencies. Magnetic resonance imaging of four patients with GLI2 mutations and hypopituitarism showed a hypoplastic anterior pituitary and an ectopic posterior pituitary lobe without HPE. Conclusion: We describe three novel heterozygous frameshift or nonsense GLI2 mutations, predicting truncated proteins lacking the activator domain, associated with IGHD or combined pituitary hormone deficiency and ectopic posterior pituitary lobe without HPE. These phenotypes support partial penetrance, variable polydactyly, midline facial defects, and pituitary hormone deficiencies, including diabetes insipidus, conferred by heterozygous frameshift or nonsense GLI2 mutations. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 95: E384-E391, 2010)