100 resultados para pilocarpine


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The lithium-pilocarpine model mimics most features of human temporal lobe epilepsy. Following our prior studies of cerebral metabolic changes, here we explored the expression of transporters for glucose (GLUT1 and GLUT3) and monocarboxylates (MCT1 and MCT2) during and after status epilepticus (SE) induced by lithium-pilocarpine in PN10, PN21, and adult rats. In situ hybridization was used to study the expression of transporter mRNAs during the acute phase (1, 4, 12 and 24h of SE), the latent phase, and the early and late chronic phases. During SE, GLUT1 expression was increased throughout the brain between 1 and 12h of SE, more strongly in adult rats; GLUT3 increased only transiently, at 1 and 4h of SE and mainly in PN10 rats; MCT1 was increased at all ages but 5-10-fold more in adult than in immature rats; MCT2 expression increased mainly in adult rats. At all ages, MCT1 and MCT2 up-regulation was limited to the circuit of seizures while GLUT1 and GLUT3 changes were more widespread. During the latent and chronic phases, the expression of nutrient transporters was normal in PN10 rats. In PN21 rats, GLUT1 was up-regulated in all brain regions. In contrast, in adult rats GLUT1 expression was down-regulated in the piriform cortex, hilus and CA1 as a result of extensive neuronal death. The changes in nutrient transporter expression reported here further support previous findings in other experimental models demonstrating rapid transcriptional responses to marked changes in cerebral energetic/glucose demand.


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Epilepsy is a syndrome of episodic brain dysfunction characterized by recurrent unpredictable, spontaneous seizures. Cerebellar dysfunction is a recognized complication of temporal lobe epilepsy and it is associated with seizure generation, motor deficits and memory impairment. Serotonin is known to exert a modulatory action on cerebellar function through 5HT2C receptors. 5-HT2C receptors are novel targets for developing anticonvulsant drugs. In the present study, we investigated the changes in the 5-HT2C receptors binding and gene expression in the cerebellum of control, epileptic and Bacopa monnieri treated epileptic rats. There was a significant down regulation of the 5-HT content (pb0.001), 5-HT2C gene expression (pb0.001) and 5-HT2C receptor binding (pb0.001) with an increased affinity (pb0.001). Carbamazepine and B. monnieri treatments to epileptic rats reversed the down regulated 5-HT content (pb0.01), 5-HT2C receptor binding (pb0.001) and gene expression (pb0.01) to near control level. Also, the Rotarod test confirms the motor dysfunction and recovery by B. monnieri treatment. These data suggest the neuroprotective role of B. monnieri through the upregulation of 5-HT2C receptor in epileptic rats. This has clinical significance in the management of epilepsy


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Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The present work is to understand the alterations of total muscarinic. muscarinic MI and glutamate receptors in the brain regions of pilocarpine induced epileptic rats. The work focuses on the evaluation of the anti epileptic activity of extracts of Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine in vivo. The molecular changes in the muscarinic M I receptors in the pre- and post-treated epileptic model with Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine were also studied. These studies will help us to elucidate the functional role of muscarinic and glutamate receptors in epilepsy.


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The onset of spontaneous seizures triggers a cascade of molecular and cellular events that eventually leads to neuronal injury and cognitive decline. The present study investigated the effect of Withania somnifera (WS) root extract and Withanolide A (WA) in restoring behavioural deficit by inhibiting oxidative stress induced alteration in glutamergic neurotransmission. The subdued performance in behavioural tests shows impaired motor coordination and memory. Histopathological investigations revealed significant neuronal loss in hippocampus of epileptic rats indicating glutamate mediated excitotoxicity. The treatment with WS and WA restored behavioural deficit and ameliorated neuronal loss. An altered redox homeostasis leading to oxidative stress is a hallmark of TLE. The antioxidant potential was afflicted in epileptic rats, evident from altered activity of SOD and CAT, down regulation of SOD and GPX expression and enhanced lipid peroxidation. The antioxidant property of WS and WA restored altered antioxidant capacity. Alteration in GDH activity and down regulation of GLAST expression resulted in enhanced glutamate content in the brain regions. The metabolism of glutamate was altered in the form of down regulated GAD expression. The alteration in synthesis, transport and metabolism resulted in further increase of the glutamate concentration at the synapse leading to glutamate mediated excitotoxicity. The decreased NMDA and AMPA receptor binding and down regulated NMDA R1, NMDA 2B and AMPA (GluR2) mRNA expression indicated altered glutamergic receptor function. The treatment with WS and WA reversed altered glutamergic receptor function, synthesis, transport and metabolism. The enhanced levels of second messenger IP3 responsible for Ca2+ mediated toxicity was reversed after treatment with WS and WA. Neurotoxics concentration of glutamate resulted in up regulation of pro apoptotic factors Bax and Caspase 8 and down regulation of anti apoptotic factor Akt resulting in neuronal death. The treatment with WS and WA resulted in activation of Akt and down regulation of Bax and caspase 8 leading to blocking of apoptotic pathway. The treatment with WS and WA resulted in reduced seizure frequency and amelioration of associated alterations suggesting the therapeutic role of Withania somnifera in temporal lobe epilepsy


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The research work which was carried out to characterization of wastes from natural rubber and rubber wood processing industries and their utilization for biomethanation. Environmental contamination is an inevitable consequence of human activity. The liquid and solid wastes from natural rubber based industries were: characterized and their use for the production of biogas investigated with a view to conserve conventional energy, and to mitigate environmental degradation.Rubber tree (flevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.), is the most important commercial source of natural rubber and in india. Recently, pollution from the rubber processing factories has become very serious due to the introduction of modern methods and centralized group processing practices.The possibility of the use of spent slurry as organic manure is discussed.l0 percent level of PSD, the activity of cellulolytic, acid producing,proteolytic, lipolytic and methanogenic bacteria were more in the middle stage of methanogenesis.the liquid wastes from rubber processing used as diluents in combination with PSD, SPE promoted more biogas production with high methane content in the gas.The factors that favour methane production like TS, VS, cellulose and hemicellulose degradation were favoured in this treatment which led to higher methane biogenesis.The results further highlight ways and means to use agricultural wastes as alternative sources of energy.


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Behavioral consequences of convulsive episodes are well documented, but less attention was paid to changes that occur in response to subconvulsant doses of drugs. We investigated short- and long-term effects of a single systemic injection of a subconvulsant dose of pilocarpine on the behavior of rats as evaluated in the elevated plus maze. Pilocarpine induced an anxiogenic-like profile 24 h later, and this effect persisted for up to 3 months (% of time spent on open arms at 24 h, control = 35.47 +/- 3.23; pilocarpine 150 = 8.2 +/- 2.6; 3 months, control = 31.9 +/- 5.5; pilocarpine 150 = 9.3 +/- 4.9). Temporary inactivation of fimbria-fornix with lidocaine 4% promoted an anxiolytic-like effect per se, suggesting a tonic control of this pathway on the modulation of anxiety-related behaviors. Lidocaine also reduced the anxiogenic-like profile of animals tested 1 month after pilocarpine treatment (% of time spent on open arms, saline + phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) = 31.7 + 3.7; saline + lidocaine = 54.4 + 4.7; pilocarpine + PBS = 10.3 + 4.1; pilocarpine + lidocaine = 40.1 + 9.1). To determine whether the anxiogenic-like effect was mediated by septal region or by direct hippocampal projections to the diencephalon, the neural transmission of post-commissural fornix was blocked, and a similar reduction in the anxiogenic-like effect of pilocarpine was observed. Our findings suggest that a single systemic injection of pilocarpine may induce long-lasting anxiogenic-like behavior in rats, an effect that appears to be mediated, in part, through a direct path from hippocampus to medial hypothalamic sites involved in fear responses.


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Pilocarpine (cholinergic muscarinic agonist) injected peripherally may act centrally to produce pressor responses; in the present study, using c-fos immunoreactive expression, we investigated the forebrain and brainstem areas activated by pressor doses of intravenous (i.v.) pilocarpine. In addition, the importance of vasopressin secretion and/or sympathetic activation and the effects of lesions in the anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) region in awake rats were also investigated. In male Holtzman rats, pilocarpine (0.04 to 4 mu mol/kg b.w.) i.v. induced transitory hypotension followed by long lasting hypertension. Sympathetic blockade with prazosin (1 mg/kg b.w.) i.v. or AV3V lesions (1 day) almost abolished the pressor response to i. v. pilocarpine (2 mu mol/kg b.w.), whereas the vasopressin antagonist (10 mu g/kg b.w.) i.v. reduced the response to pilocarpine. Pilocarpine (2 and 4 mu mol/kg b.w.) i.v. increased the number of c-fos immunoreactive cells in the subfornical organ, paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus, organ vasculosum of the lamina terminalis, median preoptic nucleus, nucleus of the solitary tract and caudal and rostral ventrolateral medulla. These data suggest that i.v. pilocarpine activates specific forebrain and brainstem mechanisms increasing sympathetic activity and vasopressin secretion to induce pressor response. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Reactive oxygen species (ROS) appear to be involved in several neurodegenerative disorders. We tested the hypothesis that oxidative stress could have a role in the hippocampal neurodegeneration observed in temporal lobe epilepsy induced by pilocarpine. We first determined the spatio-temporal pattern of ROS generation, by means of detection with dihydroethidium oxidation, in the CA1 and CA3 areas and the dentate gyrus of the dorsal hippocampus during status epilepticus induced by pilocarpine. Fluoro-Jade B assays were also performed to detect degenerating neurons. ROS generation was increased in CA1, CA3 and the dentate gyrus after pilocarpine-induced seizures, which was accompanied by marked cell death. Treatment of rats with a NADPH oxidase inhibitor (apocynin) for 7 days prior to induction of status epilepticus was effective in decreasing both ROS production (by an average of 20%) and neurodegeneration (by an average of 61%). These results suggest an involvement of ROS generated by NADPH oxidase in neuronal death in the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The relationship between sleep and epilepsy is both complex and clinically significant. Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) influences sleep architecture, while sleep plays an important role in facilitating and/or inhibiting possible epileptic seizures. The pilocarpine experimental model reproduces several features of human temporal lobe epilepsy and is one of the most widely used models in basic research. The aim of the present study was to characterize, behaviorally and electrophysiologically, the phases of sleep-wake cycles (SWC) in male rats with pilocarpine-induced epilepsy. Epileptic rats presented spikes in all phases of the SWC as well as atypical cortical synchronization during attentive wakefulness and paradoxical sleep. The architecture of the sleep-wake phases was altered in epileptic rats, as was the integrity of the SWC. Because our findings reproduce many relevant features observed in patients with epilepsy, this model is suitable to study sleep dysfunction in epilepsy. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Although ATP and P2X receptor activity have been lately associated with epilepsy, little is known regarding their exact roles in epileptogenesis. Temporal-lobe epilepsy (TLE) in rat was induced by pilocarpine in order to study changes of hippocampal P2X(2), P2X(4) and P2X(7) receptor expression during acute, latent or chronic phases of epilepsy. During acute and chronic phases increased P2X(7) receptor expression was principally observed in glial cells and glutamatergic nerve terminals, suggesting participation of this receptor in the activation of inflammatory and excitotoxic processes during epileptogenesis. No significant alterations of hippocampal P2X(2) and P2X(4) receptor expression was noted during the acute or latent phase when compared to the control group, indicating that these receptors are not directly involved with the initiation of epilepsy. However, the reduction of hippocampal P2X(4) receptor immunostaining in the chronic phase could reflect neuronal toss or decreased GABAergic signaling. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.