961 resultados para pig-tailed macaques


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Background: The pig-tailed macaques are the only Old World monkeys known to be susceptible to human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection. We have previously reported that the TRIM5-Cyclophilin A (TRIMCyp) fusion in pig-tailed macaques (Macaca n


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BACKGROUND: HIV microbicide trials have emphasized the need to evaluate the safety of topical microbicides and delivery platforms in an animal model prior to conducting clinical efficacy trials. An ideal delivery device should provide sustainable and sufficient concentrations of effective products to prevent HIV transmission while not increasing transmission risk by either local mucosal inflammation and/or disruption of the normal vaginal microflora.

METHODS: Safety analyses of macaque-sized elastomeric silicone and polyurethane intravaginal rings (IVRs) loaded with candidate antiretroviral (ARV) drugs were tested in four studies ranging in duration from 49 to 73 days with retention of the IVR being 28 days in each study. Macaques were assigned to 3 groups; blank IVR, ARV-loaded IVR, and naïve. In sequential studies, the same macaques were used but rotated into different groups. Mucosal and systemic levels of cytokines were measured from vaginal fluids and plasma, respectively, using multiplex technology. Changes in vaginal microflora were also monitored. Statistical analysis (Mann-Whitney test) was used to compare data between two groups of unpaired samples (with and without IVR, and IVR with and without ARV) for the groups collectively, and also for individual macaques.

RESULTS: There were few statistically significant differences in mucosal and systemic cytokine levels measured longitudinally when the ring was present or absent, with or without ARVs. Of the 8 proinflammatory cytokines assayed a significant increase (p = 0.015) was only observed for IL8 in plasma with the blank and ARV loaded IVR (median of 9.2 vs. 5.7 pg/ml in the absence of IVR). There were no significant differences in the prevalence of H2O2-producing lactobacilli or viridans streptococci, or other microorganisms indicative of healthy vaginal microflora. However, there was an increase in the number of anaerobic gram negative rods in the presence of the IVR (p= < 0.0001).

CONCLUSIONS: IVRs with or without ARVs neither significantly induce the majority of potentially harmful proinflammatory cytokines locally or systemically, nor alter the lactobacillus or G. vaginalis levels. The increase in anaerobic gram negative rods alone suggests minimal disruption of normal vaginal microflora. The use of IVRs as a long-term sustained delivery device for ARVs is promising and preclinical studies to demonstrate the prevention of transmission in the HIV/SHIV nonhuman primate model should continue.


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We report the assessment and validation of an NS1 epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for detection of antibodies to West Nile virus (WNV) in macaques. Sera from naturally infected Macaca nemestrina were tested by ELISA and plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT). Results were correlated with hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) data. Our results demonstrate that the blocking ELISA rapidly and specifically detects WNV infection in M. nemestrina. In addition, the diagnostic value of 7 commercially available immunoassays (PanBio immunoglobulin [Ig] M ELISA, PanBio IgG ELISA, PanBio immunofluorescence assay (IFA), InBios IgG ELISA, InBios IgM ELISA, Focus Diagnostics IgG ELISA, and Focus Diagnostics IgM ELISA) in M. nemestrina was evaluated and compared with that of the epitope-blocking ELISA. The PanBio IgG ELISA was found to effectively diagnose WNV exposure in M. nemestrina. Further, PanBio IFA slides are fast and reliable screening tools for diagnosing flaviviral exposure in M. nemestrina.


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Pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) naturally infected with West Nile virus were monitored from 1999 to 2005 to determine virus-specific antibody seroconversion, prevalence, and persistence. Antibodies persisted for up to 36 months, as detected by epitope-blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent and hemagglutination inhibition assays. Exposure to cocirculating St. Louis encephalitis virus was evaluated by Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays.


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The status of the endemic and endangered lion-tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) has not been properly assessed in several regions of the Western Ghats of southern India. We conducted a study in Parambikulam Forest Reserve in the state of Kerala to determine the distribution, demography, and status of lion-tailed macaques. We laid 5km(2) grid cells on the map of the study area (644km(2)) and made four replicated walks in each grid cell using GPS. We gathered data on lion-tailed macaque group locations, demography, and site covariates including trail length, duration of walk, proportion of evergreen forest, height of tallest trees, and human disturbance index. We also performed occupancy modeling using PRESENCE ver. 3.0. We estimated a minimum of 17 groups of macaques in these hills. Low detection and occupancy probabilities indicated a low density of lion-tailed macaques in the study area. Height of the tallest trees correlated positively whereas human disturbance and proportion of evergreen forest correlated negatively with occupancy in grid cells. We also used data from earlier studies carried out in the surrounding Anamalai Tiger Reserve and Nelliyampathy Hills to discuss the conservation status in the large Anamalai Hills Landscape. This landscape harbors an estimated population of 1108 individuals of lion-tailed macaques, which is about one third of the entire estimated wild population of this species. A conservation plan for this landscape could be used as a model for conservation in other regions of the Western Ghats.


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Objective: In Old World monkeys, the tripartite motif Sec (TRIM5 alpha) protein confers resistance to HIV-1 infection following virus entry into host cells. However, the pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina) is an exception and is susceptible to HIV-1 in


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This study describes the preclinical development of a matrix-type silicone elastomer vaginal ring device designed to provide controlled release of UC781, a non-nucleoside re- verse transcriptase inhibitor. Testing of both human- and macaque-sized rings in a sink condition in vitro release model demonstrated continuous UC781 release in quantities consid- ered sufficient to maintain vaginal fluid concentrations at levels 82–860-fold higher than the in vitro IC50 (2.0 to 10.4 nM) and therefore potentially protect against mucosal trans- mission of HIV. The 100-mg UC781 rings were well tolerated in pig-tailed macaques, did not induce local inflammation as determined by cytokine analysis and maintained median con- centrations in vaginal fluids of UC781 in the range of 0.27 to 5.18 mM during the course of the 28-day study. Analysis of residual UC781 content in rings after completion of both the in vitro release and macaque pharmacokinetic studies revealed that 57 and 5 mg of UC781 was released, respectively. The pharmacokinetic analysis of a 100-mg UC781 vaginal ring in pig-tailed macaques showed poor in vivo–in vitro correlation, attributed to the very poor solubility of UC781 in vaginal fluid and resulting in a dissolution-controlled drug release mecha- nism rather than the expected diffusion-controlled mechanism.


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There is an urgent need for a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccine that induces robust mucosal immunity. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) apply substantial antiviral pressure, but CTLs to individual epitopes select for immune escape variants in both HIV in humans and SIV in macaques. Inducing multiple simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)-specific CTLs may assist in controlling viremia. We vaccinated 10 Mane-A1*08401+ female pigtail macaques with recombinant influenza viruses expressing three Mane-A1*08401-restricted SIV-specific CTL epitopes and subsequently challenged the animals, along with five controls, intravaginally with SIVmac251. Seroconversion to the influenza virus vector resulted and small, but detectable, SIV-specific CTL responses were induced. There was a boost in CTL responses after challenge but no protection from high-level viremia or CD4 depletion was observed. All three CTL epitopes underwent a coordinated pattern of immune escape during early SIV infection. CTL escape was more rapid in the vaccinees than in the controls at the more dominant CTL epitopes. Although CTL escape can incur a "fitness" cost to the virus, a putative compensatory mutation 20 amino acids upstream from an immunodominant Gag CTL epitope also evolved soon after the primary CTL escape mutation. We conclude that vaccines based only on CTL epitopes will likely be undermined by rapid evolution of both CTL escape and compensatory mutations. More potent and possibly broader immune responses may be required to protect pigtail macaques from SIV.


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Numerous studies have shown that animals have a sense of quantity and can distinguish between relative amounts. The concepts of relative numerousness, estimation, and subitizing are well established in species as diverse as chimpanzees and salamanders. Mobile animals have practical use for an understanding of number in common situations such as predation, mating, and competition. However, the ability to identify discrete quantities has only been firmly established in humans. The purpose of this study was to test for such “absolute numerousness” judgments in three lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus), a non-human primate. The three macaques tested had previously been trained on a computerized matchto- sample (MTS) task using geometric shapes. In this study, they were introduced to a MTS task containing a numerical cue, which required the monkeys to match stimuli containing either one or two items for rewards. If monkeys were successful at the initial matching task, they were tested with stimuli in which the position of the items and then the surface area of the items was controlled. If the monkeys could match successfully without using these non-numerical cues, they would demonstrate the capability to make absolute numerousness judgments. None of the monkeys matched successfully using the numerical cue, so no evidence of absolute numerosity was found. Each macaque progressed through the experiment in an individualized manner, attempting a variety of strategies to obtain rewards. These included side preferences and an alternating-side strategy that were unrelated to the numerical cues in the stimuli. When it became clear that the monkeys were not matching based on a stimulus-based cue, they were tested again on matching geometric shapes. All three macaques stopped using their alternate strategies and were able to match shapes successfully, demonstrating that they were still capable of completing the matching task. The data suggest that the monkeys could not transfer this ability to the numerical stimuli. This indicates that the macaques lack a sense of exact quantity, or that they could not recognize the numerical cues in the stimuli as being relevant to the task.


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Meta-cognition, or "thinking about thinking," has been studied extensively in humans, but very little is known about the process in animals. Although great apes and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) have demonstrated multiple apparently meta-cognitive abilities, other species have either been largely ignored or failed to convincingly display meta-cognitive traits. Recent work by Marsh, however, raised the possibility that some species may possess rudimentary or partial forms of meta-cognition. This thesis sought to further investigate this possibility by running multiple comparative experiments. The goal of the first study was to examine whether lion-tailed macaques, a species that may have a rudimentary form of meta-cognition, are able to use an uncertainty response adaptively, and if so, whether they could use the response flexibly when the stimuli for which the subjects should be uncertain changed. The macaques' acquisition of the initial discrimination task is ongoing, and as such there were not yet data to support a conclusion either way. In the second study, tufted capuchins were required to locate a food reward hidden beneath inverted cups that sat on a Plexiglas tray. In some conditions the capuchins were shown where the food was hidden, in others they could infer its location, and in yet others they were not given information about the location of the food. On all trials, however, capuchins could optionally seek additional information by looking up through the Plexiglas into the cups. In general, capuchins did this less often when they were shown the food reward, but not when they could infer the reward's location. These data suggest capuchins only meta-cognitively control their information seeking in some conditions, and thus, add support to the potential for a rudimentary form of meta-cognition. In convergence with other studies, these results may represent early models for rudimentary meta-cognition, although viable alternative explanations still remain.


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Background: Heterosexual HIV transmission continues to spread worldwide. Intravaginal rings (IVRs) formulated with antiretroviral drugs hold great promise for HIV prevention in women. IVRs provide the benefit of being coitally-independent and coitally-covert for an extended period. As a proof-of-concept, we tested the in vivo release of progesterone from a silicone elastomer vaginal ring device. Methods: Six female pig-tailed macaques were treated with a GnRH agonist (Lupron) prior to ring placement. Four macaques received a progesterone-loaded silicone ring, and two macaques received a blank silicone ring. Blood, vaginal swabs, CVL, and/or biopsies were collected during ring placement, and after ring removal. Results: The median plasma progesterone levels for macaques with a progesterone IVR were 13,973 pg/ml (day 3), 12,342 pg/ml (day 7), 10,112 pg/ml (day 14), 8445 pg/ml (day 21) and 8061 pg/ml (day 28), with a significant decrease from day 14 to day 21 (P = 0.0286). The median plasma progesterone levels for macaques with a blank IVR were 221±±± ±±88 pg/ml. Macaques with a progesterone IVR had CVL progesterone levels of 20,935 pg/ml (day 7), 6892 pg/ml (day 21) and 11,515 pg/ml (day 28). Macaques with a blank IVR had CVL progesterone levels of 29 �± 13 pg/ml. There were no disturbances to the normal vaginal microflora, and plasma and CVL cytokine analysis did not indicate a proinflammatory response due to ring placement. The vaginal biopsies did not display any pathology following ring removal. Overall, the IVRs were well tolerated without any indication of inflammation or significant changes in the vaginal compartment.


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Theory of mind has been defined as the ability to attribute mental sates such as perceptions, knowledge, and belief to others. Studies examining theory of mind in primates have been the center of intense controversy. Much of the research on this subject has focused on designing methodologies to test a primate’s ability to discern the perceptions of others. Namely, many studies have examined an individual’s knowledge of what others can and cannot see. However, other sensory modalities have not undergone as much extensive research. This study aimed to replicate the methodology of a previous experiment with the addition of two novel experimental conditions. Individual long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) were allowed to approach one of two identical, lidded, clear boxes which had jingle bells attached to them. One of the boxes had the metal bits removed from inside of the jingle bells attached to it, thus creating one “silent” box and leaving the remaining one “noisy”. The experimenter either looked directly at the subject, down at the ground between their knees, or in the novel conditions, turned their back to the subject, or wore a welder’s mask while facing the subject after demonstrating each box’s auditory properties. It was predicted that subjects would choose to approach the silent container in the latter three conditions. The results indicated that subjects selected boxes at random in all conditions. Additionally, in order to explore the possibility of perspective-taking representing a derived trait in the genus Macaca, a phylogeny of the genus was created and annotated to display the presence of perspective-taking as a phenotypic trait in extant species. Three likely evolutionary scenarios leading to the current distribution of perspective-taking are postulated and analyzed for parsimony through the number of assumed gains and losses. The most parsimonious tree suggests that perspective taking could be a conserved trait among the order, giving credence to the argument that some other variable was responsible the negative results in this experiment. It is suggested that the results of the present study represent an artifact of the social environment of the subject population. Moreover, arguments are made for the development of more naturalistic studies for examining mental state attribution in primates.


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Although simian/human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) strain DH12 replicates to high titers and causes immunodeficiency in pig-tailed macaques, virus loads measured in SHIVDH12-infected rhesus monkeys are consistently 100-fold lower and none of 22 inoculated animals have developed disease. We previously reported that the administration of anti-human CD8 mAb to rhesus macaques at the time of primary SHIVDH12 infection resulted in marked elevations of virus loads. One of the treated animals experienced rapid and profound depletions of circulating CD4+ T lymphocytes. Although the CD4+ T cell number partially recovered, this monkey subsequently suffered significant weight loss and was euthanized. A tissue culture virus stock derived from this animal, designated SHIVDH12R, induced marked and rapid CD4+ cell loss after i.v. inoculation of rhesus monkeys. Retrospective analyses of clinical specimens, collected during the emergence of SHIVDH12R indicated: (i) the input cloned SHIV remained the predominant virus during the first 5–7 months of infection; (ii) variants bearing only a few of the SHIVDH12R consensus changes first appeared 7 months after the administration of anti-CD8 mAb; (iii) high titers of neutralizing antibody directed against the input SHIV were detected by week 10 and persisted throughout the infection; and (iv) no neutralizing antibody against SHIVDH12R ever developed.


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Rhesus macaques and stump-tailed macaques are sympatric in western Yunnan (China), coexisting or occupying habitats that show little difference. This paper tests hypotheses based on theoretical expectation from the differing biomechanical demands of terrestrial and arboreal quadrupedalism in stump-tailed macaques and rhesus macaques, respectively. Individuals of these two macaque taxa were markedly separated by the first two principal components and discriminant analyses based on 18 variables of the upper limb. The rhesus macaques appear to be more adapted for arboreal quadruped habits because of elongation of the clavicle and forearm, a larger humeral head and greater midshaft sagittal diameters of the radius and ulna.


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In order to clarify the degree to which mandibular variation among Chinese macaques results from functional adaptation and phylogenetic inertia, 13 mandibular variables were analyzed by bivariate and multivariate techniques. The results indicate, not surprisingly, that the main differences in the mandible are associated with size. The study further implies that the variation between species is not closely associated with differences in functional adaptation even though the dietary and related differences are large compared to the situation in other macaques. The great variety in diet and related factors among Chinese macaques may not have yet resulted in a significant variation in the mandible. This may be because their radiation in Asia, though involving considerably greater differences in habitat, climate, and so on, has occurred more recently than for other macaque species in Southeast Asia. Mandibular variation between these species, therefore, is likely to be more closely tied to their immediate prior phylogenetic history. For example, the two stump-tailed macaques are closely similar and are also closely similar to the Assam species. Function in the mandible in these species is quite different. The results, therefore, seem to support the hypothesis that these three macaque species should be placed in a single species-group (sinica) as proposed by Delson [1980], Pan [1998], and Pan et al. [1998]. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.