961 resultados para pig farming
Foi avaliado o desempenho energético da suinocultura integrada à produção de milho em grão em sistema de plantio direto mecanizado. Nesta concepção de integração proposta, os dejetos suínos são utilizados como fertilizantes na produção de milho. O sistema foi delimitado envolvendo as atividades associadas ao manejo dos suínos e de produção do milho (manejo do solo, cultivo e colheita). O período de análise considerado foi de um ano, o que possibilita a produção de três lotes de suínos e duas safras de milho. Para avaliar o desempenho energético, foram criados três indicadores: eficiência energética, eficiência de uso de fontes não renováveis e o custo de energia não renovável para a produção de proteína. As entradas energéticas são compostas pelos insumos e pela infraestrutura, utilizados na criação dos suínos e na produção de milho, e pela radiação solar incidente no agrossistema. Já as saídas são representadas pelos seus produtos (suínos terminados e o milho). Os resultados obtidos nas simulações apontam que a integração melhora o desempenho energético das granjas suinícolas, aumentando a eficiência energética (186%) e a eficiência não renovável (352%), além de reduzir o custo de energia não renovável para a produção de proteína (‑58%).
This research was purposed to study the profile and role of woman involvement in dry system pig farming (pig housing with mattress from grass, pig manure, vegetable waste and kitchen waste). The research was carried out from August to November 2003. Pig housing areas were located on eight villages of Kertek District in Wonosobo Regency (Central Java). The method applied was survey with intensive observation. Sample were randomly selected, involved 180 respondents (15 percent of total pig farmers), while the locations of the sample were selected based on purposive sampling method. The result showed that respondents were in productive age, with low formal education level. Most of all are Moslems (98%) and they have small family size. The level of woman involvement in pig farming was high, approximately 85 percent. They have other income source and they involve in pig farming to help their husbands in generating income. Experience in the dry system pig farming was quite long (more than 10 years) and skill come from imitating their neighbours otherwise of autodidact. (Animal Production 6(1): 23-29 (2004) Key Words: Pig, Dry System, Woman Profile and Role
Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is wide-spread in pig populations globally. In many regions of Europe with intensive pig production and high herd densities, the virus is endemic and can cause disease and production losses. This fuels discussion about the feasibility and sustainability of virus elimination from larger geographic regions. The implementation of a program aiming at virus elimination for areas with high pig density is unprecedented and its potential success is unknown. The objective of this work was to approach pig population data with a simple method that could support assessing the feasibility of a sustainable regional PRRSV elimination. Based on known risk factors such as pig herd structure and neighborhood conditions, an index characterizing individual herds' potential for endemic virus circulation and reinfection was designed. This index was subsequently used to compare data of all pig herds in two regions with different pig- and herd-densities in Lower Saxony (North-West Germany) where PRRSV is endemic. Distribution of the indexed herds was displayed using GIS. Clusters of high herd index densities forming potential risk hot spots were identified which could represent key target areas for surveillance and biosecurity measures under a control program aimed at virus elimination. In an additional step, for the study region with the higher pig density (2463 pigs/km(2) farmland), the potential distribution of PRRSV-free and non-free herds during the implementation of a national control program aiming at national virus elimination was modeled. Complex herd and trade network structures suggest that PRRSV elimination in regions with intensive pig farming like that of middle Europe would have to involve legal regulation and be accompanied by important trade and animal movement restrictions. The proposed methodology of risk index mapping could be adapted to areas varying in size, herd structure and density. Interpreted in the regional context, this could help to classify the density of risk and to accordingly target resources and measures for elimination.
Over the last 20 years, environmental management in Queensland has moved from the policy backwaters of government to the front line of operations by way of regulatory enforcement, industry programs and incentives. When the new Queensland Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EPA) came into effect, the business of environmental management has become a central feature of urban and rural development activity. The concept of environmentally sustainable development (ESD), has given life to the precautionary principle as a way for planners and regulators to place relevant controls on development. The planning, development and operation of pig farming systems has been effected by the new regulatory framework. Ever more definitive standards and approval permits have emerged which endeavour to achieve ESD. With these modern planning instruments in place, rural industry sectors have become, quite legitimately, concerned about future opportunities for research and innovation. This paper asserts that the capacity to engage in research and to achieve innovation in the pork producing industry is not hindered by Queensland environmental regulation frameworks. However, in order for research and innovation to prosper within these frameworks, some protocols need to be followed by the industry. What is at stake is community confidence.
Zearalenone (ZEN) is a mycotoxin with endocrine disrupting effects having vast economic implications in e.g. pig farming. Structurally, ZEN resembles 17b-estradiol, and thus is able to bind to estrogen receptors (ER) in target cells. Because of this, it is also classified as a non-steroidal estrogen, a phytoestrogen, a mycoestrogen, and a growth promoter. Quantitative proteomic analysis was undertaken using stable-isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) upon exposure of the steroidogenesis cell model H295R with ZEN to elucidate its effect on protein regulation. ZEN significantly regulated 21 proteins, including proteins with known endocrine disrupting effects and several oncogenes. In addition, network analysis using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis showed that ZEN affected the oxidative phosphorylation pathway and the mitochondrial dysfunction pathway, both previously reported to be involved in endocrine dysfunction.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Tecer, lançar e recolher redes de saberes ambientais de atores sociais envolvidos com a suinocultura
Objective. To assess the potential for contamination of wastewaters from pig farming. Methods. Wastewaters from pig farming were stored in a tank. After 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of hydraulic retention, they were added to lysimeters filled with argillaceous, sandy, or medium soil. Finally, these lysimeters were submitted to simulations of either a rainy season or a dry season. The number of colony-forming units (CFUs) of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci was measured in the effluents of the storage tank (for the various periods of hydraulic retention), in the percolate from the lysimeters, and in the three types of soil. The microbiological analyses were carried out using the membrane filter technique. The pH analyses were done potentiometrically. Results. For the three microorganisms, the largest decrease in bacterial counts in the storage tanks occurred with 90 or 120 days of retention. There was a marked decrease in the bacterial count in the percolates of the three soils. For the three soil types the greatest reduction in bacterial counts was found in medium soil, due to its acidity (pH < 7.0). Hydraulic retention was not sufficient to ensure the sanitary adequacy of the wastewaters and their use for irrigation, given that fecal coliform values were above 1 000 CFU per 100 mL. Therefore, adding the residues to the soil was considered a second stage of treatment. Conclusions. The retention of wastewaters followed by adding them to soil was effective in minimizing the contaminating effect of pig farming residues. The storage time for wastewaters from pig farming could be decreased from 120 to 90 days.
Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Zootecnia - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Il settore suinicolo ricopre un ruolo rilevante nel contesto nazionale, con ricadute economiche e sociali di primaria importanza in varie regioni. Tuttavia da alcuni anni il settore si trova in crisi a causa dell’instabilità dei mercati internazionali, dello scarso coordinamento tra gli attori della filiera, della progressiva riduzione della redditività dei prodotti trasformati a Denominazione di Origine, della mancata valorizzazione dei tagli di carne fresca, nonché della difficoltà di aggredire i mercati esteri. Altre criticità riguardano la distribuzione del valore lungo la filiera e la scarsa efficacia delle politiche di coordinamento finora adottate. L'obiettivo della ricerca è quello di identificare gli elementi che possono garantire maggiore equilibrio di potere negoziale tra allevatori suinicoli e macellatori rispetto alla situazione attuale: verificati gli elementi critici che caratterizzano la relazione commerciale tra allevatori e macellatori, si avanzano alcune proposte operative utili al superamento delle fratture tra la componente agricola e quella dei macelli in Emilia Romagna. La struttura della tesi è la seguente: (capitolo 1) si descrive il quadro economico del settore suinicolo a livello internazionale e nazionale. Successivamente (capitolo 2) si passano in rassegna le teorie economiche utili a comprendere le ragioni alla base del malfunzionamento dei rapporti tra gli attori della filiera agroalimentare, mentre nel terzo capitolo è richiamato il quadro normativo comunitario, nazionale e regionale all’interno del quale tali relazioni si configurano. Nel quarto capitolo si elabora un modello interpretativo al fine di spiegare le fratture che oggi contraddistinguono le relazioni in essere tra gli attori della filiera: il “modello delle fratture”. Alla luce di questa concettualizzazione è stata svolta un’indagine diretta svolta presso gli operatori aderenti all’Organizzazione Interprofessionale del Gran Suino Italiano, i cui risultati hanno consentito di valutare l’efficacia del modello interpretativo e di fornire indicazioni migliorative della strategia di governance delle relazioni tra allevatori e macellatori.
The study assessed the economic efficiency of different strategies for the control of post-weaning multi-systemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) and porcine circovirus type 2 subclinical infection (PCV2SI), which have a major economic impact on the pig farming industry worldwide. The control strategies investigated consisted on the combination of up to 5 different control measures. The control measures considered were: (1) PCV2 vaccination of piglets (vac); (2) ensuring age adjusted diet for growers (diets); (3) reduction of stocking density (stock); (4) improvement of biosecurity measures (bios); and (5) total depopulation and repopulation of the farm for the elimination of other major pathogens (DPRP). A model was developed to simulate 5 years production of a pig farm with a 3-weekly batch system and with 100 sows. A PMWS/PCV2SI disease and economic model, based on PMWS severity scores, was linked to the production model in order to assess disease losses. This PMWS severity scores depends on the combination post-weaning mortality, PMWS morbidity in younger pigs and proportion of PCV2 infected pigs observed on farms. The economic analysis investigated eleven different farm scenarios, depending on the number of risk factors present before the intervention. For each strategy, an investment appraisal assessed the extra costs and benefits of reducing a given PMWS severity score to the average score of a slightly affected farm. The net present value obtained for each strategy was then multiplied by the corresponding probability of success to obtain an expected value. A stochastic simulation was performed to account for uncertainty and variability. For moderately affected farms PCV2 vaccination alone was the most cost-efficient strategy, but for highly affected farms it was either PCV2 vaccination alone or in combination with biosecurity measures, with the marginal profitability between 'vac' and 'vac+bios' being small. Other strategies such as 'diets', 'vac+diets' and 'bios+diets' were frequently identified as the second or third best strategy. The mean expected values of the best strategy for a moderately and a highly affected farm were £14,739 and £57,648 after 5 years, respectively. This is the first study to compare economic efficiency of control strategies for PMWS and PCV2SI. The results demonstrate the economic value of PCV2 vaccination, and highlight that on highly affected farms biosecurity measures are required to achieve optimal profitability. The model developed has potential as a farm-level decision support tool for the control of this economically important syndrome.