34 resultados para phytohormone


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Bacteria isolated from the rhizosphere of mulberry (Morus indica) as well as from control soil were tested for their effects on the growth of mulberry seedlings and for phytohormone production. About 12.8 per cent of the rhizosphere and 9.7 per cent of the soil isolates produced phytohormones in cultures. Rhizosphere isolates were more active in hormone synthesis than their soil counterparts. Soaking mulberry stem cuttings in culture filtrates of phytohormone synthesisers hastened their rooting. Culture filtrates of many isolates — hormone producers or not — stimulated or inhibited the growth of shoot and/or root of plants. Many cultures could also inhibit the germination of mulberry seeds.


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Low-molecular-weight compounds such as jasmonic, abscisic and salicylic acids are commonly thought to be regulators of plant stress responses. However, it is becoming clear that these molecules, often referred to as phytohormones, are only a part of bigger groups of compounds with biological activity. We propose that the concept of "hormone families" may help to better understand plant physiological responses by taking into account not only the alleged main regulators, but also their precursors, conjugates and catabolites. Novel approaches to profile potentially active compounds in plants are discussed.


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Cultivation of chilling-tolerant ornamental crops at lower temperature could reduce the energy demands of heated greenhouses. To provide a better understanding of how sub-optimal temperatures (12 degrees C vs. 16 degrees C) affect growth of the sensitive Petunia hybrida cultivar 'SweetSunshine Williams', the transcriptome, carbohydrate metabolism, and phytohormone homeostasis were monitored in aerial plant parts over 4 weeks by use of a microarray, enzymatic assays and GC-MS/MS. The data revealed three consecutive phases of chilling response. The first days were marked by a strong accumulation of sugars, particularly in source leaves, preferential up-regulation of genes in the same tissue and down-regulation of several genes in the shoot apex, especially those involved in the abiotic stress response. The midterm phase featured a partial normalization of carbohydrate levels and gene expression. After 3 weeks of chilling exposure, a new stabilized balance was established. Reduced hexose levels in the shoot apex, reduced ratios of sugar levels between the apex and source leaves and a higher apical sucrose/hexose ratio, associated with decreased activity and expression of cell wall invertase, indicate that prolonged chilling induced sugar accumulation in source leaves at the expense of reduced sugar transport to and reduced sucrose utilization in the shoot. This was associated with reduced levels of indole-3-acetic acid and abscisic acid in the apex and high numbers of differentially, particularly up-regulated genes, especially in the source leaves, including those regulating histones, ethylene action, transcription factors, and a jasmonate-ZIM-domain protein. Transcripts of one Jumonji C domain containing protein and one expansin accumulated in source leaves throughout the chilling period. The results reveal a dynamic and complex disturbance of plant function in response to mild chilling, opening new perspectives for the comparative analysis of differently tolerant cultivars.


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Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora is a bacterial phytopathogen that causes soft rot in various agronomically important crop plants. A genetically specified resistance to E. carotovora has not been defined, and plant resistance to this pathogen is established through nonspecific activation of basal defense responses. This, together with the broad host range, makes this pathogen a good model for studying the activation of plant defenses. Production and secretion of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes (PCWDE) are central to the virulence of E. carotovora. It also possesses the type III secretion system (TTSS) utilized by many Gram-negative bacteria to secrete virulence- promoting effector proteins to plant cells. This study elucidated the role of E. carotovora HrpN (HrpNEcc), an effector protein secreted through TTSS, and the contribution of this protein in the virulence of E. carotovora. Treatment of plants with HrpNEcc was demonstrated to induce a hypersensitive response (HR) as well as resistance to E. carotovora. Resistance induced by HrpNEcc required both salicylic acid (SA)- and jasmonate/ethylene (JA/ET)-dependent defense signaling in Arabidopsis. Simultaneous treatment of Arabidopsis with HrpNEcc and PCWDE polygalacturonase PehA elicited accelerated and enhanced induction of defense genes but also increased production of superoxide and lesion formation. This demonstrates mutual amplification of defense signaling by these two virulence factors of E. carotovora. Identification of genes that are rapidly induced in response to a pathogen can provide novel information about the early events occurring in the plant defense response. CHLOROPHYLLASE 1 (AtCLH1) and EARLY RESPONSIVE TO DEHYDRATION 15 (ERD15) are both rapidly triggered by E. carotovora in Arabidopsis. Characterization of AtCLH1 encoding chlorophyll-degrading enzyme chlorophyllase indicated that it might have a role in chlorophyll degradation during plant tissue damage. Silencing of this gene resulted in increased accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to pathogen infection in a light-dependent manner. This led to enhanced SA-dependent defenses and resistance to E. carotovora. Moreover, crosstalk between different defense signaling pathways was observed; JA-dependent defenses and resistance to fungal pathogen Alternaria brassicicola were impaired, indicating antagonism between SA- and JA-dependent signaling. Characterization of ERD15 suggested that it is a novel, negative regulator of abscisic acid (ABA) signaling in Arabidopsis. Overexpression of ERD15 resulted in insensitivity to ABA and reduced tolerance of the plants to dehydration stress. However, simultaneously, the resistance of the plants to E. carotovora was enhanced. Silencing of ERD15 improved freezing and drought tolerance of transgenic plants. This, together with the reducing effect of ABA on seed germination, indicated hypersensitivity to this phytohormone. ERD15 was hypothesized to act as a capacitor that controls the appropriate activation of ABA responses in Arabidopsis.


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160 p. (Bibliogr. 141-160)


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第一部分: 通过生理测定和化学染色分析了冬小麦品种小堰54和京411的叶片和非叶片组织的碳酸酐 酶活性。叶片碳酸酐酶活性(CA)在挑旗时期达到最大值,之后减少到最小,而在饱粒期又呈 增加趋势。从灌浆期到饱粒期,颖片和内稃的CA活性均减少,而外稃和种皮的CA活性均增加。在饱粒期,小堰54的叶片、颖片、外稃和种皮CA活性均高于京411。组织化学染色表明,CA主要分布在旗叶的叶肉细胞叶绿体中,也分布在非叶片组织颖片、外稃和内稃的叶肉和维管束鞘细胞的胞质中。这些结果表明,小麦非叶组织叶肉和维管束鞘细胞的胞质中的CA可能对饱粒期冬小麦的C4光合途径起作用。饱粒期小堰54的C02传递到Rubisco酶速率和抗旱性较京411高。 第二部分: 以继代培养的芦苇胚性细胞为材料,利用台盼兰拒染法检测了悬浮细胞死亡过程,并利用石蜡切片法及苏木精染色法观察了不同浓度镉对芦苇细胞的毒害作用。1000μM的CdCl2迅速导致芦苇悬浮细胞死亡,200μM的CdClz在接种后第5天引起悬浮细胞死亡,100μM的CdCl2在接种后第7天引起悬浮细胞死亡,≤50μM的CdClz在接种后7天不引起悬浮细胞死亡。同时对不同浓度镉处理的芦苇胚性细胞的内源植物激素和可溶性蛋白质进行分析,≤50μM的镉浓度显著地降低胚性细胞内IAA、ZR、GA3和GA4的含量,却提高ABA的含量,抑制可溶性蛋白质的合成:≥100μM的镉浓度显著地提高IAA、ZR、GA3和GA4的含量,却降低ABA的含量,促进可溶性蛋白质的合成。这些结果表明,镉的毒害至少包括镉浓度决定的两种细胞死亡机制,高浓度的镉(1000μM)引起的细胞死亡应当为坏死,而100μM的镉引起植物悬浮细胞发生程序性死亡。在较高浓度(≥100μM)的镉处理下,芦苇细胞内内源IAA、ZR、GA3和GA4的浓度较高,可能调控可溶性蛋白质的合成而促进细胞发生程序化死亡。


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Fatty acid degradation in most organisms occurs primarily via the beta-oxidation cycle. In mammals, beta-oxidation occurs in both mitochondria and peroxisomes, whereas plants and most fungi harbor the beta-oxidation cycle only in the peroxisomes. Although several of the enzymes participating in this pathway in both organelles are similar, some distinct physiological roles have been uncovered. Recent advances in the structural elucidation of numerous mammalian and yeast enzymes involved in beta-oxidation have shed light on the basis of the substrate specificity for several of them. Of particular interest is the structural organization and function of the type 1 and 2 multifunctional enzyme (MFE-1 and MFE-2), two enzymes evolutionarily distant yet catalyzing the same overall enzymatic reactions but via opposite stereochemistry. New data on the physiological roles of the various enzymes participating in beta-oxidation have been gathered through the analysis of knockout mutants in plants, yeast and animals, as well as by the use of polyhydroxyalkanoate synthesis from beta-oxidation intermediates as a tool to study carbon flux through the pathway. In plants, both forward and reverse genetics performed on the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have revealed novel roles for beta-oxidation in the germination process that is independent of the generation of carbohydrates for growth, as well as in embryo and flower development, and the generation of the phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid and the signal molecule jasmonic acid.


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Suite au projet de séquençage du génome d’Arabidopsis thaliana, plus de 400 récepteurs de types serine/thréonine kinases (Protein Receptor Kinase ou PRK) ont été prédits. Par contre, seulement sept paires de récepteurs/ligands ont été caractérisées jusqu’à présent par des techniques de biochimie et d’analyse, de mutants. Parmi ceux-ci figurent les PRK : BRI1, CLV1, SRK, SR160, Haesa-IDA et PEPR1 qui jouent un rôle important dans le développement, l’auto-incompatibilité sporophytique et les mécanismes de défense. Le but de mon projet de maîtrise était de développer un bioessai à haut débit qui permettra la découverte de ligands peptidiques. Le bioessai utilisera des PRK chimériques composés du domaine extracellulaire (l’ectodomaine) de la PRK à l’étude fusionnée au domaine intracellulaire d’une PRK qui agira comme rapporteur. Deux stratégies sont présentement développées dans notre laboratoire : la première consiste à fusionner la PRK à l’étude avec le domaine intracellulaire (l’endodomaine) du récepteur tyrosine kinase animal EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor). Suite à l’interaction avec une fraction protéique contenant un ligand correspondant à la PRK étudiée, une transphosphorylation de l’endodomaine (le domaine kinase) serait détectable. La seconde stratégie utilise l’endodomaine du récepteur BRI1, un récepteur répondant aux brassinostéroïdes. Suite à l’interaction avec une fraction protéique contenant un ligand correspondant à la PRK étudiée, cette fois-ci nous devrions être en mesure de mesurer l’activation d’un gène rapporteur répondant normalement à une activation par les brassinostéroïdes.


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Despite advances in tissue culture techniques, propagation by leafy, softwood cuttings is the preferred, practical system for vegetative reproduction of many tree and shrub species. Species are frequently defined as 'difficult'- or 'easy-to-root' when propagated by conventional cuttings. Speed of rooting is often linked with ease of propagation, and slow-to-root species may be 'difficult' precisely because tissues deteriorate prior to the formation of adventitious roots. Even when roots form, limited development of these may impair the establishment of a cutting. In this study we used softwood cuttings of cashew (Anacardium occidentale), a species considered as 'difficult-to-root'. We aimed to test the hypothesis that speed, and extent of early rooting, is critical in determining success with this species; and that the potential to form adventitious roots will decrease with time in the propagation environment. Using two genotypes, initial rooting rates were examined in the presence or absence of exogenous auxin. In cuttings that formed adventitious roots, either entire roots or root tips were removed, to determine if further root formation/development was feasible. To investigate if subsequent root responses were linked to phytohormone action, a number of cuttings were also treated with either exogenous auxin (indole-3-butyric acid-IBA) or cytokinin (zeatin). Despite the reputation of Anacardium as being 'difficult-to-root', we found high rooting rates in two genotypes (AC 10 and CCP 1001). Removing adventitious roots from cuttings and returning them to the propagation environment, resulted in subsequent re-rooting. Indeed, individual cuttings could develop new adventitious roots on four to five separate occasions over a 9 week period. Data showed that rooting potential increased, not decreased with time in the propagation environment and that cutting viability was unaffected. Root expression was faster (8-15 days) after the removal of previous roots compared to when the cuttings were first stuck (21 days). Exposing cuttings to IBA at the time of preparation, improved initial rooting in AC 10, but not in CCP 1001. Application of IBA once roots had formed had little effect on subsequent development, but zeatin reduced root length and promoted root number and dry matter accumulation. These results challenge our hypothesis, and indicate that rooting potential remains high in Anacardium. The precise mechanisms that regulate the number of adventitious roots expressed, remain to be determined. Nevertheless, results indicate that rooting potential can be high in 'difficult-to-root' species, and suggest that providing supportive environments is the key to expressing this potential. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The phytohormone abscisic acid (ABA) plays a major role in the regulation of many physiological stresses although its role in pathogen-induced stress remains poorly understood. We examined the influence of ABA on interactions of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (Arabidopsis) with a bacterial pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato and an Oomycete, Peronospora parasitica. Both addition of 100 μM ABA to plants and drought stress stimulated increased susceptibility of Arabidopsis to an avirulent isolate of P. syringae pv. tomato. In contrast, an ABA-deficient mutant of Arabidopsis, aba1-1, displayed reduced susceptibility to virulent isolates of P. parasitica. An ABA-insensitive mutant, abi1-1, that is impaired in ABA signal transduction did not alter in susceptibility to either P. syringae pv. tomato or P. parasitica. These results demonstrate that the concentration of endogenous ABA at the time of pathogen challenge is important for the development of susceptibility in Arabidopsis.


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Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important phytohormone with regulatory roles in many physiological processes. ABA expression is induced by environmental stresses such as drought and it is known to be an inhibitor of seed germination. A wild oat (Avena fatua) called AFN1 has been hypothesized to initiate the early stages of germination as its mRNA accumulates in nondormant seed embryos during imbibition. The polypeptide sequence of AFN1 suggests that it is an ABA glucosyl transferase. Glucosylation by AFN1 and thereby inactivation of ABA could lead to seed germination. In order to understand the role of AFN1 in germination, an ample quantity of AFN1 polypeptide is needed to test for enzymatic ABA glucosylase activity. My work has been to overexpress recombinant AFN1containing a (His)6 tag using a pRSETC E.coli expression system followed by Purification of the AFN1 protein by means of a nickel-affinity column that bind to the (His)6 tag. Due to the insufficient yield of AFN1 fusion protein obtained with this procedure, another method using a pMAL-c2x vector is now being employed. The pMAL expression system provides a method for expressing and purifying protein by tagging proteins with maltose-binding protein (MBP). It is anticipated that MBP tag will be advantageous as it can make the fusion protein more soluble and thereby yield a larger quantity of protein. Currently, work is underway on the construction of pMAL/AFN1 plasmid.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA to plants. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.


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The phytohormone, abscisic acid (ABA) has been shown to influence the outcome of the interactions between various hosts with biotrophic and hemibiotrophic pathogens. Susceptibility to avirulent isolates can be induced in plants by addition of low physiological concentrations of ABA. In contrast, addition of ABA biosynthesis inhibitors induced resistance following challenge of plants by virulent isolates. ABA deficient mutants of Arabidopsis, such as aba1-1, were resistant to virulent isolates of Peronospora parasitica. In interactions of Arabidopsis with avirulent isolates of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato, susceptibility was induced following addition of ABA or imposition of drought stress. These results indicate a pivotal, albiet undefined, role for ABA in determining either susceptibility or resistance to pathogen attack. We have found that the production of the cell wall strengthening compound, lignin, is increased during resistant interactions of aba1-1 but suppressed in ABA-induced susceptible interactions. Using RT-PCR and microarray analysis we have found down-regulation by ABA of key genes of the phenylpropanoid pathway especially of those genes involved directly in lignin biosynthesis. ABA also down-regulates a number of genes in other functional classes including those involved in defence and cell signalling.


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The obligate soil-borne biotroph Plasmodiophora brassicae has a significant economic impact on Brassicaceae crops. The pathogen severely disrupts the roots by inducing the production of galls which leads to malformation and reduced growth of the roots and a reduced ability to take up water and nutrients. Control of P. brassicae is difficult because it has a number of survival and dissemination strategies that involve both motile and resting stages that need to be targeted by any control agent. We investigated, under controlled conditions and in glasshouse and field experiments, the potential of salicylic acid (SA), a key phytohormone, that is required for defence against certain biotic and abiotic stresses, to reduce infection by P. brassicae in broccoli (Brassicae oleracea var. italica). Under controlled conditions in a growth cabinet exogenous application of SA to roots resulted in its transport systemically to the leaves where it promoted the up-regulation of the pathogenesis related genes PR-1 and PR-2 in an SAR-like response as early as 24 h post-treatment. Concentrations of SA >20 mM reduced significantly both shoot and root weights when applied exogenously but lower concentrations had little measureable effect on plant growth. When SA was applied to plants above 5 mM there was a significant reduction (25-65 %) in gall formation 6 weeks post-inoculation with P. brassicae, indicating that the pathogen was being controlled by the addition of SA. A combination of SA and JA was also shown to reduce severity (25-35 %) of disease associated with P. brassicae. These findings indicate that there may be SA inducible mechanisms in B. oleracea that if fine-tuned could provide enhanced resistance to clubroot disease.


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The controlled release of salicylic acid (SA), a key phytohormone, was mediated by using a novel decanethiol gatekeeper system grafted onto mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs). The decanethiol was conjugated only to the external surfaces of the MSNs through glutathione (GSH)-cleavable disulfide linkages and the introduction of a process to assemble gatekeepers only on the outer surface so that the mesopore area can be maintained for high cargo loading. Raman and nitrogen sorption isotherm analyses confirmed the successful linkage of decanethiol to the surface of MSNs. The in vitro release of SA from decanethiol gated MSNs indicated that the release rate of SA in an environment with a certain amount of GSH was significantly higher than that without GSH. More importantly, in planta experiments showed the release of SA from decanethiol gated MSNs by GSH induced sustained expression of the plant defense gene PR-1 up to 7 days after introduction, while free SA caused an early peak in PR-1 expression which steadily decreased after 3 days. This study demonstrates the redox-responsive release of a phytohormone in vitro and also indicates the potential use of MSNs in planta as a controlled agrochemical delivery system.