905 resultados para phytochelatin synthase


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As plantas utilizam diversas estratégias de sinalização para reconhecer e responder aos stresses ambientais. A maioria das vias de transdução de sinais partilham um sinal genérico, normalmente a modulação dos níveis intracelulares de Ca2+. Esta por sua vez pode iniciar uma cascata de fosforilação proteica que finalmente afecta as proteínas directamente envolvidas na protecção celular ou culmina em factores de transcrição que vão determinar a resposta fisiológica ao stresse. A percepção destes sinais e a compreensão de como estes podem activar as respostas adaptativas são factores-chave para a tolerância das plantas a stresses abióticos. Um dos principais stresses abóticos que restrigem o crescimento das plantas é a presença de metais pesados. A produção de fitoquelatinas e a subsequente quelação dos metais é o mecanismo mais conhecido de tolerância ao stresse metálico em plantas. Fitoquelatinas (PCs) são péptidos com grupos tiol que são sintetizados através da transpeptidação da glutationa (GSH), pela acção da enzima fitoquelatina sintase (PCS). No entanto, até ao momento, as vias de sinalização que levam à síntese de fitoquelatinas e à percepção do stresse metálico são pouco compreendidas. Dentro deste contexto, o presente trabalho foi elaborado com o intuito de elucidar a via de sinalização através da qual o cádmio é detectado pelas células vegetais e induz a síntese de PCs. Quase todos, os estudos de stresses abióticos em plantas apontam para o facto de a sua sinalização se basear nos mesmos tipos de sinais moleculares, nomeadamente a sinalização por cálcio, a fosforilação proteica e a indução de espécies reactivas de oxigénio (ROS). Trabalhos recentes sugerem que a sinalização de PCs poderá envolver todos estes parâmetros. Assim, uma primeira abordagem foi efectuada para compreender a síntese de PCs na espécie Arabidopsis thaliana, através da monitorizaçção da actividade de enzimas relacionadas, a γ-EC sintetase, GSH sintetase e a PC sintase (PCS), assim como o tempo necessário para o elongamento das PCs e a sua acumulação. Seguidamente, ao longo deste processo foi analisada a expressão de sinais específicos, associados com sinais de cálcio, fosforilação proteica e sinalização por ROS. A importância destes factores na síntese de PCs foi também avaliada através do uso de moduladores farmacológicos de cálcio e fosfatases proteicas e também pela indução de stresse oxidativo. Os resultados demonstraram novos dados sobre o papel do cálcio e da fosforilação proteica na produção de PCs e na síntese de GSH, revelando que a actvidade da PCS é regulada por fosforilação e que a sinalização de cálcio pode mediar a síntese de GSH. O envolvimento da sinalização de ROS na síntese de GSH, atráves de crosstalk com a sinalização de cálcio também foi proposta. Assim, os resultados aqui apresentados descrevem uma possível via de sinalização de cádmio nas plantas e da indução de fitoquelatinas. Este trabalho poderá ser portanto muito útil na implementação de novas metodologias de agricultura sustentável e práticas de fitorremediação em solos contaminados com metais pesados.


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日益加剧的重金属污染已经危害到了全球的生态环境以及人类健康。在分子水平上阐明植物中的重金属抗性机制并应用于环境修复和绿色农业是植物科学和环境科学以及农业科学的交叉点和新的生长点。为了了解植物重金属抗性的分子机制,我们的研究主要是从重金属抗性植物材料大蒜(Allium sativumL.)和绊根草(Cynodon dactylon)中分离重金属抗性相关基因,并研究它们在重金属抗性机制中的功能。 在高等植物中有迹象表明,一种富含半胱氨酸的低分子量蛋白.类金属硫蛋白 (Metallothioneins Like,MTs Like)和一类具有Y-(Glu-Cys) n-Gly特殊结构的多肽一植物络合素(Phytochelatins,PCs)在重金属抗性机制中占有重要地位。然而人们对于同一种植物中这两种重金属结合肽作用的相互关系还缺乏了解,同时对于MT Like基因以及PCs合酶基因在同一种植物中的表达模式如金属离子专一性、时空表达特点等,还投有文献报道,因此本文将首先以这两个基因为切入点进行研究。 本研究采用RACE的方法,从大蒜中分离得到了类金属硫蛋白(MT-Like)的cDNA序列(GenBank Accession No.AY050510),PCR和SoutheLrn Blot分析表明,大蒜基因组中不仅存在类金属硫蛋白基因,而且可能以基因家族的形式存在。对获得的MT Like cDNA进行的序列分析及同源性分析表明,大蒜MT Like cDNA含有一个完整的开放阅读框架,编码73个氨基酸,其中12个为半胱氨酸,占氨基酸总数的1 6.4%,并与其他植物如水稻、小麦、紫羊茅草中的类金属硫蛋白基因同源性较高,其中最高达89%。对该基因编码的氨基酸序列和结构分析表明在N-端、c-端结构域中分别含有3个典型的金属硫蛋白的结构模式Cys-Xaa-Cys,属于典型的Type-1类金属硫蛋白。这些Cys-Xaa-Cys特征结构表明大蒜MT Like基因编码的蛋白可以结合二价金属离子。重金属胁迫下大蒜根中MT Like基因在转录水平的表达检测表明,MT Like基因的表达受重金属离子Cu2+、Cd2+的诱导,暗示MT Like基因在大蒜对重金属的抗性中有重要作用。此外,用能谱电镜技术研究大蒜中重金属的积累与分布,以及用组织原位杂交技术分析MT Like基因的表达定位与重金属的积累、转运的关系已在进行之中。 植物络合素也是富含巯基的多肽化合物,在重金属抗性中起重要作用。由植物络合素结构中存在的Y一酰胺键或β-Ala可知PCs不是基因表达的直接产物,而是以GSH为前体的酶促反应产物。目前已知y一谷氨酰半胱氨酸二肽转肽酶(简称为PCs合酶,phytochelatin synthase,PCS)是PCs合成途径的关键酶,编码这一关键酶的基因目前已在小麦、拟南芥菜和裂殖酵母中克隆。由于这一基因在不同物种中的保守性较低,其克隆较困难。本研究通过设计植物络合素台酶基因简并引物,从大蒜中扩增得到了345bp的cDNA序列。序列分析和推测的氨基酸序列同源性比较表明,此序列的翻译产物与已知的植物络合素合酶同源性最高,此cDNA序列应为大蒜植物络合素合酶基因的部分cDNA序列(GenBank Accession No.AF384110)。目前大蒜植物络台素合酶基因的全长序列的扩增,以及这两种与重金属抗性有关的基因(MT Like,PCS)的表达模式仍在研究中。 本文还尝试了利用酵母重金属敏感突变株M379/8功能互补的方法从重金属抗性植物绊根革中分离新的重金属抗性相关基因。构建了用于转化的酵母质粒表达文库,探索了酵母转化体系建立的条件。曾尝试多种转化方法,并对其中的条件进行了优化改进。下一步的工作将集中在合适的酵母突变体的筛选或穿梭表达载体的选择标记基因替换上


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随着现代工业的发展,重金属污染已经成为一个非常严重的问题。 传统的重金属治理方法花费较高并且过程非常繁琐。植物修复技术是一种经济并且有效的利用植物进行环境污染治理的新方法。植物络合素是一类植物体内络合重金属离子的多肽,它已经发现于多种植物与微生物中。植物络合素合酶是催化GSH合成 植物络合素的关键酶。因此揭示植物络合素合酶的分子机理对于了解植物对重金属抗性的机制又很重要的意义。迄今为止,关于植物络合素合酶基因的研究主要集中在两种非重金属的植物中:拟南芥与小麦。许多关于该基因结构与功能的问题依然很不清楚。大蒜是一种能够抗很高浓度重金属的植物。在本研究中,我们利用大蒜这种重金属抗性植物对以下问题做了较为系统的研究: 1. 测量了大蒜在重金属胁迫下的生理表现,并得出大蒜是一种具有重金属抗性的植物; 2. 我们从大蒜中克隆出一个新的植物络合素合酶基因。该基因全长1868bp,包含一个 506个氨基酸的开放读码框并编码一个55.8KD的蛋白。该基因转译的氨基酸序列与其他十二种物种的植物络合素合酶氨基酸序列具有很高的同源性; 3. 酵母功能互补试验证明表达AsPCS的酵母可以比对照耐受更高浓度的镉与砷。这表明AsPCS的转译产物在酵母与植物的重金属的耐受过程中起很重要的作用; 4. RT-PCR的结果表明,经过重金属Cd2+的胁迫,AsPCS在根中与茎中的表达量都有提高,这说明AsPCS的调控是发生在转录水平上的。另外通过比较该基因在相同处理条件下根中与茎中的表达量,我们发现AsPCS在根中的表达量远高于茎中; 5. 原位杂交显示AsPCS主要表达于根的表皮、顶端分生组织、韧皮部,并且当重金属压力提高后,表皮的表达量明显提高。


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随着现代工业的发展,重金属污染日趋严重。重金属污染引发的环境和健康问题在许多国家都有报道,我国的重金属污染状况也不容乐观。土壤和水体中的重金属污染可以通过食物链进入人体,对人类健康造成很大的危害,如诱发癌症 和畸胎等。 植物修复是一种利用植物对重金属或有机污染物的超富集能力清除或减低污染的环境生物技术。植物修复的生物学机制的研究为这项技术走向实用化奠定了基础。植物修复近期的进展可能来自于可更有效地富集重金属的植物品种的选择、土壤条件的改善等;但长远看来,植物修复技术的巨大进步将取决于新的可更好地抵抗重金属或降解有机毒物的基因的鉴定和克隆,并通过转基因技术创造一批新的植物品种,如可迅速大量富集重金属的高生物量的用作环境净化的植物,以及可排拒重金属吸收的粮食、蔬菜和水果等作物。 本研究针对砷污染的植物修复机制,以超富集砷的凤尾蕨属植物——蜈蚣草为试材取得了如下进展: 1. 以从砷污染地区采集的蜈蚣草(Pteris vittataL.)为植物材料,利用抑制消减杂交(SSH)分离了经砷诱导处理与其对照间表达有差异的cDNA片段,以期得到与砷富集密切相关的基因。其中筛选到的一个cDNA片段与ABC transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter)有较高的同源性。通过RACE方法对该基因进行了克隆,并进行了初步的结构和功能分析。结果表明所获得的PvABCTl (Accession No. AY496966)为一全长cDNA,长度为2165 bp,其中开读框架为1791 bp,编码597个氨基酸。该基因所编码的蛋白中含有2个ABC transporter特性结构域,1个ATP-binding cassette和2个ATP/GTP结合位点(P-loop),没有明显的跨膜区。 2. 对蜈蚣草在砷胁迫下PvABCT1基因的表达模式进行了研究。转录水平分析表明PvABCT1的表达受砷的诱导。进一步通过PvABCTl-GFP融合基因在洋葱细胞中的表达进行亚细胞定位,结果显示该基因可能定位于细胞质中。 3. 为了研究所克隆的PvABCT1基因的功能,本研究构建了PvABCT1的酵母表达载体,把该基因转入因ACR3基因缺失而对砷敏感的酵母突变株。酵母功能互补实验表明PvABCT1不仅不能与ACR3基因功能互补,反而使酵母对砷的敏感性增加,同时酵母细胞中的砷含量较未转化的酵母细胞增加。即在转入PvABCT1后,酵母细胞吸收了更多的砷。这暗示该基因与蜈蚣草中砷的高吸收有关。 针对食品重金属污染问题,本研究探讨了减低蔬菜对重金属吸收的方法及其 作用机理,取得了如下进展: 1.研究了钙离子和镧离子对镉离子胁迫下生菜种子萌发和植株生长的影响,结果表明在种子萌发时外施4 mM CaCI2或0.04 mg/L La(N03)3均可提高生菜对重金属镉的抗性。 2.通过检测0.5 mM CdCl2胁迫下生菜植株中的镉含量以及外施钙离子或镧离子后相应的镉含量,发现4 mM CaCl2可以增加镉胁迫下生菜植株中镉的积累;而0.04 mg/L La(N03)3可以降低镉胁迫下生菜植株中镉的积累。 3.对生菜中植物络合素合酶基因进行了克隆,通过RT-PCR分析以及植物络合素( phytochelatins,PCs)的检测,探讨了外施钙离子或镧离子对镉胁迫下生菜植株中植物络合素合酶基因在转录水平的表达量、植物络合素含量以及镉的积累三者之间的关系。结果表明:4 mM CaCl2可以提高镉胁迫下生菜植株中植物络合素合酶基因在转录水平的表达以及植物络合素的含量,增加镉的积累;而0.04 mg/L La(N03)3虽然同样可以提高植物络合素合酶基因在转录水平的表达以及植物络合素的含量,却能降低镉胁迫下生菜植株中镉的积累。这暗示外施钙离子可以促进用于重金属污染环境修复的植物对重金属的吸收,而外施镧离子可以用于降低叶菜类蔬菜中重金属镉的积累。


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植物络合素(phytochelatins,PCs)是含有γ-Glu-Cys重复结构的小分子多肽,其结构通式为:(γ-Glu-Cys)n-Gly(n=2-11)。植物络合素(PCs)由植物络合素合酶(PCS)催化谷胱甘肽(GSH)聚合而成,能够络合重金属离子而具有解毒功能,这是植物解毒重金属胁迫的重要机制之一。本文克隆了来源于重金属抗性植物绊根草(Cynodon dactylon cv Goldensun)的植物络合素合酶基因,通过基因工程手段使其在烟草中过量表达,得到了一些有望用于植物修复(phytoremediation)的工程植株。同时,在水稻(Oryza sativa)种子中利用RNAi技术抑制植物络合素合酶基因的表达,以降低重金属离子在人类最重要的粮食作物水稻的籽粒中的积累。 1. 通过RACE(Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends)方法从抗性植物绊根草中克隆了植物络合素合酶基因CdPCS1,其1515 bp的读码框编码一个含505个氨基酸的蛋白质,蛋白质序列分析表明它具有植物络合素合酶的结构特征,同时还具有磷酸化位点和亮氨酸拉链结构。 2. CdPCS1基因可以互补对铜和镉离子敏感的酵母突变株ABDE-1(cup1Δ)中缺失的金属硫蛋白基因CUP1的功能,也可以互补对砷离子敏感的酵母突变体FD236-6A(acr-3Δ)中的离子外排载体基因ARC3的缺失。 3. 将CdPCS1转入烟草,共获得过表达CdPCS1的烟草44个株系,其中融合GFP的株系16个。对T0代的转基因植株的PCs含量以及重金属抗性和吸收能力进行了分析,其中抗性实验表明,在300μmol/L 的Cd2+离子胁迫11天之后,野生型植株的叶片出现斑点状坏死,而两个转基因烟草株系S6和K49的植株没有出现受伤害症状。在100μmol/L的CdSO4处理一周后,转基因植株中的PCs含量比对照有不同程度的提高,最多提高了2.88倍。当用300μmol/L Cd2+处理9天再用600μmol/L Cd2+处理2天后,Cd的积累量比野生型植株增加了2倍多;用50μmol/L As3+处理7天再用100μmol/L As3+处理2天后,转基因植株对As的积累量最多增加了3倍多。说明转入绊根草PC合酶基因的烟草增加了植物络合素的合成,并由此增加了对镉离子的抗性以及对镉离子和砷离子的积累。 4. 对转基因烟草中的CdPCS1进行了亚细胞定位研究。在激光共聚焦显微镜和荧光显微镜下分别用转基因烟草叶片组织和叶肉细胞原生质体观察融合GFP的CdPCS1,结果表明融合蛋白定位于细胞核中。 5. .利用RNAi技术抑制水稻种子中植物络合素合酶基因的表达,共获得39个转基因株系。其中35个株系为种子特异性ZMM1启动子驱动OsPCS1基因的RNAi,其余4个株系由组成型的Ubiquitin启动子驱动。RT-PCR的分析结果表明:一个由ZMM1启动子驱动的RNAi转基因水稻株系的种子中,OsPCS1的mRNA水平比对照中的下降了一半。


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金属硫蛋白(metallothionein,MT)和植物络合素(phytochelatin,PC)是植物中能够与金属离子结合的两大类多肽。二者均富含Cys,但前者是mRNA的编码产物,后者是酶促反应的产物,植物络合素合酶(PCS)则是合成PC的关键酶之一。目前已发现许多植物同时存在金属硫蛋白基因和植物络合素合酶基因。研究重金属胁迫下这两类基因的表达对了解植物的重金属抗性的分子机制具有重要意义,同时还可以为培育能用于植物修复的品种提供新思路。 本论文从大蒜中克隆了一个type 2 MT基因,命名为AsMT2a,将其在大蒜中的表达模式与大蒜的植物络合素合酶基因(AsPCS1)进行了比较,并对二者的过表达转基因拟南芥的重金属抗性进行研究。其主要结果如下: 1. AsMT2a基因全长525 bp,编码79个氨基酸,其中有14个Cys 残基。 推测的氨基酸序列分析表明其Cys的位置和数目与来自其它植物的type 2 MT蛋白的完全一致。 2. RT-PCR的结果显示,大蒜根部AsPCS1的表达在Cd处理的短期(1 hr)内迅速增强,同时PCs含量也大幅度增加。但AsMT2a的表达在Cd处理10 hr后才有明显的增加。说明AsPCS1可能在植物对重金属的急性解毒方面起主要作用,而AsMT2a则在植物对重金属长久耐性中的离子平衡方面起更大作用。暗示在大蒜暴露于Cd胁迫的不同时期AsPCS1和AsMT2a基因可以互相协调而对重金属胁迫作出反应。此外,在不同胁迫条件下,AsPCS1和AsMT2a的表达模式不同,其中Cd、As和热激可以促进根中AsPCS1的表达和PCs的积累。 3.将AsPCS1和AsMT2a转入对砷和镉敏感的酵母菌株 FD236-6A中,RT-PCR的结果显示这两个基因均可在酵母中稳定表达,对转化子的重金属抗性实验表明这两个基因均可提高转化子对砷和镉的抗性。 4.将AsPCS1和AsMT2a 置于 CaMV 35S启动子下转入拟南芥中,RT-PCR结果表明,这两个基因均可在拟南芥中表达。有趣的是,AsPCS1在拟南芥中存在两个转录本,且二者均具有完整的ORF,其推测的氨基酸序列相差38个氨基酸。说明部分AsPCS1在拟南芥中经过了精确的剪切和拼接过程,但其机制尚不清楚。 5.在Cd 胁迫下,AsPCS1的超表达拟南芥的生长好于野生型植株,主要表现在转基因拟南芥的根较长,根数目较多;但在As胁迫下AsPCS1转基因植株与野生型植株没有明显的差别。与此不同的是将AsMT2a转入拟南芥后,转基因植株的As抗性明显增强,同样表现在根长度和根数目上。进一步将AsPCS1和AsMT2a同时转入拟南芥进行超表达,在Cd胁迫下,转基因植株的生长好于野生型植株,且种子萌发率也较高。 6.Cd和As胁迫下,AsPCS1过表达植株的PCs含量增加,同时Cd和As的积累量也明显增加,其中Cd胁迫下Cd含量增加最多,平均比野生型对照增加4倍;而As胁迫下As含量比野生型对照增加1.2倍。在Cd和As胁迫下,AsMT2a过表达植株的Cd和As积累量与野生型相比分别增加1.4倍和0.8 倍。双价基因AsMT2a +AsPCS1过表达植株的 Cd 积累量是野生型的5.8倍,是AsMT2a过表达植株的2.4 倍,是AsPCS1过表达植株的1.2倍。 在克隆AsMT2a的同时,我们还从大蒜中克隆到了一个金属硫蛋白基因家族的新成员,命名为AsMT2b,并对其功能进行了初步探讨。主要结果如下: 1.AsMT2b 全长520 bp,其开读框架为243 bp,编码80个氨基酸,其中含有15个Cys 残基。对推测的氨基酸序列分析表明AsMT2b的N端和C端domain内,Cys的数目和排列方式与其它type 2 MT蛋白明显不同。 其N 端domain内的结构为CXXC——CXC——CXC——CXCC,C端domain 内的结构为CXXC——CXC——CXC。暗示AsMT2b 可能具有与其它MT不同的生物学功能。 2.在较低浓度Cd(200 µM)胁迫下,AsMT2b的表达量随着处理时间(24 hr内)的延长而降低,但随着处理浓度的升高(500 µM)和处理时间延长(48 hr),其表达量又逐步增强,说明AsMT2b可能在胁迫强度增大到一定值时方起作用。 3. 将AsMT2b转入对Cd和As敏感的酵母菌株FD236-6A中,发现AsMT2b对酵母As抗性的提高贡献不大,但可明显提高酵母对Cd的抗性。 4.对AsMT2b的超表达拟南芥的重金属抗性分析表明,与野生型植株比较,转基因植株具有较强的Cd抗性,表现在Cd胁迫下,种子的萌发率较高,根较长,侧根数较多。但在As胁迫下,转基因植株的生长和野生型没有明显差异。可以看出,转AsMT2b的拟南芥对重金属的抗性不同于转AsMT2a的植株,前者的抗Cd性较强,而后者的抗As性较强。 5. Cd胁迫下,AsMT2b过表达拟南芥的Cd含量明显增加,平均比野生型对照植株增加70%,但各个株系的增加幅度不一致。 另外,我们还对CdCl2胁迫下,大蒜幼苗中镉的积累及氧化胁迫和抗氧化能力的变化进行了研究。结果表明在CdCl2 胁迫下,大多数Cd在根部积累,而只有少量的Cd积累于叶片中。5 mM 和10 mM CdCl2 抑制SOD和CAT的活性,但随着处理时间的延长,二者的活性回复到对照水平或高于对照。在CdCl2胁迫下,POD的活性明显增强,同时脂质过氧化产物积累。这些结果说明镉胁迫下,植物细胞中氧化胁迫加剧,而抗氧化酶活性的增强是植物对次生氧化胁迫的一种适应策略。 综上所述,在重金属胁迫下, AsPCS1和AsMT2a之间及AsMT2a和AsMT2b之间均表现出明显的协调反应。这种协调反应可能是植物维持细胞内离子稳态的机制之一。而重金属胁迫下,过表达AsPCS1,AsMT2a或AsPCS1+AsMT2a的拟南芥体内的重金属含量明显增加,表明这些基因可望用于重金属污染土壤的植物修复中。


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植物耐受和积累重金属的细胞学基础是植物细胞内存在一些能够络合和区隔化金属离子的机制。细胞中络合重金属离子最重要的小肽分子是谷胱甘肽(GSH)和植物络合素(PCs),而YCFⅠ基因编码的ABC-type 液泡膜转运蛋白负责将重金属离子及其与上述小肽形成的复合物转运进入细胞液泡中,即将重金属离子区隔化。植物细胞中合成GSH 和PCs 的关键酶分别是γ-谷氨酰氨半胱氨酸合成酶(GSHⅠ)和植物络合素合酶(PCS),他们的编码基因分别为GSHⅠ 和PCS 。此外定位于细胞质中的小囊泡上且对二价阳离子的吸收和转运有重要作用的SMF2 蛋白可能也参与重金属离子的区隔化过程。 为了改良植物使之能够应用于清除土壤中的重金属污染,本研究基于植物耐受和积累重金属的细胞学机制,分别将酿酒酵母来源的GSHⅠ、YCFⅠ和SMF2 基因,以及GSHⅠ、YCFⅠ基因分别与镉抗性植物大蒜来源的AsPCSⅠ 基因构建为不同的基因组合表达载体,转化模式植物拟南芥。对不同组合转基因拟南芥的功能分析表明: 1、酵母来源的基因GHSⅠ、YCFⅠ分别在拟南芥中异源超表达可以在一定程度上提高转基因拟南芥耐受、积累重金属的能力;其中GSHⅠ基因在拟南芥超表达可以提高转基因拟南芥合成GSH 的能力,转基因拟南芥细胞中GSH 浓度比野生型增加。 2、将GSHⅠ基因和来自大蒜的AsPCSⅠ基因同时在拟南芥中超表达能够显著提高转基因拟南芥耐受和积累重金属的能力,且积累和耐受能力显著高于分别转GSHⅠ或AsPCSⅠ的单价转基因株系;将YCFⅠ基因和AsPCSⅠ基因同时在拟南芥中超表达也能够显著提高转基因拟南芥耐受和积累重金属的能力,且积累和耐受能力显著高于分别转YCFⅠ或AsPCSⅠ的单价转基因株系。两种双价转基因株系GSHⅠ+AsPCSⅠ和YCFⅠ+AsPCSⅠ在积累和耐受不同重金属胁迫方面没有明显差别。 3、将SMF2 基因在拟南芥中异源表达,研究了植物中囊泡转运是否参与了重金属离子的吸收和区隔化过程。研究结果表明:超表达SMF2 基因的拟南芥尽管耐受重金属胁迫的能力与野生型没有明显差异,但其积累重金属的能力显著提高。这为证明植物中小囊泡转运参与重金属转运提供了间接证据。 综上所述,同时将多个参与植物对重金属络合、转运和区隔化作用的关键基因在转基因植物中表达可以提高植物耐受和积累重金属的能力,是培育可用于植物修复的新型工程植物的值得探索的途径。本论文所设计和构建的双价基因组合及其对目标植物的转化,在环境重金属污染的清除中有潜在的应用价值。


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Background Nitric oxide is released by immune, epithelial and endothelial cells, and plays an important part in the pathophysiology of asthma. Objective To investigate the association of inducible nitric oxide synthases (iNOS) gene repeat polymorphisms with asthma. Methods 230 families with asthma (842 individuals) were recruited to identify and establish the genetic association of iNOS repeats with asthma and associated phenotypes. Serum nitric oxide levels in selected individuals were measured and correlated with specific genotypes. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the effect of age and sex. Results A total of four repeats—a (CCTTT)n promoter repeat, a novel intron 2 (GT)n repeat (BV680047), an intron 4 (GT)n repeat (AFM311ZB1) and an intron 5 (CA)n repeat (D17S1878)—were identified and genotyped. A significant transmission distortion to the probands with asthma was seen for allele 3 of the AFM311ZB1 gene (p = 0.006). This allele was also found to be significantly associated with percentage blood eosinophils (p<0.001) and asthma severity (p = 0.04). Moreover, it was functionally correlated with high serum nitric oxide levels (p = 0.006). Similarly, the promoter repeat was found to be associated with serum total immunoglobulin (Ig)E (p = 0.028). Individuals carrying allele 4 of this repeat have high serum IgE (p<0.001) and nitric oxide levels (p = 0.03). Conclusion This is the first study to identify the repeat polymorphisms in the iNOS gene that are associated with severity of asthma and eosinophils. The functional relevance of the associated alleles with serum nitric oxide levels was also shown. Therefore, these results could be valuable in elucidating the role of nitric oxide in asthma pathogenesis.


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Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious problem in developing countries, affecting approximately 127 million children of preschool age and 7.2 million pregnant women each year. However, this deficiency is readily treated and prevented through adequate nutrition. This can potentially be achieved through genetically engineered biofortification of staple food crops to enhance provitamin A (pVA) carotenoid content. Bananas are the fourth most important food crop with an annual production of 100 million tonnes and are widely consumed in areas affected by VAD. However, the fruit pVA content of most widely consumed banana cultivars is low (~ 0.2 to 0.5 ìg/g dry weight). This includes cultivars such as the East African highland banana (EAHB), the staple crop in countries such as Uganda, where annual banana consumption is approximately 250 kg per person. This fact, in addition to the agronomic properties of staple banana cultivars such as vegetative reproduction and continuous cropping, make bananas an ideal target for pVA enhancement through genetic engineering. Interestingly, there are banana varieties known with high fruit pVA content (up to 27.8 ìg/g dry weight), although they are not widely consumed due to factors such as cultural preference and availability. The genes involved in carotenoid accumulation during banana fruit ripening have not been well studied and an understanding of the molecular basis for the differential capacity of bananas to accumulate carotenoids may impact on the effective production of genetically engineered high pVA bananas. The production of phytoene by the enzyme phytoene synthase (PSY) has been shown to be an important rate limiting determinant of pVA accumulation in crop systems such as maize and rice. Manipulation of this gene in rice has been used successfully to produce Golden Rice, which exhibits higher seed endosperm pVA levels than wild type plants. Therefore, it was hypothesised that differences between high and low pVA accumulating bananas could be due either to differences in PSY enzyme activity or factors regulating the expression of the psy gene. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to investigate the role of PSY in accumulation of pVA in banana fruit of representative high (Asupina) and low (Cavendish) pVA banana cultivars by comparing the nucleic acid and encoded amino acid sequences of the banana psy genes, in vivo enzyme activity of PSY in rice callus and expression of PSY through analysis of promoter activity and mRNA levels. Initially, partial sequences of the psy coding region from five banana cultivars were obtained using reverse transcriptase (RT)-PCR with degenerate primers designed to conserved amino acids in the coding region of available psy sequences from other plants. Based on phylogenetic analysis and comparison to maize psy sequences, it was found that in banana, psy occurs as a gene family of at least three members (psy1, psy2a and psy2b). Subsequent analysis of the complete coding regions of these genes from Asupina and Cavendish suggested that they were all capable of producing functional proteins due to high conservation in the catalytic domain. However, inability to obtain the complete mRNA sequences of Cavendish psy2a, and isolation of two non-functional Cavendish psy2a coding region variants, suggested that psy2a expression may be impaired in Cavendish. Sequence analysis indicated that these Cavendish psy2a coding region variants may have resulted from alternate splicing. Evidence of alternate splicing was also observed in one Asupina psy1 coding region variant, which was predicted to produce a functional PSY1 isoform. The complete mRNA sequence of the psy2b coding regions could not be isolated from either cultivar. Interestingly, psy1 was cloned predominantly from leaf while psy2 was obtained preferentially from fruit, suggesting some level of tissue-specific expression. The Asupina and Cavendish psy1 and psy2a coding regions were subsequently expressed in rice callus and the activity of the enzymes compared in vivo through visual observation and quantitative measurement of carotenoid accumulation. The maize B73 psy1 coding region was included as a positive control. After several weeks on selection, regenerating calli showed a range of colours from white to dark orange representing various levels of carotenoid accumulation. These results confirmed that the banana psy coding regions were all capable of producing functional enzymes. No statistically significant differences in levels of activity were observed between banana PSYs, suggesting that differences in PSY activity were not responsible for differences in the fruit pVA content of Asupina and Cavendish. The psy1 and psy2a promoter sequences were isolated from Asupina and Cavendish gDNA using a PCR-based genome walking strategy. Interestingly, three Cavendish psy2a promoter clones of different sizes, representing possible allelic variants, were identified while only single promoter sequences were obtained for the other Asupina and Cavendish psy genes. Bioinformatic analysis of these sequences identified motifs that were previously characterised in the Arabidopsis psy promoter. Notably, an ATCTA motif associated with basal expression in Arabidopsis was identified in all promoters with the exception of two of the Cavendish psy2a promoter clones (Cpsy2apr2 and Cpsy2apr3). G1 and G2 motifs, linked to light-regulated responses in Arabidopsis, appeared to be differentially distributed between psy1 and psy2a promoters. In the untranscribed regulatory regions, the G1 motifs were found only in psy1 promoters, while the G2 motifs were found only in psy2a. Interestingly, both ATCTA and G2 motifs were identified in the 5’ UTRs of Asupina and Cavendish psy1. Consistent with other monocot promoters, introns were present in the Asupina and Cavendish psy1 5’ UTRs, while none were observed in the psy2a 5’ UTRs. Promoters were cloned into expression constructs, driving the â-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene. Transient expression of the Asupina and Cavendish psy1 and psy2a promoters in both Cavendish embryogenic cells and Cavendish fruit demonstrated that all promoters were active, except Cpsy2apr2 and Cpsy2apr3. The functional Cavendish psy2a promoter (Cpsy2apr1) appeared to have activity similar to the Asupina psy2a promoter. The activities of the Asupina and Cavendish psy1 promoters were similar to each other, and comparable to those of the functional psy2a promoters. Semi-quantitative PCR analysis of Asupina and Cavendish psy1 and psy2a transcripts showed that psy2a levels were high in green fruit and decreased during ripening, reinforcing the hypothesis that fruit pVA levels were largely dependent on levels of psy2a expression. Additionally, semi-quantitative PCR using intron-spanning primers indicated that high levels of unprocessed psy2a and psy2b mRNA were present in the ripe fruit of Cavendish but not in Asupina. This raised the possibility that differences in intron processing may influence pVA accumulation in Asupina and Cavendish. In this study the role of PSY in banana pVA accumulation was analysed at a number of different levels. Both mRNA accumulation and promoter activity of psy genes studied were very similar between Asupina and Cavendish. However, in several experiments there was evidence of cryptic or alternate splicing that differed in Cavendish compared to Asupina, although these differences were not conclusively linked to the differences in fruit pVA accumulation between Asupina and Cavendish. Therefore, other carotenoid biosynthetic genes or regulatory mechanisms may be involved in determining pVA levels in these cultivars. This study has contributed to an increased understanding of the role of PSY in the production of pVA carotenoids in banana fruit, corroborating the importance of this enzyme in regulating carotenoid production. Ultimately, this work may serve to inform future research into pVA accumulation in important crop varieties such as the EAHB and the discovery of avenues to improve such crops through genetic modification.


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Carotenoids occur in all photosynthetic organisms where they protect photosystems from auto-oxidation, participate in photosynthetic energy-transfer and are secondary metabolites. Of the more than 600 known plant carotenoids, few can be converted into vitamin A by humans and so these pro-vitamin A carotenoids (pVAC) are important in human nutrition. Phytoene synthase (PSY) is a key enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of pVACs and plays a central role in regulating pVAC accumulation in the edible portion of crop plants. Bananas are a major commercial crop and serve as a staple crop for more than 30 million people. There is natural variation in fruit pVAC content across different banana cultivars, but this is not well understood. Therefore, we isolated PSY genes from banana cultivars with relatively high (cv. Asupina) and low (cv. Cavendish) pVAC content. We provide evidence that PSY in banana is encoded by two paralogs (PSY1 and PSY2), each with a similar gene structure to homologous genes in other monocots. Further, we demonstrate that PSY2 is more highly expressed in fruit pulp compared to leaf. Functional analysis of PSY1 and PSY2 in rice callus and E. coli demonstrate that both genes encode functional enzymes, and that Asupina PSYs have approximately twice the enzymatic activity of the corresponding Cavendish PSYs. These results suggest that differences in PSY enzyme activity contribute significantly to the differences in Asupina and Cavendish fruit pVAC content. Importantly, Asupina PSY genes could potentially be used to generate new cisgenic or intragenic banana cultivars with enhanced pVAC content.