816 resultados para physogastric queens


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Nas operárias das abelhas eussociais, regiões do epitélio tegumentar do abdome podem hipertrofiar-se e tornarem-se glandulares, sendo responsáveis pela produção de cera usada na contrução dos alvéolos de cria. Nos meliponíneos, epitélio com essas características também foi observado nas rainhas, porém sua função ainda continua desconhecida. Teria esse epitélio função homóloga nas operárias? As rainhas, além da função reprodutiva, desempenhariam funções na colônia até então consideradas exclusivas das operárias? Para tentar colaborar no esclarecimento dessas questões realizou-se um estudo histológico e ultra-estrutural das glândulas epiteliais tegumentares do terceiro tergito em rainhas virgens e fisogástricas de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille. Os resultados morfológicos mostraram que o epitélio glandular existe e é facilmente discernível no terceiro tergito das rainhas, sendo muito mais desenvolvido nas fisogástricas do que nas virgens. A ultra-estrutura mostrou que há diferenças no tipo de organização do retículo endoplasmático liso entre as rainhas, o que, juntamente com os resultados da histologia e morfometria, indicam poder haver diferenças funcionais desse epitélio entre elas. Como já observado na literatura, nas rainhas virgens tal epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de cera e confecção de alvéolos de cria, porém sua função nas rainhas fisogástricas é totalmente desconhecida. A hipótese lançada no presente estudo é de que esse epitélio pode estar envolvido na produção de feromônios que irão atuar nas interações sociais da rainha poedeira.


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The histological study of the exocrine glands in the swarming females showed the presence of tergal glands, mandibular glands, salivary glands and sternal glands. Tergal and sternal glands are not developed in the physogastric queens, probably, because of a regression process. The development of mandibular glands is similar in swarming females and physogastric queens.


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The aim of the present study was analyze, by histological and morphometrical studies, mandibular glands of Melipona bicolor queens collected from monogynic and polygynic colonies and compare their level of development. The results showed that the glands of physogastric queens from monogynic colony present a higher level of activity in relation to the queens of polygynic colonies; this is explained by the fact that just a unique queen controls the monogynic colony. In the polygynic colonies, the queens may divide such control to each other.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We describe differences in the chemical composition of the Dufour gland secretion of virgin and physogastric queens of Melipona bicolor through gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The Dufour gland secretion of virgin queens consists only of hydrocarbons, while that of physogastric queens contains, besides these, a variety of other compounds, such as isobutyrate and acetate esters. Such differences may indicate the queen fecundity condition and the oxygenated compounds of the physogastrics secretion may help to increase their attractiveness.


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Vitellogenin (Vg) is an egg yolk protein that is produced primarily in the fat body of most female insects. In the advanced social structure of eusocial honeybees, the presence of the queen inhibits egg maturation in the workers ovaries. However in the stingless bee Melipona quadrifasciata, the workers always develop ovaries and lay a certain amount of eggs while provisioning the brood cells with larval food during what is known as the worker nurse phase. The present work is a comparative study of the presence of Vg in homogenates of the fat bodies and ovaries of the nurse workers, and the virgin and physogastric queens of M. quadrifasciata. The presence of Vg was determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting using Apis mellifera anti-egg antibody. Vg was not detected in the fat bodies or ovaries of the workers, but it was found in the ovaries of virgin and physogastric queens and in the fat body of physogastric queens. The results are discussed, taking into account the reproductive state of the individuals and the other possible roles of Vg, such as a storage protein for metoabolism of other organs.


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A glândula de Dufour é uma glândula acessória do aparelho reprodutivo feminino das abelhas. Nas abelhas neotropicais sem ferrão, tem sido pouca estudada sob todos os aspectos: morfológico, ontogenético e bioquímico. Na tentativa de colaborar com o conhecimento dessa glândula em abelhas sem ferrão, foi realizado um estudo da sua ocorrência, morfologia e desenvolvimento em Scaptotrigona postica Latreille. Os resultados mostraram que ela se encontra ausente nas operárias, como ocorre em muitas outras espécies desse grupo. Nas rainhas, as células glandulares parecem mais ativas nas virgens, possuindo uma desenvolvida rede de retículo endoplasmático liso tubular, grânulos de secreção e polirribossomos dispersos no citoplasma, além de apresentarem núcleos maiores do que os das células glandulares das fisogástricas. Nas rainhas fisogástricas há dois tipos de células glandulares, ambas aparentemente inativas sinteticamente. As glândulas das rainhas fisogástricas são claramente capazes de captar substâncias da hemolinfa, provavelmente lipídios, que não penetram nas células, mas passam pelos espaços intercelulares e, através da cutícula, chegam diretamente à luz da glândula. A bem desenvolvida dupla camada de lâmina basal ao redor da glândula pode atuar no processo de captação de substâncias da hemolinfa. A secreção, e conseqüentemente sua função, pode ser diferente nas duas classes de rainhas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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As glândulas mandibulares de operárias recém-emergidas, nutridoras e campeiras, rainhas virgens e fisogástricas, e machos maduros de Scaptotrigona postica Latreille foram estudadas histológica e morfometricamente. Estas glândulas apresentam diferenças histológicas características para cada idade e/ou função do indivíduo. de acordo com a morfometria conclui-se que as glândulas mandibulares possuem um ciclo secretor determinado, no qual a secreção começa a ser produzida nas operárias recém-emergidas, e acumula-se no citoplasma e reservatório da glândula das operárias nutridoras. Nas operárias campeiras o citoplasma encontra-se bastante vacuolizado, o que foi interpretado como resultado da eliminação da secreção. Rainhas fisogástricas apresentaram as maiores áreas celulares e nucleares, ao oposto dos machos, os quais apresentaram as menores áreas.


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The mandibular gland in Melipona bicolor workers and queens was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. There is no difference in the gland anatomy between the castes, but the transmission electron microscopy showed variation of the cellular ultrastructure according to the secretory phase of the gland in both castes. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum was abundant in the secretory cells of physogastric queens, indicating that these cells produce lipid secretion that is stored in granules with multi-lamellar bodies. Mitochondrial variations during the cell secretory cycle indicates their participation in the lipid synthesis. After secretion, release in the reservoir lumen through the collecting canals, the secretory cells contain many myelinic bodies, indicative of cellular regression. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the present investigation we analyzed both histology and area of secretory cells from workers, virgin and physogastric queen mandibular glands of Melipona bicolor bicolor Lepeletier. The histological differences observed include the number of vacuoles present in the cell cytoplasm and the quantity and distribution of the secretion. The morphometry results demonstrated the occurrence of significative differences in the cell area values that were related to the secretory cell activity level, which is higher in the physogastric queens. Worker and queen glands have histological patterns quite similar, but the morphometric data indicated cast-specific differences, as well as differences between the queens, which were related to the posture activity.


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The mandibular gland secretions of newly emerged, nurse and forager workers, virgin and physogastric queens and males of Melipona bicolor were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The secretion is composed of a blend of hydrocarbons, alcohols, esters, and acids. The secretion is caste-sex specific and also differs with the tasks performed by the workers and the physiological reproductive condition of the queens.


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The yolk protein precursor, vitellogenin (Vg), in bees is synthesized in the fat body trophocytes, delivered to the hemolymph and ultimately absorbed from there during the vitellogenic phase of oocytes in the active ovary. The routes tracing the material exchange that occurs between the trophocytes and the hemolymph, in addition to the transportation from the hemolymph to the ovarian follicles, were marked by alkaline phosphatase and lanthanum nitrate (LN). Active ovaries from nurse workers and physogastric queens, as well as inactive ovaries of virgin queens, were examined by transmission electron microscopy. The LN permitted better visualization of the routes of exchanges between the organs and the hemolymph. Both methods demonstrate the apparent differences between the phases of the ovary and the bee caste. In inactive ovaries of the virgin queens, the routes from the follicular epithelium to the oocyte remain closed; conversely, they are open in active ovaries of the nurse workers and physogastric queens. The differences between the methods and classes of bees are discussed. © The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of The Japanese Society of Microscopy]. All rights reserved.