992 resultados para physical-chemical analysis
Disfunções envolvendo o sistema nervoso são de grande importância na Medicina Veterinária, pois tratam-se de enfermidades de elevada incidência e com poucos subsídios auxiliares no seu diagnóstico, prognóstico e na avaliação de terapias empregadas. Ainda hoje, o diagnóstico baseia-se, em grande parte, no histórico e no exame clínico neurológico. Dessa forma, a análise dos constituintes do fluido cefalorraquidiano torna-se uma das poucas alternativas de acesso clínico ao sistema nervoso central (SNC). Mesmo com a grande utilidade do exame físico-químico e citoscópico do liquor na neurologia veterinária, poucos são os estudos sobre a estabilidade dos seus constituintes sob estocagem. Dessa forma, o presente trabalho teve como finalidade verificar a influência da temperatura e do tempo de conservação nas características físico-químicas do liquor de cães hígidos. Para tanto, foram coletadas amostras de LCR, através da punção da cisterna cerebelo-medular de cães clinicamente sadios, as quais foram submetidas à análise da densidade específica, do pH, da glicorraquia, das proteínas totais e das atividades das enzimas creatina quinase (CK) e aspartato aminotransferase (AST), após conservá-las em diferentes temperaturas (25°C, 4°C e -4°C) e por diferentes períodos de tempo (logo após a colheita, 24 horas, 48 horas, uma semana e um mês). Dentre os resultados obtidos, foi possível verificar, principalmente, que houve estabilidade dos parâmetros estudados por até um mês de estocagem nas amostras mantidas sob a temperaturas de congelamento de -4°C.
X-ray computed tomography (CT) refers to the cross-sectional imaging of an object measuring the transmitted radiation at different directions. In this work, we describe the development of a low cost micro-CT X-ray scanner that is being developed for nondestructive testing. This tomograph operates using a microfocus X-ray source and contains a silicon photodiode as detectors. The performance of the system, by its spatial resolution, has been estimated through its Modulation Transfer Function - MTF and the obtained value at 10% of MTF is 661 μm. It was built as a general purpose nondestructive testing device. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
Steam reforming is the most usual method of hydrogen production due to its high production efficiency and technological maturity the use of ethanol for this purpose is an interesting option because it is a renewable and environmentally friendly fuel. The objective of this article is to present the physical-chemical, thermodynamic, and exergetic analysis of a steam reformer of ethanol, in order to produce 0.7 Nm(3)/h of hydrogen as feedstock of a 1 kW PEMFC the global reaction of ethanol is considered. Superheated ethanol reacts with steam at high temperatures producing hydrogen and carbon dioxide, depending strongly on the thermodynamic conditions of reforming, as well as on the technical features of the reformer system and catalysts. The thermodynamic analysis shows the feasibility of this reaction in temperatures about 206 degrees C. Below this temperature, the reaction trends to the reactants. The advance degree increases with temperature and decreases with pressure. Optimal temperatures range between 600 and 700 degrees C. However, when the temperature attains 700 degrees C, the reaction stability occurs, that is, the hydrogen production attains the limit. For temperatures above 700 degrees C, the heat use is very high, involving high costs of production due to the higher volume of fuel or electricity used. The optimal pressure is 1 atm., e.g., at atmospheric pressure. The exergetic analysis shows that the lower irreversibility is attained for lower pressures. However the temperature changes do not affect significantly the irreversibilities. This analysis shows that the best thermodynamic conditions for steam reforming of ethanol are the same conditions suggested in the physical-chemical analysis.
The steam reforming is one of most utilized process of hydrogen production because of its high production efficiencies and its technological maturity. The use of ethanol for this purpose is a interesting option because this is a renewable and less environmentally offensive fuel. The objective of this study is evaluate the physical-chemical, thermodynamic and environmental analyses of steam reforming of ethanol. whose objective is to produce 0.7 Nm3/h of hydrogen to be used by a PEMFC of l kW. In this physical-chemical analysis, a global reaction of ethanol was considered. That is, the superheated ethanol and steam, at high temperatures, react to produce hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Beyond it's the simplest form to study the steam reforming of ethanol to hydrogen production, it's the case where occurs the highest production of hydrogen (the product to be used by fuel cells) and carbon dioxide, to be eliminated. But this reaction isn't real and depends greatly on the thermodynamic conditions of reforming, technical features of reformer system and catalysts. Other products generally formed (but not investigated in this study) are methane, carbon monoxide, among others. It was observed that the products is commonly produced in the moment when the reaction attains temperatures about 206°C (below this temperature, the reaction trend to the reaetants, that is, from hydrogen and carbon dioxide to steam and ethanol) and the advance degree of this reaction increases when the temperature of reaction also increases and when its pressure decreases. It's suggested reactions at about 600°C or higher. However, when the temperature attains 700°C, the stability of this reaction is occurred, that is, the production of reaction productions attains to the limit, that is the highest possible production. In temperatures above 700°C, the use of energy is very high for produce more products, having higher costs of production that the suggested temperature. The indicated pressure is 1 atm., a value that allows a desirable economy of energy that would also be used for pressurization or depressurization of steam reformer. In exergetic analysis, it's seem that the lower irreversibililies occur when the pressure of reactions are lower. However, the temperature changes don't affect significantly the irreversibilites. Utilizing the obtained results from this analysis, it was concluded that the best thermodynamic conditions for steam reforming of ethanol is the same conditions suggested in the physical-chemical analysis. The exergetic and first law efficiencies are high on the thermodynamie conditions studied.
This data on the distribution of the accumulation rate and 18O content of near-surface layers in the eastern part of the Ronne Ice Shelf, Antarctica, were derived from an analysis of 16 firn cores. The firn cores were drilled along the traverse route of the Filchner-V-Campaign in 1995. The traverse followed an ice flowline of the Foundation Ice Stream and reached the margin of the inland ice, an area which has not yet been investigated. On the ice shelf the accumulation rates decrease with distance from the coast. Ascending to the inland ice the accumulation rates again reach almost coastal values. This regional distribution is in agreement with the temperature gradient along the traverse. The 18O content of the near-surface layers is closely related to the 10 m firn temperature. They strongly decrease from the grounding line towards the inland ice. At the southernmost site at 1100 m a.s.l., the mean d18O value of the firn decreases to -40?. Ice with that isotopic signature was found in cores from the central part of the Ronne Ice Shelf just above the marine ice layer, indicating that it originates from this area. All ice deposited as snow further south was melted beneath the ice shelf after passing the grounding-line area. The time series of accumulation rate and 18O content reveal no climatic trend during the last 30-50 years.
Around ten years ago investigation of technical and material construction in Ancient Roma has advanced in favour to obtain positive results. This process has been directed to obtaining some dates based in chemical composition, also action and reaction of materials against meteorological assaults or post depositional displacements. Plenty of these dates should be interpreted as a result of deterioration and damage in concrete material made in one landscape with some kind of meteorological characteristics. Concrete mixture like calcium and gypsum mortars should be analysed in laboratory test programs, and not only with descriptions based in reference books of Strabo, Pliny the Elder or Vitruvius. Roman manufacture was determined by weather condition, landscape, natural resources and of course, economic situation of the owner. In any case we must research the work in every facts of construction. On the one hand, thanks to chemical techniques like X-ray diffraction and Optical microscopy, we could know the granular disposition of mixture. On the other hand if we develop physical and mechanical techniques like compressive strength, capillary absorption on contact or water behaviour, we could know the reactions in binder and aggregates against weather effects. However we must be capable of interpret these results. Last year many analyses developed in archaeological sites in Spain has contributed to obtain different point of view, so has provide new dates to manage one method to continue the investigation of roman mortars. If we developed chemical and physical analysis in roman mortars at the same time, and we are capable to interpret the construction and the resources used, we achieve to understand the process of construction, the date and also the way of restoration in future.
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical, color, textural, and sensorial characteristics of Serra da Estrela cheese and also to identity the factors affecting these properties, namely thistle ecotype, place of production, dairy and maturation. The results demon- strated that the cheeses lost weight mostly during the first stage of maturation, which was negatively correlated with moisture content, being this also observed for fat and protein contents. During maturation the cheeses became darker and with a yellowish coloration. A strong corre- lation was found between ash and chlorides contents, being the last directly related to the added salt in the manufacturing process. The flesh firmness showed a strong positive correlation with the rind harness and the firmness of inner paste. Stickiness was strongly related with all the other textural properties being indicative of the creamy nature of the paste. Adhesiveness was posi- tively correlated with moisture content and negatively correlated with maturation time. The trained panelists liked the cheeses, giving high overall assessment scores, but these were not significantly correlated with the physicochemical properties. The salt differences between cheeses were not evident for the panelists, which was corroborated by the absence of correlation between the perception of saltiness and the analyzed chlorides con- tents. The Factorial Analysis of the chemical and physical properties evidenced that they could be explained by two factors, one associated to the texture and the color and the other associated with the chemical properties. Finally, there was a clear influence of the thistle ecotype, place of production and dairy factors in the analyzed properties.
Despite the development of improved performance test protocols by renowned researchers, there are still road networks which experience premature cracking and failure. One area of major concern in asphalt science and technology, especially in cold regions in Canada is thermal (low temperature) cracking. Usually right after winter periods, severe cracks are seen on poorly designed road networks. Quality assurance tests based on improved asphalt performance protocols have been implemented by government agencies to ensure that roads being constructed are at the required standard but asphalt binders that pass these quality assurance tests still crack prematurely. While it would be easy to question the competence of the quality assurance test protocols, it should be noted that performance tests which are being used and were repeated in this study, namely the extended bending beam rheometer (EBBR) test, double edge-notched tension test (DENT), dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) test and X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis have all been verified and proven to successfully predict asphalt pavement behaviour in the field. Hence this study looked to probe and test the quality and authenticity of the asphalt binders being used for road paving. This study covered thermal cracking and physical hardening phenomenon by comparing results from testing asphalt binder samples obtained from the storage ‘tank’ prior to paving (tank samples) and recovered samples for the same contracts with aim of explaining why asphalt binders that have passed quality assurance tests are still prone to fail prematurely. The study also attempted to find out if the short testing time and automated procedure of torsion bar experiments can replace the established but tedious procedure of the EBBR. In the end, it was discovered that significant differences in performance and composition exist between tank and recovered samples for the same contracts. Torsion bar experimental data also indicated some promise in predicting physical hardening.
Minimal pasteurization of orange juice (OJ) consists of using minimum holding time and temperature to ensure partial inactivation of pectin methylesterase (PME). This process produces juice with preserved sensory attributes and has a better acceptance by consumers when compared with commercially pasteurized OJ. Sensory profile and physical-chemical characteristics of minimally processed OJ was determined, during refrigerated storage, for two OJ blends with different pH values and the same level of PME thermal inactivation. A selected and trained sensorial panel (n = 16) performed sensory analysis, based on a quantitative descriptive analysis, twice a week for 30 days, evaluating the attributes of appearance (suspended particles and color intensity), odor (natural orange and fermented orange) and flavor (orange characteristic, fermented orange, acid and bitter taste). Storage presented great effect on OJ sensory profile; however, it was not noticeable on physical-chemical characteristics.
Isotretinoin is the drug of choice for the management of severe recalcitrant nodular acne. Nevertheless, some of its physical-chemical properties are still poorly known. Hence, the aim of our study consisted to comparatively evaluate the particle size distribution (PSD) and characterize the thermal behavior of the three encapsulated isotretinoin products in oil suspension (one reference and two generics) commercialized in Brazil. Here, we show that the PSD, estimated by laser diffraction and by polarized light microscopy, differed between the generics and the reference product. However, the thermal behavior of the three products, determined by thermogravimetry (TGA), differential thermal (DTA) analyses and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), displayed no significant changes and were more thermostable than the isotretinoin standard used as internal control. Thus, our study suggests that PSD analyses in isotretinoin lipid-based formulations should be routinely performed in order to improve their quality and bioavailability. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Existing data about the aroma of fresh-cut watermelon and the metabolic changes that occur with minimal processing are scarce. Given the close relationship that exists between aroma, texture, and quality characteristics, it is necessary to investigate the changes in the volatile profile and texture of watermelon, a fruit extensively sold in supermarket chains throughout Brazil. The objective of this work was to analyze the volatile profile using solid phase microextraction (SPME) as well as texture changes in fresh-cut watermelon stored at 5 °C for ten days. Chromatography associated with sensory analysis (sniffing) led us to conclude that 9-carbon (C9) alcohols and aldehydes are the major responsible for the flavor and aroma of minimally processed watermelon stored at 5 ± 1 °C/90 ± 5% RH for ten days, and also that the aroma diminishes in intensity with storage, but it does not affect the final quality of the product. It was noted that the amount of drained liquid, soluble pectin, and weight loss increased during storage concurrently with a reduction in firmness and a structural breakdown of the cells. Pectin methyl esterase activity remained constant and polygalacturonase activity was not detected.