949 resultados para physical and mechanical properties


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The work reports the preparation of fly ash cenospheres bearing polymer composites, using various polymer matrix materials namely, low density polyethylene, high density polyethylene, polystyrene and polymethylmethacrylate followed by evaluation of properties. The composites are synthesized by including about 18% by weight fly ash cenospheres, into various polymer matrices using brabender facility in the temperature range 120-160 degrees C and at a mixing pressure of 50 MPa. Subsequently, they are cast into sheets through compression moulding. The test samples, made from the sheets, are characterized for physical as well as mechanical properties such as density, hardness, compression strength, impact response, wear and friction. The investigation reveals that the addition of fly ash cenospheres to various polymer matrices results in reduction of density. Further, improvements in the slide wear resistance and decrease in the co-efficient of friction values are noticed. As for interpreting the slide wear data, recourse to examination under scanning electron microscope is made in this paper. As regards the mechanical properties, hardness increases while the compression strength and impact energy decreases with inclusion of cenospheres in all the four types of samples investigated.


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The influence of polypropylene fibers has been studied in different proportioning and fiber aspect ratios to improve physical and mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concretes. Fibers are used in two different lengths (12 mm and 19 mm) and proportions (0.1% and 0.3%) in concrete mixture design. Hardened concrete properties, such as 7- and 28-day compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, flexural strength, water and air absorption, and restrained shrinkage cracking were evaluated.

No statistically significant effects were observed for polypropylene fibers on the compressive strength of concrete, while toughness indexes, splitting tensile and flexural strength and durability parameters showed an increase in the presence of polypropylene fibers. Increased fiber availability (fiber aspect ratio) in the concrete matrix, in addition to the ability of longer polypropylene fibers to bridge on the micro cracks, are suggested as the reasons for the enhancement in mechanical properties. Finally, crack width in fiber-reinforced concrete is calculated analytically with fiber property variables (fiber type, length, diameter and proportion). Results are compared with experimental values and concluded that with an increase in fiber length and/or decrease in fiber diameter crack width, decrease significantly.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Argilas de interesse da indústria de cerâmica estrutural foram caracterizadas. Algumas propriedades físicas de diversas massas cerâmicas, preparadas a partir de material coletado em depósitos artificiais, também foram analisadas. Todas as massas investigadas exibem alta concentração de componentes finos (< 2 mim) e considerável grau de plasticidade, o que é compatível com a presença de elevado teor de argilominerais. Corpos de prova cerâmicos foram preparados por prensagem a seco e queimados em temperaturas ao redor de 855 °C. Os parâmetros resistência mecânica à flexão, retração linear, absorção de água, cor aparente e perda de peso foram medidos. Como resultado, as aplicações industriais destas matérias primas foram analisadas e revistas, bem como novas aplicações foram propostas.


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The compaction rate, the relation between the density of the wood panel and the density of the wood used for producing the particles, is an indicator of the product's densification. Among the various types of wood panels, particleboards are widely employed in the lumber industry, mainly for the furniture production. This paper presents a study of the relation between the compaction rate and the properties of tensile strength perpendicular to surface, Modulus of Rupture (MOR) and Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) obtained from a static bending test, thickness swelling and water absorption (2 and 24 hours). These properties were calculated according to the Brazilian ABNT, NBR 14810 standard. Particleboards were produced using the species Pinus elliotti and adhesive ureaformaldehyde. The relation was established by a multiple linear regression, and the most appropriate statistical models were determined. The estimated models indicate statistically significant effects of water absorption in 2 hours and MOR in the particleboards' compaction rate.


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This study evaluated the effect of microwave energy on the hardness, impact strength and flexural strength of the Clássico, Onda-Cryl and QC-20 acrylic resins. Aluminum die were embedded in metallic or plastic flasks with type III dental stone, in accordance with the traditional packing technique. A mixing powder/liquid ratio was used according to the manufacturer's instructions. After polymerization in water batch at 74°C for 9 h, boiling water for 20 min or microwave energy at 900 W for 10 min, the specimens were deflasked after flask cooling at room temperature, and submitted to finishing. Specimens non-disinfected and disinfected by microwave irradiation were submitted to hardness, impact and flexural strength tests. Each specimen was immersed in distilled water and disinfected in a microwave oven calibrated to 650 W for 3 min. Knoop hardness test was performed with 25 g load for 10 s, impact test was carried out using the Charpy system with 40 kpcm, and 3-point bending test with a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min until fracture. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by ANOVA and Tukey's test (α=0.05). Disinfection by microwave energy decreased the hardness of Clássico and Onda-Cryl acrylic resins, but no effect was observed on the impact and flexural strength of all tested resins.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the density, density profile, water swelling and absorption, modulus of elasticity and rupture from static bending, and tensile strength of experimental medium-density fiberboards manufactured using Dendrocalamus giganteus (Munro bamboo). The fiber production was carried out through the chemo-thermo-mechanical pulping process with four different conditions. The panels were made with 10% urea formaldehyde resin based on dry weight of the fibers, 2.5% of a catalyzer (ammonium sulfate) and 2% paraffin. The results indicate that treatments with the highest alkali (NaOH) percentage, time and splinter heating temperature improved the physical properties of the panels. The root-fiber interface was evaluated through scanning electron microscopy in fracture zones, which revealed fibers with thick, inflexible walls. The panels' mechanical properties were affected due to the fiber wall characteristics and interaction with resin. Giant bamboo fiber has potential for MDF production, but other studies should be carried out.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work discusses the results from tests which were performed in order to study the effect of high temperatures in the physical and mechanical properties of a calcarenite (San Julian's stone). Samples, previously heated at different temperatures (from 105 °C to 600 °C), were tested. Non-destructive tests (porosity and ultrasonic wave propagation) and destructive tests (uniaxial compressive strength and slake durability test) were performed over available samples. Furthermore, the tests were carried out under different conditions (i.e. air-cooled and water-cooled) in order to study the effect of the fire off method. The results show that uniaxial compressive strength and elastic parameters (i.e. elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio), decrease as the temperature increases for the tested range of temperatures. A reduction of the uniaxial compressive strength up to 35% and 50% is observed in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively when the samples are heated to 600 °C. Regarding the Young's modulus, a fall over 75% and 78% in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively is observed. Poisson's ratio also declines up to 44% and 68% with the temperature in air-cooled and water-cooled samples respectively. Slake durability index also exhibits a reduction with temperature. Other physical properties, closely related with the mechanical properties of the stone, are porosity, attenuation and propagation velocity of ultrasonic waves in the material. All exhibit considerable changes with temperature.


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Transglutaminases have the ability to incorporate primary amines and to graft peptides (containing glutamine or lysine residues) into proteins. These properties enable transglutaminases to be used in the grafting of a range of compounds including peptides and/or proteins onto wool fibres, altering their functionality. In this paper we investigated the transglutaminase mediated grafting of silk proteins into wool and its effect on wool properties. A commercial hydrolysed silk preparation was compared with silk sericin. The silk sericin protein was labelled with a fluorescent probe which was used to demonstrate the efficiency of the TGase grafting of such proteins into wool fibres. The TGase mediated grafting of these proteins led to a significant effect on the properties of wool yarn and fabric, resulting in increased bursting strength, as well as reduced levels of felting shrinkage and improved fabric softness. Also observed was an accumulation of deposits on the surface of the treated wool fibres when monitored by SEM and alterations in the thermal behaviour of the modified fibres, in particular for mTGase/sericin treated fibres which, with the confocal studies, corroborate the physical changes observed on the treated wool fabric. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hollow sphere metallic foams are a new class of cellular material that possesses the attractive advantages of uniform cell size distribution and regular cell shape. These result in more predictable physical and mechanical properties than those of cellular materials with a random cell size distribution and irregular cell shapes. In the present study, single aluminum hollow spheres with three kinds of sphere wall thickness as 0.1 mm, 0.3 mm and 0.5 mm were processed by a new pressing method. Hollow sphere aluminum foam samples were prepared by bonding together single hollow spheres with simple cubic packing (SC) and body-centered cubic packing (BCC). Compressive tests were carried out to evaluate the deformation behaviors and mechanical properties of the hollow sphere aluminum foams. Effects of the sphere wall thickness and packing style on the mechanical properties were investigated.


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Following the success achieved in previous research projects usin non-destructive methods to estimate the physical and mechanical aging of particle and fibre boards, this paper studies the relationships between aging, physical and mechanical changes, using non-destructive measurements of oriented strand board (OSB). 184 pieces of OSB board from a French source were tested to analyze its actual physical and mechanical properties. The same properties were estimated using acoustic non-destructive methods (ultrasound and stress wave velocity) during a physical laboratory aging test. Measurements were recorded of propagation wave velocity with the sensors aligned, edge to edge, and forming an angle of 45 degrees, with both sensors on the same face of the board. This is because aligned measures are not possible on site. The velocity results are always higher in 45 degree measurements. Given the results of statistical analysis, it can be concluded that there is a strong relationship between acoustic measurements and the decline in physical and mechanical properties of the panels due to aging. The authors propose several models to estimate the physical and mechanical properties of board, as well as their degree of aging. The best results are obtained using ultrasound, although the difference in comparison with the stress wave method is not very significant. A reliable prediction of the degree of deterioration (aging) of board is presented.


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In this work, particleboards manufactured with Oceanic Posidonia waste and bonded with cement are investigated. The particleboards are made with 3/1.5/0.5 parts of cement per part of Posidonia waste. The physical properties of bulk density, swelling, surface absorption, and dimensional changes due to relative humidity as well as the mechanical properties of modulus of elasticity, bending strength, surface soundness, perpendicular tensile strength and impact resistance are studied. In terms of the above properties, the best results were obtained for particleboards with high cement content and when the waste “leaves” are treated (crushed) before board fabrication, due to internal changes to the board structure under these conditions. Based on the results of fire tests, the particleboard is non-flammable without any fire-resistant treatment.