993 resultados para physical activation


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O desenvolvimento de materiais de carbono continua a ser, na atualidade, uma das áreas de grande interesse junto das comunidades científica e industrial [1]. Especial atenção é dada à valorização de resíduos da indústria, de baixo valor económico, tentando desta forma resolver problemas de gestão de grandes quantidades de desperdícios [2]. De especial relevo destacamos os resíduos potencialmente perigosos, segundo os dados da FAO – Food and Agriculture Organization das Nações Unidas [3]. O desenvolvimento de novos materiais para a indústria do mobiliário, substitutos da madeira, tem gerado uma enorme diversidade de produtos mas também de resíduos. Os mais comuns no mercado são os materiais compósitos, entre eles o PB – ParticleBoard e o MDF – Medium Density Fibreboard, os quais registam um aumento de consumo na Europa de 1,3% e 4,3%, respetivamente, mesmo em período de crise económica como a que estamos a atravessar [3]. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do potencial destes resíduos para a produção de carvões ativados (CA) em formas monolíticas, gerando um produto com um elevado valor acrescentado e com características inovadoras para a posterior aplicação em processos de adsorção.


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There is growing evidence indicating a positive effect of acute physical activity on cognitive performance in children. Most of the evidence originates, however, from studies in highly controlled laboratory settings. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the same effects can be found in more real-world settings. We examined the effects of qualitatively different acute physical activity interventions on the three core dimensions of executive functions (updating, inhibition, shifting). In an experimental between-subject design, 219 ten to twelve year-olds were assigned to one of four conditions which varied systematically in physical activation and cognitive engagement. Executive functions were measured before and immediately after the intervention. Contrary to the hypothesis, no effects of acute physical activity with and without cognitive engagement were found on executive functions in the overall sample. Only children with higher fitness and/or higher academic achievement benefitted from the interventions in terms of their updating performance. Thus, the results indicate that it may be more difficult to attain positive effects through acute physical activity in real-world settings than in laboratory settings and that physiological and cognitive requirements may have to be adjusted to individual capacity to make an intervention effective.


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Spherical carbons have been prepared through hydrothermal treatment of three carbohydrates (glucose, saccharose and cellulose). Preparation variables such as treatment time, treatment temperature and concentration of carbohydrate have been analyzed to obtain spherical carbons. These spherical carbons can be prepared with particle sizes larger than 10 μm, especially from saccharose, and have subsequently been activated using different activation processes (H3PO4, NaOH, KOH or physical activation with CO2) to develop their textural properties. All these spherical carbons maintained their spherical morphology after the activation process, except when KOH/carbon ratios higher than 4/1 were used, which caused partial destruction of the spheres. The spherical activated carbons develop interesting textural properties with the four activating agents employed, reaching surface areas up to 3100 m2/g. Comparison of spherical activated carbons obtained with the different activating agents, taking into account the yields obtained after the activation process, shows that phosphoric acid activation produces spherical activated carbons with higher developed surface areas. Also, the spherical activated carbons present different oxygen groups’ content depending on the activating agent employed (higher surface oxygen groups content for chemical activation than for physical activation).


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As aparas de wet-blue e de wet-white constituem um resíduo sólido da indústria de curtumes com um elevado teor em carbono, tornando relevante a sua utilização na preparação de materiais de interesse tecnológico. Este trabalho teve como objectivo a preparação de carvões activados a partir de resíduos da indústria de curtumes. Os métodos de activação utilizados para a preparação dos carvões activados foram a activação física com dióxido de carbono e activação química com hidróxido de potássio. A carbonização dos resíduos foi estudada na gama de temperaturas de 500 ºC a 800 ºC, verificando-se que a sua carbonização se pode considerar completa para a temperatura de 800 ºC. Na activação física os precursores foram previamente carbonizados sob uma atmosfera inerte a 800 ºC e posteriormente activados a 940 ºC usando o CO2 como agente activante. Na etapa de activação variou-se o tempo de activação (20, 40 e 60 minutos) de modo a estudar a influência do grau de queima nas propriedades texturais dos carvões activados. O carvão activado obtido pelo método de activação física com maior área superficial específica foi o carvão preparado a partir do resíduo de wet-blue para um tempo de activação de 40 minutos e grau de queima de 23 % (SBET = 152 m2/g). Para a activação química, procedeu-se à impregnação dos precursores com KOH usando razões mássicas de impregnação KOH:precursor de 0,5:1, 1:1 e 3:1. A impregnação foi efectuada directamente nos resíduos de wet-blue e de wet-white e nos resíduos de wet-blue e de wet-white carbonizados. A activação foi efectuada a 940 ºC sob uma atmosfera inerte, com uma velocidade de aquecimento de 5 ºC/min, e um tempo de activação de 1 hora. No caso da série de carvões activados obtidos por impregnação do precursor, o carvão que exibe melhores propriedades texturais é o carvão activado preparado por impregnação na razão de 1:1 a partir do resíduo de wet-blue (SBET = 1696 m2/g). Na série de carvões activados preparados por impregnação do precursor carbonizado, o carvão com melhores propriedades texturais é o carvão proveniente da impregnação do carbonizado do resíduo de wet-blue na razão de 3:1 (SBET = 1507 m2/g). Os carvões activados obtidos por este método de activação são essencialmente microporosos e com elevada área superficial específica. Testes de adsorção preliminares mostram que estes carvões activados têm um bom desempenho para a remoção de cor de efluentes da indústria de curtumes. Concluiu-se que por activação química com KOH dos resíduos de wet-blue e wet-white se obtêm carvões activados com boas propriedades texturais, elevadas áreas superficiais específicas e elevado volume de microporos, quando comparadas com as dos carvões activados resultantes da activação física. Deste modo, chegou-se à conclusão que ambos os resíduos são bons precursores para a produção de carvão activado, mais propriamente recorrendo à activação química, reduzindo assim o volume de resíduos da indústria de curtumes destinados ao aterro.


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Kevlar [poly (p-phenilylene terephtalamide)], was used as a precursor in the preparation of activated carbon fibers. For this intention, physical and chemical activations were carried out. Activated fibers were physically prepared from the carbonization of the Kevlar and its later activation with CO2 and steam of water, by the other hand; the chemically activated fibers were obtained by means of the impregnation of the material with phosphoric acid and their later carbonization. Different conditions were used and preliminary analyses of the precursor were taken into account (TGA-DTA / IR). The resulting fibers were characterized by N2 (77K) adsorption, infrared spectroscopy, SEM, and immersion calorimetry. Yields and Burn off were also evaluated. The results shows that if you want to synthesize activated carbon fibers from Kevlar strong conditions respect to the commonly used such as water steam, high phosphoric acid concentrations and methods of impregnation are the ones who allows the development of optimal surface areas and pore volumes.


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El aumento de la cantidad de lodos y las dificultades inherentes a su aplicación agrícola y/o disposición en vertederos, hace necesario encontrar nuevas alternativas para su gestión. A nivel europeo, hoy en día se tiende hacia la aplicación de tratamientos térmicos (incineración, pirólisis y gasificación) que permiten una valoración energética de los lodos, si bien generan un residuo sólido que sigue siendo necesario gestionar. El problema medioambiental provocado por (malos) olores resulta difícil de abordar de una manera genérica, teniendo en consideración la propia naturaleza del olor y sus posibles causas. Los olores en las EDARs son provocados básicamente por la degradación de la materia orgánica en condiciones anaeróbicas y se detectan en todas las operaciones unitarias en diferentes niveles de concentración. Esta tesis incidiendo en ambos aspectos, tiene por objeto investigar la valorización de lodos como materiales precursores de adsorbentes/ catalizadores para la eliminación de olores en el entorno de las EDARs, maximizando la reutilización de los lodos. Para la realización de los experimentos se han seleccionado lodos procedentes de tres EDARs situadas en la región de Girona (SC, SB, SL) que difieren en cuanto al tratamiento de los lodos. Ambas muestras han sido caracterizadas con el fin de determinar las diferencias más importantes en los lodos de partida. Los parámetros de caracterización incluyen el análisis de composición química (análisis elemental e inmediato, determinación contenido en cenizas, medida pH, DRX, FT-IR, SEM / EDX) así como análisis de superficie (adsorción de N2 y CO2). En primer lugar los lodos caracterizados han sido sometidos a diferentes tratamientos térmicos de gasificación y pirólisis y los adsorbentes/ catalizadores obtenidos se han probado como adsorbentes para la eliminación de H2S. Como consecuencia de este estudio, se ha desechado el uso de uno de lodos (SC) puesto que se obtenían resultados muy similares a (SB), a continuación el estudio se centró en el lodo de SL. Con este objetivo se han preparado 12 muestras 6 de ellas pirolizadas y 6 gasificadas en el rango de temperaturas que comprende 600-1100 ºC. Posteriormente las muestras han sido caracterizadas y se ha determinado la capacidad de eliminación (x/M) del H2S. Los resultados muestran que hemos sido capaces de obtener unos materiales que si bien, presentan un bajo desarrollo de porosidad dan lugar a valores de capacidades de eliminación elevados y comparables a carbones y materiales adsorbentes comerciales (Centaur, Sorbalit). Las elevadas eficiencias de eliminación se atribuyen básicamente a la presencia de especies catalíticamente activas tales como los óxidos mixtos de calcio y hierro determinados por DRX en las muestras tratadas térmicamente. El segundo bloque de resultados se centra la mejora de las propiedades texturales de estos materiales adsorbentes. Con este objetivo se llevaron acabo procesos de activación física con CO2 y química con H3PO4 e hidróxidos alcalinos (NaOH y KOH), que hasta el momento no se había probado con este tipo de precursores. Los resultados indican que la activación física (CO2) y química (H3PO4) no son unos buenos métodos para la obtención de adsorbentes altamente porosos con este tipo de materia prima bajo las condiciones probadas, sin embargo la activación con hidróxidos alcalinos da lugar a materiales adsorbentes con superficies específicas de hasta 1600 m2g-1. En el caso de la activación con hidróxidos, tanto el incremento de la relación agente activante/ precursor como el incremento de la temperatura producen un descenso del rendimiento, al mismo tiempo que incrementan el valor de SBET. Los materiales resultantes de la activación con hidróxidos alcalinos se han probado como adsorbentes/ catalizadores para la eliminación de H2S. Los resultados indican que un incremento del área superficial no es indicativo de un aumento de la capacidad de eliminación dada la naturaleza ácida de estos materiales obtenidos. Con el fin de contrarrestar el efecto ácido de estos materiales se han realizado los mismos ensayos añadiendo NaOH al lecho de reacción llegando a valores de x/M de hasta 450 mgg-1. Posteriormente también se han realizado ensayos de eliminación de NH3 con algunas de estas muestras, y los resultados obtenidos de x/M son del orden de carbones activados comerciales. Los materiales adsorbentes obtenidos tras la activación con hidróxidos alcalinos se convierten en materiales muy atractivos para ser utilizados como adsorbentes/ catalizadores de múltiples contaminantes (COVs, Hg...).


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Amorphous carbon nanofibers (CNFs), produced by the polymer blend technique, are activated by CO2 (ACNFs). Monoliths are synthesized from the precursor and from some ACNFs. Morphology and textural properties of these materials are studied. When compared with other activating agents (steam and alkaline hydroxides), CO2 activation renders suitable yields and, contrarily to most other precursors, turns out to be advantageous for developing and controlling their narrow microporosity (< 0.7 nm), VDR(CO2). The obtained ACNFs have a high compressibility and, consequently, a high packing density under mechanical pressure which can also be maintained upon monolith synthesis. H2 adsorption is measured at two different conditions (77 K / 0.11 MPa, and 298 K / 20 MPa) and compared with other activated carbons. Under both conditions, H2 uptake depends on the narrow microporosity of the prepared ACNFs. Interestingly, at room temperature these ACNFs perform better than other activated carbons, despite their lower porosity developments. At 298 K they reach a H2 adsorption capacity as high as 1.3 wt.%, and a remarkable value of 1 wt.% in its mechanically resistant monolith form.


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Activated carbon fibre monoliths were prepared by physical activation of carbon fibre monoliths derived from two kinds of pitch-based carbon fibre (CF) (carbon fibres from a coal tar pitch and carbon fibres derived from a petroleum pitch). The monoliths were conformed using a coal tar pitch binder. The carbon fibre monoliths and the activated carbon fibre monoliths were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and gas adsorption (i.e. N2 at 77 K and CO2 at 273 K). The results obtained reveal that monoliths perform a good activation process that produce a quite high development of microporosity (BET surface areas around 2600 m2/g and N2 micropore volume of 1.23 cm3/g). On the other hand, it is remarkable that the activation process used allow to easily control the degree of activation and hence to select the adsorption capacities of the activated carbon fibre monoliths.


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Activated carbons with a highly developed mesoscale cavitation-linked structure have been prepared from natural products (e.g. peach stones) by combining chemical and physical activation processes. Characterization results show that these materials exhibit a large “apparent” surface area (∼1500 m2/g) together with a well-defined mesoporous structure, i.e. large cavities connected to the external surface through narrower mesoporous necks (cavitation effects).


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In this work, batch and dynamic adsorption tests are coupled for an accurate evaluation of CO2 adsorption performance for three different activated carbons obtained from olives stones by chemical activation followed by physical activation with CO2 at varying times, i.e. 20, 40 and 60 h. Kinetic and thermodynamic CO2 adsorption tests from simulated flue-gas at different temperature and CO2 pressure are carried out both in batch (a manometric equipment operating with pure CO2) and dynamic (a lab-scale fixed-bed column operating with CO2/N2 mixture) conditions. The textural characterization of the activated carbon samples shows a direct dependence of both micropore and ultramicropore volume on the activation time, hence AC60 has the higher contribution. The adsorption tests conducted at 273 and 293 K showed that, when CO2 pressure is lower than 0.3 bar, the lower the activation time the higher CO2 adsorption capacity and a ranking ωeq(AC20)>ωeq(AC40)>ωeq(AC60) can be exactly defined when T= 293 K. This result can be likely ascribed to a narrower pore size distribution of the AC20 sample, whose smaller pores are more effective for CO2 capture at higher temperature and lower CO2 pressure, the latter representing operating conditions of major interest for decarbonation of a flue-gas effluent. Moreover, the experimental results obtained from dynamic tests confirm the results derived from the batch tests in terms of CO2 adsorption capacity. It is important to highlight that the adsorption of N2 on the synthesized AC samples can be considered negligible. Finally, the importance of a proper analysis of characterization data and adsorption experimental results is highlighted for a correct assessment of CO2 removal performances of activated carbons at different CO2 pressure and operating temperature.


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The modern industrial progress has been contaminating water with phenolic compounds. These are toxic and carcinogenic substances and it is essential to reduce its concentration in water to a tolerable one, determined by CONAMA, in order to protect the living organisms. In this context, this work focuses on the treatment and characterization of catalysts derived from the bio-coal, by-product of biomass pyrolysis (avelós and wood dust) as well as its evaluation in the phenol photocatalytic degradation reaction. Assays were carried out in a slurry bed reactor, which enables instantaneous measurements of temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen. The experiments were performed in the following operating conditions: temperature of 50 °C, oxygen flow equals to 410 mL min-1 , volume of reagent solution equals to 3.2 L, 400 W UV lamp, at 1 atm pressure, with a 2 hours run. The parameters evaluated were the pH (3.0, 6.9 and 10.7), initial concentration of commercial phenol (250, 500 and 1000 ppm), catalyst concentration (0, 1, 2, and 3 g L-1 ), nature of the catalyst (activated avelós carbon washed with dichloromethane, CAADCM, and CMADCM, activated dust wood carbon washed with dichloromethane). The results of XRF, XRD and BET confirmed the presence of iron and potassium in satisfactory amounts to the CAADCM catalyst and on a reduced amount to CMADCM catalyst, and also the surface area increase of the materials after a chemical and physical activation. The phenol degradation curves indicate that pH has a significant effect on the phenol conversion, showing better results for lowers pH. The optimum concentration of catalyst is observed equals to 1 g L-1 , and the increase of the initial phenol concentration exerts a negative influence in the reaction execution. It was also observed positive effect of the presence of iron and potassium in the catalyst structure: betters conversions were observed for tests conducted with the catalyst CAADCM compared to CMADCM catalyst under the same conditions. The higher conversion was achieved for the test carried out at acid pH (3.0) with an initial concentration of phenol at 250 ppm catalyst in the presence of CAADCM at 1 g L-1 . The liquid samples taken every 15 minutes were analyzed by liquid chromatography identifying and quantifying hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, catechol and maleic acid. Finally, a reaction mechanism is proposed, cogitating the phenol is transformed into the homogeneous phase and the others react on the catalyst surface. Applying the model of Langmuir-Hinshelwood along with a mass balance it was obtained a system of differential equations that were solved using the Runge-Kutta 4th order method associated with a optimization routine called SWARM (particle swarm) aiming to minimize the least square objective function for obtaining the kinetic and adsorption parameters. Related to the kinetic rate constant, it was obtained a magnitude of 10-3 for the phenol degradation, 10-4 to 10-2 for forming the acids, 10-6 to 10-9 for the mineralization of quinones (hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone and catechol), 10-3 to 10-2 for the mineralization of acids.


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We show here that a physical activation process that is diffusion-controlled yields an activated carbon whose chemistry – both elemental and functional – varies radially through the particles. For the ∼100 μm particles considered here, diffusion-controlled activation in CO2 at 800 °C saw a halving in the oxygen concentration from the particle periphery to its center. It was also observed that this activation process leads to an increase in keto and quinone groups from the particle periphery towards the center and the inverse for other carbonyls as well as ether and hydroxyl groups, suggesting the two are formed under CO2-poor and -rich environments, respectively. In contrast to these observations, use of physical activation processes where diffusion-control is absent are shown to yield carbons whose chemistry is radially invariant. This suggests that a non-diffusion limited activation processes should be used if the performance of a carbon is dependent on having a specific optimal pore surface chemical composition.


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In this work the maximum carbon dioxide adsorption capacity of carbon aerogels, obtained by a sol-gel process using 2,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid/formaldehyde (DHBAF) and resorcinol/formaldehyde (RF) as precursors, was studied. The effect of increasing the temperature of carbonization and physical activation of the samples DHBAF was also studied. The results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity is favoured at lower temperatures, adsorption and desorption are rapid and the performance is maintained over several cycles of CO2 adsorption/desorption. A comparison with samples of commercial carbons was also made and it was concluded that carbon aerogels exhibit a behaviour comparable or superior to that obtained for the commercial carbons studied.


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To examine the influence of l-arginine supplementation in combination with physical training on mitochondrial biomarkers from gastrocnemius muscle and its relationship with physical performance. Male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control sedentary (SD), sedentary supplemented with l-arginine (SDLA), trained (TR) and trained supplemented with l-arginine (TRLA). Supplementation of l-arginine was administered by gavage (62.5mg/ml/day/rat). Physical training consisted of 60min/day, 5days/week, 0% grade, speed of 1.2km/h. The study lasted 8weeks. Skeletal muscle mitochondrial enriched fraction as well as cytoplasmic fractions were obtained for Western blotting and biochemical analyses. Protein expressions of transcriptor coactivator (PGC-1α), transcriptor factors (mtTFA), ATP synthase subunit c, cytochrome oxidase (COXIV), constitutive nitric oxide synthases (eNOS and nNOS), Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (SOD) and manganese-SOD (Mn-SOD) were evaluated. We also assessed in plasma: lipid profile, glycemia and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. The nitrite/nitrate (NOx(-)) levels were measured in both plasma and cytosol fraction of the gastrocnemius muscle. 8-week l-arginine supplementation associated with physical training was effective in promoting greater tolerance to exercise that was accompanied by up-regulation of the protein expressions of mtTFA, PGC-1α, ATP synthase subunit c, COXIV, Cu/Zn-SOD and Mn-SOD. The upstream pathway was associated with improvement of NO bioavailability, but not in NO production since no changes in nNOS or eNOS protein expressions were observed. This combination would be an alternative approach for preventing cardiometabolic diseases given that in overt diseases a profound impairment in the physical performance of the patients is observed.


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Type II diabetes mellitus is a highly prevalent disease among the adult Brazilian population, and one that can be controlled by interventions such as physical activity, among others. The aim of this randomized controlled study was to evaluate the impact of a traditional motivational strategy, associated with the activation of intention theory, on adherence to physical activity in patients with type II, diabetes mellitus who are part of the Unified Health System (SUS). Participants were divided into a control group (CG) and an intervention group (IG). In both groups, the traditional motivational strategy was applied, but the activation of intention strategy was only applied to the IG Group. After a two-month follow-up, statistically significant differences were verified between the groups, related to the practice of walking (p = 0.0050), number of days per week (p = 0.0076), minutes per day (p = 0.0050) and minutes walking per week (p = 0.0015). At the end of the intervention, statistically significant differences in abdominal circumference (p = 0.0048) between the groups were observed. The conclusion drawn is that the activation of intention strategy had greater impact on adherence to physical activity and reduction in abdominal circumference in type II diabetics, than traditional motivational strategy.