5 resultados para photoisomerisation


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The influence of substituents and media polarity on the photoinducedE→Z geometrical isomerisation of the stilbene, azobenzene and N-benzylideneaniline chromophores has been compared and assessed. The efficiency of the process in all three systems is markedly dependent on the presence and characteristics of electron-donor and electron-acceptor substituents at the 4- and 4′-positions. The results are discussed in terms of relaxation of the E-excited singlet state. In the absence of a nitro substituent, relaxation to the S1 orthogonal state competes effectively with non-productive intramolecular electron transfer; in the presence of a nitro substituent, the T1 orthogonal state is formed from inter-system crossing. For systems with a 4-nitro and a 4′-electron-donor substituent, access to the triplet state is inhibited by polar solvents promoting formation of the inactive charge-transfer state from the S1 state, and no isomerisation is observed. Similar effects are observed in both solution and polymer films. Such variations in behaviour have important implications for the utilisation of the chromophores in nonlinear optical phenomena including photorefractivity.


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Azobenzenes (1,2-diaryldiazenes) are very important organic pigments, and they have a unique place in the field of photoresponsive conjugated molecules due to their (usually) reversible E/Z photoisomerisation. The current intense interest in molecular analogues of mechanical components and information storage and processing elements has stimulated research into conjugated molecules whose shape and/or optical properties can be switched electro- or photochemically. Among the classes of conjugated pigments being explored in these contexts are the porphyrinoids, which offer advantages of intense light absorption, a variety of accessible oxidation states, and synthetic control of properties through peripheral or central substitution. Extension of porphyrinoid conjugation can be achieved by linking the peripheral carbons either by three direct bonds (as in the “porphyrin tapes” of Osuka et al.) or through potentially conjugating bridges such as alkenes or, even better, alkynes.


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The photoisomerisation of a flexoelectric chiral nematic bimesogen system dyed with an azo dye has been investigated. The host material has a pitch and field dependent tilt angle that are temperature independent. Upon illumination by ultra violet, the azo dye molecules undergo a shape change from their trans to cis isomer. The effect of the shape change of the dye on the mixture is to decrease the I-N* transition temperatures, to increase the response times and to decrease the transmitted optical intensity. For the same reduced temperatures, the tilt angles, pitch and threshold voltages for the transition from focal conic to homeotropic textures are unchanged. The macroscopic parameters observed suggest that the orientational order parameter of the system is reduced by UV illumination. The cis isomers do not appear to separate from the host material or significantly change the flexoelectric coefficient. © 2001 OPA (Overseas Publishers Association) N.V. Published by license under the Gordon and Breach Science Publishers imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group.


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Triacrylate resins are widely used to fabricate 3D microstructures, photonic crystals and optical devices. These resins can be doped with photosensitive materials like Disperse Red 1 (DR1), an Azo dye that changes its molecular configuration from trans to cis (photoisomerisation) with variations in their optical absorption spectrum when irradiated with ultraviolet or visible light. The reversibility of this process is thermally activated and occurs when the molecule remains at dark. In this work was prepared a 1:1 mixture of ethoxylated-6-trimethylolpropane (SR499) and tris-2-hydroxyethyl-isocyanurate (SR368) triacrylate resins, plus photoinitiator Lucirin TPOL, forming a UV curable polymeric matrix doped with DR1. Thin films were deposited onto glass slides by spin-coating technique. The films showed photochromic effect when illuminated with a low power diode laser (450 nm and 50mW/cm2). This effect is reversible after sample is left in dark. Thermochromic effect was evaluated by optical absorption measurements in the range of 40 to 140oC, heating the samples in-situ