967 resultados para photographic camera


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Objetivou-se, com o trabalho, avaliar dois métodos de estimativa da área foliar, em plantas de laranja Pêra, pela análise da imagem digital obtida com scanner e câmera fotográfica digital. Para determinar a área das folhas, um grupo de discos foi colocado sobre um leitor de scanner, sendo que a imagem obtida foi armazenada. Os mesmos grupos de discos foram fixados sobre cartolina branca e fotografados com câmera fotográfica digital. As imagens obtidas da câmera fotográfica e do scanner foram processadas utilizando ferramentas de um editor de imagem que permite a contagem de pixels de determinada cor, no caso verde. Para a comparação dos métodos, os discos foram submetidos a integrador óptico de área foliar modelo LICOR-3100, utilizando os mesmos agrupamentos. Foram coletadas 20 folhas (cinco em cada quadrante da planta) por parcela de um experimento para comparação de fertilizantes comerciais e doses de zinco, aplicados via foliar, em plantas de sete anos de idade. O experimento foi composto de sete tratamentos e quatro repetições, num total de 28 parcelas. Os dois métodos apresentaram alta correlação com a área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área, considerado como método de referência. O método da análise da imagem obtida com câmera fotográfica, na resolução de 5.0 megapixel, foi mais precisa quando comparada à área estimada pelo integrador óptico de área.


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OBJETIVO: Quantificar, usando o sistema de imagem digital, medidas palpebrais antes e após a cirurgia de blefaroplastia superior. MÉTODOS: Foram avaliadas 18 pálpebras de 9 pacientes atendidas no HC da FMB - UNESP, com idade entre 40 a 75 anos, do sexo feminino, portadoras de dermatocálase. Foram obtidas fotografias das pacientes antes e após 60 dias da blefaroplastia da pálpebra superior. As imagens foram transferidas para um computador e analisadas pelo programa Scion Image Frame Grabber. Os parâmetros avaliados foram: a altura da fenda palpebral em posição primária do olhar, altura do sulco palpebral superior e o ângulo palpebral lateral antes e depois de 60 dias da realização da cirurgia de blefaroplastia superior. RESULTADOS: Após a cirurgia, houve aumento da altura da fenda palpebral e do sulco palpebral superior. Contudo, o ângulo palpebral lateral não se alterou. CONCLUSÃO: A posição palpebral se altera após a blefaroplastia e o processamento de imagens digitais possibilita quantificar estas alterações, mensurando os resultados obtidos com a cirurgia.


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At head of title: U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Jesse H. Jones, Secretary. Bureau of the Census. J.C. Capt, Director ..


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Cognitive impairment and physical disability are common in Parkinson’s disease (PD). As a result diet can be difficult to measure. This study aimed to evaluate the use of a photographic dietary record (PhDR) in people with PD. During a 12-week nutrition intervention study, 19 individuals with PD kept 3-day PhDRs on three occasions using point-and-shoot digital cameras. Details on food items present in the PhDRs and those not photographed were collected retrospectively during an interview. Following the first use of the PhDR method, the photographer completed a questionnaire (n=18). In addition, the quality of the PhDRs was evaluated at each time point. The person with PD was the sole photographer in 56% of the cases, with the remainder by the carer or combination of person with PD and the carer. The camera was rated as easy to use by 89%, keeping a PhDR was considered acceptable by 94% and none would rather use a “pen and paper” method. Eighty-three percent felt confident to use the camera again to record intake. Of the photos captured (n=730), 89% were of adequate quality (items visible, in-focus), while only 21% could be used alone (without interview information) to assess intake. Over the study, 22% of eating/drinking occasions were not photographed. PhDRs were considered an easy and acceptable method to measure intake among individuals with PD and their carers. The majority of PhDRs were of adequate quality, however in order to quantify intake the interview was necessary to obtain sufficient detail and capture missing items.


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Access to dietetic care is important in chronic disease management and innovative technologies assists in this purpose. Photographic dietary records (PhDR) using mobile phones or cameras are valid and convenient for patients. Innovations in providing dietary interventions via telephone and computer can also inform dietetic practice. Three studies are presented. A mobile phone method was validated by comparing energy intake (EI) to a weighed food record and a measure of energy expenditure (EE) obtained using the doubly labelled water technique in 10 adults with T2 diabetes. The level of agreement between mean (±sd) energy intake mobile phone (8.2±1.7 MJ) and weighed record (8.5±1.6 MJ) was high (p=0.392), however EI/EE for both methods gave similar levels of under-reporting (0.69 and 0.72). All subjects preferred using the mobile phone vs. weighed record. Nineteen individuals with Parkinsons disease kept 3-day PhDRs on three occasions using point-and-shoot digital cameras over a 12 week period. The camera was rated as easy to use by 89%, keeping a PhDR was considered acceptable by 94% and none would rather use a “pen and paper” method. Eighty-three percent felt confident to use the camera again to record intake. An interactive, automated telephone system designed to coach people with T2 diabetes to adopt and maintain diabetes self-care behaviours, including nutrition, showed trends for improvements in total fat, saturated fat and vegetable intake of the intervention group compared to control participants over 6 months. Innovative technologies are acceptable to patients with chronic conditions and can be incorporated into dietetic care.


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This paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surface using a small number, e.g. 10, of 2D photographic images. The images are taken at different viewing directions by a perspective camera with full prior knowledge of the camera configurations. The reconstructed object's surface is represented a set of triangular facets. We empirically demonstrate that if the viewing directions are uniformly distributed around the object's viewing sphere, then the reconstructed 3D points optimally cluster closely on a highly curved part of the surface and are widely, spread on smooth or fat parts. The advantage of this property is that the reconstructed points along a surface or a contour generator are not undersampled or underrepresented because surfaces or contours should be sampled or represented with more densely points where their curvatures are high. The more complex the contour's shape, the greater is the number of points required, but the greater the number of points is automatically generated by the proposed method Given that the viewing directions are uniformly distributed, the number and distribution of the reconstructed points depend on the shape or the curvature of the surface regardless of the size of the surface or the size of the object.


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This paper describes a new method for reconstructing 3D surface points and a wireframe on the surface of a freeform object using a small number, e.g. 10, of 2D photographic images. The images are taken at different viewing directions by a perspective camera with full prior knowledge of the camera configurations. The reconstructed surface points are frontier points and the wireframe is a network of contour generators. Both of them are reconstructed by pairing apparent contours in the 2D images. Unlike previous works, we empirically demonstrate that if the viewing directions are uniformly distributed around the object's viewing sphere, then the reconstructed 3D points automatically cluster closely on a highly curved part of the surface and are widely spread on smooth or flat parts. The advantage of this property is that the reconstructed points along a surface or a contour generator are not under-sampled or under-represented because surfaces or contours should be sampled or represented with more densely points where their curvatures are high. The more complex the contour's shape, the greater is the number of points required, but the greater the number of points is automatically generated by the proposed method. Given that the viewing directions are uniformly distributed, the number and distribution of the reconstructed points depend on the shape or the curvature of the surface regardless of the size of the surface or the size of the object. The unique pattern of the reconstructed points and contours may be used in 31) object recognition and measurement without computationally intensive full surface reconstruction. The results are obtained from both computer-generated and real objects. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Activities involving fauna monitoring are usually limited by the lack of resources; therefore, the choice of a proper and efficient methodology is fundamental to maximize the cost-benefit ratio. Both direct and indirect methods can be used to survey mammals, but the latter are preferred due to the difficulty to come in sight of and/or to capture the individuals, besides being cheaper. We compared the performance of two methods to survey medium and large-sized mammal: track plot recording and camera trapping, and their costs were assessed. At Jatai Ecological Station (S21 degrees 31`15 ``- W47 degrees 34`42 ``-Brazil) we installed ten camera traps along a dirt road directly in front of ten track plots, and monitored them for 10 days. We cleaned the plots, adjusted the cameras, and noted down the recorded species daily. Records taken by both methods showed they sample the local richness in different ways (Wilcoxon, T=231; p;;0.01). The track plot method performed better on registering individuals whereas camera trapping provided records which permitted more accurate species identification. The type of infra-red sensor camera used showed a strong bias towards individual body mass (R(2)=0.70; p=0.017), and the variable expenses of this method in a 10-day survey were estimated about 2.04 times higher compared to track plot method; however, in a long run camera trapping becomes cheaper than track plot recording. Concluding, track plot recording is good enough for quick surveys under a limited budget, and camera trapping is best for precise species identification and the investigation of species details, performing better for large animals. When used together, these methods can be complementary.


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This degree project consists of “A photographic journey through Vietnam”. One month was spent in Vietnam where the different aspects of the Vietnamese life were documented in images. The journey began in Hanoi and descended down the country to Ho Chi Minh City.The report describes the compositional elements of photography and makes an attempt to describe what a “good” image is. Furthermore it explains what equipment that is necessary for such a journey and how you can interact with the local population.When the journey came to an end, a photographic book consisting of 200 images was created. The report details the used workflow step by step. Finally the author has commented 20 of the selected images regarding their photographic composition.


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As the Findings exhibition was based on the artist's research, the image caption reflects Daniel's core thesis questions, i.e."in what ways can astronomical imaging invoke a phenomenological experience for the viewer?"
All of the wall works were digital prints/photographic images of various sizes.There was also a short looped video playing opposite them. The lettering on the wall was vinyl.


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Exploiting the distinct excitation and emission properties of concomitant electrochemiluminophores in conjunction with the inherent color selectivity of a conventional digital camera, we create a new strategy for multiplexed electrogenerated chemiluminescence detection, suitable for the development of low-cost, portable clinical diagnostic devices. Red, green and blue emitters can be efficiently resolved over the three-dimensional space of ECL intensity versus applied potential and emission wavelength. As the relative contribution ratio of each emitter to the photographic RGB channels is constant, the RGB ECL intensity versus applied-potential curves could be effectively isolated to a single emitter at each potential.


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This article will address several areas of research. Firstly it will propose that a dance experience can translate into another discipline such as visual art. In my visual art practice I combine both photography, which is traditionally seen as a still medium, and performance in order to create a new form of embodiment. By acknowledging the inter-relationship between the body and the camera my project seeks to challenge a perceived separation between the disciplines. Fly Rhythm, an exhibition of 13 photographs and one video projection was conceived through a performative somatic process. I have developed the term ‘somatic photography’ to articulate subjective experiences in the context of my process of imaging movement in stillness. My thinking has been informed by visual art practice exploring movement and meaning using video and an older history of performance as a dancer and choreographer. I am primarily interested in movement initiated by a bodily response to light through still rather than moving imagery although artists such as Maya Deren whose films explore themes of time and space have influenced me. In my practice the term ‘somatic photography’ helps articulate the act of taking photographs, which is how meaning is being created rather than purely in the finished art works. The term somatic photography puts emphasis on the action of taking the image. Through using a custom made camera I was able to negotiate time and space as a dancer and create a visual drawing that talked to both choreography and fine art practice. This article engages with the following ideas: somatic photography, photography as choreography, body memory, ageing body, technology as collaborator, gallery interface, screen interface and movement.


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We studied the influence of surveyed area size on density estimates by means of camera-trapping in a low-density felid population (1-2 individuals/100 km(2) ). We applied non-spatial capture-recapture (CR) and spatial CR (SCR) models for Eurasian lynx during winter 2005/2006 in the northwestern Swiss Alps by sampling an area divided into 5 nested plots ranging from 65 to 760 km(2) . CR model density estimates (95% CI) for models M0 and Mh decreased from 2.61 (1.55-3.68) and 3.6 (1.62-5.57) independent lynx/100 km(2) , respectively, in the smallest to 1.20 (1.04-1.35) and 1.26 (0.89-1.63) independent lynx/100 km(2) , respectively, in the largest area surveyed. SCR model density estimates also decreased with increasing sampling area but not significantly. High individual range overlaps in relatively small areas (the edge effect) is the most plausible reason for this positive bias in the CR models. Our results confirm that SCR models are much more robust to changes in trap array size than CR models, thus avoiding overestimation of density in smaller areas. However, when a study is concerned with monitoring population changes, large spatial efforts (area surveyed ≥760 km(2) ) are required to obtain reliable and precise density estimates with these population densities and recapture rates.


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Aquestes fotografies de Nova York i de Boston, totes en blanc i negre, es van fer en abril del 1990, amb una cambra rèflex Asahi Pentax Spotmatic II amb objectiu de 50 mm, tot fent servir negatius Kodak Safety Film 5063. El Museu de la Universitat d’Alacant en conserva una col·lecció completa; vuitanta-set còpies fotogràfiques de 32 x 24 cm amb tintes Ultrachrome sobre paper Ilford Gold Fibre Silk de 310 gr/m² realitzades al “Estudio Paco Mora” de València l’any 2015, amb digitalització prèvia a partir dels negatius originals mitjançant un escàner Haselblad Flextight X 1 a una resolució de 3.200 punts per polzada.