364 resultados para philosophic optimism


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Os contos filosóficos de Voltaire organizam-se a partir de dois pólos de reflexão: de um lado, a discussão sobre a noção de uma providência divina benfeitora, e, em alguns casos, mais precisamente, sobre o otimismo leibniziano; de outro, a polêmica em torno do materialismo ateu. Procuramos demonstrar de que modo, através de situações e personagens dos contos voltaireanos, a crítica das teorias providencialistas contribui para delinear o universo próprio dos conceitos do materialismo clássico.


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The aim of the study is to adapt and then discuss the appropriateness of the Life Orientation Test as a one or two dimension scale. The research includes two studies; one is composed of a sequential sample of 280 people with multiple sclerosis, 71% female, and another includes a convenience sample of 615 individuals from the community, 51.1% female. Because the construct is built upon a theoretical assumption that has one dimension, we examine the hypothesis of one or two factor solutions through confirmatory factor analysis, and the two-dimension solution premise demonstrates better adjustment for both samples. The other psychometric properties explored show appropriate results for the Portuguese sample, and similar to the original ones; the Test therefore seems appropriate for use in cross cultural studies. Based on our results, we discuss whether the questionnaire is a one or two dimension instrument, concluding that it appears appropriate to accept the recommendations of the original authors to use it as a one-dimensional tool and, when necessary, to use both dimensions. - RESUMO: El objetivo del estudio es adaptar y discutir la adecuación de la prueba de Orientación de la Vida en una o dos escalas de dimensión. La investigación engloba dos estudios, uno constituido por una muestra secuencial de 280 personas con esclerosis múltiple, 71% mujeres y otro con una muestra de conveniencia de la comunidad de 615 individuos, 51,1% del sexo femenino. Como el constructo se asienta sobre la presunción teórica de que tiene una dimensión, inspeccionamos la hipótesis de una o dos soluciones de factor a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio y la hipótesis de dos dimensiones manifiesta un mejor ajuste para ambas muestras. Las otras propiedades psicométricas exploradas muestran los resultados apropiados para la muestra portuguesa, y semejantes a los originales. Parece apropiado para los estudios culturales transversales. Basándonos en nuestros resultados, discutimos si el cuestionario es un instrumento de una o dos dimensiones, concluyéndose que parece conveniente seguir las recomendaciones de los autores originales, para utilizarlo como un instrumento unidimensional y, si fuera necesario necesario, utilizar cada una de las dimensiones.


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The aim of the present study was to test a hypothetical model to examine if dispositional optimism exerts a moderating or a mediating effect between personality traits and quality of life, in Portuguese patients with chronic diseases. A sample of 540 patients was recruited from central hospitals in various districts of Portugal. All patients completed self-reported questionnaires assessing socio-demographic and clinical variables, personality, dispositional optimism, and quality of life. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the moderating and mediating effects. Results suggest that dispositional optimism exerts a mediator rather than a moderator role between personality traits and quality of life, suggesting that “the expectation that good things will happen” contributes to a better general well-being and better mental functioning.


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Objetivo: o otimismo tem sido demonstrado como uma variável importante no ajustamento da qualidade de vida de pessoas com doenças crônicas. O estudo tem como objetivo verificar se o otimismo exerce um efeito moderador ou mediador entre os traços de personalidade e a qualidade de vida, em portugueses com doenças crônicas. Métodos: os modelos de regressão linear múltipla foram usados para avaliar o efeito de moderação e mediação do otimismo na qualidade de vida. A amostra, constituída por 729 doentes, recrutados nos principais hospitais de Portugal responderam a questionários de autorresposta avaliando questões sócio-demográficas e clínicas, personalidade, otimismo disposicional, qualidade de vida e bem-estar subjetivo. Resultados: os resultados encontrados mostraram que o otimismo disposicional não exerce um papel moderador entre os traços de personalidade e a qualidade de vida. Controlando por idade, sexo, nível de escolaridade e percepção da severidade da doença, o efeito dos traços de personalidade na qualidade de vida e no bem-estar subjetivo foi mediado pelo otimismo (parcial e total), expecto para as associações, neuroticismo/abertura à experiência e à saúde física. Conclusão: o otimismo disposicional exerce apenas um papel mediador entre os traços de personalidade e qualidade de vida, em pessoas com doenças crônicas, sugerindo que 'a expectativa de que coisas boas vão acontecer' contribui para uma melhor qualidade de vida e melhor bem-estar subjetivo.


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We propose an elementary theory of wars fought by fully rational contenders. Two parties play a Markov game that combines stages of bargaining with stages where one side has the ability to impose surrender on the other. Under uncertainty and incomplete information, in the unique equilibrium of the game, long confrontations occur: war arises when reality disappoints initial (rational) optimism, and it persist longer when both agents are optimists but reality proves both wrong. Bargaining proposals that are rejected initially might eventually be accepted after several periods of confrontation. We provide an explicit computation of the equilibrium, evaluating the probability of war, and its expected losses as a function of i) the costs of confrontation, ii) the asymmetry of the split imposed under surrender, and iii) the strengths of contenders at attack and defense. Changes in these parameters display non-monotonic effects.


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Prior research on school dropout has often focused on stable person- and institution-level variables. In this research, we investigate longitudinally perceived stress and optimism as predictors of dropout intentions over a period of four years, and distinguish between stable and temporary predictors of dropout intentions. Findings based on a nationally representative sample of 16e20 year-olds in Switzerland (N ¼ 4312) show that both average levels of stress and optimism as well as annually varying levels of stress and optimism affect dropout intentions. Additionally, results show that optimism buffers the negative impact of annually varying stress (i.e., years with more stress than usual), but not of stable levels of stress (i.e., stress over four years). The implications of the results are discussed according to a dynamic and preventive approach of school dropout.


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Reducing comparative optimism regarding risk perceptions in traffic accidents has been proven to be particularly difficult (Delhomme, 2000). This is unfortunate because comparative optimism is assumed to impede preventive action. The present study tested whether a road safety training course could reduce drivers' comparative optimism in high control situations. Results show that the training course efficiently reduced comparative optimism in high control, but not in low control situations. Mechanisms underlying this finding and implications for the design of road safety training courses are discussed.


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Background/Introduction: ln Switzerland, most trends in overweight and obesity levels have been assessed using reported data, a methodology which is prone to reporting bias. ln this study, we aimed at assessing trends in overweight and obesity levels using objectively measured data. Methods: We used independent cross-sectional data collected between 2005 and 2011 by the Bus Santé study on representative samples of the Geneva population. Trends were assessed overall and according to different characteristics of the participants. Overweight and obesity were defined as a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 29.9 kg/m2 and >=30 kg/m2, respectively. Results: Data from 4093 participants (2012 men) was assessed. Mean BMI was 25.2 ± 4.3 kg/m2 (mean ±standard deviation) in 2005 and 25.4 ± 4.3 in 2011 (p for trend using linear regression=0.98). For men, mean BMI was 26.3 ± 3.8 kg/m2 in 2005 and 26.1 ± 3.7 in 2011 (p for trend=0.37); for women, the corresponding values were 24.3 ± 4.6 and 24.7 ± 4.7 kg/m2 (p for trend=0.42). Overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 32.2% and 13.3%, respectively, in 2005 and 33.6% and 13.7% in 2011 (p for trend using polytomous logistic regression adjusting for gender, age and smoking=0.49 and 0.94 for overweight and obesity, respectively). For men, prevalence of overweight and obesity was 45.9% and 12.2% in 2005 and 42.1 % and 14.6% in 2011 (P for trend=0.03 for overweight and 0.81 for obesity); for women, the corresponding values were 20.4% and 14.2% in 2005 and 25.4% and 12.9% in 2011 (p for trend=0.13 for overweight and 0.99 for obesity). Conclusion: Overweight and obesity levels appear to have levelled in Geneva, with a possible decrease in overweight levels in men. These favorable findings should be replicated in other geographical locations.


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Objective To assess trends in smoking status according to gender, age and educational level in the adult Swiss population. Methods Four national health interview surveys conducted between 1992 and 2007 in representative samples of the Swiss population. Results The prevalence of current smokers increased between 1992 and 1997, decreasing thereafter. In 2007, the prevalence of current smokers (32.0% of men and 23.8% of women) was lower than in 1992 (38.4% and 26.7%, respectively). Whereas the prevalence of current + former smoking decreased from 64.5% in 1992 to 59.3% in 2007 among men, it was similar among women during the same period (44.0% in 1992 and 43.9% in 2007). The prevalence of current + former smokers decreased from 47.2% in 1992 to 46.3% in 2007 in the lower education group (no education + primary), from 54.8% to 52.9% in subjects with secondary level education, and from 55.4% to 48.7% in subjects with university level education. The prevalence of current smokers decreased in all age groups. Finally, the amount of cigarette equivalents smoked per day decreased, but the amount of non-cigarette tobacco (alone or in combination with cigarettes) increased for both sexes. Conclusion The prevalence of smoking has been decreasing in the Swiss population, for both sexes and for most age groups and educational levels between 1992 and 2007. The health effects of the change in type of tobacco products consumed await further investigation.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Orientación en Psicología de la Salud) UANL, 2012.


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The goal of this research was to identify predic- tive psychosocial factors of the subjective quality of life in a group of 60 people, with ages between 19 and 57, from both sexes, included in the program of demobilization and social inclusion of the Pro- grama de la Alta Consejería para la Reintegración Social y Económica de Personas y Grupos Alzados en Armas en Colombia. this research was a predic- tive correlational descriptive study. the Question- naire of optimism/Pessimism was used to assess the optimist or pessimist trend, and, for assess the quality of life, these strategies were combined: a home visit to value the objective quality of life, the Analogous scale of subjective Quality of Life to value satisfaction and well-being, and a general format to collect socio-demographic and juridical information. Results show that some variables as perceived health, optimism, educational level, re- ligious believes, objective quality of life, type of demobilization and years spent in the armed group operating outside the law, are associated to better levels of perceived quality of life. The findings and limitations of the study are discussed.