9 resultados para phbC


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利用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术从Alcaligenes eutrophus H16染色体DNA中扩增并克隆了调控聚-3-羟基丁酸(poly-3-hydroxy-butyrate,PHB)生物合成的两个关键酶基因:依赖NADPH的乙酰乙酰CoA还原酶基因(phbB)和PHB合成酶基因(phbC)。限制性内切酶图谱和核苷酸序列分析证实了克隆结果,并表明克隆的基因与国外所报道的有很高的同源性。经过基因拼接,构建了块茎特异性表达的高等植物表达载体pPSAGB(嵌合phbB)、pBIBGC(嵌合phbC)和pPSAGCB(嵌合phbB和phbC)。并以试管薯(microtuber)为外植体经Agrobacterium介导转化了虎头、京丰、Bintje、Favorita、高原4号和88-5共6个马铃薯品种,获得49个株系。经PCR检测导入phbB的株系共有44个,对其中30个株系进行DNA dot blot分析,结果表明phbC导入呈阳性的株系有20个。深入的鉴定工作还在进行中。


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以苜蓿根瘤菌Rm10 2 1的 phaC基因突变体菌株Rm1114 4 (phaC ::Tn5 - 2 33)为受体菌 ,通过功能互补 ,成功地从构建的Bradyrhizobium japonicum USDA110基因文库中 ,筛查到能与Rm1114 4互补 ,使之恢复在以乙酰乙酸为唯一碳源的M9培养基 (M9-AA)平板上 5d形成明显可见菌落 ,以及在MOPS平板上形成粘液型菌落的表型的重组粘粒 pDC2 ;经证实 ,该粘粒带有 phbC基因 .完成了该基因的全序列测定并已在GenBank登记 ,登记号为AY0 775 80 .B .japonicumphbC基因由 180 3碱基对组成 ,GC含量 6 1.8% ,AT含量 38.2 % ;编码 6 0 0个氨基酸 ,Mr=6 6 .95× 10 3 .图 3表 3参 13


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通过转座子Tn5诱变和同源重组 ,构建了BradyrhizobiumjaponicumUSDA110聚羟丁酸合成酶基因 (phbC)突变体 .序列测定确定了转座子插入的精确位置 ,所获得的 4个转座子诱变的质粒其Tn5插在 phbC基因内两个相距仅 9bp的位点 .被Southern和PCR证实的突变体菌株仍能产生相当于野生型菌株 12 .97%~ 2 5 .10 %的PHB ,并且在突变体和野生型菌株总DNA杂交图上都呈现出一条约 5kb的阳性带 ,推测在B .japonicum基因组中存在不止一个聚羟丁酸合成酶基因 .图 3表 4参 17


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Despite various approaches, the production of biodegradable plastics such as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in transgenic plants has met with limited success due largely to low expression levels. Even in the few instances where high levels of protein expression have been reported, the transgenic plants have been stunted indicating PHB is phytotoxic (Poirier 2002). This PhD describes the application of a novel virus-based gene expression technology, termed InPAct („In Plant Activation.), for the production of PHB in tobacco and sugarcane. InPAct is based on the rolling circle replication mechanism by which circular ssDNA viruses replicate and provides a system for controlled, high-level gene expression. Based on these features, InPAct was thought to represent an ideal system to enable the controlled, high-level expression of the three phb genes (phbA, phbB and phbC) required for PHB production in sugarcane at a preferred stage of plant growth. A Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TbYDV)-based InPAct-phbA vector, as well as linear vectors constitutively expressing phbB and phbC were constructed and different combinations were used to transform tobacco leaf discs. A total of four, eight, three and three phenotypically normal tobacco lines were generated from discs transformed with InPAct-phbA, InPAct-phbA + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC- 35S T, p1300-35S P-phbA-NOS T + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T and InPAct-GUS, respectively. To determine whether the InPAct cassette could be activated in the presence of the TbYDV Rep, leaf samples from the eight InPActphbA + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T plants were agroinfiltrated with p1300- TbYDV-Rep/RepA. Three days later, successful activation was indicated by the detection of episomes using both PCR and Southern analysis. Leaf discs from the eight InPAct-phbA + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T transgenic plant lines were agroinfiltrated with p1300-TbYDV-Rep/RepA and leaf tissue was collected ten days post-infiltration and examined for the presence of PHB granules. Confocal microscopy and TEM revealed the presence of typical PHB granules in five of the eight lines, thus demonstrating the functionality of InPActbased PHB production in tobacco. However, analysis of leaf extracts by HPLC failed to detect the presence of PHB suggesting only very low level expression levels. Subsequent molecular analysis of three lines revealed low levels of correctly processed mRNA from the catalase intron contained within the InPAct cassette and also the presence of cryptic splice sites within the intron. In an attempt to increase expression levels, new InPAct-phb cassettes were generated in which the castorbean catalase intron was replaced with a synthetic intron (syntron). Further, in an attempt to both increase and better control Rep/RepA-mediated activation of InPAct cassettes, Rep/RepA expression was placed under the control of a stably integrated alc switch. Leaf discs from a transgenic tobacco line (Alc ML) containing 35S P-AlcR-AlcA P-Rep/RepA were supertransformed with InPAct-phbAsyn or InPAct-GUSsyn using Agrobacterium and three plants (lines) were regenerated for each construct. Analysis of the RNA processing of the InPAct-phbAsyn cassette revealed highly efficient and correct splicing of the syntron, thus supporting its inclusion within the InPAct system. To determine the efficiency of the alc switch to activate InPAct, leaf material from the three Alc ML + InPAct-phbAsyn lines was either agroinfiltrated with 35S P-Rep/RepA or treated with ethanol. Unexpectedly, episomes were detected not only in the infiltrated and ethanol treated samples, but also in non-treated samples. Subsequent analysis of transgenic Alc ML + InPAct-GUS lines, confirmed that the alc switch was leaky in tissue culture. Although this was shown to be reversible once plants were removed from the tissue culture environment, it made the regeneration of Alc ML + InPAct-phbsyn plant lines extremely difficult, due to unintentional Rep expression and therefore high levels of phb expression and phytotoxic PHB production. Two Alc ML + InPAct-phbAsyn + p1300-TaBV P-phbB/phbC-35S T transgenic lines were able to be regenerated, and these were acclimatised, alcohol-treated and analysed. Although episome formation was detected as late as 21 days post activation, no PHB was detected in the leaves of any plants using either microscopy or HPLC, suggesting the presence of a corrupt InPAct-phbA cassette in both lines. The final component of this thesis involved the application of both the alc switch and the InPAct systems to sugarcane in an attempt to produce PHB. Initial experiments using transgenic Alc ML + InPAct-GUS lines indicated that the alc system was not functional in sugarcane under the conditions tested. The functionality of the InPAct system, independent of the alc gene switch, was subsequently examined by bombarding the 35S Rep/RepA cassette into leaf and immature leaf whorl cells derived from InPAct-GUS transgenic sugarcane plants. No GUS expression was observed in leaf tissue, whereas weak and irregular GUS expression was observed in immature leaf whorl tissue derived from two InPAct- GUS lines and two InPAct-GUS + 35S P-AlcR-AlcA P-GUS lines. The most plausible reason to explain the inconsistent and low levels of GUS expression in leaf whorls is a combination of low numbers of sugarcane cells in the DNA replication-conducive S-phase and the irregular and random nature of sugarcane cells bombarded with Rep/RepA. This study details the first report to develop a TbYDV-based InPAct system under control of the alc switch to produce PHB in tobacco and sugarcane. Despite the inability to detect quantifiable levels of PHB levels in either tobacco or sugarcane, the findings of this study should nevertheless assist in the further development of both the InPAct system and the alc system, particularly for sugarcane and ultimately lead to an ethanol-inducible InPAct gene expression system for the production of bioplastics and other proteins of commercial value in plants.


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聚-β-羟基链烷酸(PHA)是许多微生物作为碳源、能源的一类贮藏性聚酯,具有广泛的应用价值。该聚酯可被微生物完全降解且有与塑料相似的性质,因而研究并提高PHA在植物中的合成为解决环境污染提供了新的解决途径。 聚-β-羟基于酸酯(PHB)是研究的最早、研究的最清楚的一种PHA。用聚合酶链式反应扩增并克隆了真养产碱杆菌(Alcaligenes eutrophus)中合成PHB的一个关键酶——3-酮硫裂解酶基因phbA。DNA序列分析表明所克隆的基因与国外报道序列同源性很高,只有一个碱基对的区别。为了检测该基因的功能及导肽的定位效率,构建了带有导肽基因的组成型表达载体,由根癌农杆菌介导转化烟草(Nicotiana tabacum cv. Wisconsin 38)得到转基因植株。蛋白质电泳结果表明导肽可以将外源蛋白定位于质体,phbA基因能翻译成相应大小的蛋白。酶活性分析证实了转基因烟草中phbA编码的3-酮硫裂解酶可以催化乙酰-CoA合成乙酰乙酰-CoA。 将携有导肽序列的phbC(编码PHB合酶)和phbB(编码乙酰乙酰-CoA还原酶)连入pBIB-HYG得到组成型表达载体pZCB,用冻融法转入根癌农杆菌,介导转化烟草。烟草为已获得的具有卡那霉素抗性整合并表达phbA的转基因烟草。通过二次转化将携有潮霉素抗性的phbB基因和phbC基因导入已整合phbA的烟草,各基因均由质体导肽控制,最后得到整合PHB合成的三个酶基因的转基因烟草。转基因烟草经PCR、PCR-Southern检测,初步确定整合phbB和phbC烟草植株。以气相色谱初步分析,转基因烟草中PHB的含量可达鲜重的0.233%。 结果表明phbB和phbC基因可以在真核表达系统中编码相应的蛋白。通过色素分析、荧光动力学等手段分析了PHB在叶绿体中的累积对其功能的影响。 为了提高底物乙酰-CoA的供应能力及减少惰性聚酯对植物体的伤害,分离了种子特异性启动子和质体导肽序列,利用忆经克隆的合成PHB的三个关键酶基因,通过一系列DNA重组,分别构建了含有种子特异性启动子的嵌合phbC、phbB的二价表达载体pSCB及嵌合phbC、phbA、phbB的三价表达载体pSCAB,并由导肽将基因表达产物定位于质体。经根癌农杆菌介导转化油菜(Brassica napus L.) H165,获得转基因油菜植株,并进行了PCR、Southern blot及RT-PCR-DNA杂交等分检测。结果表明,三基因已经分别整合到相应的转基因油菜中,并已在转录水平表达。同时转化了油菜不育系、恢复系和保持系,获得批量转化株,并移入温室栽培。


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对苜蓿根瘤菌(Sinorhizobium meliloti)聚羟丁酸(PHB)代谢突变体与野生型菌株之间,以及不同突变体之间的竞争生长和竞争结瘤能力在不同培养条件下进行了测定,并研究了外源生物素对各突变体竞争生长和竞争结瘤能力的影响。结果表明:①PAbC 突变体菌株与野生型菌株共培养,不论培养基中添加、不添加外源生物素,pAbC 突变体均表现出生长竞争能力的严重缺陷;竞争结瘤实验也显示,该突变体同野生型菌株竞争结瘤能力大幅下降;说明 PHB 合成能力的缺陷影响了菌株的竞争生长和竞争结瘤能力。②bdhA 突变体与野生型菌株共培养,在不添加外源生物素的情况下,bdhA 突变体同野生菌株竞争生长的能力有明显缺陷,但在添加外源生物素的情况下,其竞争生长能力有明显提高;bdhA::Tn5突变体与 phbC::Tn5-233突变体共培养,如培养基中不添加外源生物素,二者间的竞争生长能力无大的差异;但若添加外源生物素,则 bdhA 突变体的竞争生长能力明显高于 phbC 突变体;表明外源生物素对 bdhA 突变体的竞争生长能力有重要作用。


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)