918 resultados para pesquisa brasileira


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Nos últimos anos, a academia brasileira de administração tem se voltado para si própria em uma análise crítica retrospectiva que busca indagar se, além do evidente crescimento quantitativo, a produção acadêmica na área cresceu também em qualidade, rigor, relevância e originalidade. Nas áreas pesquisadas até o momento, o campo parece não estar satisfeito com a imagem que o espelho lhe mostra. A área de Recursos Humanos foi uma das poucas que ainda não conduziram um balanço abrangente de sua produção. Este trabalho procura justamente preencher essa lacuna, a partir do estudo dos artigos aceitos na área nos Enanpads da década de 1990 (1991-2000), e tem por objeto de análise a temática, a base epistemológica, a metodologia, o padrão de referência bibliográfica e demografia de autoria, dos 290 artigos publicados nos anais do Encontro, no período referido.


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Pós-graduação em Música - IA


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This research aims at analyzing the Brazilian scientific contribution on “metric studies” in the mainstream science through journals indexed in the Scopus basis, intending to visualize its insertion and international impact in the area. Mainly, to diachronically study the researches, the most productive authors and the scientific support network generated among them, as well as to identify the journals in which such production has been disseminated. It is based upon the three main target groups of current bibliometrics, as in Glänzel’s perspective (2003), and upon the impact of Brazilian researches in the international community through the citations received. Were found 263 articles and tables concerning the diachronical study and the highlighted researchers and journals were constructed analyzing the insertion in the target groups, the number of articles, number of citations and the average of citations. As results, researchers from the Federal Universities of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo have stood out. All the researchers permeate the application of metric studies to several scientific areas, with emphasis on the health and biological sciences. The least contemplated researches were the ones whose objective was to develop and to discuss the bibliometrics as methodology, contributing to its on conceptual-theoreticalmethodological development, as well as those focusing on contributing, assessing and guiding scientific policies. We conclude by suggesting scientific and academic policies which motivate the researchers to publish in journals indexed in international bases in order to internationalize Brazilian science.


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Over the past four decades it occurred a great expansion of science education research in Brazil (TEIXEIRA, 2008). Considering the scientific production in the area, descriptive studies, called state of the art are necessary, but little found in Brazilian scientific literature, especially in the field of science education. In this context, this paper identifies and describes the main features and trends of Brazilian research in the field of education in science museums, released in the form of dissertations and thesis, in the period 1970 to 2010. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, which performs a document analysis, in a bibliographical review. We mapped 153 academic researches, mainly in the Rio-São Paulo axis, mostly in the last decade, showing that the area can be characterized as an emerging field in science education.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Mapeamento das dissertações e teses referentes à subárea da comunicação popular, alternativa e comunitária (CPAC) desenvolvidas nos Programas de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação stricto sensu no Brasil, de 1972 a 2012. Dentre os objetivos estão localizar as pesquisas; os autores; sua distribuição no tempo e espaço; identificar as instituições e orientadores que impulsionam a subárea; definir as abordagens teórico-metodológicas; e apontar autores/conceitos referência. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória e aplicação de quatro filtros, chegou-se a uma amostra final de 102 pesquisas, 87 dissertações e 15 teses, submetidas à análise quantitativa, por meio de Análise de Conteúdo a partir de partes pré-definidas (Resumo, Palavras chave, Introdução, Sumário, Considerações Finais e capítulo metodológico, quando presente), e a uma análise qualitativa do conteúdo completo das 15 teses. O método que orienta esta pesquisa é o histórico dialético, na perspectiva da busca de uma análise de conjunto e atenta às contradições e mudanças que o objeto está implicado; e a pesquisa bibliográfica que a fundamenta se ancora em autores como Jorge González, Cicilia Peruzzo, Regina Festa, Pedro Gilberto Gomes, Gilberto Giménez e Augusto Triviños e foi realizada com o apoio do software NVivo. Resultados quantitativos indicam: a) predominância de pesquisas sobre comunicação comunitária (68%) b) predominância de estudos empíricos (79%); c) a variedade de denominações atribuídas às experiências pelos pesquisadores; d) a constante luta das classes populares por democratização da comunicação e por direitos sociais ao longo dos anos; e) a influência e importância dos intelectuais orgânicos nas experiências estudadas, f) problemas metodológicos; g) UMESP, USP e UFRJ como instituições protagonistas, e, h) Cicilia Peruzzo e Raquel Paiva como as que mais orientam teses e dissertações sobre a temática. Quanto à análise qualitativa verificaram-se alguns critérios que permeiam a CPAC: 1) a definição de classes subalternas; 2) a importância da participação ativa das comunidades nos processos de comunicação; e 3) formas, conteúdos e objetivos que se complementam e dão identidade às experiências


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Textos de ensaios não apresentam resumo


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Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caracterização e viabilidade econômica, para implantação de uma linha de processo, para beneficiar uma jazida de nefelina-sienito. Esta jazida pertence à Mineração e Pesquisa Brasileira Ltda e está localizada no Domo Alcalino do Planalto Lageano, no Estado de Santa Catarina. Nefelina-sienito é uma rocha ígnea de origem plutônica, com ausência de quartzo livre, constituída por minerais félsicos que são os feldspatos e feldspatóides e máficos, que são o piroxênio e anfibólio, associados a minerais acessórios como zircão, apatita, titanita e minerais opacos. Sua principal utilização é como fundente para a indústria cerâmica e vidreira. Este insumo concorre com o Feldspato neste segmento, com vantagens intrínsecas, como teor mais elevado de álcalis (Na2O+K2O), homogeneidade da jazida, além da proximidade do centro consumidor. Por outro lado, apresenta uma grande desvantagem que limita sua utilização na indústria cerâmica, e praticamente exclui seu emprego para o porcelanato e esmalte, que é a interferência na cor do produto final, reflexo do elevado teor de ferro. O objetivo deste trabalho é obter um produto que sirva de insumo (matériaprima) fundente à indústria cerâmica, especificamente na linha de revestimentos nobres, para a fabricação de um piso cerâmico de alto valor agregado, denominado grêsporcelanato Para atingir este objetivo, definiu-se as etapas e ensaios a serem realizados para extrair os minerais máficos (cromóforos), ou seja, aqueles com ferro presente em sua estrutura, e com isto enquadrar o produto dentro dos padrões exigidos pela indústria cerâmica. Inicialmente realizou-se uma caracterização mineralógica da nefelina-sienito, identificando suas características estruturais e texturais e seus minerais constituintes, diferenciando os máficos dos félsicos, estudando suas características físicas, químicas e morfológicas. Posteriormente, efetuou-se a caracterização tecnológica avaliando o grau de liberação destes minerais e, por fim, ensaios de beneficiamento, utilizando-se as técnicas de flotação e separação magnética a seco e a úmido, avaliando suas performances e definindo a rota de processo mais indicada.Elaborou-se um fluxograma de processo específico para esta linha de produção considerando os equipamentos que a empresa já possui, buscando reduzir o custo de implantação. Definida a linha de processo e os equipamentos necessários para sua implantação, avaliou-se os investimentos e custos envolvidos para duas escalas de produção. Por fim elaborou-se um fluxo de caixa para avaliar a viabilidade econômica do projeto. Os resultados encontrados confirmaram a viabilidade técnica e econômica para implantação desta nova linha de processo.


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FREIRE, Isa Maria, et al. Ampliando o acesso livre a informaçao: a digitalizaçao do acervo do Nucleo Tematico da Seca. Pesquisa Brasileira em Ciência da Informação e Biblioteconomia, v.3, n.2, p. 137-142, 2008.Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 nov. 2010.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective: To study the influence of color opacity and light-curing systems (halogen light vs blue LED) on the microhardness of a composite resin. Methods: Esthet-X composite resin (Dentsply), shades A2 and A2-O, was inserted in a stainless steel matrix (5 mm diameter and 2 mm deep) and was light cured for 40 seconds with a halogen light source (XL 3000; 3M/ESPE) or a blue LED (Optilight LD II; Gnatus). Eight groups of 15 specimens each were formed, and were further divided according to the light-curing systems, the exposed area (base and surface), and the opacity of the composite resin, producing 120 specimens. The specimens were next stored in distilled water for 24 hours, embedded in a chemically activated acrylic resin, then subjected to finishing and polishing with sandpaper and felt discs. Microhardness was measured with a Vickers Digital Microhardness meter, with a 50 g load for 30 seconds. The obtained microhardness means were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's multiple-comparison test at 5% significance level. Results: The surface microhardness was always greater than the base microhardness, regardless of the light-curing source. The halogen light lamp produced significantly higher composite resin microhardness means than the blue LED (57.61 vs. 42.53 HV) (p<0.05). Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were obtained between the microhardness means for the different composite opacities; lowest microhardness in depth was produced by the A2-O shade. Conclusion: Composite resin opacity as well as the light-curing system influenced the microhardness of the material.


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Objective: To evaluate the pregnant women's perception of the FOA-UNESP's Pregnant Women Dental Care Program (Araraquara, SP, Brazil). Method: The sample included 75 pregnant women and used a questionnaire with 16 closed questions, containing variables grouped in the following categories: the didactic-psychological meetings, clinical treatment, professional's profile, clinical facility, fear/confidence in the treatment, and learning. Except for the variables fear/confidence in the treatment and learning, to which 'yes' or 'no' answers were attributed, the remaining variables were attributed answers varying from weak to excellent. The questionnaire pretested in a pilot-study and applied after informed consent was obtained from all pregnant women treated between 2005 and 2006. Results: Most women rated as excellent the information addressed during the didactic-psychological meetings (81.1%), the clinical treatment (90.6%), the professional as to personal appearance, kindness and attention (88.7%, 96.2% and 90.6%, respectively), and the clinical facility as to cleanness, ventilation and comfort (92.5%, 86.8% and 90.6%, respectively). Most of them stated to feel confident (96.2%) and have no fear (86.8%) during the treatment and also affirmed having learned new information in the didactic-psychological meetings of the program (92.5%). Conclusion: The services and actions developed in the program have reached successful outcomes, providing health to the pregnant women and their forthcoming babies.


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Objective: To analyze the reasons for replacing amalgam and composite resin restorations of patients treated at the Integrated Clinic Discipline of the Dental School of Araçatuba (UNESP), SP, Brazil. Method: After examining the patients for data collection to obtain a diagnosis, the treatment plan was outlined using a clinical form containing the restorations to be replaced, the reasons for replacing, the restorative material of choice and the number of restored surfaces. Next, all restorations indicated for replacement were examined as to their real need of replacement by 5 calibrated examiners taking into account the theorical concepts on the proposed criteria for the need of replacing or not. The analyzed period comprised 5 years (2001 to 2005). The criteria adopted for replacement were attached to the data collecting form in order to standardize the analysis of the restorations. Results: 856 patients were treated within the studied period and 753 needed restoration replacement. The main reasons for replacing amalgam restorations were defective marginal adaptation (40.9%), recurent caries (24.1%) and deficient anatomical form (15.4%). The main reasons for replacing resin restorations were esthetics (31.4%), defective marginal adaptation (29.2%) and recurent caries (20.7%). Conclusion: In spite of the little clinical experience of the studied population (undergraduate students), the reasons for replacing restorations were in accordance with the literature, having estehtics as the main reason for the replacement of composite resin restorations and defective marginal adaptation for amalgam restorations.


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Objective: To identify the effect of a self-instructive method (comic strip), applied with distinct approaches and evaluated over two periods, on the oral health of schoolchildren. Method: The sample comprised 2nd year elementary schoolchildren chosen randomly and divided into four groups: a control group (G1) which received no material, a reading group (G2), which was given the comic strip and read it in the classroom, a discussion group (G3), who received the comic strip, which was read out loud in the classroom and discussed, and a complete group (G4), which received the comic strip and which, after reading it, was asked to rewrite the story. O'Leary's plaque index was used as an evaluation instrument, measured immediately prior to application of the program and again 30 days later. The plaque index measured after and 30 days was compared, in each group, using the Wilcoxon test. The plaque index of the diferents groups was compared using the Kruskal-Walis test, in two moments diferents. The significance level was 5%. Results: The results of the evaluation revealed a statistically significant reduction (p<0.05) of the plaque index presented between the two periods in the four groups studied here. However, this reduction was considerably greater in the discussion and complete groups. Conclusion: The use of the self-instruction method associated with work on its content, as occurred in the discussion and complete groups, led to a better understanding of the subject matter, resulting in a higher reduction of plaque indices.


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Objective: To verify the cleaning of the apical foramen and apical extrusion of dentin chips in single-rooted teeth instrumented with two techniques, one of which including the apical patency procedure. Method: Thirty teeth were internally stained with Indian ink, divided in two groups, of which only group I was subjected to apical patency. The dentin chips extruded through the apical foramen were collected in a glass receptacle and quantified. The apical foramen region was divided in quadrants and analyzed with a stereomicroscope to verify the action of the instrument on the cemental canal walls. The teeth were scored 0 4 according to the number of clean walls (without Indian ink), 0 corresponding to no clean wall. Results: In group I, there was no dentin plug, but only 1 tooth was scored 4. In group II, 10 teeth presented dentin plug and all of them were scored 0. There was no statistically significant difference between groups I and II regarding the extruded dentin mass (Scheffé test; p<0.05). Conclusion: The use of the apical patency procedure in single-rooted teeth does not modify the amount of dentin chips extruded through the apical foramen, does not produce an adequate cleaning of the cemental canal walls, but remove the plug of dentin chips from the cemental canal.