968 resultados para perylene carboximides, molecular rotor, single molecule spectroscopy, optoelectronic devices


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Perylencarbonsäureimide sind Farbmittel mit ausgezeichneter chemischer und photochemischer Stabilität, hohen molaren Extinktionskoeffizienten und hohen Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten, weswegen ihre Anwendung über die reine Farbgebung hinausgeht und von der Grundlagenforschung bis hin zum funktionellen High-Tech-Material reicht. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation mit dem Titel „Farbe und Funktion neuer Molekülarchitekturen auf Rylencarbonsäureimid-Basis“ war die Synthese und Charakterisierung von neuen chromophoren Systemen ausgehend von bekannten Perylenfarbmitteln. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird die Synthese eines Konstruktes beschrieben, das es ermöglicht, die Rotation eines Perylenfarbstoffs einzelmolekülspektroskopisch zu visualisieren. Mit der Methode der defokussierten Einzelmolekülspektroskopie kann die Immobilisierung des molekularen Rotors nachgewiesen und die Umorientierung des Farbstoffs detektiert werden. In den folgenden Kapiteln steht die gezielte Variation bekannter chromophorer Systeme im Vordergrund. Die Veränderung der Größe, der Topologie und der Substitution des aromatischen π-Systems hat erheblichen Einfluss auf die optischen Eigenschaften sowie auf die Eignung der Moleküle als funktionelle Farbmittel, beispielsweise in optoelektronischen Bauteilen. Anhand der Eigenschaften der dargestellten Derivate können systematische Zusammenhänge zwischen Struktur, Farbe und Funktion abgeleitet werden.


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Single-molecule studies of the conformations of the intact β2 adrenergic receptor were performed in solution. Photon bursts from the fluorescently tagged adrenergic receptor in a micelle were recorded. A photon-burst algorithm and a Poisson time filter were implemented to characterize single molecules diffusing across the probe volume of a confocal microscope. The effects of molecular diffusion and photon number fluctuations were deconvoluted by assuming that Poisson distributions characterize the molecular occupation and photon numbers. Photon-burst size histograms were constructed, from which the source intensity distributions were extracted. Different conformations of the β2 adrenergic receptor cause quenching of the bound fluorophore to different extents and hence produce different photon-burst sizes. An analysis of the photon-burst histograms shows that there are at least two distinct substates for the native adrenergic membrane receptor. This behavior is in contrast to one peak observed for the dye molecule, rhodamine 6G. We test the reliability and robustness of the substate number determination by investigating the application of different binning criteria. Conformational changes associated with agonist binding result in a marked change in the distribution of photon-burst sizes. These studies provide insight into the conformational heterogeneity of G protein-coupled receptors in the presence and absence of a bound agonist.


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The macroscopic mechanical properties of polyaniline (PANI) lie mainly on two factors, the structure of molecular aggregations of polymers and the mechanical properties of a single polymer chain. The former factor is swell revealed; however, the latter is rarely studied. In this article, we have employed atomic force microscopy-based single-molecule force spectroscopy to investigate the mechanical properties of a kind of water-soluble PANI at a single-molecular level. We have carried out the study comparatively on single-chain-stretching experiments of oxidized, reduced, and doped PANI and obtained a full view of the single-chain elasticity of PANI in all these states. It is found that oxidized and reduced PANI chains are rigid, and the oxidized PANI is more rigid than the reduced PANI. Such a difference in single-chain elasticity can be rationalized by the molecular structures that are composed of benzenoid diamine and quinoid diimine its different proportions. The doped PANI has been found to be more flexible than the oxidized and reduced PANI, and the modified freely jointed chain parameters of doped PANI are similar with those of a common flexible-chain polymer.


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A perylene derivative, n-(n-butyl)-n'-(4-aminobutyl) perylene-3,4,9,10-tetracarboxylic acid diimide (simplified as nBu-PTCD-(CH2)(4)-NH2) has been chosen as the target molecule for studies involving single molecule detection (SMD) using Raman scattering. The enhancement of the Raman signal is the result of the multiplicative effects of two phenomena, resonance Raman scattering (RRS) and surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS), which leads to the resulting surface-enhanced resonance Raman scattering (SERRS) process. The SERRS spectra from a single molecule have been collected using both silver and gold colloids. The SMD detection of the fundamental vibrational frequencies characteristic of nBu-PTCD-(CH2)(4)-NH2 is complemented with the detection of some overtones and combinations from ring stretching modes at the single molecule level. The background characterization of the ensemble vibrational spectroscopy of the target perylene and its SERRS is also presented, which includes the UV-vis absorption, experimental and calculated Raman scattering and infrared absorption, and molecular organization using reflection-absorption infrared spectroscopy (RAIRS).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Proteins are specialized molecules that catalyze most of the reactions that can sustain life, and they become functional by folding into a specific 3D structure. Despite their importance, the question, "how do proteins fold?" - first pondered in in the 1930's - is still listed as one of the top unanswered scientific questions as of 2005, according to the journal Science. Answering this question would provide a foundation for understanding protein function and would enable improved drug targeting, efficient biofuel production, and stronger biomaterials. Much of what we currently know about protein folding comes from studies on small, single-domain proteins, which may be quite different from the folding of large, multidomain proteins that predominate the proteomes of all organisms.

In this thesis I will discuss my work to fill this gap in understanding by studying the unfolding and refolding of large, multidomain proteins using the powerful combination of single-molecule force-spectroscopy experiments and molecular dynamic simulations.

The three model proteins studied - Luciferase, Protein S, and Streptavidin - lend insight into the inter-domain dependence for unfolding and the subdomain stabilization of binding ligands, and ultimately provide new insight into atomistic details of the intermediate states along the folding pathway.


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Molecular machinery on the micro-scale, believed to be the fundamental building blocks of life, involve forces of 1-100 pN and movements of nanometers to micrometers. Micromechanical single-molecule experiments seek to understand the physics of nucleic acids, molecular motors, and other biological systems through direct measurement of forces and displacements. Optical tweezers are a popular choice among several complementary techniques for sensitive force-spectroscopy in the field of single molecule biology. The main objective of this thesis was to design and construct an optical tweezers instrument capable of investigating the physics of molecular motors and mechanisms of protein/nucleic-acid interactions on the single-molecule level. A double-trap optical tweezers instrument incorporating acousto-optic trap-steering, two independent detection channels, and a real-time digital controller was built. A numerical simulation and a theoretical study was performed to assess the signal-to-noise ratio in a constant-force molecular motor stepping experiment. Real-time feedback control of optical tweezers was explored in three studies. Position-clamping was implemented and compared to theoretical models using both proportional and predictive control. A force-clamp was implemented and tested with a DNA-tether in presence of the enzyme lambda exonuclease. The results of the study indicate that the presented models describing signal-to-noise ratio in constant-force experiments and feedback control experiments in optical tweezers agree well with experimental data. The effective trap stiffness can be increased by an order of magnitude using the presented position-clamping method. The force-clamp can be used for constant-force experiments, and the results from a proof-of-principle experiment, in which the enzyme lambda exonuclease converts double-stranded DNA to single-stranded DNA, agree with previous research. The main objective of the thesis was thus achieved. The developed instrument and presented results on feedback control serve as a stepping stone for future contributions to the growing field of single molecule biology.


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Motivated by needs in molecular diagnostics and advances in microfabrication, researchers started to seek help from microfluidic technology, as it provides approaches to achieve high throughput, high sensitivity, and high resolution. One strategy applied in microfluidics to fulfill such requirements is to convert continuous analog signal into digitalized signal. One most commonly used example for this conversion is digital PCR, where by counting the number of reacted compartments (triggered by the presence of the target entity) out of the total number of compartments, one could use Poisson statistics to calculate the amount of input target.

However, there are still problems to be solved and assumptions to be validated before the technology is widely employed. In this dissertation, the digital quantification strategy has been examined from two angles: efficiency and robustness. The former is a critical factor for ensuring the accuracy of absolute quantification methods, and the latter is the premise for such technology to be practically implemented in diagnosis beyond the laboratory. The two angles are further framed into a “fate” and “rate” determination scheme, where the influence of different parameters is attributed to fate determination step or rate determination step. In this discussion, microfluidic platforms have been used to understand reaction mechanism at single molecule level. Although the discussion raises more challenges for digital assay development, it brings the problem to the attention of the scientific community for the first time.

This dissertation also contributes towards developing POC test in limited resource settings. On one hand, it adds ease of access to the tests by incorporating massively producible, low cost plastic material and by integrating new features that allow instant result acquisition and result feedback. On the other hand, it explores new isothermal chemistry and new strategies to address important global health concerns such as cyctatin C quantification, HIV/HCV detection and treatment monitoring as well as HCV genotyping.


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Single molecule force spectroscopy is a technique that can be used to probe the interaction force between individual biomolecular species. We focus our attention on the tip and sample coupling chemistry, which is crucial to these experiments. We utilised a novel approach of mixed self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiols in conjunction with a heterobifunctional crosslinker. The effectiveness of the protocol is demonstrated by probing the biotin-avidin interaction. We measured unbinding forces comparable to previously reported values measured at similar loading rates. Specificity tests also demonstrated a significant decrease in recognition after blocking with free avidin.


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A ruthenium(II) bis(sigma-arylacetylide)-complex-based molecular wire functionalized with thiolacetyl alligator clips at both ends (OPERu) was used to fabricate gold substrate-molecular wire-conductive tip junctions. To elucidate the ruthenium-complex-enhanced charge transport, we conducted a single-molecule level investigation using the technique-combination method, where electronic delay constant, single-molecular conductance, and barrier height were obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) apparent height measurements, STM break junction measurements, and conductive probe-atomic force microscopy (CP-AFM) measurements, respectively.


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Individual hydrophobically modified ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (HM-EHEC) molecules under different conditions were elongated using a new atomic force microscope (AFM) based technique-single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS). The critical concentration of HM-EHEC for micelle-like clusters at a solid/liquid interface was around 0.8 wt %, which is lower than that in solution. The different mechanical properties of HM-EHEC below and above the critical concentration were displayed on force-extension curves. Through a comparison with unmodified hydroxyethyl cellulose, substituent-induced effects on nanomechanical features of HM-EHEC were investigated. Because of hydrophobic interactions and cooperative binding with the polymer, surfactants such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) dramatically influence the elastic properties of HM-EHEC below the critical concentration, and further addition of SDS reduces the interactions between the hydrophobic groups and the surfactant.


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Our work on single molecule magnets and multifunctional magnetic materials is presented in four projects. In the first project we show for first time that heteroatomic-type pseudohalides, such as OCN-, can be employed as structure-directing ligands and ferromagnetic couplers in higher oxidation state metal cluster chemistry. The initial use of cyanato groups in Mn cluster chemistry has afforded structurally interesting MnII/III14 (1) and MnII/III/IV16 (2) clusters in which the end-on bridging cyanates show a preference in binding through their O-atom. The Mn14 compound shows entirely visible out-of-phase alternating currect signals below 5 K and large hysteresis loops below 2 K. Furthermore, the amalgamation of azido groups with the triethanolamine tripodal ligand in manganese carboxylate cluster chemistry has led to the isolation of a new ferromagnetic, high-nuclearity and mixed-valence MnII/III15Na2 (3) cluster with a large ground-state spin value of S = 14. In the second project we demonstrate a new synthetic route to purely inorganic-bridged, transition metal-azido clusters [CoII7 (4) and NiII7 (5)] and coordination polymers [{FeII/III2}n (6)] which exhibit strong ferromagnetic, SMM and long-range magnetic ordering behaviors. We also show that access to such a unique ferromagnetic class of inorganic, N-rich and O-free materials is feasible through the use of Me3SiN3 as the azido-ligand precursor without requiring the addition of any organic chelating/bridging ligand. In the last projects we have tried to bring together molecular magnetism and optics via the synthesis of multifunctional magnetic materials based on 3d- or 4f-metal ions. We decided to approach such challenge from two different directions: firstly, in our third project, by the deliberate replacement of non-emissive carboxylato ligands in known 3d-SMMs with their fluorescent analogues, without perturbing the metal-core structure and SMM properties (complexes 7, 8, and 9). The second route (last project) involves the use of naphthalene or pyridine-based polyalcohol bridging ligands for the synthesis of new polynuclear LnIII metal clusters (Ln = lanthanide) with novel topologies, SMM behaviors and luminescent properties arising from the increased efficiency of the “antenna” organic group. This approach has led us to the isolation of two new families of LnIII8 (complexes 10-13) and LnIII4 (complexes 14-20) clusters.


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Three promising variants of autofluorescent proteins have been analyzed photophysically for their proposed use in single-molecule microscopy studies in living cells to compare their superiority to other fluorescent proteins previously reported regarding the number of photons emitted. The first variant under investigation the F46L mutant of eYFP has a 10% greater photon emission rate and > 50% slower photobleaching rate on average than the standard eYFP fluorophore. The monomeric red fluorescent protein (mRFP) has a fivefold lower photon emission rate, likely due to the monomeric content, and also a tenfold faster photobleaching rate than the DsRed fluorescent protein. In contrast, the previously reported eqfp611 has a 50% lower emission rate yet photobleaches more than a factor 2 slowly. We conclude that the F46L YFP and the eqfp611 are superior new options for single molecule imaging and tracking studies in living cells. Studies were also performed on the effects of forced quenching of multiple fluorescent proteins in sub-micrometer regions that would show the effects of dimerization at low concentration levels of fluorescent proteins and also indicate corrections to stoichiometry patterns with fluorescent proteins previously in print. We also introduce properties at the single molecule level of new FRET pairs with combinations of fluorescent proteins and artificial fluorophores.


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A new homologous series of norbornylogous (NB) bridges has been synthesized in which the average curvature of the bridges is very small. The molecules are rigid and have two thiol moieties at each end to allow them to form self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) and to connect to two gold electrodes to form a molecular junction. The SAMs formed were characterized using electrochemistry to determine the surface coverage of molecules on gold surface and to provide an indication of the packing of the NB bridges while ellipsometry and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to provide an indication of the SAM thickness and orientation. Single molecule conductance of NB bridges was measured as a function of the molecular length. The conductance was found to decrease exponentially with the length with a decay constant that is exactly correlated with photoelectron transfer and other studies at the multiple molecule level. The molecule−electrode contact resistance was determined and compared with that of related alkanedithiol molecular junctions.


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Plasmon-enhanced spectroscopic techniques have expanded single-molecule detection (SMD) and are revolutionizing areas such as bio-imaging and single-cell manipulation. Surface-enhanced (resonance) Raman scattering (SERS or SERRS) combines high sensitivity with molecularfingerprint information at the single-molecule level. Spectra originating from single-molecule SERS experiments are rare events, which occur only if a single molecule is located in a hot-spot zone. In this spot, the molecule is selectively exposed to a significant enhancement associated with a high, local electromagnetic field in the plasmonic substrate. Here, we report an SMD study with an electrostatic approach in which a Langmuir film of a phospholipid with anionic polar head groups (PO 4 -) was doped with cationic methylene blue (MB), creating a homogeneous, two-dimensional distribution of dyes in the monolayer. The number of dyes in the probed area of the Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) film coating the Ag nanostructures established a regime in which single-molecule events were observed, with the identification based on direct matching of the observed spectrum at each point of the mapping with a reference spectrum for the MB molecule. In addition, advanced fitting techniques were tested with the data obtained from micro-Raman mapping, thus achieving real-time processing to extract the MB single-molecule spectra. © 2013 Society for Applied Spectroscopy.