997 resultados para persistent Müllerian duct syndrome


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OBJECTIVE: To screen for mutations in AMH and AMHR2 genes in patients with persistent Müllerian duct syndrome (PMDS). PATIENTS AND METHOD: Genomic DNA of eight patients with PMDS was obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes. Directed sequencing of the coding regions and the exon-intron boundaries of AMH and AMHR2 were performed. RESULTS: The AMH mutations p.Arg95*, p.Arg123Trp, c.556-2A>G, and p.Arg502Leu were identified in five patients; and p.Gly323Ser and p.Arg407* in AMHR2 of two individuals. In silico analyses of the novel c.556-2A>G, p.Arg502Leu and p.Arg407* mutations predicted that they were harmful and were possible causes of the disease. CONCLUSION: A likely molecular etiology was found in the eight evaluated patients with PMDS. Four mutations in AMH and two in AMHR2 were identified. Three of them are novel mutations, c.556-2A>G, and p.Arg502Leu in AMH; and p.Gly323Ser in AMHR2. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):473-8


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Objective: To screen for mutations in AMH and AMHR2 genes in patients with persistent Mullerian duct syndrome (PMDS). Patients and method: Genomic DNA of eight patients with PMDS was obtained from peripheral blood leukocytes. Directed sequencing of the coding regions and the exon-intron boundaries of AMH and AMHR2 were performed. Results: The AMH mutations p.Arg95*, p.Arg123Trp, c.556-2A>G, and p. Arg502Leu were identified in five patients; and p.Gly323Ser and p.Arg407* in AMHR2 of two individuals. In silico analyses of the novel c.556-2A>G, p.Arg502Leu and p.Arg407* mutations predicted that they were harmful and were possible causes of the disease. Conclusion: A likely molecular etiology was found in the eight evaluated patients with PMDS. Four mutations in AMH and two in AMHR2 were identified. Three of them are novel mutations, c.556-2A>G, and p. Arg502Leu in AMH; and p.Gly323Ser in AMHR2. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(8):473-8


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A 23-month-old tomcat was referred to our clinic because of male behavioral problems, cryptorchidism, and an undefined intra-abdominal organ resembling a uterus. Ultrasonography and computed tomography showed 2 fluid-filled tubular structures dorsolaterally to the bladder and connected to the pelvic urethra. The cat was castrated, and the tubular structures were surgically removed. Histology identified them as Müllerian duct remnants. The testes were hypoplastic, the epididymes and deferent ducts were normal. Cytogenetic analyses revealed the presence of a mosaic 37,X/38,XY karyotype which explains the clinical findings.


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Macrophage activating syndrome (MAS) is a rare hematological disorder associated with uncontrolled systemic T-cell activation. Persistent fever, fatigue and hepatosplenomegaly are frequent clinical manifestations, whereas hyperferritinemia, elevated serum lactate dehydrogenase levels and cytopenia are key criteria for the diagnosis of MAS. The nature of liver pathology in MAS has been partially elucidated but destructive biliary lesions have been rarely described. This report illustrates four cases of MAS developing marked cholestasis, leading to one case of biliary cirrhosis necessitating liver transplantation. Histologically, liver involvement was characterized in all cases by acute lobular hepatitis, marked hepatocyte apoptosis and small bile duct injury similar to the vanishing bile duct syndrome. Immuno-histological studies showed that the inflammatory changes and bile duct lesions were dominated by the presence of activated macrophages and T-cells, in particular CD8+ lymphocytes, and in part NK-cells. These findings suggest that in MAS, various T-cell triggers such as infection, autoimmune disease and malignancy might result in the release of cytokines, which in turn activate macrophages to trigger a systemic acute phase response and local tissue damage. This communication suggests that a macrophage, T- and NK-cell network is operational in the pathogenesis of the cholangiocyte, hepatocyte and sinus endothelial cell damage in MAS.


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CONTEXTO:Translocações robertsonianas (TR) estão entre os rearranjos estruturais balanceados mais comuns em humanos e compreendem a fusão da cromatina completa do braço longo de dois cromossomos acrocêntricos. No entanto, são raras as translocações não Robertsonianas envolvendo esses cromossomos.RELATO DE CASO:Nós descrevemos uma translocação não balanceada de novo envolvendo os cromossomos 15 e 21. A recém-nascida era filha de uma mãe de 29 anos e de um pai de 42 anos, casal não consanguíneo. Os achados clínicos levaram ao diagnóstico de síndrome de Down (SD) com defeitos cardíacos congênitos graves (persistência do canal arterial e defeito do septo atrioventricular completo), além de baixos comprimento e peso ao nascimento (< 5o e < 10o percentil em curvas de medidas específicas para SD, respectivamente). A análise citogenética convencional revelou o cariótipo 46,XX,der(15)(15pter→15q26.2


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Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) causes regression of the fetal Müllerian duct on binding a heteromeric complex of types I and II cell-surface receptors in the fetal urogenital ridge. The MIS type II receptor (MISRII), which provides specificity for MIS, is also expressed in the adult testis, ovary, and uterus. The rat MISRII promoter was cloned to study the molecular mechanisms underlying its temporal and cell-specific expression. The 1.6-kilobase (kb) promoter contained no recognizable TATA or CAAT box, but there was a consensus Sp1 site upstream of the transcription initiation site. Two binding sites for the orphan nuclear receptor steroidogenic factor-1 (SF-1) are occupied in vitro by using nuclear extracts from R2C cells, an MIS-responsive rat Leydig cell line that expresses endogenous MISRII, with differing affinities, indicating that the distal SF-1 site is bound more avidly than is the proximal SF-1 site. R2C cells transfected with MISRII promoter/luciferase reporter constructs show a 12-fold induction with the 1.6-kb fragment and deletion of sequences upstream of −282-bp lowered luciferase expression to one-third. Mutation of both SF-1 sites greatly inhibited luciferase expression, whereas mutation of either site alone resulted in continuing activation by endogenous SF-1, indicating redundancy. In vitro binding and transcriptional analyses suggest that a proximal potential Smad-responsive element and an uncharacterized element also contribute to activation of the MISRII gene. R2C cells and MISRII promoter regulation can now be used to uncover endogenous transcription factors responsible for receptor expression or repression.


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During male gonadal development Müllerian duct regression is mediated by the actions of the hormone Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS), a member of the transforming growth factor beta superfamily. MIS is considered to be unique among members of this superfamily because bioactivation of MIS via proteolytic processing is hypothesized to occur at its target organ, the Müllerian duct. We find instead that the majority of MIS is processed and secreted from the embryonic testes as a complex in which the mature region remains noncovalently associated with the prodomain. In addition, we have identified two candidate endoproteases that are expressed in the testes and that may be capable of processing MIS in vivo. These kex2/subtilisin-like enzymes, PC5 and furin, are members of the proprotein convertase family that have been implicated in hormone bioactivation via proteolytic processing after dibasic amino acid cleavage recognition sites. Coexpression of PC5 and MIS in transfected mammalian cells results in efficient processing and bioactivation of MIS. Our results suggest that MIS is a natural substrate for PC5, thereby supporting a role for prohormone convertases in the activation of transforming growth factor beta-related hormones during development.


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Treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) challenges obstetricians, pediatric surgeons, and neonatologists. Persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHT) associated with lung hypoplasia in CDH leads to a high mortality rate at birth. PPHT is principally due to an increased muscularization of the arterioles. Management of CDH has been greatly improved by the introduction of prenatal surgical intervention with tracheal obstruction (TO) and by more appropriate postnatal care. TO appears to accelerate fetal lung growth and to increase the number of capillary vessels and alveoli. Improvement of postnatal care over the last years is mainly due to the avoidance of lung injury by applying low peak inflation pressure during ventilation. The benefits of other drugs or technical improvements such as the use of inhaled nitric oxide or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) are still being debated and no single strategy is accepted worldwide. Despite intensive clinical and experimental research, the treatment of newborn with CDH remains difficult.


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Dicer encodes a riboendonuclease required for microRNA biosynthesis. Dicer was inactivated in Müllerian duct mesenchyme-derived tissues of the reproductive tract of the mouse, using an Amhr2-Cre allele. Although Amhr2-Cre; Dicer conditional mutant males appeared normal and were fertile, mutant females were infertile. In adult mutant females, there was a reduction in the size of the oviducts and uterine horns. The oviducts were less coiled compared to controls and cysts formed at the isthmus near the uterotubal junction. Unfertilized, degenerate oocytes were commonly found within these cysts, indicating a defect in embryo transit. Beads transferred into the mutant oviduct failed to migrate into the uterus. In addition, blastocysts transferred directly into the mutant uterus did not result in pregnancy. Histological analysis demonstrated that the mutant uterus contained less glandular tissue and often the few glands that remained were found within the myometrium, an abnormal condition known as adenomyosis. In adult mutants, there was ectopic expression of Wnt4 and Wnt5a in the luminal epithelium (LE) and glandular epithelium (GE) of the uterus, and Wnt11 was ectopically expressed in GE. These results demonstrate that Dicer is necessary for postnatal differentiation of Müllerian duct mesenchyme-derived tissues of the female reproductive tract, suggesting that microRNAs are important regulators of female reproductive tract development and fertility.


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The differentiation of the reproductive organs is an essential developmental process required for the proper transmission of the genetic material. Müllerian inhibiting substance (MIS) is produced by testes and is necessary for the regression of the Müllerian ducts: the anlagen of the uterus, fallopian tubes and cervix. In vitro and standard transgenic mouse studies indicate that the nuclear hormone receptor Steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1) and the transcription factor SOX9 play an essential role in the regulation of Mis. To test this hypothesis, mutations in the endogenous SF-1 and SOX9 binding sites in the mouse Mis promoter were introduced by gene targeting in embryonic stem (ES) cells. In disagreement with cell culture and transgenic mouse studies, male mice homozygous for the mutant SF-1 binding site correctly initiated Mis transcription in the fetal testes, although at significantly reduced levels. Surprisingly, sufficient Mis was produced for complete elimination of the Müllerian duct system. However, when the SF-1 binding site mutation was combined with an Mis -null allele, the further decrease in Mis levels led to a partial retention of uterine tissue, but only at a distance from the testes. In contrast, males homozygous for the mutant SOX9 binding site did not initiate Mis transcription, resulting in pseudohermaphrodites with a uterus and oviducts. These studies suggest an essential role for SOX9 in the initiation of Mis transcription, whereas SF-1 appears to act as a quantitative regulator of Mis transcript levels perhaps for influencing non-Müllerian duct tissues. ^ The Mis type II receptor, a member of the TGF- b superfamily, is also required for the proper regression of the Müllerian ducts. Mis type II receptor-deficient human males and their murine counterparts develop as pseudohermaphrodites. A lacZ reporter cassette was introduced into the mouse Mis type II receptor gene, by homologous recombination in ES cells. Expression studies, based on b -galactosidase activity, show marked expression of the MIS type II receptor in the postnatal Sertoli cells of the testis as well as in the prenatal and postnatal granulosa cells of the ovary. Expression is also seen in the mesenchymal cells surrounding the Müllerian duct and in the longitudinal muscle layer of the uterus. ^


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Regardless of genetic sex, amniotes develop two sets of genital ducts, the Wolffian and Müllerian ducts. Normal sexual development requires the differentiation of one duct and the regression of the other. I show that cells in the rostral most region of the coelomic epithelium (CE) are specified to a Müllerian duct fate beginning at Tail Somite Stage 19 (TS19). The Müllerian duct (MD) invaginates from the CE where it extends caudally to and reaches the Wolffian duct (WD) by TS22. Upon contact, the MD elongates to the urogenital sinus separating the WD from the CE and its formation is complete by TS34. During its elongation, the MD is associated with and dependent upon the WD and I have identified the mechanism for MD elongation. Using the Rosa26 reporter to fate map the WD, I show that the WD does not contribute cells to the MD. Using an in vitro recombinant explant culture assay I show that the entire length of the MD is derived from the CE. Furthermore, I analyzed cell proliferation and developed an in vitro assay to show that a small population of cells at the caudal tip proliferates, laying the foundation for the formation of the MD. I also show that during its formation, the MD has a distinctive mesoepithelial character. The MD in males regresses under the influence of Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH). Through tissue-specific gene inactivation I have identified that Acvr1 and Bmpr1a and Smad1, Smad5 and Smad8 function redundantly in transducing the AMH signal. In females the MD differentiates into an epithelial tube and eventually the female reproductive tract. However, the exact tissue into which the MD differentiates has not been determined. I therefore generated a MD specific Cre allele that will allow for the fate mapping of the MD in both females males. The MD utilizes a unique form of tubulogenesis during development and to my knowledge is the only tubule that relies upon a signal from and the presence of another distinct epithelial tube for its formation.^


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As the mammalian embryo develops, it must engage one of the two distinct programmes of gene activity, morphogenesis and organogenesis that characterize males and females. In males, sexual development hinges on testis determination and differentiation, but also involves many coordinated transcriptional, signalling and endocrine networks that underpin the masculinization of other organs and tissues, including the brain. Here we bring together current knowledge about these networks, identify gaps in the overall picture, and highlight the known defects that lead to disorders of male sexual development.


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A ressonância magnética é um método excelente e cada vez é mais indicado na avaliação de alterações da vagina, em virtude da sua capacidade de avaliação multiplanar e alto contraste tecidual. A RM é usada no estadiamento de tumores da vagina e detecção de recidivas. Também é útil na caracterização de malformações congénitas. Neste artigo descrevemos as características em ressonância magnética das diferentes patologias congénitas e adquiridas da vagina.


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Liddle's syndrome is a genetic form of hypertension linked to Na(+) retention caused by activating mutations in the COOH terminus of the beta or gamma subunit of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC). In this study, we used the short-circuit current (I(sc)) method to investigate the effects of deamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin (dDAVP) on Na(+) and Cl(-) fluxes in primary cultures of cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) microdissected from the kidneys of mice with Liddle's syndrome carrying a stop codon mutation, corresponding to the beta-ENaC R(566) stop mutation (L) found in the original pedigree. Compared to wild-type (+/+) CCD cells, untreated L/+ and L/L CCD cells exhibited 2.7- and 4.2-fold increases, respectively, in amiloride-sensitive (Ams) I(sc), reflecting ENaC-dependent Na(+) absorption. Short-term incubation with dDAVP caused a rapid and significant increase (approximately 2-fold) in Ams I(sc) in +/+, but not in L/+ or L/L CCD cells. In sharp contrast, dDAVP induced a greater increase in 5-nitro-2-(3-phenylpropamino)benzoate (NPPB)-inhibited apical Cl(-) currents in amiloride-treated L/L and L/+ cells than in their +/+ counterparts. I(sc) recordings performed under apical ion substituted conditions revealed that the dDAVP-stimulated apical secretion of Cl(-), which was absent in cultured CCDs lacking CFTR, was 1.8-fold greater in L/+ and 3.7-fold greater in L/L CCD cells than in their +/+ CCD counterparts. After the basal membrane had been permeabilized with nystatin and a basal-to-apical Cl(-) gradient had been imposed, dDAVP also stimulated larger Cl(-) currents across L/L and L/+ CCD layers than +/+ CCD layers. These findings demonstrate that vasopressin stimulates greater apical CFTR Cl(-) conductance in the renal CCD cells of mice with Liddle's syndrome than in wild-type mice. This effect could contribute to the enhanced NaCl reabsorption observed in the distal nephron of patients with Liddle's syndrome.