591 resultados para periodicity


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This paper shows that traffic hysteresis, a manifestation of driver characteristics, has a profound impact on the development of traffic oscillations and the bottleneck discharge rate. Findings suggest that aggressive driver behavior (with small response times and jammed spacing) leads to spontaneous formations of stop-and-go disturbances. Furthermore, the aggressive behavior, coupled with a late response to adopt less aggressive behavior, generates large hysteresis that leads to oscillations’ transformation from localized to substantial disturbances and growth. The larger the magnitude of hysteresis is, the larger the growth is. Our finding also suggests that the bottleneck discharge rate can diminish by 8-23% when driver adopts a less aggressive reaction to a disturbance (characterized by a larger response time). This finding is particularly notable since lane-changes have been believed to be the major cause of a reduction in bottleneck discharge rate.


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In the coastal region of central Queensland female red-spot king prawns, P. longistylus, and the western or blue-leg king prawns, P. latisulcatus, had high mean ovary weights and high proportions of advanced ovary development during the winter months of July and August of 1985 and 1986. On the basis of insemination, both species began copulating at the size of 26-27 mm CL, but P. longistylus matured and spawned at a smaller size than P. latisulcatus. Abundance of P. longistylus was generally three to four times greater than that of P. latisulcatus but the latter was subject to greater variation in abundance. Low mean ovary weight and low proportions of females with advanced ovaries were associated with the maximum mean bottom sea-water temperature (28.5ºC) for both species. Population fecundity indices indicated that peaks in yolk or egg production (a) displayed a similar pattern for both species, (b) varied in timing from year to year for both species and (c) were strongly influenced by abundance. Generally, sample estimates of abundance and commercial catch rates (CPUE) showed similar trends. Differences between the two may have been due to changes in targeted commercial effort in this multi-species fishery.


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Metapenaeus endeavouri and M. ensis from coastal trawl fishing grounds off central Queensland, Australia, have marked seasonal reproductive cycles. Female M. endeavouri grew to a larger size than female M. ensis and occurred over a wider range of sites and depths. Although M. ensis was geographically restricted in distribution to only the shallowest sites it was highly abundant. Mating activity in these open thelycum species, indicated by the presence or absence of a spermatophore, was relatively low and highly seasonal compared with closed thelyeum shrimps. Seasonal variation in spermatophore insemination can be used as an independent technique to study spawning periodicity in open thelycum shrimps. Data strongly suggest an inshore movement of M. endeavouri to mature and spawn. This differs from most concepts of Penaeus species life cycles, but is consistent with the estuarine significance in the life cycle of Metapenaeus species. Monthly population fecundity indices suggest summer spawning for both species, which contrasts with the winter spawning of other shrimps from the same multispecies fishery.


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Maan törmäyskraaterien ikäjakauman mahdollinen ajallinen jaksollisuus on herättänyt laajaa keskustelua sen jälkeen, kun ilmiö ensimmäistä kertaa raportoitiin joukossa arvostettuja tieteellisiä artikkeleita vuonna 1984. Vaikka nykytiedon valossa on kyseenalaista perustuuko havaittu jaksollisuus todelliseen fysikaaliseen ilmiöön, on kuitenkin mahdollista, että jaksollisuus on todella olemassa ja se voitaisiin havaita laajemmalla ja tarkemmalla törmäyskraateriaineistolla. Tutkimuksessa luotiin simuloidut kraaterien ajalliset tiheys- ja kertymäfunktiot tapauksille, jossa kraaterit syntyvät joko täysin jaksollisella tai satunnaisella prosessilla. Näiden kahden ääritapauksen lisäksi luotiin jakaumat myös kahdelle niiden yhdistelmälle. Nämä mallit mahdollistavat myös erilaisten kraaterien iänmäärityksen epätarkkuuksien huomioonottamisen. Näistä jakaumista luotiin eri pituisia simuloituja kraaterien ikien aikasarjoja. Lopulta simuloiduista aikasarjoista pyrittiin Rayleigh'n menetelmän avulla etsimään jakaumassa ollutta jaksollisuutta. Tutkimuksemme perusteella ajallisen jaksollisuuden havaitseminen kraateriaikasarjoista on lähes mahdotonta mikäli vain yksi kolmasosa kraatereista on jaksollisen ilmiön aiheuttamia, vaikka nykyistä kraateriaineistoa laajempi ja tarkempi aineisto olisi tulevaisuudessa saatavilla. Mikäli kaksi kolmasosaa meteoriittitörmäyksistä on jaksollisia, sen havaitseminen on mahdollista, mutta vaatii huomattavasti tämän hetkistä kattavamman kraateriaineiston. Tutkimuksen perusteella on syytä epäillä, että havaittu kraaterien ajallinen jaksollisuus ei ole todellinen ilmiö.


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General' objects, which are specially prepared to possess restricted spatial frequency spectra, have been used in the conventional Lau experiment to obtain experimental proof for the existence of lateral periodicity arising from axial periodicity, for a subclass of axially periodic wavefields in an incoherent situation.


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We study the quenching dynamics of a many-body system in one dimension described by a Hamiltonian that has spatial periodicity. Specifically, we consider a spin-1/2 chain with equal xx and yy couplings and subject to a periodically varying magnetic field in the (z) over cap direction or, equivalently, a tight-binding model of spinless fermions with a periodic local chemical potential, having period 2q, where q is a positive integer. For a linear quench of the strength of the magnetic field (or chemical potential) at a rate 1/tau across a quantum critical point, we find that the density of defects thereby produced scales as 1/tau(q/(q+1)), deviating from the 1/root tau scaling that is ubiquitous in a range of systems. We analyze this behavior by mapping the low-energy physics of the system to a set of fermionic two-level systems labeled by the lattice momentum k undergoing a nonlinear quench as well as by performing numerical simulations. We also show that if the magnetic field is a superposition of different periods, the power law depends only on the smallest period for very large values of tau, although it may exhibit a crossover at intermediate values of tau. Finally, for the case where a zz coupling is also present in the spin chain, or equivalently, where interactions are present in the fermionic system, we argue that the power associated with the scaling law depends on a combination of q and the interaction strength.


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This study examines zooplankton periodicity and some physicochemical parameters of the intake channel of Lake Chad (Nigeria). Nine different zooplankton species were identified at the sampling station 1, while seven different zooplankton species were identified at the sampling station 2 (the intake channel of Lake Chad). Each identified zooplankton species was grouped according to its major group of copepods, Cladocera or Rotifera. The copepods dominated the zooplankton community with the highest numbers of occurrence as Cyclopedia species throughout the course of the study at both station l and 2. There was a clear evidence of the influence of organic manure nutrients on total zooplankton population at station 1 when compared to that of station 2. The water quality variables measured in the course of this study show that the surface water temperature in station 1 ranges from 27.5 degree C to 30.5 degree C. The pH ranges from 6.8 to 8.5, while D.O. contents ranges from 2.9mg/L to 6.1mg/L and alkalinity recorded was 172.00 to 208.00. At the station 2 the water quality parameters obtained show that surface water temperature ranges from 27.3 degree C to 30.2 degree C, pH ranges between 6.9 to 8.5, while the D.O contents ranges from 3.0 mg/L to 6.2 mg/L.Alkalinity ranges from 172mg/L to 212 mg/L


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When studying physical systems, it is common to make approximations: the contact interaction is linear, the crystal is periodic, the variations occurs slowly, the mass of a particle is constant with velocity, or the position of a particle is exactly known are just a few examples. These approximations help us simplify complex systems to make them more comprehensible while still demonstrating interesting physics. But what happens when these assumptions break down? This question becomes particularly interesting in the materials science community in designing new materials structures with exotic properties In this thesis, we study the mechanical response and dynamics in granular crystals, in which the approximation of linearity and infinite size break down. The system is inherently finite, and contact interaction can be tuned to access different nonlinear regimes. When the assumptions of linearity and perfect periodicity are no longer valid, a host of interesting physical phenomena presents itself. The advantage of using a granular crystal is in its experimental feasibility and its similarity to many other materials systems. This allows us to both leverage past experience in the condensed matter physics and materials science communities while also presenting results with implications beyond the narrower granular physics community. In addition, we bring tools from the nonlinear systems community to study the dynamics in finite lattices, where there are inherently more degrees of freedom. This approach leads to the major contributions of this thesis in broken periodic systems. We demonstrate the first defect mode whose spatial profile can be tuned from highly localized to completely delocalized by simply tuning an external parameter. Using the sensitive dynamics near bifurcation points, we present a completely new approach to modifying the incremental stiffness of a lattice to arbitrary values. We show how using nonlinear defect modes, the incremental stiffness can be tuned to anywhere in the force-displacement relation. Other contributions include demonstrating nonlinear breakdown of mechanical filters as a result of finite size, and the presents of frequency attenuation bands in essentially nonlinear materials. We finish by presenting two new energy harvesting systems based on our experience with instabilities in weakly nonlinear systems.


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Diurnal periodicity of spawning in the perch so far are rather meagre and found to be partly contrary to experiences of perch anglers. Therefore a study was made on the spawning during a 5-day period in the spring of 1971 in the Kuusamo area. Observations were made during the main spawning season, between 4- 9 June 1971. The perch were often measured, weighed and then released back into the water. The differences between spawning and non-spawning perch were studied as well as the time of roe discharge in a 24 hour period. Activity and environmental factors such as light intensity were also taken into consideration.


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Since 1967 data have been collected on the distribution of fish caught in a 24 hour period during the winter angling season. The present study on activity periods is based on data from nearly 2000 perch collected between 1967 and 1971. The distribution of number of fish caught during 24 hrs during December - May was studied. Of the total, the most productive period was found to be between 0600 - l600 hrs., with the peak period occurring between 0800 - 1000 hrs. The present data together show that during the darkest months of the year, the perch is only active in the mid-day period. Throughout the whole winter fishing season, activity only occurs during the time between surise and sunset.


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The most common catch of the amateur angler is the perch and it is the diurnal periodicity of activity (& catchability) which is examined in this study based on earlier articles and manuscripts by the authors. Of all environmental factors, variation in light and temperature are the chief reasons in establishing the times of activity periods. Winter, summer and autumn activity was studied. The spawning perch was found to be more active than the non-spawning perch. The time of day in which the fish may be active is dependant on its ability to sense changes in the external environment. Its adaptation to light is the reason for day-activity in the winter, and also accounts for the fact that hardly any activity occurs between sunset and sunrise when this period exceeds 6 hours.


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The consumption of oxygen in Asellus aquaticus was measured to find if there existed a periodicity in the consumption of oxygen and how this showed itself during the course of the day, year and in various experimental conditions. From the figures obtained comparative values were calculated and from these curves were plotted of the changes in the consumption of oxygen during the day and year.


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This review summarizes some recent work to find a generalized explanation of phytoplankton periodicity in lakes. Much of the observational and experimental evidence is drawn from work centred on the large enclosures (Lund Tubes) installed in Blelham Tarn, English Lake District. Observations on the phytoplankton in the tubes are related to the periodic changes that occur in natural lakes and it is suggested that such changes have common patterns, that they are due to common causes, that they are affected by similar processes and that they are therefore predictable and, potentially, manipulable.


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Results of a study on periodicity of zooplankton in small tropical pond are presented. This study was conducted in order to facilitate the design of a pond-based zooplankton production system.