975 resultados para performances reproductrices
L’importance de la problématique des vaches laitières non gestantes avec multiples inséminations (› 3) communément appelées « Repeat Breeder » (RB), au Québec, repose sur deux facteurs: son incidence et son impact économique. Actuellement, l’incidence du syndrome RB au Québec est de ± 25% (Rapport annuel, juin 2008, www.dsahr.ca). Les pertes monétaires associées à ce problème proviennent des frais vétérinaires et d’insémination, de la diminution de productivité ainsi que des pertes en lien avec la réforme involontaire. Afin d’avoir de meilleures connaissances sur ce syndrome, nous devons connaître les facteurs de risques généraux impliqués et ensuite explorer la condition individuelle de ces vaches problèmes. Dans la première partie de ce mémoire, une banque de données informatisées répertoriant 418 383 lactations fut analysée. L’objectif de ce projet de recherche était d’évaluer l’impact des problèmes reproducteurs post-partum et l’effet du nombre de lactations comme facteurs de risques de la vache Repeat Breeder. L’analyse a permis d’établir la dystocie comme étant la condition ayant le plus de conséquences sur la fertilité future. D’autres facteurs de risques à savoir le nombre de lactations influencent le pronostic reproducteur. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire consistait à explorer, à l’aide d’outils cliniques, la condition individuelle des vaches RB. Une étude cohorte fut menée sur des vaches Holstein en fin de période d’attente volontaire au jour 7 du cycle oestral. Les tests cliniques étudiés furent la vaginoscopie, l’examen transrectal, l’ultrasonographie du système reproducteur, la présence d’estérases leucocytaires, la bactériologie et la biochimie du liquide utérin, la cytologie endométriale et le profil de progestérone sérique. Les résultats de ces tests cliniques dévoilent que l’examen bactériologique du liquide utérin est révélateur du statut reproducteur futur.
Les animaux font face à des changements environnementaux brutaux dus aux modifications de milieux liés à l'activité humaine et aux changements climatiques, et doivent s'ajuster rapidement à leur nouvel environnement. Certains processus cognitifs comme l'innovation et l'apprentissage permettent aux animaux d'intégrer de nouveaux comportements à leur répertoire comportemental (flexibilité comportementale), leur donnant l'opportunité d'intégrer un comportement plus optimal pour s'ajuster. Les performances cognitives varient entre espèces et les individus d'une même population et bien que des études récentes se soient intéressées aux causes des variations interindividuelles des performances cognitives, les conséquences restent peu explorées. Dans cette thèse, les questions des pressions de sélection s'exerçant sur les capacités cognitives sont abordées afin de mieux comprendre l'évolution de ces traits au sein d'une population naturelle de mésange charbonnière Parus major. Un nouveau test de résolution de problème a tout d'abord été présenté à des couples reproducteurs directement en milieu naturel. Les résultats ont montré que les couples les plus performants à résoudre la tâche surpassaient les couples les moins performants sur plusieurs mesures de succès reproducteur. Afin de vérifier que la motivation à nourrir les poussins ne biaisait pas cette relation, la taille de nichée a ensuite été manipulée, ce qui n'a pas affecté la performance subséquente des parents. Les couples innovateurs démontraient un meilleur succès reproducteur quel que soit le changement de la taille de nichée subit, ce qui suggère que cette performance influence bien le succès de reproduction, et non l'inverse. De plus, les couples innovateurs approvisionnaient leurs poussins plus souvent que les couples non innovateurs, suggérant que les innovateurs pourraient exploiter leur habitat de façon plus optimale. Dans un troisième temps, plusieurs caractéristiques morphologiques, dont la coloration des plumes, ont été reliées aux performances de résolution de problème et d'apprentissage. Ces liens, bien que complexes et condition-dépendants, pourraient indiquer un rôle de ces performances lors de la sélection sexuelle. Enfin, afin de tester l'effet du parasite sanguin du paludisme sur les traits comportementaux, un médicament contre le paludisme a été injecté à des femelles reproductrices. Cette injection n'a pas modifié leurs performances cognitives mais a augmenté leur niveau d'activité et d'exploration du nichoir en réponse à la tâche de résolution de problème. Ce parasite sanguin, très présent chez les populations depassereaux, pourrait donc expliquer les variations interindividuelles et interpopulationnelles de certains traits comportementaux en milieu naturel, au même titre que dans nombreux autres systèmes hôte-parasites étudiés. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont permis de détailler pour la première fois la relation entre une performance cognitive et le succès reproducteur chez une population aviaire naturelle, une relation robuste et non influencée par la motivation à nourrir la couvée. Cette performance cognitive est reliée à plusieurs traits morphologiques, mais non à la charge parasitaire. Une meilleure exploitation de l'habitat et habileté à s'occuper des poussins pourrait expliquer cette relation.
THE PURPOSE OF THIS STUDY WAS TO PROPOSE A SPECIFIC LACTATE MINIMUM TEST FOR ELITE BASKETBALL PLAYERS CONSIDERING THE: Running Anaerobic Sprint Test (RAST) as a hyperlactatemia inductor, short distances (specific distance, 20 m) during progressive intensity and mathematical analysis to interpret aerobic and anaerobic variables. The basketball players were assigned to four groups: All positions (n=26), Guard (n= 7), Forward (n=11) and Center (n=8). The hyperlactatemia elevation (RAST) method consisted of 6 maximum sprints over 35 m separated by 10 s of recovery. The progressive phase of the lactate minimum test consisted of 5 stages controlled by an electronic metronome (8.0, 9.0, 10.0, 11.0 and 12.0 km/h) over a 20 m distance. The RAST variables and the lactate values were analyzed using visual and mathematical models. The intensity of the lactate minimum test, determined by a visual method, reduced in relation to polynomial fits (2nd degree) for the Small Forward positions and General groups. The Power and Fatigue Index values, determined by both methods, visual and 3rd degree polynomial, were not significantly different between the groups. In conclusion, the RAST is an excellent hyperlactatemia inductor and the progressive intensity of lactate minimum test using short distances (20 m) can be specifically used to evaluate the aerobic capacity of basketball players. In addition, no differences were observed between the visual and polynomial methods for RAST variables, but lactate minimum intensity was influenced by the method of analysis.
Background: High level piano performance requires complex integration of perceptual, motor, cognitive and emotive skills. Observations in psychology and neuroscience studies have suggested reciprocal inhibitory modulation of the cognition by emotion and emotion by cognition. However, it is still unclear how cognitive states may influence the pianistic performance. The aim of the present study is to verify the influence of cognitive and affective attention in the piano performances. Methods and Findings: Nine pianists were instructed to play the same piece of music, firstly focusing only on cognitive aspects of musical structure (cognitive performances), and secondly, paying attention solely on affective aspects (affective performances). Audio files from pianistic performances were examined using a computational model that retrieves nine specific musical features (descriptors) - loudness, articulation, brightness, harmonic complexity, event detection, key clarity, mode detection, pulse clarity and repetition. In addition, the number of volunteers' errors in the recording sessions was counted. Comments from pianists about their thoughts during performances were also evaluated. The analyses of audio files throughout musical descriptors indicated that the affective performances have more: agogics, legatos, pianos phrasing, and less perception of event density when compared to the cognitive ones. Error analysis demonstrated that volunteers misplayed more left hand notes in the cognitive performances than in the affective ones. Volunteers also played more wrong notes in affective than in cognitive performances. These results correspond to the volunteers' comments that in the affective performances, the cognitive aspects of piano execution are inhibited, whereas in the cognitive performances, the expressiveness is inhibited. Conclusions: Therefore, the present results indicate that attention to the emotional aspects of performance enhances expressiveness, but constrains cognitive and motor skills in the piano execution. In contrast, attention to the cognitive aspects may constrain the expressivity and automatism of piano performances.
This study aimed at evaluating biomarkers, individual and population responses in the native Chironomus xanthus to assess the toxicity of pesticide-contaminated sediments from the Monjolinho River (Southeast Brazil). We measured cholinesterase (ChE) and glutathione S-transferase activities (GST), as biomarkers and survival, individual growth and adult emergence, as individual performances. There was no response of the ChE activity and a tendency to decreased GST activity in contaminated sites, but this was generally not statistically significant. Therefore, there was no association of the biomarker responses with exposure to sediment containing pesticides. In contrast, ash free dry mass was significantly increased and male emergence was decreased in C. xanthus exposed to the same sediments. In conclusion, the selected biomarkers were not sensitive and specific enough to detect and anticipate effects of pesticide contamination at the levels measured in the study area. Nevertheless, individual performances alterations pointed to potential pollution problems and possible ecological consequences. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Culverts are among the most common hydraulic structures. Modern designs do not differ from ancient structures and are often characterised by significant afflux at design flows. A significant advance was the development of the Minimum Energy Loss (MEL) culverts in the late 1950s. The design technique allows a drastic reduction in upstream flooding associated with lower costs. The development and operational performances of this type of structure is presented. The successful operation of MEL culverts for more than 40 years is documented with first-hand records during and after floods. The experiences demonstrate the design soundness while highlighting the importance of the hydraulic expertise of the design engineers.
O humor grotesco das pantomimas e dos mitos, o humor festivo das brincadeiras e o humor crítico dos excessos em mitos e sketches podem ser lidos como formas de conhecimento nativo sobre o mundo e sobre as relações que mantêm esse mundo interconectado. A exegese nativa da imagética humorística revela valores cruciais relacionados às concepções kaxinawa sobre socialidade e agência ritual. Estamos lidando com discursos icônicos sobre a qualidade das relações entre pessoas e entre pessoas e o mundo animado. O humor do corpo grotesco, que faz dialogarem partes de corpos como forças autônomas, e o humor festivo, cujo riso contamina a moral dos "donos" das substâncias, têm alta eficácia ritual, motivando forças cósmicas a agirem em prol da humanidade. Qual é o saber expresso pelo humor? O humor expressa um conhecimento de como agir sobre o mundo que os protagonistas dos mitos careciam. Nos mitos, os poderosos donos de saberes cruciais à vida eram conquistados e mortos. No ritual, estes mesmos seres são "alegrados" e seduzidos. A agência ritual subverte o tempo mítico do conflito para produzir o tempo histórico, um tempo no qual pessoas são produzidas com base nas qualidades construtivas de seres poderosos, conhecidos por suas capacidades predatórias.
Hedychium gardnerianum (HG) and Pittospporum undulatum (PU) are invasive plants all over the world, being in the Azores supplied to cattle on periods of shortage food. As these plants produce secondary metabolites, including a diverse range of phytochemicals compounds, the aim of the presente study is to identify how these metabolites can be related to animal’s reproductive performances. For such purpose, plants were harvested on winter, compounds extracted by method of decoction and analysed by combination of liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry as well as highperformance liquid chromatography. For nutritive evaluations, Van Soest and Weende methodologies were used. In HG quercetin-3, 4'-di-O-betaglucopyranoside, myricetin rhamnoside, quercetin rhamnoside, and gibberellin A1 and A8 were identified, while for PU were found cafeic acid derivatives, including dicaffeoylquinic acid and caffeoylquinic acid. In nutritional terms, these plants can be considered as poor, presenting percentages of dry matter (DM%) of 16.34% and 40.39%, respectively for HG and PU. Values for ash 10.4%, crude protein (CP) 7.75%, neutral detergent fiber (NDF) 64.5, acid detergent fiber (ADF) 34.69%, acid detergent lignin (ADL) 3.47% and ether extract (EE) 2.03% were found for HG. For PU values were ash 6.64%, CP 6.11%, NDF 43.84%, acid ADF 35.57%, ADL 3.56% and EE 2.71%. This study clearly indicated that, besides their low nutritive values, these plants can be used to feed ruminants, especially when pasture lacks. Nevertheless, as some compounds, namely the caffeoylquinic and dicaffeoylquinic acids, are known to be associated to physiological reproductive mechanisms, one could speculate that these compounds can be directly or indirectly associated to reproductive performances in bovine fed with these plants.
The current diagnosis of human T-lymphotropic virus type-2 (HTLV-2) infection is based on the search of specific antibodies; nevertheless, several studies conducted in Brazil pointed deficiencies of the commercially available kits in detecting HTLV-2, mostly in HIV/AIDS patients. This study searched for the presence of HTLV-1 and -2 in 758 HIV/AIDS patients from Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. Serum samples were screened for HTLV-1/2 antibodies using two EIA kits (Vironostika and Murex), and confirmed by WB (HTLV Blot 2.4, Genelabs). The results obtained by EIA disclosed 49 (6.5%) reactive sera: 43 positive by both EIA kits, and six with discordant results. WB confirmed HTLV-1 infection in seven samples (0.9%) and HTLV-2 in 21 sera (2.8%). Negative and indeterminate results were detected in four (0.5%) and 16 (2.1%) sera, respectively. Blood from 47 out of 49 HTLV seroreactive patients were collected and analyzed for the presence of env, LTR and tax genomic segments of HTLVs by PCR. PCR confirmed six cases of HTLV-1 and 37 cases of HTLV-2 infection (14 out of 16 that were found to be WB indeterminate). Restriction analysis of the env PCR products of HTLV-2 disclosed 36 isolates of HTLV-2a/c subtype, and one of HTLV-2b subtype. These results emphasize the need of improving serologic tests for detecting truly HTLV-2 infected patients from Brazil, and confirm the presence of HTLV-2b subtype in the South of this country.
Testing problems in diagnosing human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV) infection, mostly HTLV-II, have been documented in HIV/AIDS patients. Since December 1998, the Immunology Department of Instituto Adolfo Lutz (IAL) offers HTLV-I/II serology to Public Health Units that attend HTLV high-risk individuals. Two thousand, three hundred and twelve serum samples: 1,393 from AIDS Reference Centers (Group I), and 919 from HTLV out-patient clinics (Group II) were sent to IAL for HTLV-I/II antibodies detection. The majority of them were screened by two enzyme immunoassays (EIAs), and confirmed by Western Blot (WB 2.4, Genelabs). Seven different EIA kits were employed during the period, and according to WB results, the best performance was obtained by EIAs that contain HTLV-I and HTLV-II viral lysates and rgp21 as antigens. Neither 1st and 2nd, nor 3rd generation EIA kits were 100% sensitive in detecting truly HTLV-I/II reactive samples. HTLV-I and HTLV-II prevalence rates of 3.3% and 2.5% were detected in Group I, and of 9.6% and 3.6% in Group II, respectively. High percentages of HTLV-seroindeterminate WB sera were detected in both Groups. The algorithm testing to be employed in HTLV high-risk population from São Paulo, Brazil, needs the use of two EIA kits of different formats and compounds as screening, and because of high seroindeterminate WB, may be another confirmatory assay.
Relatório de Estágio apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Antropologia Especialização Culturas em Cena e Turismo
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Antropologia
This proposal aims to explore the use of available technologies for video representation of sets and performers in order to serve as support for composition processes and artistic performer rehearsals, while focusing in representing the performer’s body and its movements, and its relation with objects belonging to the three-dimensional space of their performances. This project’s main goal is to design and develop a system that can spatially represent the performer and its movements, by means of capturing processes and reconstruction using a camera device, as well as enhance the three-dimensional space where the performance occurs by allowing interaction with virtual objects and by adding a video component, either for documentary purposes, or for live performances effects (for example, using video mapping video techniques in captured video or projection during a performance).