1000 resultados para perfil radial


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Este trabalho apresenta uma rotina computacional, em Visual Basic 6, para determinar o perfil radial de aspersores, mediante ensaios de equipamentos autopropelidos de irrigação. Para a avaliação do programa, foi utilizado o aplicativo computacional SIMULASOFT e dados de ensaios de campo de sistemas autopropelidos de irrigação. As lâminas aplicadas, geradas pelo programa SIMULASOFT, foram para o aspersor PLONA-RL250 (bocal = 20 x 6 mm; pressão = 490 kPa), em deslocamento linear com velocidade de 50 m h-1, e quatro ângulos de giro distintos (180; 270; 330 e 360º). As lâminas aplicadas, observadas nos ensaios de campo, em condições de vento menores que 1,5 m s-1, foram para o aspersor PLONA-RL250, operando na pressão de 392 kPa e sob as condições: i) bocal de 14 mm, ângulo de giro de 240º e velocidade de 30 m h-1; ii) bocal de 14 x 6 mm, ângulo de giro de 270º e velocidade de 55 m h-1. O perfil radial gerado pela rotina computacional com as lâminas aplicadas, geradas com SIMULASOFT, foi igual ao perfil radial obtido em ensaios de laboratório, revelando que o procedimento de cálculo está correto. Uma boa semelhança entre os perfis radiais do aspersor, determinados em ensaios de laboratório e gerados pela rotina computacional, com as lâminas obtidas nos ensaios de campo, foi observada, mostrando que ensaios de campo de sistemas autopropelidos de irrigação podem ser utilizados para a obtenção do perfil radial de aspersores.


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Este trabalho apresenta resultados de simulações digitais da uniformidade de aplicação de água de sistemas autopropelidos de irrigação, para a condição de ausência de ventos. Nas simulações foram considerados aspersores com perfis radiais de distribuição de água tipo triangular, elíptico e retangular, operando sob diferentes combinações de ângulo de giro (de 180 até 360º) e espaçamento entre carreadores (de 0 a 100% do diâmetro molhado - DM). Os resultados das simulações foram apresentados em três grupos distintos, cada um representando a mesma forma geométrica do perfil radial de distribuição de água. Independentemente do ângulo de giro, os melhores valores de uniformidade foram obtidos com espaçamentos menores que 45% e entre 55% e 70% do DM para o perfil radial triangular e com espaçamentos menores que 50% e entre 70% e 90% do DM para os perfis radiais elíptico e retangular. Para os três perfis radiais, ângulos de giro do aspersor entre 180 e 230º geram maiores valores de coeficiente de uniformidade.


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The study aimed to evaluate the radial profile and the uniformity of water distribution of sprinkler manufactured by the company NaanDanJain, model 427 1/2 '' M and nozzle with 2.8 mm of internal diameter, operating at pressures of 150, 200, 300 and 400 kPa and five positions of the deflector (0, 20, 50, 80 and 100%). For the determination of the parameters evaluated, the grid method was used and with the help of computer application CATCH 3D, overlapping layers of water depths was calculated with ten spacing. The results show that the deflector adjustment influences the radius of wetness and the distribution profile while the uniformity of water application showed as an important mechanism, since it permits different behavior for the sprinkler, ensuring wide track of utilization of the equipment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica


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Valores determinados em laboratório, de vazão, raio de alcance e do perfil radial de aplicação de água do aspersor canhão PLONA-RL400, foram utilizados em simulações digitais da uniformidade de aplicação de água desse aspersor operando, na ausência de ventos, com diferentes ângulos de giro e espaçamentos entre carreadores, em sistemas autopropelidos de irrigação. Os valores simulados de uniformidade de aplicação de água foram apresentados em três grupos distintos, cada um dos quais representando condições operacionais (bocal e pressão) que determinam a ocorrência da mesma forma geométrica (I, II ou III) do perfil radial adimensional de aplicação de água do aspersor avaliado. Para os perfis do tipo I, II e III, observou-se que espaçamentos de carreadores menores que 50% do diâmetro molhado ou situados entre 80 e 90% do diâmetro molhado proporcionaram os maiores valores de uniformidade. Em todas as formas geométricas do perfil, os melhores valores de uniformidade de aplicação de água foram obtidos com ângulos de giro do aspersor entre 180 e 210º.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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To evaluate the outcomes in patients treated for humerus distal third fractures with MIPO technique and visualization of the radial nerve by an accessory approach, in those without radial palsy before surgery. The patients were treated with MIPO technique. The visualization and isolation of the radial nerve was done by an approach between the brachialis and the brachiorradialis, with an oblique incision, in the lateral side of the arm. MEPS was used to evaluate the elbow function. Seven patients were evaluated with a mean age of 29.8 years old. The average follow up was 29.85 months. The radial neuropraxis after surgery occurred in three patients. The sensorial recovery occurred after 3.16 months on average and also of the motor function, after 5.33 months on average, in all patients. We achieved fracture consolidation in all patients (M=4.22 months). The averages for flexion-extension and prono-supination were 112.85° and 145°, respectively. The MEPS average score was 86.42. There was no case of infection. This approach allowed excluding a radial nerve interposition on site of the fracture and/or under the plate, showing a high level of consolidation of the fracture and a good evolution of the range of movement of the elbow. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.


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Volatile compounds from green and roasted yerba mate were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry and the flavor profile from yerba mate beverages was determined by descriptive quantitative analyses. The main compounds tentatively identified in green mate were linalool, alpha-terpineol and trans-linalool oxide and in roasted mate were (E,Z)-2,4-heptadienal isomers and 5-methylfurfural. Green mate infusion was qualified as having bitter taste and aroma as well as green grass aroma while roasted mate was defined as having a smooth, slightly burnt aroma. The relationship between the tentatively identified compounds and flavor must be determined by olfatometric analysis.


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Easter egg is a popular chocolate-candy in egg form commercialized in Brazil during Easter time. In this research, Quantitative Descriptive Analysis was applied to select sensory attributes which best define the modifications in appearance, aroma, flavor and texture when cocoa butter equivalent (CBE) is added to Easter eggs. Samples with and without CBE were evaluated by a selected panel and fourteen attributes best describing similarities and differences between them, were defined. Terms definition, reference materials and a consensus ballot were developed. After a training period, panelists evaluated the samples in a Complete Block Design using a 9 cm unstructured scale. Principal Component Analysis, ANOVA and Tukey test (p<0.05) were applied to the data in order to select attributes which best discriminated and characterized the samples. Samples showed significant differences (p<0.05) in all attributes. Easter egg without CBE showed higher intensities (p<0.05) in relation to the following descriptors: brown color, characteristic aroma, cocoa mass aroma, cocoa butter aroma, characteristic flavor, cocoa mass flavor, hardness and brittleness.


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Descriptive terminology and sensory profile of three varieties of brazilian varietal white wines (cultivars Riesling, Gewürztraminer and Chardonnay) were developed by a methodology based on the Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). The sensory panel consensually defined the sensory descriptors, their respective reference materials and the descriptive evaluation ballot. Ten individuals were selected as judges based on their discrimination, reproducibility and individual consensus with the sensory panel. Twelve descriptors were generated showing similarities and differences among the wine samples. Each descriptor was evaluated using a nine-centimeters non-structured scale with the intensity terms anchored at its ends. The collected data were analysed by ANOVA, Tukey test and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed a great difference within the sensory profile of Riesling and Gewürztraminer wines, whereas Chardonnay wines showed a lesser variation. PCA separated samples into two groups: a first group formed by wines higher in sweetness and fruitty flavor and aroma; and a second group of wines higher in sourness, adstringency, bitterness, alcoholic and fermented flavors.


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OBJECTIVE: To characterize the behavior of premature newborns in the first year of chronological age. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional descriptive study, bound to a longitudinal study titled: Comparison of visual behavior on the first quarter of year of life of premature nursling born at two maternities of Recife/PE. The sample was composed by 52 premature newborns selected from June, 2007 to June, 2008 from the Maternity of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). Biological, socioeconomic and demographic data was collected through medical records and interviews with progeny. Newborns were evaluated by the Assessment Guide of Visual Ability in Infants. RESULTS: Most of the newborns were male at a gestational period between 33 weeks and 36 weeks and 6 days, showed a good visual behavior development for the age researched, and most of the families showed good socioeconomical and demographic profile. Besides, it was possible to detect ocular signs in 19% of sample, that were referred to an Ophthalmology Service. CONCLUSION: This study results point out the method like an important key in the early detection and visual screening for premature nursling since the first month of life and it led us to believe that clinical view for occupational therapy intervention must be focused not only on biological risks but also at the influence environment in newborn performance.