991 resultados para penalty-based aggregation functions


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This article studies a large class of averaging aggregation functions based on minimizing a distance from the vector of inputs, or equivalently, minimizing a penalty imposed for deviations of individual inputs from the aggregated value. We provide a systematization of various types of penalty based aggregation functions, and show how many special cases arise as the result. We show how new aggregation functions can be constructed either analytically or numerically and provide many examples. We establish connection with the maximum likelihood principle, and present tools for averaging experimental noisy data with distinct noise distributions.


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In the case of real-valued inputs, averaging aggregation functions have been studied extensively with results arising in fields including probability and statistics, fuzzy decision-making, and various sciences. Although much of the behavior of aggregation functions when combining standard fuzzy membership values is well established, extensions to interval-valued fuzzy sets, hesitant fuzzy sets, and other new domains pose a number of difficulties. The aggregation of non-convex or discontinuous intervals is usually approached in line with the extension principle, i.e. by aggregating all real-valued input vectors lying within the interval boundaries and taking the union as the final output. Although this is consistent with the aggregation of convex interval inputs, in the non-convex case such operators are not idempotent and may result in outputs which do not faithfully summarize or represent the set of inputs. After giving an overview of the treatment of non-convex intervals and their associated interpretations, we propose a novel extension of the arithmetic mean based on penalty functions that provides a representative output and satisfies idempotency.


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Monotonicity with respect to all arguments is fundamental to the definition of aggregation functions. It is also a limiting property that results in many important nonmonotonic averaging functions being excluded from the theoretical framework. This work proposes a definition for weakly monotonic averaging functions, studies some properties of this class of functions, and proves that several families of important nonmonotonic means are actually weakly monotonic averaging functions. Specifically, we provide sufficient conditions for weak monotonicity of the Lehmer mean and generalized mixture operators. We establish weak monotonicity of several robust estimators of location and conditions for weak monotonicity of a large class of penalty-based aggregation functions. These results permit a proof of the weak monotonicity of the class of spatial-tonal filters that include important members such as the bilateral filter and anisotropic diffusion. Our concept of weak monotonicity provides a sound theoretical and practical basis by which (monotonic) aggregation functions and nonmonotonic averaging functions can be related within the same framework, allowing us to bridge the gap between these previously disparate areas of research.


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We consider an optimization problem in ecology where our objective is to maximize biodiversity with respect to different land-use allocations. As it turns out, the main problem can be framed as learning the weights of a weighted arithmetic mean where the objective is the geometric mean of its outputs. We propose methods for approximating solutions to this and similar problems, which are non-linear by nature, using linear and bilevel techniques.


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Software as a Service (SaaS) in Cloud is getting more and more significant among software users and providers recently. A SaaS that is delivered as composite application has many benefits including reduced delivery costs, flexible offers of the SaaS functions and decreased subscription cost for users. However, this approach has introduced a new problem in managing the resources allocated to the composite SaaS. The resource allocation that has been done at the initial stage may be overloaded or wasted due to the dynamic environment of a Cloud. A typical data center resource management usually triggers a placement reconfiguration for the SaaS in order to maintain its performance as well as to minimize the resource used. Existing approaches for this problem often ignore the underlying dependencies between SaaS components. In addition, the reconfiguration also has to comply with SaaS constraints in terms of its resource requirements, placement requirement as well as its SLA. To tackle the problem, this paper proposes a penalty-based Grouping Genetic Algorithm for multiple composite SaaS components clustering in Cloud. The main objective is to minimize the resource used by the SaaS by clustering its component without violating any constraint. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and the scalability of the proposed algorithm.


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We discuss the problem of texture recognition based on the grey level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM). We performed a number of numerical experiments to establish whether the accuracy of classification is optimal when GLCM entries are aggregated into standard metrics like contrast, dissimilarity, homogeneity, entropy, etc., and compared these metrics to several alternative aggregation methods.We conclude that k nearest neighbors classification based on raw GLCM entries typically works better than classification based on the standard metrics for noiseless data, that metrics based on principal component analysis inprove classification, and that a simple change from the arithmetic to quadratic mean in calculating the standard metrics also improves classification.


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In environmental ecology, diversity indices attempt to capture both the number of species in a community and the relative abundance of each. Many indices have been proposed for quantifying diversity, often based on calculations of dominance, equity and entropy from other research fields. Here we use linear fitting techniques to investigate the use of aggregation functions, both for evaluating the relative biodiversity of different ecological communities, and for understanding human tendencies when making intuitive diversity comparisons. The dataset we use was obtained from an online exercise where individuals were asked to compare hypothetical communities in terms of diversity and importance for conservation.


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The use of supervised learning techniques for fitting weights and/or generator functions of weighted quasi-arithmetic means – a special class of idempotent and nondecreasing aggregation functions – to empirical data has already been considered in a number of papers. Nevertheless, there are still some important issues that have not been discussed in the literature yet. In the second part of this two-part contribution we deal with a quite common situation in which we have inputs coming from different sources, describing a similar phenomenon, but which have not been properly normalized. In such a case, idempotent and nondecreasing functions cannot be used to aggregate them unless proper preprocessing is performed. The proposed idempotization method, based on the notion of B-splines, allows for an automatic calibration of independent variables. The introduced technique is applied in an R source code plagiarism detection system.


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In Web service based systems, new value-added Web services can be constructed by integrating existing Web services. A Web service may have many implementations, which are functionally identical, but have different Quality of Service (QoS) attributes, such as response time, price, reputation, reliability, availability and so on. Thus, a significant research problem in Web service composition is how to select an implementation for each of the component Web services so that the overall QoS of the composite Web service is optimal. This is so called QoS-aware Web service composition problem. In some composite Web services there are some dependencies and conflicts between the Web service implementations. However, existing approaches cannot handle the constraints. This paper tackles the QoS-aware Web service composition problem with inter service dependencies and conflicts using a penalty-based genetic algorithm (GA). Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and the scalability of the penalty-based GA.


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Cloud computing is a latest new computing paradigm where applications, data and IT services are provided over the Internet. Cloud computing has become a main medium for Software as a Service (SaaS) providers to host their SaaS as it can provide the scalability a SaaS requires. The challenges in the composite SaaS placement process rely on several factors including the large size of the Cloud network, SaaS competing resource requirements, SaaS interactions between its components and SaaS interactions with its data components. However, existing applications’ placement methods in data centres are not concerned with the placement of the component’s data. In addition, a Cloud network is much larger than data center networks that have been discussed in existing studies. This paper proposes a penalty-based genetic algorithm (GA) to the composite SaaS placement problem in the Cloud. We believe this is the first attempt to the SaaS placement with its data in Cloud provider’s servers. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and the scalability of the GA.


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In the past few years, the virtual machine (VM) placement problem has been studied intensively and many algorithms for the VM placement problem have been proposed. However, those proposed VM placement algorithms have not been widely used in today's cloud data centers as they do not consider the migration cost from current VM placement to the new optimal VM placement. As a result, the gain from optimizing VM placement may be less than the loss of the migration cost from current VM placement to the new VM placement. To address this issue, this paper presents a penalty-based genetic algorithm (GA) for the VM placement problem that considers the migration cost in addition to the energy-consumption of the new VM placement and the total inter-VM traffic flow in the new VM placement. The GA has been implemented and evaluated by experiments, and the experimental results show that the GA outperforms two well known algorithms for the VM placement problem.


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The study presents a theory of utility models based on aspiration levels, as well as the application of this theory to the planning of timber flow economics. The first part of the study comprises a derivation of the utility-theoretic basis for the application of aspiration levels. Two basic models are dealt with: the additive and the multiplicative. Applied here solely for partial utility functions, aspiration and reservation levels are interpreted as defining piecewisely linear functions. The standpoint of the choices of the decision-maker is emphasized by the use of indifference curves. The second part of the study introduces a model for the management of timber flows. The model is based on the assumption that the decision-maker is willing to specify a shape of income flow which is different from that of the capital-theoretic optimum. The utility model comprises four aspiration-based compound utility functions. The theory and the flow model are tested numerically by computations covering three forest holdings. The results show that the additive model is sensitive even to slight changes in relative importances and aspiration levels. This applies particularly to nearly linear production possibility boundaries of monetary variables. The multiplicative model, on the other hand, is stable because it generates strictly convex indifference curves. Due to a higher marginal rate of substitution, the multiplicative model implies a stronger dependence on forest management than the additive function. For income trajectory optimization, a method utilizing an income trajectory index is more efficient than one based on the use of aspiration levels per management period. Smooth trajectories can be attained by squaring the deviations of the feasible trajectories from the desired one.