930 resultados para pecking-order theory


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Rapport de recherche


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Research question- This thesis investigates the determinants of capital structure of the Swedish companies. In order to do so, the two dominant theories of the corporate structure are studied and their assumptions are tested. Thus, the study researches which one of the two theories is more appealing for the Swedish market. Methodology-The study follows a purely quantitative study, by conducting an econometric analysis. The data are collected from a secondary source and more particularly the "Retriever" database, which contains financial data of the Swedish companies. Findings- The findings indicate that the determinants of the corporate structure for the Swedish market do not differ from other studies which have been conducted in other countries. However, there is a difference when it comes to tax and non-tax shields. The results suggest that in most cases the Pecking Order Theory appears to be more representative for the Swedish market, since most of the coefficient appear to be in favour of it. Moreover, the significance of the effect of the industry for the financial leverage is confirmed.


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This study revisits the capital structure theory and test Pecking Order Hypothesis (POH) and Static Order Trade-off theory (STOT) using Malaysian Listed firms over a period from 1999 to 2002. The evidence from pecking order model suggests that the internal fund deficiency is the most important determinant that possibly explains the issuance of new debt in Malaysian capital market despite the lower predicting power.  While static trade off-model is not fit to explain the issuance of new debt issue in Malaysian capital market. This is an interesting findings that confirm the fact that Malaysian firms do not too much care about tax-shield benefit derive from employ both debt and non-debt tax-shield. The finn's size, which is used to neutralize the size effect, appears to provide some explanation for the variation in its capital structure policy choice; however asset structure and growth no evidence of static-order-trade-off is observed in Malaysian capital market.


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Purpose: To demonstrate that relatively simple third-order theory can provide a framework which shows how peripheral refraction can be manipulated by altering the forms of spectacle lenses. Method: Third-order equations were used to yield lens forms that correct peripheral power errors, either for the lenses alone or in combination with typical peripheral refractions of myopic eyes. These results were compared with those of finite ray-tracing. Results: The approximate forms of spherical and conicoidal lenses provided by third-order theory were flatter over a moderate myopic range than the forms obtained by rigorous raytracing. Lenses designed to correct peripheral refractive errors produced large errors when used with foveal vision and a rotating eye. Correcting astigmatism tended to give large errors in mean oblique error and vice versa. When only spherical lens forms are used, correction of the relative hypermetropic peripheral refractions of myopic eyes which are observed experimentally, or the provision of relative myopic peripheral refractions in such eyes, seems impossible in the majority of cases. Conclusion: The third-order spectacle lens design approach can readily be used to show trends in peripheral refraction.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo, essencialmente, estudar um dos modelos que procuram explicar as políticas de concepção de estrutura de capital. Embora já usado em 1961 por Donaldson, o termo pecking order rotula um modelo criado em 1984 por stwart Myers e Nicholas Majluf, segundo o qual as empresas, procuram financiar seus novos investimentos dando prioridade aos recursos internamente gerados e, uma vez esgotados estes, aderem ao uso de instrumentos de financiamento externo segundo uma ordem determinada pelo risco inerente a cada um deles.


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A 2D Unconstrained Third Order Shear Deformation Theory (UTSDT) is presented for the evaluation of tangential and normal stresses in moderately thick functionally graded conical and cylindrical shells subjected to mechanical loadings. Several types of graded materials are investigated. The functionally graded material consists of ceramic and metallic constituents. A four parameter power law function is used. The UTSDT allows the presence of a finite transverse shear stress at the top and bottom surfaces of the graded shell. In addition, the initial curvature effect included in the formulation leads to the generalization of the present theory (GUTSDT). The Generalized Differential Quadrature (GDQ) method is used to discretize the derivatives in the governing equations, the external boundary conditions and the compatibility conditions. Transverse and normal stresses are also calculated by integrating the three dimensional equations of equilibrium in the thickness direction. In this way, the six components of the stress tensor at a point of the conical or cylindrical shell or panel can be given. The initial curvature effect and the role of the power law functions are shown for a wide range of functionally conical and cylindrical shells under various loading and boundary conditions. Finally, numerical examples of the available literature are worked out.


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This article discusses property rights, corporate governance frameworks and privatisation outcomes in the Central–Eastern Europe and Central Asia (CEECA) region. We argue that while CEECA still suffers from deficient ‘higher order’ institutions, this is not attracting sufficient attention from international institutions like EBRD and the World Bank, which focus on ‘lower order’ indicators. We discuss factors that may alleviate the negative impact of the weakness in institutional environment and argue for the pecking order of privatisation, where equivalent privatisation is given a priority but speed is not compromised.


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The main sources of financing for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are equity (internally generated cash), trade credit paid on time, long and short term bank credits, delayed payment on trade credit and other debt. The marginal costs of each financing instrument are driven by asymmetric information (cost of gathering and analysing information) and transactions costs associated with non-payment (costs of collecting and selling collateral). According to the Pecking Order Theory, firms will choose the cheapest source in terms of cost. In the case of the static trade-off theory, firms choose finance so that the marginal costs across financing sources are all equal, thus an additional Euro of financing is obtained from all the sources whereas under the Pecking Order Theory the source is determined by how far down the Pecking Order the firm is presently located. In this paper, we argue that both of these theories miss the point that the marginal costs are dependent of the use of the funds, and the asset side of the balance sheet primarily determines the financing source for an additional Euro. An empirical analysis on a unique dataset of Portuguese SME's confirms that the composition of the asset side of the balance sheet has an impact of the type of financing used and the Pecking Order Theory and the traditional Static Trade-off theory are rejected.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentado ao Instituto de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob orientação de Mestre Adalmiro Álvaro Malheiro de Castro Andrade Pereira


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We examine the impact of information asymmetry on a firm's capital structure decisions with a unique information rating scheme that draws from 114 measures over five dimensions of information disclosures on each firm from 2006 to 2012. We find that a firm with high (low) information rating is related to low (high) debt financing and leverage. In particular, a firm that moves from the lowest to the highest information rating experiences a 7.8% reduction in firm leverage on average. This relationship is robust to firm characteristics, incentive conflicts, and the agreement theory of Dittmar and Thakor (2007). Our results suggest that information asymmetry is in-fluential on a firm's pecking order behavior independent of these effects.


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Using a new dataset of 1539 Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises this article investigates the firm-level determinants of capital structure and tests them against the predictions of financial theory. Firm size and profitability are both found to be related to leverage as posited by pecking-order theory. In contrast little support is found for the predicted relationship between asset structure and leverage. These findings are discussed in relationship to their Chinese cultural context. The managerial and policy implications of the research are then explored.


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Este trabalho busca explorar, através de testes empíricos, qual das duas principais teorias de escolha de estrutura ótima de capital das empresas, a Static Trade-off Theory (STT) ou a Pecking Order Theory(POT) melhor explica as decisões de financiamento das companhias brasileiras. Adicionalmente, foi estudado o efeito da assimetria de informações, desempenho e liquidez do mercado acionário nessas decisões. Utilizou-se no presente trabalho métodos econométricos com dados de empresas brasileiras de capital aberto no período abrangendo 1995 a 2005, testando dois modelos representativos da Static Trade-off Theory (STT) e da Pecking Order Theory(POT). Inicialmente, foi testado o grupo amplo de empresas e, posteriormente, realizou-se o teste em subgrupos, controlando os efeitos de desempenho e liquidez do mercado acionário, liquidez das ações das empresas tomadoras e assimetria de informações. Desta forma, os resultados obtidos são indicativos de que a Pecking Order Theory, na sua forma semi-forte, se constitui na melhor teoria explicativa quanto à escolha da estrutura de capital das empresas brasileiras, na qual a geração interna de caixa e o endividamento oneroso e operacional é a fonte prioritária de recursos da companhia, havendo algum nível, embora baixo, da utilização de emissão de ações. Os estudos empíricos para os subgrupos de controle sugerem que a liquidez do mercado e liquidez das ações das empresas são fatores de influência na propensão das empresas emitirem ações, assim como a assimetria de informação. O desempenho do mercado acionário, com base nos dados analisados, aparenta ter pouca influência na captação de recursos via emissões de ações das empresas, não sendo feito no presente estudo distinções entre emissões públicas ou privadas


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O presente trabalho demonstra os principais pressupostos teóricos acerca da Estrutura de Capital, bem como, sua evolução e relevância. Estrutura de capital é um tema ainda controverso na teoria de finanças corporativas. Dentro deste contexto, é revisada a literatura e o desenvolvimento do mercado acionário brasileiro a fim de examinar dentre as duas principais teorias pós Modigliani e Miller (Static Trade-Off Theory e Pecking Order Theory) qual é a preferida e efetivamente utilizada pelas companhias abertas brasileiras.


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Estudos que investigam as razões do acumulo de caixa e a existência de uma política de gestão ativa do caixa têm ganhado evidência na literatura acadêmica internacional nos últimos anos. As pesquisas que consideram os determinantes do nível de caixa e suas implicações ainda encontram-se em um estágio inicial. Adicionalmente, pesquisas ao redor do mundo têm encontrado elevado nível de caixa acumulado pelas empresas. De acordo com as principais linhas de investigação empírica, três correntes teóricas podem explicar o nível de caixa a partir das variáveis denominadas determinantes: tradeoff theory, pecking order theory e a teoria de agência. Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar empiricamente os determinantes do caixa e identificar a existência ou não de uma política de gestão ativa nas empresas brasileiras. Foi realizada uma pesquisa com amostra de 198 empresas listadas na BOVESPA, no período de 1998 a 2008, totalizando 2178 observações. A pesquisa utilizou modelos econométricos de regressão linear e painel de dados. Com as evidências empíricas encontradas, podemos concluir que a gestão do nível de caixa acumulado é uma importante decisão a ser tomada pelas empresas brasileiras. As teorias que suportam as explicações dos determinantes do nível de caixa podem ser aplicadas de modo complementar ao invés de divergentes.