389 resultados para peanut nougat
The peanut is an oleaginous plant of high nutritional value, a source of protein and a trypsin inhibitor. Trypsin inhibitors are proteins present in the vegetable kingdom, considered anti-nutritional factors for animals. However, there have been several recent reports about their heterologous and beneficial effects on human health. These important effects have been the focus of studies investigating these inhibitors in foods. The aim of the present study was to isolate and determine the estimated molecular mass and specific inhibitory activity, for trypsin in the Japanese peanut, peanut butter, and peanut nougat using the techniques of precipitation with ammonium sulfate and affinity chromatography on trypsin - Sepharose CNBr 4B. The techniques used in this study were efficient for isolating the protein inhibitors with antitryptic specific activity of 694 UI mg-1, 823 UI mg-1 and 108 UI mg-1 for the Japanese peanut, peanut nougat, and peanut butter, respectively. The techniques featured high selectivity of the adsorbent, with consequent efficiency in isolation, given the low amount of dosed proteins and specific antitryptic activity presented by the products studied. The various health-related benefits show the importance of detecting and isolating efficient trypsin inhibitors in foods, taking into account the health claims attributed to the vegetable and its high consumption by humans.
The aim of the present study was to determine aflatoxin levels in peanut products traded in the Northeast region of Sao Paulo, Brazil. To this end, 240 samples of peanut products traded in the cities of Araras, Leme, Pirassununga and Porto Ferreira were collected from June 2006 to May 2007. The samples were analyzed for aflatoxins (AF) B(1), B(2), G(1) and G(2) by high performance liquid chromatography. Results showed 44.2% samples positive for AF at levels of 0.5 to 103.8 mu g.kg(-1). Nine of the positive samples (3.7% of the analysed samples) had total aflatoxin concentrations (B(1)+B(2)+G(1)+G(2)) higher than the limit established by Brazilian regulations (20 mu g.kg(-1)). Based on the above data, the probable mean daily intake (PDI(M)) of aflatoxins from peanut products in the Northeast region of Sao Paulo was estimated to be 0.23 ng kg b.w. day(-1). Although this PDI(M) value was relatively low, results indicate that aflatoxin contamination of peanut products may be a public health concern in Brazil, when considering the potential exposure of highly susceptible consumers. For example, it should be emphasized that children are potentially exposed to aflatoxins, since they consume large quantities of peanut candies, and these products had the highest number of samples positive for AFB(1).
In this work, quaternary conformational studies of peanut agglutinin (PNA) have been carried out using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). PNA was submitted to three different conditions: pH variation (2.5, 4.0, 7.4 and 9.0), guanidine hydrochloride presence (0.5-2 M) at each pH value, and temperature ranging from 25 to 60 degrees C. All experiments were performed in the absence and presence of T-antigen to evaluate its influence on the lectin stability. At room temperature and pH 4.0,7.4 and 9.0, the SAXS curves are consistent with the PNA scattering in its crystallographic native homotetrameric structure, with monomers in a jelly roll fold, associated by non-covalent bonds resulting in an open structure. At pH 2.5, the results indicate that PNA tends to dissociate into smaller sub-units, as dimers and monomers, followed by a self-assembling into larger aggregates. Furthermore, the conformational stability under thermal denaturation follows the pH sequence 7.4 > 9.0 > 4.0 > 2.5. Such results are consistent with the conformational behavior found upon GndHCl influence. The presence of T-antigen does not affect the protein quaternary structure in all studied systems within the SAXS resolution. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Peanut, one of the world's most important oilseed crops, has a narrow germplasm base and lacks sources of resistance to several major diseases. The species is considered recalcitrant to transformation, with few confirmed transgenic plants upon particle bombardment or Agrobacterium treatment. Reported transformation methods are limited by low efficiency, cultivar specificity, chimeric or infertile transformants, or availability of explants. Here we present a method to efficiently transform cultivars in both botanical types of peanut, by (1) particle bombardment into embryogenic callus derived from mature seeds, (2) escape-free (not stepwise) selection for hygromycin B resistance, (3) brief osmotic desiccation followed by sequential incubation on charcoal and cytokinin-containing media; resulting in efficient conversion of transformed somatic embryos into fertile, non-chimeric, transgenic plants. The method produces three to six independent transformants per bombardment of 10 cm(2) embryogenic callus. Potted, transgenic plant lines can be regenerated within 9 months of callus initiation, or 6 months after bombardment. Transgene copy number ranged from one to 20 with multiple integration sites. There was ca. 50% coexpression of hph and luc or uidA genes coprecipitated on separate plasmids. Reporter gene (luc) expression was confirmed in T-1 progeny from each of six tested independent transformants. Insufficient seeds were produced under containment conditions to determine segregation ratios. The practicality of the technique for efficient cotransformation with selected and unselected genes is demonstrated using major commercial peanut varieties in Australia (cv. NC-7, a virginia market type) and Indonesia (cv. Gajah, a spanish market type).
To evaluate the ability of Streptomyces sp. (strain ASBV-1) to restrict aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. In the control of many phytopathogenic fungi the Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 strain showed promise. An inhibitory test using this strain and A. parasiticus was conducted in peanut grains to evaluate the effects of this interaction on spore viability and aflatoxin accumulation. In some treatments the Streptomyces sp ASBV-1 strain reduced the viability of A. parasiticus spores by c. 85%, and inhibited aflatoxin accumulation in peanut grains. The values of these reductions ranged from 63 to 98% and from 67% to 96% for aflatoxins B(1) and G(1), respectively. It was demonstrated that Streptomyces sp. ASBV-1 is able to colonize peanut grains and thus inhibit the spore viability of A. parasiticus, as well as reducing aflatoxin production. The positive finding for aflatoxin accumulation reduction in peanut grains seems promising and suggests a wider use of this actinobacteria in biological control programmes.
Forecasting regional crop production using SOI phases: an example for the Australian peanut industry
Using peanuts as an example, a generic methodology is presented to forward-estimate regional crop production and associated climatic risks based on phases of the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI). Yield fluctuations caused by a highly variable rainfall environment are of concern to peanut processing and marketing bodies. The industry could profitably use forecasts of likely production to adjust their operations strategically. Significant, physically based lag-relationships exist between an index of ocean/atmosphere El Nino/Southern Oscillation phenomenon and future rainfall in Australia and elsewhere. Combining knowledge of SOI phases in November and December with output from a dynamic simulation model allows the derivation of yield probability distributions based on historic rainfall data. This information is available shortly after planting a crop and at least 3-5 months prior to harvest. The study shows that in years when the November-December SOI phase is positive there is an 80% chance of exceeding average district yields. Conversely, in years when the November-December SOI phase is either negative or rapidly falling there is only a 5% chance of exceeding average district yields, but a 95% chance of below average yields. This information allows the industry to adjust strategically for the expected volume of production. The study shows that simulation models can enhance SOI signals contained in rainfall distributions by discriminating between useful and damaging rainfall events. The methodology can be applied to other industries and regions.
Seedborne peanut viruses pose important constraints to peanut production and safe movement of germ plasm. They also pose a risk of accidental introduction into previously disease-free regions. We have developed reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays based on identical cycling parameters which identified peanut stripe, Peanut mottle, Peanut stunt, and Cucumber mosaic viruses through production of specific DNA fragments of 234 bp, 327 bp, 390 bp, and 133 bp, respectively. Assay sensitivity in the picogram range was achieved. The two potyviruses and two cucumoviruses could be differentiated using duplex RT-PCR assays. These assays should be useful for testing peanut leaves or seeds for virus identification in epidemiological studies, seed testing or in post-entry quarantine.
The fungi Sclerotinia minor and S. sclerotiorum are the causal agents of two similar diseases of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). Both diseases cause significant losses in the Australian peanut industry. Development of cultivars with resistance to Sclerotinia will be an important component of integrated control. The aims of this project are to generate information that will assist in breeding for Sclerotinia resistance in peanut: to identify Sclerotinia-resistant peanut germplasm, to understand the inheritance and estimate heritability of resistance, and to test the effectiveness of identified sources of resistance against both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum. This study has clearly established that material that shows resistance to S. minor in the USA is resistant to S. minor and likely to be resistant to S. sclerotiorum in Australia. The high level of resistance to both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum in germplasm from Texas, particularly TxAG-4, was confirmed. VA 93B showed good resistance in the field, which is primarily due to the open bush type rather than physiological resistance. Physiological resistance to S. minor was also identified in a cultivar and a landrace from Indonesia and a rust-resistant line from Queensland. All germplasm found to have high physiological resistance to S. minor belonged to the Spanish type. Inheritance of physiological resistance to S. minor was studied using a Generation Means Analysis (GMA) of the cross TxAG-4/VA 93B and its reciprocal. The broad-sense heritability of physiological resistance on a single plant basis was estimated at 47%, much higher than earlier estimates obtained in field studies. The average gene action of Sclerotinia resistance genes from TxAG-4 was found to be additive. No dominance effects were detected in the GMA. A small but significant reciprocal effect between TxAG-4 and VA 93B indicated that VA 93B passed on some physiological resistance maternally. An experiment was conducted to confirm the value of resistance against both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum. TxAG-4 was found to have physiological resistance to both S. minor and S. sclerotiorum. This resistance was expressed against both Sclerotinia species by progeny that were selected for resistance to S. minor. On the basis of the information obtained, the comparative advantages of 3 strategies for Sclerotinia-resistant cultivar development are discussed: (1) introduction of germplasm; (2) recurrent backcrossing with screening and crossing in the BCnF1 generation; and (3) pedigree selection. At present, introduction and backcrossing are recommended as the preferred strategies.
The main goal of this research study was the removal of Cu(II), Ni(II) and Zn(II) from aqueous solutions using peanut hulls. This work was mainly focused on the following aspects: chemical characterization of the biosorbent, kinetic studies, study of the pH influence in mono-component systems, equilibrium isotherms and column studies, both in mono and tri-component systems, and with a real industrial effluent from the electroplating industry. The chemical characterization of peanut hulls showed a high cellulose (44.8%) and lignin (36.1%) content, which favours biosorption of metal cations. The kinetic studies performed indicate that most of the sorption occurs in the first 30 min for all systems. In general, a pseudo-second order kinetics was followed, both in mono and tri-component systems. The equilibrium isotherms were better described by Freundlich model in all systems. Peanut hulls showed higher affinity for copper than for nickel and zinc when they are both present. The pH value between 5 and 6 was the most favourable for all systems. The sorbent capacity in column was 0.028 and 0.025 mmol g-1 for copper, respectively in mono and tri-component systems. A decrease of capacity for copper (50%) was observed when dealing with the real effluent. The Yoon-Nelson, Thomas and Yan’s models were fitted to the experimental data, being the latter the best fit.
This research work aims to study the use of peanut hulls, an agricultural and food industry waste, for copper and lead removal through equilibrium and kinetic parameters evaluation. Equilibrium batch studies were performed in a batch adsorber. The influence of initial pH was evaluated (3–5) and it was selected between 4.0 and 4.5. The maximum sorption capacities obtained for the Langmuir model were 0.21 ± 0.03 and 0.18 ± 0.02 mmol/g, respectively for copper and lead. In bi-component systems, competitive sorption of copper and lead was verified, the total amount adsorbed being around 0.21 mmol of metal per gram of material in both mono and bi-component systems. In the kinetic studies equilibrium was reached after 200 min contact time using a 400 rpm stirring rate, achieving 78% and 58% removal, in mono-component system, for copper and lead respectively. Their removal follows a pseudo-second-order kinetics. These studies show that most of the metals removal occurred in the first 20 min of contact, which shows a good uptake rate in all systems.
A gold nanoparticle-coated screen-printed carbon electrode was used as the transducer in the development of an electrochemical immunosensor for Ara h 1 (a major peanut allergen) detection in food samples. Gold nanoparticles (average diameter=32 nm) were electrochemically generated on the surface of screen-printed carbon electrodes. Two monoclonal antibodies were used in a sandwich-type immunoassay and the antibody–antigen interaction was electrochemically detected through stripping analysis of enzymatically (using alkaline phosphatase) deposited silver. The total time of the optimized immunoassay was 3 h 50 min. The developed immunosensor allowed the quantification of Ara h 1 between 12.6 and 2000 ng/ml, with a limit of detection of 3.8 ng/ml, and provided precise (RSD <8.7%) and accurate (recovery >96.6%) results. The immunosensor was successfully applied to the analysis of complex food matrices (cookies and chocolate), being able to detect Ara h 1 in samples containing 0.1% of peanut.
A voltammetric biosensor for Ara h 6 (a peanut allergen) detection in food samples was developed. Gold nanoparticle-modified screen-printed carbon electrodes were used to develop a sandwich-type immunoassay using two-monoclonal antibodies. The antibody-antigen interaction was detected through the electrochemical detection of enzymatically deposited silver. The immunosensor presented a linear range between 1 and 100 ng/ml, as well as high precision (inter-day RSD ≤9.8 %) and accuracy (recoveries ≥96.7 %). The detection and quantification limits were 0.27 and 0.88 ng/ml, respectively. It was possible to detect small levels of Ara h 6 in complex food matrices.
El cultivo de maní es de gran importancia en la provincia de Córdoba. En los últimos años, la pérdida de rendimiento del cultivo en la región centro debido a la degradación de los suelos, la incidencia de enfermedades causadas por hongos y la erosión hídrica y eólica ha desplazado el área de siembra hacia el sur de la provincia. La hipótesis planteada en este proyecto es que la diversidad de bacterias que habitan la rizósfera y/o los tejidos de maní constituye una fuente para la selección de aquéllos que, por sus propiedades fisiológicas y metabólicas, permitan mejorar el rendimiento del cultivo, actuando como biocontroladores de fitopatógenos o biofertilizantes. Los objetivos propuestos son: 1) Evaluar y caracterizar la actividad antifúngica en una población previamente seleccionada de microorganismos del suelo del área manisera de Córdoba para su utilización en el desarrollo de prácticas sustentables tendientes a optimizar la producción de dicho cultivo mediante funciones biocontroladoras. 2) Seleccionar bacterias nativas nodulantes de maní competitivas y eficientes en la fijación y asimilación de nitrógeno en maní para ser utilizadas como un inoculante potencial. La metodología a utilizar consistirá en ensayos de interacción planta-microorganismos usando técnicas moleculares y bioquímicas. Los estudios sobre el conocimiento de la biodiversidad del suelo en el área manisera aportarán herramientas para una transición hacia una agricultura sustentable, generándose un catálogo de bacterias simbióticas y de vida libre que muestran actividad PGPR y que podrían ser empleadas como biofertilizantes o biocontroladoras de fitopatógenos. Ello podría constituir un importante impulso en la economía regional, la cual se basa principalmente en la explotación agrícola.
Two nutrient foliar sprays, namely Ferti-Foliage (21-21 -21) and Wuxal (9-9-7), were applied to peanut plants under field conditions. Both were applied 23 days after germination of seeds, at the beginning of flowering, and during flowering. Other treatments were application of NPK fertilizer (9-30-16, 250 kg/ha) into the soil and check (no fertilizer). The experiment was carried out on a latosolic B "Terra Roxa" soil, sowing being made on March 6th and harvest on July 10th. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences amongst treatments. However, certain treatments had better yields. For instance, application of Ferti-Foliage showed a tendency to increasing number of pods per plant and number of seeds per pod. Same product when applied at the beginning of flowering had a tendency to increase production of seeds and of forage. Application of NPK (9-30-16) into the soil showed similar results.
The effects of the application of a macronutrient foliar spray combined with micronutrients and growth regulators (Unifol) on peanut grown in a soil with high fertility were investigated. A control without fertilizer and a soil fertilization (250 kg/ha) with NPK 9-30-16 were also established. Other treatments were as follows: Unifol fertilizer (18-12 16) applied 23 days after germination: Unifol (18-12-6) applied at the beginning of flowering; Unifol (18-12-6) applied during flowering, and Unifol (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the beginning of flowering. No significant differences were found amongst treatments, but certain treatments showed higher productivity e given Unifol fertilizer (18-12-6) applied 23 days after germination plus Unifol (7-23-7) at the flower anthesis. In this treatment, the number of pods, weight of seeds and production of seeds were higher. Best production of forage occurred in the treatment receiving soil fertilization.