996 resultados para pavement engineering


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Work on a real life pavement engineering problem. This afternoon you will be working with Dr. Yan on the question: How do you make the most cost effective choice between two types of pavement contracting methods?


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Skid resistance is a condition parameter characterising the contribution that a road makes to the friction between a road surface and a vehicle tyre. Studies of traffic crash histories around the world have consistently found that a disproportionate number of crashes occur where the road surface has a low level of surface friction and/or surface texture, particularly when the road surface is wet. Various research results have been published over many years and have tried to quantify the influence of skid resistance on accident occurrence and to characterise a correlation between skid resistance and accident frequency. Most of the research studies used simple statistical correlation methods in analysing skid resistance and crash data.----- ------ Preliminary findings of a systematic and extensive literature search conclude that there is rarely a single causation factor in a crash. Findings from research projects do affirm various levels of correlation between skid resistance and accident occurrence. Studies indicate that the level of skid resistance at critical places such as intersections, curves, roundabouts, ramps and approaches to pedestrian crossings needs to be well maintained.----- ----- Management of risk is an integral aspect of the Queensland Department of Main Roads (QDMR) strategy for managing its infrastructure assets. The risk-based approach has been used in many areas of infrastructure engineering. However, very limited information is reported on using risk-based approach to mitigate crash rates related to road surface. Low skid resistance and surface texture may increase the risk of traffic crashes.----- ----- The objectives of this paper are to explore current issues of skid resistance in relation to crashes, to provide a framework of probability-based approach to be adopted by QDMR in assessing the relationship between crash accidents and pavement properties, and to explain why the probability-based approach is a suitable tool for QDMR in order to reduce accident rates due to skid resistance.


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In December 2006, the Engineering and Technology Group of Queensland’s Department of Main Roads entered into a three-year skid resistance management research project with QUT Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering researchers and the QUT-based CRC for Integrated Engineering Asset Management (CIEAM). CIEAM undertakes a broad range of asset management research in the areas of defence, utilities, transportation and industrial processes. “The research project is an important activity of Main Roads’ Skid Resistance Management Plan published in June 2006.” said Main Roads project leader Mr Justin Weligamage. “The intended project output is a decision-support model for use by Road Asset Managers throughout a road network. The research objective is to enable road asset managers to better manage the surfacing condition of the road asset with specific focus on skid resistance,” said QUT project leader Professor Arun Kumar. The research project will review existing skid resistance investigatory levels, develop a risk-based method to establish skid resistance investigatory levels and improve the decision support methodology in order to minimise crashes. The new risk-based approach will be used to identify locations on the Queensland state-controlled road network that may have inadequate skid resistance. Once a high risk site is identified, the appropriate remedial action will be decided on. This approach will allow road asset managers to target optimal remedial actions, reducing the incidence and severity of crashes where inadequate skid resistance is a contributing cause.


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The Queensland Department of Main Roads uses Weigh-in-Motion (WiM) devices to covertly monitor (at highway speed) axle mass, axle configurations and speed of heavy vehicles on the road network. Such data is critical for the planning and design of the road network. Some of the data appears excessively variable. The current work considers the nature, magnitude and possible causes of WiM data variability. Over fifty possible causes of variation in WiM data have been identified in the literature. Data exploration has highlighted five basic types of variability specifically: ----- • cycling, both diurnal and annual;----- • consistent but unreasonable data;----- • data jumps;----- • variations between data from opposite sides of the one road; and ----- • non-systematic variations.----- This work is part of wider research into procedures to eliminate or mitigate the influence of WiM data variability.


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Road accidents are of great concerns for road and transport departments around world, which cause tremendous loss and dangers for public. Reducing accident rates and crash severity are imperative goals that governments, road and transport authorities, and researchers are aimed to achieve. In Australia, road crash trauma costs the nation A$ 15 billion annually. Five people are killed, and 550 are injured every day. Each fatality costs the taxpayer A$1.7 million. Serious injury cases can cost the taxpayer many times the cost of a fatality. Crashes are in general uncontrolled events and are dependent on a number of interrelated factors such as driver behaviour, traffic conditions, travel speed, road geometry and condition, and vehicle characteristics (e.g. tyre type pressure and condition, and suspension type and condition). Skid resistance is considered one of the most important surface characteristics as it has a direct impact on traffic safety. Attempts have been made worldwide to study the relationship between skid resistance and road crashes. Most of these studies used the statistical regression and correlation methods in analysing the relationships between skid resistance and road crashes. The outcomes from these studies provided mix results and not conclusive. The objective of this paper is to present a probability-based method of an ongoing study in identifying the relationship between skid resistance and road crashes. Historical skid resistance and crash data of a road network located in the tropical east coast of Queensland were analysed using the probability-based method. Analysis methodology and results of the relationships between skid resistance, road characteristics and crashes are presented.


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This paper presents a performance-based optimisation approach for conducting trade-off analysis between safety (roads) and condition (bridges and roads). Safety was based on potential for improvement (PFI). Road condition was based on surface distresses and bridge condition was based on apparent age per subcomponent. The analysis uses a non-monetised optimisation that expanded upon classical Pareto optimality by observing performance across time. It was found that achievement of good results was conditioned by the availability of early age treatments and impacted by a frontier effect preventing the optimisation algorithm from realising of the long-term benefits of deploying actions when approaching the end of the analysis period. A disaggregated bridge condition index proved capable of improving levels of service in bridge subcomponents.


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A number of spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) tests were performed on asphaltic road pavements by dropping a metallic 6.5 kg sphere, from a height (H) ranging from 1 to 3 m. Various combinations of source to first receiver distance (S) and receiver spacing (X) were employed. By increasing the height of the fall of the dropping mass, the maximum wavelength (lambda(max)), up to which the shear wave velocity profile can be predicted with the usage of the SASW measurements, was found to increase continuously. The height of fall of the dropping mass also seems to affect the admissible range of the wavelength for given combinations of X and S. Irrespective of different chosen combinations of S, X and H, a unique combined dispersion curve was generated in all the cases for a given pavement site as long as the threshold minimum value of the coherence function is greater than 0.90.


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A number of spectral analysis of surface wave tests were performed on asphaltic and cement concrete pavements by dropping freely a 6.5kg spherical mass, having a radius of 5.82cm, from a height (h) of 0.51.5m. The maximum wavelength ((max)), up to which the shear wave velocity profile can be detected with the usage of surface wave measurements, increases continuously with an increase in h. As compared to the asphaltic pavement, the values of (max) and (min) become greater for the chosen cement concrete pavement, where (min) refers to the minimum wavelength. With h=0.5m, a good assessment of the top layers of both the present chosen asphaltic and the cement concrete pavements, including soil subgrade, can be made. For a given h, as compared to the selected asphaltic pavement, the first receiver in case of the chosen cement concrete pavement needs to be placed at a greater distance from the source. Inverse analysis has also been performed to characterise the shear wave velocity profile of different layers of the pavements.


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© 2014 Taylor & Francis. The durability of asphalt pavements is strongly impaired by cracks, caused primarily by traffic loads and environmental effects. In this work, fracture behaviour of idealised asphalt mixes is investigated. Experiments on idealised asphalt mixes under pure-tension mode (mode I cracking) were performed and fracture parameters were evaluated. In these three-point bend fracture tests, the test variables were temperature and load rate. The test data were stored in an asphalt materials database and special-purpose tools were implemented to analyse and handle the laboratory data automatically. Fracture mechanism maps were constructed, showing the conditions associated with ductile, brittle and ductile-brittle transition regimes of behaviour. The mechanism maps show the failure response of the material in terms of the stress intensity factor, strain energy release rate and J-integral as a function of the temperature-compensated crack mouth opening strain rate. Fracture behaviour of asphalt mix specimens was simulated by cohesive zone model in conjunction with a novel material constitutive model for asphalt mixes. The finite element model agrees well with the experimental results and provides insights into fracture response of the notched asphalt mix beam specimens.


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This paper reports on the second phase of a research project aimed at the development of an environmentally friendly noise barrier for urban freeways, also known as KMAK [1]. The concrete barrier, which has some unique capabilities to mitigate transportation noise, is made from recycled concrete (RC) aggregate and industrial by-products such as fly ash and reclaimed water. The current developmental work expands on a research project that resulted in a two-layer (2L) concrete barrier. Two prototypes of the 2L barrier were produced, followed by extensive acoustic testing and a number of simulations where standard timber and/or concrete barriers were substituted with KMAK barrier [2]. Current research investigates a variety of architectural finishes applied to the original KMAK barrier with the aim of improving its visual appearance and also fine-tuning its acoustic performance. The new three-layer (3L) barrier optimizes sound absorption in a frequency range characteristic similar to that of transportation noise, especially road traffic noise. Three major aspects related to the development of architectural finishes were considered; environmentally responsible materials, surface features, and production methods. The findings of the current investigation demonstrate that there is a positive correlation between surface features, percentage of perforation as well as depth of the architectural layer, and increased potential of the 3L barrier to mitigate transportation noise. On average, the addition of perforated architectural finish contributes to a 20% increase in sound absorption. The preliminary results also show that the sound absorbency of the 3L barrier can be better controlled and tuned to specific noise frequency than the 2L type. The visual appearance has been significantly improved with the addition of the architectural finish, which makes the barrier an attractive, feasible, and viable alternative to road barriers made from standard concrete or timber.


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Road surface macro-texture is an indicator used to determine the skid resistance levels in pavements. Existing methods of quantifying macro-texture include the sand patch test and the laser profilometer. These methods utilise the 3D information of the pavement surface to extract the average texture depth. Recently, interest in image processing techniques as a quantifier of macro-texture has arisen, mainly using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). This paper reviews the FFT method, and then proposes two new methods, one using the autocorrelation function and the other using wavelets. The methods are tested on pictures obtained from a pavement surface extending more than 2km's. About 200 images were acquired from the surface at approx. 10m intervals from a height 80cm above ground. The results obtained from image analysis methods using the FFT, the autocorrelation function and wavelets are compared with sensor measured texture depth (SMTD) data obtained from the same paved surface. The results indicate that coefficients of determination (R2) exceeding 0.8 are obtained when up to 10% of outliers are removed.