927 resultados para patterns detection and recognition


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In this report, a face recognition system that is capable of detecting and recognizing frontal and rotated faces was developed. Two face recognition methods focusing on the aspect of pose invariance are presented and evaluated - the whole face approach and the component-based approach. The main challenge of this project is to develop a system that is able to identify faces under different viewing angles in realtime. The development of such a system will enhance the capability and robustness of current face recognition technology. The whole-face approach recognizes faces by classifying a single feature vector consisting of the gray values of the whole face image. The component-based approach first locates the facial components and extracts them. These components are normalized and combined into a single feature vector for classification. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) is used as the classifier for both approaches. Extensive tests with respect to the robustness against pose changes are performed on a database that includes faces rotated up to about 40 degrees in depth. The component-based approach clearly outperforms the whole-face approach on all tests. Although this approach isproven to be more reliable, it is still too slow for real-time applications. That is the reason why a real-time face recognition system using the whole-face approach is implemented to recognize people in color video sequences.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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The Project you are about to see it is based on the technologies used on object detection and recognition, especially on leaves and chromosomes. To do so, this document contains the typical parts of a scientific paper, as it is what it is. It is composed by an Abstract, an Introduction, points that have to do with the investigation area, future work, conclusions and references used for the elaboration of the document. The Abstract talks about what are we going to find in this paper, which is technologies employed on pattern detection and recognition for leaves and chromosomes and the jobs that are already made for cataloguing these objects. In the introduction detection and recognition meanings are explained. This is necessary as many papers get confused with these terms, specially the ones talking about chromosomes. Detecting an object is gathering the parts of the image that are useful and eliminating the useless parts. Summarizing, detection would be recognizing the objects borders. When talking about recognition, we are talking about the computers or the machines process, which says what kind of object we are handling. Afterwards we face a compilation of the most used technologies in object detection in general. There are two main groups on this category: Based on derivatives of images and based on ASIFT points. The ones that are based on derivatives of images have in common that convolving them with a previously created matrix does the treatment of them. This is done for detecting borders on the images, which are changes on the intensity of the pixels. Within these technologies we face two groups: Gradian based, which search for maximums and minimums on the pixels intensity as they only use the first derivative. The Laplacian based methods search for zeros on the pixels intensity as they use the second derivative. Depending on the level of details that we want to use on the final result, we will choose one option or the other, because, as its logic, if we used Gradian based methods, the computer will consume less resources and less time as there are less operations, but the quality will be worse. On the other hand, if we use the Laplacian based methods we will need more time and resources as they require more operations, but we will have a much better quality result. After explaining all the derivative based methods, we take a look on the different algorithms that are available for both groups. The other big group of technologies for object recognition is the one based on ASIFT points, which are based on 6 image parameters and compare them with another image taking under consideration these parameters. These methods disadvantage, for our future purposes, is that it is only valid for one single object. So if we are going to recognize two different leaves, even though if they refer to the same specie, we are not going to be able to recognize them with this method. It is important to mention these types of technologies as we are talking about recognition methods in general. At the end of the chapter we can see a comparison with pros and cons of all technologies that are employed. Firstly comparing them separately and then comparing them all together, based on our purposes. Recognition techniques, which are the next chapter, are not really vast as, even though there are general steps for doing object recognition, every single object that has to be recognized has its own method as the are different. This is why there is not a general method that we can specify on this chapter. We now move on into leaf detection techniques on computers. Now we will use the technique explained above based on the image derivatives. Next step will be to turn the leaf into several parameters. Depending on the document that you are referring to, there will be more or less parameters. Some papers recommend to divide the leaf into 3 main features (shape, dent and vein] and doing mathematical operations with them we can get up to 16 secondary features. Next proposition is dividing the leaf into 5 main features (Diameter, physiological length, physiological width, area and perimeter] and from those, extract 12 secondary features. This second alternative is the most used so it is the one that is going to be the reference. Following in to leaf recognition, we are based on a paper that provides a source code that, clicking on both leaf ends, it automatically tells to which specie belongs the leaf that we are trying to recognize. To do so, it only requires having a database. On the tests that have been made by the document, they assure us a 90.312% of accuracy over 320 total tests (32 plants on the database and 10 tests per specie]. Next chapter talks about chromosome detection, where we shall pass the metaphasis plate, where the chromosomes are disorganized, into the karyotype plate, which is the usual view of the 23 chromosomes ordered by number. There are two types of techniques to do this step: the skeletonization process and swiping angles. Skeletonization progress consists on suppressing the inside pixels of the chromosome to just stay with the silhouette. This method is really similar to the ones based on the derivatives of the image but the difference is that it doesnt detect the borders but the interior of the chromosome. Second technique consists of swiping angles from the beginning of the chromosome and, taking under consideration, that on a single chromosome we cannot have more than an X angle, it detects the various regions of the chromosomes. Once the karyotype plate is defined, we continue with chromosome recognition. To do so, there is a technique based on the banding that chromosomes have (grey scale bands] that make them unique. The program then detects the longitudinal axis of the chromosome and reconstructs the band profiles. Then the computer is able to recognize this chromosome. Concerning the future work, we generally have to independent techniques that dont reunite detection and recognition, so our main focus would be to prepare a program that gathers both techniques. On the leaf matter we have seen that, detection and recognition, have a link as both share the option of dividing the leaf into 5 main features. The work that would have to be done is to create an algorithm that linked both methods, as in the program, which recognizes leaves, it has to be clicked both leaf ends so it is not an automatic algorithm. On the chromosome side, we should create an algorithm that searches for the beginning of the chromosome and then start to swipe angles, to later give the parameters to the program that searches for the band profiles. Finally, on the summary, we explain why this type of investigation is needed, and that is because with global warming, lots of species (animals and plants] are beginning to extinguish. That is the reason why a big database, which gathers all the possible species, is needed. For recognizing animal species, we just only have to have the 23 chromosomes. While recognizing a plant, there are several ways of doing it, but the easiest way to input a computer is to scan the leaf of the plant. RESUMEN. El proyecto que se puede ver a continuación trata sobre las tecnologías empleadas en la detección y reconocimiento de objetos, especialmente de hojas y cromosomas. Para ello, este documento contiene las partes típicas de un paper de investigación, puesto que es de lo que se trata. Así, estará compuesto de Abstract, Introducción, diversos puntos que tengan que ver con el área a investigar, trabajo futuro, conclusiones y biografía utilizada para la realización del documento. Así, el Abstract nos cuenta qué vamos a poder encontrar en este paper, que no es ni más ni menos que las tecnologías empleadas en el reconocimiento y detección de patrones en hojas y cromosomas y qué trabajos hay existentes para catalogar a estos objetos. En la introducción se explican los conceptos de qué es la detección y qué es el reconocimiento. Esto es necesario ya que muchos papers científicos, especialmente los que hablan de cromosomas, confunden estos dos términos que no podían ser más sencillos. Por un lado tendríamos la detección del objeto, que sería simplemente coger las partes que nos interesasen de la imagen y eliminar aquellas partes que no nos fueran útiles para un futuro. Resumiendo, sería reconocer los bordes del objeto de estudio. Cuando hablamos de reconocimiento, estamos refiriéndonos al proceso que tiene el ordenador, o la máquina, para decir qué clase de objeto estamos tratando. Seguidamente nos encontramos con un recopilatorio de las tecnologías más utilizadas para la detección de objetos, en general. Aquí nos encontraríamos con dos grandes grupos de tecnologías: Las basadas en las derivadas de imágenes y las basadas en los puntos ASIFT. El grupo de tecnologías basadas en derivadas de imágenes tienen en común que hay que tratar a las imágenes mediante una convolución con una matriz creada previamente. Esto se hace para detectar bordes en las imágenes que son básicamente cambios en la intensidad de los píxeles. Dentro de estas tecnologías nos encontramos con dos grupos: Los basados en gradientes, los cuales buscan máximos y mínimos de intensidad en la imagen puesto que sólo utilizan la primera derivada; y los Laplacianos, los cuales buscan ceros en la intensidad de los píxeles puesto que estos utilizan la segunda derivada de la imagen. Dependiendo del nivel de detalles que queramos utilizar en el resultado final nos decantaremos por un método u otro puesto que, como es lógico, si utilizamos los basados en el gradiente habrá menos operaciones por lo que consumirá más tiempo y recursos pero por la contra tendremos menos calidad de imagen. Y al revés pasa con los Laplacianos, puesto que necesitan más operaciones y recursos pero tendrán un resultado final con mejor calidad. Después de explicar los tipos de operadores que hay, se hace un recorrido explicando los distintos tipos de algoritmos que hay en cada uno de los grupos. El otro gran grupo de tecnologías para el reconocimiento de objetos son los basados en puntos ASIFT, los cuales se basan en 6 parámetros de la imagen y la comparan con otra imagen teniendo en cuenta dichos parámetros. La desventaja de este método, para nuestros propósitos futuros, es que sólo es valido para un objeto en concreto. Por lo que si vamos a reconocer dos hojas diferentes, aunque sean de la misma especie, no vamos a poder reconocerlas mediante este método. Aún así es importante explicar este tipo de tecnologías puesto que estamos hablando de técnicas de reconocimiento en general. Al final del capítulo podremos ver una comparación con los pros y las contras de todas las tecnologías empleadas. Primeramente comparándolas de forma separada y, finalmente, compararemos todos los métodos existentes en base a nuestros propósitos. Las técnicas de reconocimiento, el siguiente apartado, no es muy extenso puesto que, aunque haya pasos generales para el reconocimiento de objetos, cada objeto a reconocer es distinto por lo que no hay un método específico que se pueda generalizar. Pasamos ahora a las técnicas de detección de hojas mediante ordenador. Aquí usaremos la técnica explicada previamente explicada basada en las derivadas de las imágenes. La continuación de este paso sería diseccionar la hoja en diversos parámetros. Dependiendo de la fuente a la que se consulte pueden haber más o menos parámetros. Unos documentos aconsejan dividir la morfología de la hoja en 3 parámetros principales (Forma, Dentina y ramificación] y derivando de dichos parámetros convertirlos a 16 parámetros secundarios. La otra propuesta es dividir la morfología de la hoja en 5 parámetros principales (Diámetro, longitud fisiológica, anchura fisiológica, área y perímetro] y de ahí extraer 12 parámetros secundarios. Esta segunda propuesta es la más utilizada de todas por lo que es la que se utilizará. Pasamos al reconocimiento de hojas, en la cual nos hemos basado en un documento que provee un código fuente que cucando en los dos extremos de la hoja automáticamente nos dice a qué especie pertenece la hoja que estamos intentando reconocer. Para ello sólo hay que formar una base de datos. En los test realizados por el citado documento, nos aseguran que tiene un índice de acierto del 90.312% en 320 test en total (32 plantas insertadas en la base de datos por 10 test que se han realizado por cada una de las especies]. El siguiente apartado trata de la detección de cromosomas, en el cual se debe de pasar de la célula metafásica, donde los cromosomas están desorganizados, al cariotipo, que es como solemos ver los 23 cromosomas de forma ordenada. Hay dos tipos de técnicas para realizar este paso: Por el proceso de esquelotonización y barriendo ángulos. El proceso de esqueletonización consiste en eliminar los píxeles del interior del cromosoma para quedarse con su silueta; Este proceso es similar a los métodos de derivación de los píxeles pero se diferencia en que no detecta bordes si no que detecta el interior de los cromosomas. La segunda técnica consiste en ir barriendo ángulos desde el principio del cromosoma y teniendo en cuenta que un cromosoma no puede doblarse más de X grados detecta las diversas regiones de los cromosomas. Una vez tengamos el cariotipo, se continua con el reconocimiento de cromosomas. Para ello existe una técnica basada en las bandas de blancos y negros que tienen los cromosomas y que son las que los hacen únicos. Para ello el programa detecta los ejes longitudinales del cromosoma y reconstruye los perfiles de las bandas que posee el cromosoma y que lo identifican como único. En cuanto al trabajo que se podría desempeñar en el futuro, tenemos por lo general dos técnicas independientes que no unen la detección con el reconocimiento por lo que se habría de preparar un programa que uniese estas dos técnicas. Respecto a las hojas hemos visto que ambos métodos, detección y reconocimiento, están vinculados debido a que ambos comparten la opinión de dividir las hojas en 5 parámetros principales. El trabajo que habría que realizar sería el de crear un algoritmo que conectase a ambos ya que en el programa de reconocimiento se debe clicar a los dos extremos de la hoja por lo que no es una tarea automática. En cuanto a los cromosomas, se debería de crear un algoritmo que busque el inicio del cromosoma y entonces empiece a barrer ángulos para después poder dárselo al programa que busca los perfiles de bandas de los cromosomas. Finalmente, en el resumen se explica el por qué hace falta este tipo de investigación, esto es que con el calentamiento global, muchas de las especies (tanto animales como plantas] se están empezando a extinguir. Es por ello que se necesitará una base de datos que contemple todas las posibles especies tanto del reino animal como del reino vegetal. Para reconocer a una especie animal, simplemente bastará con tener sus 23 cromosomas; mientras que para reconocer a una especie vegetal, existen diversas formas. Aunque la más sencilla de todas es contar con la hoja de la especie puesto que es el elemento más fácil de escanear e introducir en el ordenador.


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The main objectives of this thesis are to validate an improved principal components analysis (IPCA) algorithm on images; designing and simulating a digital model for image compression, face recognition and image detection by using a principal components analysis (PCA) algorithm and the IPCA algorithm; designing and simulating an optical model for face recognition and object detection by using the joint transform correlator (JTC); establishing detection and recognition thresholds for each model; comparing between the performance of the PCA algorithm and the performance of the IPCA algorithm in compression, recognition and, detection; and comparing between the performance of the digital model and the performance of the optical model in recognition and detection. The MATLAB © software was used for simulating the models. PCA is a technique used for identifying patterns in data and representing the data in order to highlight any similarities or differences. The identification of patterns in data of high dimensions (more than three dimensions) is too difficult because the graphical representation of data is impossible. Therefore, PCA is a powerful method for analyzing data. IPCA is another statistical tool for identifying patterns in data. It uses information theory for improving PCA. The joint transform correlator (JTC) is an optical correlator used for synthesizing a frequency plane filter for coherent optical systems. The IPCA algorithm, in general, behaves better than the PCA algorithm in the most of the applications. It is better than the PCA algorithm in image compression because it obtains higher compression, more accurate reconstruction, and faster processing speed with acceptable errors; in addition, it is better than the PCA algorithm in real-time image detection due to the fact that it achieves the smallest error rate as well as remarkable speed. On the other hand, the PCA algorithm performs better than the IPCA algorithm in face recognition because it offers an acceptable error rate, easy calculation, and a reasonable speed. Finally, in detection and recognition, the performance of the digital model is better than the performance of the optical model.


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A method for deformable shape detection and recognition is described. Deformable shape templates are used to partition the image into a globally consistent interpretation, determined in part by the minimum description length principle. Statistical shape models enforce the prior probabilities on global, parametric deformations for each object class. Once trained, the system autonomously segments deformed shapes from the background, while not merging them with adjacent objects or shadows. The formulation can be used to group image regions based on any image homogeneity predicate; e.g., texture, color, or motion. The recovered shape models can be used directly in object recognition. Experiments with color imagery are reported.


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For several reasons, the Fourier phase domain is less favored than the magnitude domain in signal processing and modeling of speech. To correctly analyze the phase, several factors must be considered and compensated, including the effect of the step size, windowing function and other processing parameters. Building on a review of these factors, this paper investigates a spectral representation based on the Instantaneous Frequency Deviation, but in which the step size between processing frames is used in calculating phase changes, rather than the traditional single sample interval. Reflecting these longer intervals, the term delta-phase spectrum is used to distinguish this from instantaneous derivatives. Experiments show that mel-frequency cepstral coefficients features derived from the delta-phase spectrum (termed Mel-Frequency delta-phase features) can produce broadly similar performance to equivalent magnitude domain features for both voice activity detection and speaker recognition tasks. Further, it is shown that the fusion of the magnitude and phase representations yields performance benefits over either in isolation.


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We are addressing the novel problem of jointly evaluating multiple speech patterns for automatic speech recognition and training. We propose solutions based on both the non-parametric dynamic time warping (DTW) algorithm, and the parametric hidden Markov model (HMM). We show that a hybrid approach is quite effective for the application of noisy speech recognition. We extend the concept to HMM training wherein some patterns may be noisy or distorted. Utilizing the concept of ``virtual pattern'' developed for joint evaluation, we propose selective iterative training of HMMs. Evaluating these algorithms for burst/transient noisy speech and isolated word recognition, significant improvement in recognition accuracy is obtained using the new algorithms over those which do not utilize the joint evaluation strategy.


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Acoustics is a rich source of environmental information that can reflect the ecological dynamics. To deal with the escalating acoustic data, a variety of automated classification techniques have been used for acoustic patterns or scene recognition, including urban soundscapes such as streets and restaurants; and natural soundscapes such as raining and thundering. It is common to classify acoustic patterns under the assumption that a single type of soundscapes present in an audio clip. This assumption is reasonable for some carefully selected audios. However, only few experiments have been focused on classifying simultaneous acoustic patterns in long-duration recordings. This paper proposes a binary relevance based multi-label classification approach to recognise simultaneous acoustic patterns in one-minute audio clips. By utilising acoustic indices as global features and multilayer perceptron as a base classifier, we achieve good classification performance on in-the-field data. Compared with single-label classification, multi-label classification approach provides more detailed information about the distributions of various acoustic patterns in long-duration recordings. These results will merit further biodiversity investigations, such as bird species surveys.


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Orientation detection and discrimination thresholds were measured for Gabor ‘envelopes’ formed from contrast-modulation of luminance ‘carriers’. Consistent with previous research differences between carrier and envelope orientation had no effect on sensitivity to envelopes. Using plaid carriers in which the proportion of contrast modulation ‘carried’ by each plaid component was systematically manipulated, it was shown that this tolerance to carrier-envelope orientation difference reflects linear summation across orientation indicative of a single second-stage channel coding for contrast-defined structure. That contrast envelopes did not exhibit linear summation across spatial-frequency, nor across combinations of orientation and spatial-frequency differences, suggests that these second-order channels operate only within certain spatial scales. Using arrays of Gabor micropatterns as carriers in which the orientation distribution of the carriers was manipulated independently of the difference between envelope orientation and mean carrier orientation, it was further demonstrated that the locus of orientation integration must occur prior to envelope detection. In the context of two-stage models that incorporate a non-linearity between the stages, the pattern of results obtained is consistent with the operation of an orientation pooling process between first-stage and second-stage channels, analogous to having all filters of the first-stage feed into all filters of the second-stage within the same spatial-frequency band.


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The paper presents the Visual Mouse (VM), a novel and simple system for interaction with displays via hand gestures. Our method includes detecting bare hands using the fast SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm saving long training time of the Adaboost algorithm, tracking hands based on the CAMShift algorithm, recognizing hand gestures in cluttered background via Principle Components Analysis (PCA) without extracting clear-cut hand contour, and defining simple and robustly interpretable vocabularies of hand gestures, which are subsequently used to control a computer mouse. The system provides a fast and simple interaction experience without the need for more expensive hardware and software.


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Optical inspection techniques have been widely used in industry as they are non-destructive. Since defect patterns are rooted from the manufacturing processes in semiconductor industry, efficient and effective defect detection and pattern recognition algorithms are in great demand to find out closely related causes. Modifying the manufacturing processes can eliminate defects, and thus to improve the yield. Defect patterns such as rings, semicircles, scratches, and clusters are the most common defects in the semiconductor industry. Conventional methods cannot identify two scale-variant or shift-variant or rotation-variant defect patterns, which in fact belong to the same failure causes. To address these problems, a new approach is proposed in this paper to detect these defect patterns in noisy images. First, a novel scheme is developed to simulate datasets of these 4 patterns for classifiers' training and testing. Second, for real optical images, a series of image processing operations have been applied in the detection stage of our method. In the identification stage, defects are resized and then identified by the trained support vector machine. Adaptive resonance theory network 1 is also implemented for comparisons. Classification results of both simulated data and real noisy raw data show the effectiveness of our method.


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A methodology has been developed for the study of molecular recognition at the level of single events and for the localization of sites on biosurfaces, in combining force microscopy with molecular recognition by specific ligands. For this goal, a sensor was designed by covalently linking an antibody (anti-human serum albumin, polyclonal) via a flexible spacer to the tip of a force microscope. This sensor permitted detection of single antibody-antigen recognition events by force signals of unique shape with an unbinding force of 244 +/- 22 pN. Analysis revealed that observed unbinding forces originate from the dissociation of individual Fab fragments from a human serum albumin molecule. The two Fab fragments of the antibody were found to bind independently and with equal probability. The flexible linkage provided the antibody with a 6-nm dynamical reach for binding, rendering binding probability high, 0.5 for encounter times of 60 ms. This permitted fast and reliable detection of antigenic sites during lateral scans with a positional accuracy of 1.5 nm. It is indicated that this methodology has promise for characterizing rate constants and kinetics of molecular recognition complexes and for molecular mapping of biosurfaces such as membranes.


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The move from Standard Definition (SD) to High Definition (HD) represents a six times increases in data, which needs to be processed. With expanding resolutions and evolving compression, there is a need for high performance with flexible architectures to allow for quick upgrade ability. The technology advances in image display resolutions, advanced compression techniques, and video intelligence. Software implementation of these systems can attain accuracy with tradeoffs among processing performance (to achieve specified frame rates, working on large image data sets), power and cost constraints. There is a need for new architectures to be in pace with the fast innovations in video and imaging. It contains dedicated hardware implementation of the pixel and frame rate processes on Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) to achieve the real-time performance. ^ The following outlines the contributions of the dissertation. (1) We develop a target detection system by applying a novel running average mean threshold (RAMT) approach to globalize the threshold required for background subtraction. This approach adapts the threshold automatically to different environments (indoor and outdoor) and different targets (humans and vehicles). For low power consumption and better performance, we design the complete system on FPGA. (2) We introduce a safe distance factor and develop an algorithm for occlusion occurrence detection during target tracking. A novel mean-threshold is calculated by motion-position analysis. (3) A new strategy for gesture recognition is developed using Combinational Neural Networks (CNN) based on a tree structure. Analysis of the method is done on American Sign Language (ASL) gestures. We introduce novel point of interests approach to reduce the feature vector size and gradient threshold approach for accurate classification. (4) We design a gesture recognition system using a hardware/ software co-simulation neural network for high speed and low memory storage requirements provided by the FPGA. We develop an innovative maximum distant algorithm which uses only 0.39% of the image as the feature vector to train and test the system design. Database set gestures involved in different applications may vary. Therefore, it is highly essential to keep the feature vector as low as possible while maintaining the same accuracy and performance^