925 resultados para partnership sourcing


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää ostomarkkinatutkimusta ja partnership-hankintasuhteen aloittamista. Tutkimuksessa tehtiin ostomarkkinatutkimuksen avulla esiselvitys Imatran Seudun Koivukeskus Oy:n potentiaalisista toimittajista. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin myös potentiaalisia partnereita, joiden kanssa voitaisiin aloittaa tulevaisuudessa pitkäaikainen toimittajayhteistyö. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa selvitettiin partnershipin hyötyjä ostajalle. Tutkielma sisältää teoria- ja empiriaosuuden. Teoriaosassa käsitellään ostomarkkinatutkimusta ja ostosalkkuanalyysiin perustuvia hankintastrategioita pääpainon ollessa partnership-hankintastrategian kuvaamisessa. Empiirisessä osassa selvitetään ostomarkkinatutkimusta potentiaalisten toimittajien selvittämiseksi. Empiirisessä osassa esitetään myös kvalitatiivisen haastattelututkimuksen tulokset potentiaalisista partnereista. Empiirisen osan tutkimukset ovat esiselvityksiä aiheista, eikä tutkimusten tarkoituksena ollut valita toimittajia tai partnereita vielä tässä vaiheessa. Ostomarkkinatutkimuksen perusteella löydettiin 11 potentiaalista toimittajaa, jotka valittiin sopivan maantieteellisen etäisyyden perusteella. Potentiaalisia partnereita löydettiin neljä, ja nämä partnerit valittiin myös sopivan maantieteellisen sijainnin perusteella. Partnereiden valinnassa käytettiin lisäksi vaatimusta, että yrityksillä oli aiempaa kokemusta alalla. Partneruuden tärkeimpänä hyötynä voi pitää sitä, että pitkäaikaisella toimittajayhteistyöllä ostaja varmistaa koivupuun saannin tulevaisuudessa.


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Few people would argue that there is one single solution to the design of a manufacturing supply chain. Relatively recent concepts such as strategic outsourcing and partnership sourcing are extremely valuable to some manufacturing organisations. This paper presents the findings of a comprehensive survey of manufacturing sourcing practices in the UK. This study has set out to understand current and intended practices that manufacturing companies have with their key suppliers, and also the decision processes and circumstances that have caused these relationships to occur.


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Existing studies on global sourcing strategy have implicitly adopted a cJosed-systems perspective in which sourcing activities are managed within a multinational company across national boundaries. Produd and process innovations and components procurement that are jointly managed by a consortium of cooperating firms have not been examined. In this paper, we empiricallyexamine the issues concerning sourcing partnerships in an open-systems perspective. Findings suggest that even in a sourcing partnership arrangement with a foreign supplier, the principal firm's ability to procure and control the supply of major components has a positive bearing on its market performance.


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There are several tools in the literature that support innovation in organizations. Some of the most cited are the so-called technology roadmapping methods, also known as TRM. However, these methods are designed primarily for organizations that adopt the market pull strategy of technology-product integration. Organizations that adopt the technology push integration strategy are neglected in the literature. Furthermore, with the advent of open innovation, it is possible to note the need to consider the adoption of partnerships in the innovation process. Thus, this study proposes a method of technology roadmapping, identified as method for technology push (MTP), applicable to organizations that adopt the technology push integration strategy, such as SMEs and independent research centers in an open-innovation environment. The method was developed through action-research and was assessed from two analytical standpoints: externally, via a specific literature review on its theoretical contributions, and internally, through the analysis of potential users` perceptions on the feasibility of applying MTP. The results indicate both the unique character of the method and its perceived implementation feasibility. Future research is suggested in order to validate the method in different types of organizations (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: High levels of domestic violence, mental illness, and alienation from authorities are associated with high incidence of children/adolescents living on the streets in low and middle income countries. The Equilibrium Project (Programa Equilibrio) was created to facilitate social reintegration through a virtual partnership between an academic psychiatric institute and highly vulnerable children and adolescents living on the streets, in group shelter with supervision, and in other high risk situations. Methods: Descriptive presentation of qualitative data and analysis of preliminary empirical data collected over a 24-month period. Results: Dialogue between academic professionals, street children, and city officials shaped The Equilibrium Project over the last 2 years. The program has progressively moved from a professional clinic setting to a community-based but protected activity center with recreational and professional services and an emphasis on linkage with social service agencies, city government and law enforcement officials in an academic research context. A total of 351 patients have been served of whom virtually all were neglected by their parents, 58.4% report physical or sexual abuse, 88.89% have been diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder, 40.4% drug use. After 2 years of operation, 63.5% (n = 223) successfully completed or continue in treatment and 34.8% (n = 122) were reunited with their families. Conclusions and Practice implications: Program development guided by consumer input led to a successful program offering professional services in a protected community setting that facilitates social reintegration by providing ""go between"" services integrating relationships between alienated consumers and formal psychiatric, pediatric, social service, and criminal justice systems. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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There is an urgent need to link social science research with policy making to address many key issues confronting countries across the globe. Policy makers need the benefit of social science research which is relevant, timely, transdisciplinary, methodologically capable of capturing global and local trends, swift to respond to fundamental issues, and offering findings which are clearly articulated, effectively disseminated, and oriented to outcomes. For this a new partnership is needed between social scientists and policy makers. We can gain a clearer picture of the nature of this desired partnership by probing the dichotomy between the world of science and the world of policy making. The experience of UNESCO and its programme Management of Social Transformations provides some valuable lessons.


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