931 resultados para partner-directed insults


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Social network sites (SNSs) provide new opportunities for online self-presentation of millions of users. The cover profile photograph (CPP) along with written information regarding relationship status is a central component of online self-presentation, although their associations with actual romantic relationships are not clear. We investigated relationships between the presence of a current romantic partner on the CPP and the displayed relationship status and partner satisfaction, partner-directed violence and women's intrasexual competition with peers. A total of 28 % of the 158 women with a Facebook profile and being involved in a romantic relationship had their romantic partners on their CPP. As predicted, women with their partners on the CPP were more satisfied with their romantic relationship than others. Furthermore, women who did not have their partner on the CPP tended to conceal or lie in their displayed mating status suggesting that this may be a strategy how to attract another potential mate. The partner-directed violence and intrasexual competition hypotheses were not supported. Overall, the CPP and an honestly displayed relationship status is an expression of relationship satisfaction amongst women.


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Herein we describe our application of the O-directed free radical hydrostannation of disubstituted alkyl-acetylenes (with Ph3SnH and Et3B) to the (+)-pumiliotoxin B total synthesis problem. Specifically, we report on the use of this method in the synthesis of the Overman alkyne 8, and thereby demonstrate the great utility of this process in a complex natural product total synthesis setting for the very first time. We also report here on a new, stereocontrolled, and highly practical enantioselective pathway to Overman's pyrrolidine epoxide partner 9 for 8, which overcomes the previous requirement for use of preparative HPLC to separate the 1:1 mixture of diastereomeric epoxides that was obtained in the original synthesis of 9.


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Background: Emotional responding is sensitive to social context; however, little emphasis has been placed on the mechanisms by which social context effects changes in emotional responding.

Objective: We aimed to investigate the effects of social context on neural responses to emotional stimuli to inform on the mechanisms underpinning context-linked changes in emotional responding.

Design: We measured event-related potential (ERP) components known to index specific emotion processes and self-reports of explicit emotion regulation strategies and emotional arousal. Female Chinese university students observed positive, negative, and neutral photographs, whilst alone or accompanied by a culturally similar (Chinese) or dissimilar researcher (British).

Results: There was a reduction in the positive versus neutral differential N1 amplitude (indexing attentional capture by positive stimuli) in the dissimilar relative to alone context. In this context, there was also a corresponding increase in amplitude of a frontal late positive potential (LPP) component (indexing engagement of cognitive control resources). In the similar relative to alone context, these effects on differential N1 and frontal LPP amplitudes were less pronounced, but there was an additional decrease in the amplitude of a parietal LPP component (indexing motivational relevance) in response to positive stimuli. In response to negative stimuli, the differential N1 component was increased in the similar relative to dissimilar and alone (trend) context.

Conclusion: These data suggest that neural processes engaged in response to emotional stimuli are modulated by social context. Possible mechanisms for the social-context-linked changes in attentional capture by emotional stimuli include a context-directed modulation of the focus of attention, or an altered interpretation of the emotional stimuli based on additional information proportioned by the context.


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This article examines what is wrong with some expressive acts, ‘insults’. Their putative wrongfulness is distinguished from the causing of indirect harms, aggregated harms, contextual harms, and damaging misrepresentations. The article clarifies what insults are, making use of work by Neu and Austin, and argues that their wrongfulness cannot lie in the hurt that is caused to those at whom such acts are directed. Rather it must lie in what they seek to do, namely to denigrate the other. The causing of offence is at most evidence that an insult has been communicated; it is not independent grounds of proscription or constraint. The victim of an insult may know that she has been insulted but not accept or agree with the insult, and thereby submit to the insulter. Hence insults need not, as Waldron argues they do, occasion dignitary harms. They do not of themselves subvert their victims' equal moral status. The claim that hateful speech endorses inequality should not be conflated with a claim that such speech directly subverts equality.

Thus, ‘wounding words’ should not unduly trouble the liberal defender of free speech either on the grounds of preventing offence or on those of avoiding dignitary harms.


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A modalidade violência psicológica é mais conhecida pela sua “invisibilidade” no âmbito público em razão de, entre outros fatores, ocorrer mais frequentemente na esfera privada, bem como por não deixar marcas físicas. Atualmente, a Lei 11.340/2006, batizada de “Lei Maria da Penha”, depois de sancionada, traduz uma forma de amparo legal e institucionalizado para as mulheres. Empregamos a concepção de gênero segundo Scott (1991), como uma das ferramentas analíticas que permitem identificar nexos entre a construção socioeconômica da violência e as políticas do Estado. Neste panorama, apresentamos como objetivo geral desta pesquisa empírica desvelar algumas (in) visíveis sequelas psíquicas e sociais e de modo específico as repercussões na subjetividade da mulher que vivencia situações de violência psicológica ocorridas em âmbito doméstico e intrafamiliar. As análises foram realizadas na perspectiva Gestáltica, uma abordagem psicológica do contato consciente, cuja intervenção permite o fortalecimento do suporte interno e auto-regulação saudável, de modo a superar situações que obscurecem as funções e fronteiras de contato. Trata-se de uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa de base fenomenológico-existencial-gestáltica e hermenêutica. Os procedimentos utilizados foram: submissão do projeto ao Comitê de Ética do CCS/UFPA; obtenção da autorização Institucional; identificação e convite a três mulheres para participarem da pesquisa, segundo o perfil de inclusão na amostra: disponibilidade para a pesquisa, faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos, que esteve ou está vivenciando situação de violência psicológica com seu marido/companheiro. Posteriormente, foi assinado o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e realizado as entrevistas semi-dirigidas através de perguntas abertas (gravadas em áudio). As mesmas foram transcritas e analisadas. O local da pesquisa foi o Centro de Referência Maria do Pará. Utilizamos para a análise dos discursos coletados a compreensão de Ricouer (1975) e os conceitos Gestálticos de contato, funções e fronteiras de contato, mecanismos de defesa, self, ajustamento criativo e awareness. O resultado aponta para o desvelamento de vividos permeados de agressões verbais em forma de humilhações, xingamentos, ofensas, ciúmes, desqualificação de sua aparência física, falta de diálogo, isolamento social e emocional, medo, sofrimento, dor, angústia, culpa, vergonha, sentimentos de ódio, raiva, tristeza e impotência diante de tal violência. Concluímos que a “invisibilidade” de tais experiências de violência psicológica gera visíveis interrupções no contato consigo mesma, em suas relações familiares e sociais, bem como, imprime profundas e danosas desestruturações na personalidade e na maneira da mulher expressar sua subjetividade.


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Background. Although smoking cessation programs significantly reduce smoking rates in the general population, some sectors are poorly motivated by them, especially healthy men from lower socioeconomic classes. Methods. By using a significant life event (approaching birth of a child) we exploited a time of increased receptiveness to smoking cessation influences. A multicomponent intervention was conducted and evaluated using a stratified, randomised control trial, with an intention to treat analysis. Results. Five hundred and sixty-one men were enrolled and 505 (90%) followed to the end of their partners' pregnancy. At 6-month follow-up 16.5% of 291 smokers of the intervention group and 9.3% of 270 in the control group reported they had stopped smoking (P = 0.011, OR = 0.52, 95% CI 0.31 - 0.86). The strongest predictors of smoking cessation were being in a skilled occupation, having a higher number of quit attempts in the previous year and having the first cigarette of the day relatively later. Conclusions. The number of smoking men who had to be treated to achieve one stopping smoking (NNT) during their partner's pregnancy was 13 to 14. Innovative antismoking population health measures for the partners of antenatal patients are effective and perhaps should be more widely adopted. (C) 2003 American Health Foundation and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Intimate partner violence (IPV) is not only a problem for heterosexual couples. Although research in the area is beset by methodological and definitional problems, studies generally demonstrate that IPV also affects those who identify as non-heterosexual; that is, those sexualities that are typically categorized as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or intersex (LGBTI). IPV appears to be at least as prevalent in LGBTI relationships as it is in heterosexual couples, and follows similar patterns (e.g. Australian Research Centre on Sex, Health and Society 2006; Donovan et al. 2006; Chan 2005; Craft and Serovich 2005; Burke et al. 2002; Jeffries and Ball 2008; Kelly and Warshafsky 1987; Letellier 1994; Turrell 2000; Ristock 2003; Vickers 1996). There is, however, little in the way of specific community or social services support available to either victims or perpetrators of violence in same-sex relationships (see Vickers 1996). In addition, there are important differences in the experience of IPV between LGBTI and non-LGBTI victims, and even among LGBTI individuals; for example, among transgender populations (Chan 2005), and those who are HIV sero-positive (Craft and Serovich 2005). These different experiences of IPV include the use of HIV and the threat of “outing” a partner as tools of control, as just two examples (Jeffries and Ball 2008; Salyer 1999; WA Government 2008b). Such differences impact on how LGBTI victims respond to the violence, including whether or not and how they seek help, what services they are able to avail themselves of, and how likely they are to remain with, or return to, their violent partners (Burke et al. 2002). This chapter explores the prevalent heteronormative discourses that surround IPV, both within the academic literature, and in general social and government discourses. It seeks to understand how same-sex IPV remains largely invisible, and suggests that these dominant discourses play a major role in maintaining this invisibility. In many respects, it builds on work by a number of scholars who have begun to interrogate the criminal justice and social discourses surrounding violent crime, primarily sexual violence, and who problematize these discourses (see for example Carmody 2003; Carmody and Carrington 2000; Marcus 1992). It will begin by outlining these dominant discourses, and then problematize these by identifying some of the important differences between LGBTI IPV and IPV in heterosexual relationships. In doing so, this chapter will suggest some possible reasons for the silence regarding IPV in LGBTI relationships, and the effects that this can have on victims. Although an equally important area of research, and another point at which the limitations of dominant social discourses surrounding IPV can be brought to light, this chapter will not examine violence experienced by heterosexual men at the hands of their intimate female partners. Instead, it will restrict itself to IPV perpetrated within same-sex relationships.


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A configurable process model describes a family of similar process models in a given domain. Such a model can be configured to obtain a specific process model that is subsequently used to handle individual cases, for instance, to process customer orders. Process configuration is notoriously difficult as there may be all kinds of interdependencies between configuration decisions.} In fact, an incorrect configuration may lead to behavioral issues such as deadlocks and livelocks. To address this problem, we present a novel verification approach inspired by the ``operating guidelines'' used for partner synthesis. We view the configuration process as an external service, and compute a characterization of all such services which meet particular requirements using the notion of configuration guideline. As a result, we can characterize all feasible configurations (i.\,e., configurations without behavioral problems) at design time, instead of repeatedly checking each individual configuration while configuring a process model.


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Intimate partner abuse and control is one of the most common forms of violence against women, and is considered an international problem of social, political, legal and human rights significance. Yet few studies have attempted to understand this problem from the perspective of male perpetrators. This gap is addressed by conducting in-depth interviews with 16 able-bodied men of white European ancestry born and educated in New Zealand or Australia, who have been physically violent and/or emotionally, intellectually, sexually or financially controlling of a live-in female partner. This thesis extends and deepens the dominant ways of thinking about men’s intimate partner abuse by utilising a new theoretical framework compatible with contemporary feminist scholarship. A synthesis of Connell’s theory of masculinities and Bourdieu’s field theory is utilised for the purpose of exploring more nuanced, complex understandings of manliness and men’s relationships with men, women and social structures. Through such an analysis, this thesis finds that men’s perpetration of power and control over women is driven by a need to avoid the stigma of appearing weak. As a consequence, their desire and ability to show love, care and empathy is suppressed in favour of a presumed honourable manliness, and their female partners are used as weapons in the pursuit of symbolic capital in the form of recognition, prestige and acceptance from real and/or imagined men. This research also uncovers the complex interplay between masculine practices and particular social contexts. For example, the norms of practice encountered from those in authority, such as teachers, sports coaches, police, court judges and workplace management, influences the decision making of the men in this study, to use, or not to use, physical violence, psychological abuse and structural control. The principal conclusion is that there is a repertoire of paradoxical masculinities and contradictory social messages available to the men in this study. But gender policing by other men, complicit women and those in authority provides little room for legitimate complexity in masculine practices. Perpetrators in this study reconcile these conflicts of interest by generally avoiding subordinated masculinity and possible ostracism, and instead practicing more heroic hegemonic masculinities by abusing and controlling women and particular other men. This thesis concludes that for intimate partner abuse and control to cease, changes in power structures have to occur at all levels of society.


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RatSLAM is a system for vision based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) that has been shown to be capable of building stable representations of real world environments. In this paper we describe a method for using RatSLAM representations as the basis for navigation to designated goal locations. The method uses a new component, goal memory, to learn the temporal gradient between places. Paths are recalled or inferred from the goal memory by following the temporal gradient from the robot’s current position to the goal location. Experimental results have been gathered in a combined office and laboratory environment using a Pioneer robot. The experiments show that the robot can perform vision based SLAM on-line and in real time, and then use those representations immediately to navigate directly to designated goal locations.


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The controversial love affair of CS Lewis, Oxford scholar and writer of the Narnia Chronicles, is set in a constellation of music, sculpture and mime. CS Lewis’s intriguing relationship with poet Joy Davidman moves, inspires and confronts us with the big questions. Beauty contrasts with the ephemeral land of the shadows. Crossbow’s adaption of William Nicholson’s soulful and witty play explores the joy and the grief of “experience: that most brutal of teachers.” Showcasing the abilities of Brisbane and Sydney actors, the company that brought you The Miracle Worker and Anne of the Thousand Days, will quicken your senses and stir your heart with Shadowlands. All performances have a tactile tour of the stage 20 minutes before the start time of the show. Special signed performance for hearing impaired patrons Thur 5 Aug 2pm


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In recent years the Australian tertiary education sector may be said to be undergoing a vocational transformation. Vocationalism, that is, an emphasis on learning directed at work related outcomes is increasingly shaping the nature of tertiary education. This paper reports some findings to date of a project that seeks to identify the key issues faced by students, industry and university partners engaged in the provision of WIL within an undergraduate program offered by the Creative Industries faculty of a major metropolitan university. Here, those findings are focussed on some of the motivations and concerns of the industry partners who make their workplaces available for student internships. Businesses are not universities and do not perceive of themselves as primarily learning institutions. However, their perspectives of work integrated learning and their contributions to it need to understand more fully at practical and conceptual levels of learning provision. This paper and the findings presented here suggest that the diversity of industry partner motivations and concerns contributing to WIL provision requires that universities understand and appreciate those partners as contributors with them to a culture of learning provision and support. These industry partner contribution need to be understood as valuing work as learning, not work as something that needs to be integrated with learning to make that learning more authentic and thereby more vocational.