957 resultados para participation policy


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Background: Community participation has become an integral part of many areas of public policy over the last two decades. For a variety of reasons, ranging from concerns about social cohesion and unrest to perceived failings in public services, governments in the UK and elsewhere have turned to communities as both a site of intervention and a potential solution. In contemporary policy, the shift to community is exemplified by the UK Government’s Big Society/Localism agenda and the Scottish Government’s emphasis on Community Empowerment. Through such policies, communities have been increasingly encouraged to help themselves in various ways, to work with public agencies in reshaping services, and to become more engaged in the democratic process. These developments have led some theorists to argue that responsibilities are being shifted from the state onto communities, representing a new form of 'government through community' (Rose, 1996; Imrie and Raco, 2003). Despite this policy development, there is surprisingly little evidence which demonstrates the outcomes of the different forms of community participation. This study attempts to address this gap in two ways. Firstly, it explores the ways in which community participation policy in Scotland and England are playing out in practice. And secondly, it assesses the outcomes of different forms of community participation taking place within these broad policy contexts. Methodology: The study employs an innovative combination of the two main theory-based evaluation methodologies, Theories of Change (ToC) and Realist Evaluation (RE), building on ideas generated by earlier applications of each approach (Blamey and Mackenzie, 2007). ToC methodology is used to analyse the national policy frameworks and the general approach of community organisations in six case studies, three in Scotland and three in England. The local evidence from the community organisations’ theories of change is then used to analyse and critique the assumptions which underlie the Localism and Community Empowerment policies. Alongside this, across the six case studies, a RE approach is utilised to examine the specific mechanisms which operate to deliver outcomes from community participation processes, and to explore the contextual factors which influence their operation. Given the innovative methodological approach, the study also engages in some focused reflection on the practicality and usefulness of combining ToC and RE approaches. Findings: The case studies provide significant evidence of the outcomes that community organisations can deliver through directly providing services or facilities, and through influencing public services. Important contextual factors in both countries include particular strengths within communities and positive relationships with at least part of the local state, although this often exists in parallel with elements of conflict. Notably this evidence suggests that the idea of responsibilisation needs to be examined in a more nuanced fashion, incorporating issues of risk and power, as well the active agency of communities and the local state. Thus communities may sometimes willingly take on responsibility in return for power, although this may also engender significant risk, with the balance between these three elements being significantly mediated by local government. The evidence also highlights the impacts of austerity on community participation, with cuts to local government budgets in particular increasing the degree of risk and responsibility for communities and reducing opportunities for power. Furthermore, the case studies demonstrate the importance of inequalities within and between communities, operating through a socio-economic gradient in community capacity. This has the potential to make community participation policy regressive as more affluent communities are more able to take advantage of additional powers and local authorities have less resource to support the capacity of more disadvantaged communities. For Localism in particular, the findings suggest that some of the ‘new community rights’ may provide opportunities for communities to gain power and generate positive social outcomes. However, the English case studies also highlight the substantial risks involved and the extent to which such opportunities are being undermined by austerity. The case studies suggest that cuts to local government budgets have the potential to undermine some aspects of Localism almost entirely, and that the very limited interest in inequalities means that Localism may be both ‘empowering the powerful’ (Hastings and Matthews, 2014) and further disempowering the powerless. For Community Empowerment, the study demonstrates the ways in which community organisations can gain power and deliver positive social outcomes within the broad policy framework. However, whilst Community Empowerment is ostensibly less regressive, there are still significant challenges to be addressed. In particular, the case studies highlight significant constraints on the notion that communities can ‘choose their own level of empowerment’, and the assumption of partnership working between communities and the local state needs to take into account the evidence of very mixed relationships in practice. Most importantly, whilst austerity has had more limited impacts on local government in Scotland so far, the projected cuts in this area may leave Community Empowerment vulnerable to the dangers of regressive impact highlighted for Localism. Methodologically, the study shows that ToC and RE can be practically applied together and that there may be significant benefits of the combination. ToC offers a productive framework for policy analysis and combining this with data derived from local ToCs provides a powerful lens through which to examine and critique the aims and assumptions of national policy. ToC models also provide a useful framework within which to identify specific causal mechanisms, using RE methodology and, again, the data from local ToC work can enable significant learning about ‘what works for whom in what circumstances’ (Pawson and Tilley, 1997).


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Public participation is an important component of Michigan’s Part 632 Nonferrous Mining law and is identified by researchers as important to decision-making processes. The Kennecott Eagle Project, which is located near Marquette, Michigan, is the first mine permitted under Michigan’s new mining regulation, and this research examines how public participation is structured in regulations, how the permitting process occurred during the permitting of the Eagle Project, and how participants in the permitting process perceived their participation. To understand these issues, this research implemented a review of existing mining policy and public participation policy literature, examination of documents related to the Kennecott Eagle Project and completion of semi-structured, ethnographic interviews with participants in the decision-making process. Interviewees identified issues with the structure of participation, the technical nature of the permitting process, concerns about the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) handling of mine permitting, and trust among participants. This research found that the permitting of the Kennecott Eagle Mine progressed as structured by regulation and collected technical input on the mine permit application, but did not meet the expectations of some participants who opposed the project. Findings from this research indicated that current mining regulation in Michigan is resilient to public opposition, there is need for more transparency from the Michigan DEQ during the permitting process, and current participatory structures limit the opportunities for some stakeholder groups to influence decision-making.


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Early water resources modeling efforts were aimed mostly at representing hydrologic processes, but the need for interdisciplinary studies has led to increasing complexity and integration of environmental, social, and economic functions. The gradual shift from merely employing engineering-based simulation models to applying more holistic frameworks is an indicator of promising changes in the traditional paradigm for the application of water resources models, supporting more sustainable management decisions. This dissertation contributes to application of a quantitative-qualitative framework for sustainable water resources management using system dynamics simulation, as well as environmental systems analysis techniques to provide insights for water quality management in the Great Lakes basin. The traditional linear thinking paradigm lacks the mental and organizational framework for sustainable development trajectories, and may lead to quick-fix solutions that fail to address key drivers of water resources problems. To facilitate holistic analysis of water resources systems, systems thinking seeks to understand interactions among the subsystems. System dynamics provides a suitable framework for operationalizing systems thinking and its application to water resources problems by offering useful qualitative tools such as causal loop diagrams (CLD), stock-and-flow diagrams (SFD), and system archetypes. The approach provides a high-level quantitative-qualitative modeling framework for "big-picture" understanding of water resources systems, stakeholder participation, policy analysis, and strategic decision making. While quantitative modeling using extensive computer simulations and optimization is still very important and needed for policy screening, qualitative system dynamics models can improve understanding of general trends and the root causes of problems, and thus promote sustainable water resources decision making. Within the system dynamics framework, a growth and underinvestment (G&U) system archetype governing Lake Allegan's eutrophication problem was hypothesized to explain the system's problematic behavior and identify policy leverage points for mitigation. A system dynamics simulation model was developed to characterize the lake's recovery from its hypereutrophic state and assess a number of proposed total maximum daily load (TMDL) reduction policies, including phosphorus load reductions from point sources (PS) and non-point sources (NPS). It was shown that, for a TMDL plan to be effective, it should be considered a component of a continuous sustainability process, which considers the functionality of dynamic feedback relationships between socio-economic growth, land use change, and environmental conditions. Furthermore, a high-level simulation-optimization framework was developed to guide watershed scale BMP implementation in the Kalamazoo watershed. Agricultural BMPs should be given priority in the watershed in order to facilitate cost-efficient attainment of the Lake Allegan's TP concentration target. However, without adequate support policies, agricultural BMP implementation may adversely affect the agricultural producers. Results from a case study of the Maumee River basin show that coordinated BMP implementation across upstream and downstream watersheds can significantly improve cost efficiency of TP load abatement.


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I denna utredning har det kartlagts de åtgärder som de finska regionala och lokala förvaltningsmyndigheterna och riksdagspartierna har vidtagit för att stöda invandrares samhälleliga och politiska deltagande. Dessutom har man betraktat undervisningen om och behandlingen av teman som gäller samhälleligt och politiskt deltagande på integrationskurser. Materialet som utnyttjas vid kartläggningen har samlats in genom förfrågningar, som har sänts till ELYcentralerna, de största kommunerna, riksdagspartierna och de läroanstalter som ordnar integrationskurser. Utredningen hör till projektet Likabehandling på första plats 3 (YES 3, på finska Yhdenvertaisuus etusijalle). YESprojektet är en nationell kampanj mot diskriminering vars mål är att öka medvetenheten om och beredskapen för likabehandling och ickediskriminering och att främja godkännandet av pluralism i samhället. Projektet finansieras av EUkommissionens PROGRESSprogram (20072013) samt av de organisationer som deltagit i projektet. Justitieministeriet har deltagit i YES 3projektet med ett eget delprojekt, vars mål är att öka invandrarnas samhälleliga delaktighet, deras kanaler för deltagande och deras kunskaper om de grundläggande rättigheterna.


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 This Chapter has argued that, even though socially and historically disadvantaged
groups (e.g., geo-politically peripheral ethnic groups and women) have been given a
nominal advantage at the entry point (by slightly lowering admission cut-off points)
and despite the fact that participation has considerably widened, social equity is far
from being a reality in Ethiopian HE. The persisting inequality in the form of high
attrition rates and low graduation rates among females and ethnic minorities, low
female participation in the fields of science and technology, prejudicial views and
hostilities against women and, overall, the subordinate position of women in HE
clearly shows that framing the problem of inequality as a mere lack of access and a
human capital disadvantage is misleading and counterproductive.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo identificar em que aspectos a implementação do Colegiado Territorial Norte Fluminense, proporcionou experiências de participação política em âmbito territorial. Para isso, buscou-se uma compreensão interdisciplinar da participação política. Além disso, a pesquisa empírica buscou identificar, por meio da análise de documentos oficiais do Programa Territórios da Cidadania, questionários e entrevistas qual o impacto da política sobre a participação política no espaço estudado. Foram percebidos avanços institucionais ao mesmo tempo da permanência de traços autoritários nas ações do Estado brasileiro.


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Durante o governo FHC buscou-se substituir a agenda reativa da política externa brasileira, dominada pela lógica da autonomia pela distância, por uma nova agenda internacional proativa, determinada pela lógica da autonomia pela integração. Segundo essa agenda, o país deveria ampliar o poder de controle sobre o seu destino e resolver seus problemas com uma adesão ativa à elaboração das normas e das pautas de conduta da gestão da ordem mundial. No entanto, essa política de integração, adesão e participação não foi plenamente acompanhada de tomadas de posições que implicassem responsabilidades práticas, em virtude de debilidades estruturais. As responsabilidades teriam como função preparar tanto o governo como a sociedade civil para uma inserção internacional de perfil mais elevado no pós-Guerra Fria. Os ganhos ocorridos nos governos FHC não foram suficientes para alterar significativamente o peso brasileiro no contexto mundial.


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In recent literature, the concept of policy subsystem has occupied a central place in many theoretical models, it is considered prime unit of analysis in recent approaches to the policy process. Subject of intense theoretical discussion, when compared to related concepts such as policy communities, policy networks and policy issues, these concepts can contribute to the analysis of political participation process, characteristic of democratic governments. This present study aims to present a critical review of the literature on subsystems, policy issues, policy networks and policy communities, as well as discuss these concepts emphasizing the participatory potential of the actors who make up these spaces, seeking to contribute to the dialogue of studies in public policy and participation policy in Brazil.


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El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de surgimiento, implementación y resultados alcanzados en dos experiencias locales participativas en municipios de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires a partir de la recuperación de la perspectiva de los propios actores (funcionarios, grupos técnicos profesionales y organizaciones de la comunidad). Para la comparación de los casos se tomaron como ejes de análisis los distintos momentos de la política pública: -el surgimiento de la política: interesó indagar qué actor tuvo la iniciativa y cómo se fundamentó la política (es decir qué concepciones asumieron los procesos participativos); -respecto al proceso de implementación, a través de qué estrategias (metodologías y técnicas) se llevaron a cabo las experiencias y cuáles fueron los actores participantes; -finalmente se describieron los resultados de estas experiencias: el alcance y la calidad de los procesos que desencadenan tanto en el ámbito de la gestión de gobierno como en la relación del municipio con la sociedad


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El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de surgimiento, implementación y resultados alcanzados en dos experiencias locales participativas en municipios de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires a partir de la recuperación de la perspectiva de los propios actores (funcionarios, grupos técnicos profesionales y organizaciones de la comunidad). Para la comparación de los casos se tomaron como ejes de análisis los distintos momentos de la política pública: -el surgimiento de la política: interesó indagar qué actor tuvo la iniciativa y cómo se fundamentó la política (es decir qué concepciones asumieron los procesos participativos); -respecto al proceso de implementación, a través de qué estrategias (metodologías y técnicas) se llevaron a cabo las experiencias y cuáles fueron los actores participantes; -finalmente se describieron los resultados de estas experiencias: el alcance y la calidad de los procesos que desencadenan tanto en el ámbito de la gestión de gobierno como en la relación del municipio con la sociedad


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El propósito de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de surgimiento, implementación y resultados alcanzados en dos experiencias locales participativas en municipios de la Pcia. de Buenos Aires a partir de la recuperación de la perspectiva de los propios actores (funcionarios, grupos técnicos profesionales y organizaciones de la comunidad). Para la comparación de los casos se tomaron como ejes de análisis los distintos momentos de la política pública: -el surgimiento de la política: interesó indagar qué actor tuvo la iniciativa y cómo se fundamentó la política (es decir qué concepciones asumieron los procesos participativos); -respecto al proceso de implementación, a través de qué estrategias (metodologías y técnicas) se llevaron a cabo las experiencias y cuáles fueron los actores participantes; -finalmente se describieron los resultados de estas experiencias: el alcance y la calidad de los procesos que desencadenan tanto en el ámbito de la gestión de gobierno como en la relación del municipio con la sociedad


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Este trabajo de grado es un estudio de caso, del proceso participativo para la formulación del Plan Zonal Centro de Bogotá entre 2004 y 2007, con el fin de observar los efectos de la participación ciudadana de la Localidad de Santa Fe, en la formulación de una política pública. En la investigación se hace un análisis mediante las variables: contexto, las condiciones institucionales, el funcionamiento de los espacios de participación, los actores que participaron y los efectos de la participación ciudadana en el proceso decisional. Asimismo, el presente estudio de caso se valió de la teoría de la racionalidad limitada para entender las decisiones del actor público y sus límites, reconstruyendo el desarrollo del proceso participativo, para comprender la relación entre el proceso decisional, que hace parte de la formulación de la política pública, y las expectativas para tomar decisiones, que generan estos espacios de participación a los ciudadanos que participan. El presente trabajo usa herramientas conceptuales adquiridos en los programas de Ciencia Política y Gestión y Desarrollo Urbanos.