35 resultados para parsley


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This Early Years unit is designed to engage students in a sequence of activities that use a range of literacies which explore feelings, friendships and personality traits. The text, Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley, is the focus of this unit. Suggested activities promote participation through simple and effective strategies, using technology, process drama, graphic ogranisers and critical literacy. This unit allows for flexibility so teachers can select activities that best suit time, resources and students' needs and interests. Students are asked to make connections between the text and their own friendships, understanding that the best of friends can be different in almost every way.


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An upper primary multiliteracies project based on the children’s book “Pearl Barley and Charlie Parsley” by Aaron Blabey. The main theme explored is same and different.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A espécie vegetal, Petroselinum sativum Hoff, conhecida como salsa, é amplamente utilizada na medicina popular brasileira como diurético. O objetivo desse estudo é verificar se o uso brasileiro do extrato aquoso da salsa tem efeitos semelhantes com investigações que mostram o efeito diurético da P. sativum em ratos. MÉTODOS: 19 Ratos foram anestesiados e canulamos a traquéia, artéria carótida esquerda (para a medição da pressão arterial) e bexiga urinária (para coletar urina). Depois de 40 minutos para adaptação das condições cirúrgicas, ratos anestesiados foram administrados de acordo com seus grupos: controle (CON), administração oral com 1.0 mL de água filtrada, e grupo tratado (AE), administração oral com extrato aquoso de sementes de salsa 20% (AE). Urina foi coletada três vezes (de 30 em 30 minutos) e então esse material foi utilizado para determinações de sódio e potássio, para avaliar a quantidade excretada desses íons. Pressão arterial foi medida pelo manômetro de mercúrio por 9 vezes. Todos os dados foram estatisticamente avaliados. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÃO: nos parâmetros anestesiados, o grupo CON não mostrou nenhuma diferença; mas o grupo AE mostrou um aumento do fluxo urinário e da quantidade excretada de sódio e potássio, e também uma diminuição da pressão arterial. Todos os parâmetros apresentaram essas modificações após 30 minutos de administração do AE (p<0,05). Esses resultados mostram que o tratamento com o AE leva a efeitos natriurético e hipotensor em ratos Wistar anestesiados, confirmando o uso da população brasileira dessa erva como diurético.


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Two NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductases (CPRs) from parsley (Petroselinum crispum) were cloned, and the complete proteins were expressed and functionally identified in yeast. The two enzymes, designated CPR1 and CPR2, are 80% identical in amino acid sequence with one another and about 75% identical with CPRs from several other plant species. The mRNA accumulation patterns for CPR1 and CPR2 in fungal elicitor-treated or UV-irradiated cultured parsley cells and in developing or infected parsley plants were compared with those for cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H), one of the most abundant CPR-dependent P450 enzymes in plants. All treatments strongly induced the mRNAs for C4H and CPR1 but not for CPR2, suggesting distinct metabolic roles of CPR1 and CPR2 and a functional relationship between CPR1 and C4H.


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The UV light-induced synthesis of UV-protective flavonoids diverts substantial amounts of substrates from primary metabolism into secondary product formation and thus causes major perturbations of the cellular homeostasis. Results from this study show that the mRNAs encoding representative enzymes from various supply pathways are coinduced in UV-irradiated parsley cells (Petroselinum crispum) with two mRNAs of flavonoid glycoside biosynthesis, encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase. Strong induction was observed for mRNAs encoding glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (carbohydrate metabolism, providing substrates for the shikimate pathway), 3-deoxyarabinoheptulosonate 7-phosphate synthase (shikimate pathway, yielding phenylalanine), and acyl-CoA oxidase (fatty acid degradation, yielding acetyl-CoA), and moderate induction for an mRNA encoding S-adenosyl-homocysteine hydrolase (activated methyl cycle, yielding S-adenosyl-methionine for B-ring methylation). Ten arbitrarily selected mRNAs representing various unrelated metabolic activities remained unaffected. Comparative analysis of acyl-CoA oxidase and chalcone synthase with respect to mRNA expression modes and gene promoter structure and function revealed close similarities. These results indicate a fine-tuned regulatory network integrating those functionally related pathways of primary and secondary metabolism that are specifically required for protective adaptation to UV irradiation. Although the response of parsley cells to UV light is considerably broader than previously assumed, it contrasts greatly with the extensive metabolic reprogramming observed previously in elicitor-treated or fungus-infected cells.


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A previously isolated parsley (Petroselinum crispum) cDNA with high sequence similarity to cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) cDNAs from several plant sources was expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) containing a plant NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase and verified as encoding a functional C4H (CYP73A10). Low genomic complexity and the occurrence of a single type of cDNA suggest the existence of only one C4H gene in parsley. The encoded mRNA and protein, in contrast to those of a functionally related NADPH:cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase, were strictly coregulated with phenylalanine ammonia-lyase mRNA and protein, respectively, as demonstrated by coinduction under various conditions and colocalization in situ in cross-sections from several different parsley tissues. These results support the hypothesis that the genes encoding the core reactions of phenylpropanoid metabolism form a tight regulatory unit.


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Systemic acquired resistance is an important component of the disease-resistance arsenal of plants, and is associated with an enhanced potency for activating local defense responses upon pathogen attack. Here we demonstrate that pretreatment with benzothiadiazole (BTH), a synthetic activator of acquired resistance in plants, augmented the sensitivity for low-dose elicitation of coumarin phytoalexin secretion by cultured parsley (Petroselinum crispum L.) cells. Enhanced coumarin secretion was associated with potentiated activation of genes encoding Phe ammonia-lyase (PAL). The augmentation of PAL gene induction was proportional to the length of pretreatment with BTH, indicating time-dependent priming of the cells. In contrast to the PAL genes, those for anionic peroxidase were directly induced by BTH in the absence of elicitor, thus confirming a dual role for BTH in the activation of plant defenses. Strikingly, the ability of various chemicals to enhance plant disease resistance correlated with their capability to potentiate parsley PAL gene elicitation, emphasizing an important role for defense response potentiation in acquired plant disease resistance.


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We describe a complete gene family encoding phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL; EC in one particular plant species. In parsley (Petroselinum crispum), the PAL gene family comprises two closely related members, PAL1 and PAL2, whose TATA-proximal promoter and coding regions are almost identical, and two additional members, PAL3 and PAL4, with less similarity to one another and to the PAL1 and PAL2 genes. Using gene-specific probes derived from the 5' untranslated regions of PAL1/2, PAL3, and PAL4, we determined the respective mRNA levels in parsley leaves and cell cultures treated with UV light or fungal elicitor and in wounded leaves and roots. For comparison, the functionally closely related cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) and 4-coumarate:CoA ligase (4CL) mRNAs were measured in parallel. The results indicate various degrees of differential responsiveness of PAL4 relative to the other PAL gene family members, in contrast to a high degree of coordination in the overall expression of the PAL, C4H, and 4CL genes. The only significant sequence similarities shared by all four PAL gene promoters are a TATA-proximal set of three putative cis-acting elements (boxes P, A, and L). None of these elements alone, or the promoter region containing all of them together, conferred elicitor or light responsiveness on a reporter gene in transient expression assays. The elements appear to be necessary but not sufficient for elicitor- or light-mediated PAL gene activation, similar to the situation previously reported for 4CL.


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We have used suspension-cultured parsley cells (Petroselinum crispum) and an oligopeptide elicitor derived from a surface glycoprotein of the phytopathogenic fungus Phytophthora megasperma f.sp. glycinea to study the signaling pathway from elicitor recognition to defense gene activation. Immediately after specific binding of the elicitor by a receptor in the plasma membrane, large and transient increases in several inorganic ion fluxes (Ca2+, H+, K+, Cl-) and H2O2 formation are the first detectable plant cell responses. These are rapidly followed by transient changes in the phosphorylation status of various proteins and by the activation of numerous defense-related genes, concomitant with the inactivation of several other, non-defense-related genes. A great diversity of cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors appears to be involved in elicitor-mediated gene regulation, similar to the apparently complex nature of the signal transduced intracellularly. With few exceptions, all individual defense responses analyzed in fungus-infected parsley leaves have been found to be closely mimicked in elicitor-treated, cultured parsley cells, thus validating the use of the elicitor/cell culture system as a valuable model system for these types of study.


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O objetivo desta dissertação é discutir o lugar que o fazer literário ocupa no processo de resistência à poderes hegemônicos. Como fontes primárias centrais, foram escolhidos o romance histórico The Farming of Bones (1998) e a narrativa autobiográfica Brother, Im Dying (2007), ambos escritos pela autora haitiana-americana Edwidge Danticat. Em The Farming of Bones, Danticat reconstrói ficcionalmente o trágico e obscuro episódio ocorrido em 1937 quando o então ditador da República Dominicana, Rafael Trujillo, ordenou o extermínio de todos os haitianos que residiam e trabalhavam em cidades dominicanas próximas à fronteira com o Haiti. O silêncio por parte dos governos de ambos os países em torno do massacre ainda perdura. A publicação do romance histórico de Danticat 61 anos após tal ato de terrorismo de Estado se torna, desta forma, exemplo de como o fazer literário e o fazer histórico podem fundir-se. Em Brother, Im Dying, Danticat narra a história da vida e da morte de suas duas figuras paternas, seu pai Andre (Mira) Dantica e seu tio Joseph Dantica (que a criou dos 4 aos 12 anos, no Haiti). Joseph, sobrevivente de um câncer de laringe, foi pastor batista e fundador de uma igreja e uma escola no Haiti. Morreu dois dias depois de pedir asilo político nos EUA e ser detido na prisão Krome, em Miami. Mira, que migrara no início da ditadura de François Duvalier para os EUA, onde trabalhou como taxista, morreu vítima de fibrose pulmonar poucos meses depois de seu irmão mais velho. Edwidge Danticat recebeu a notícia de que o quadro de seu pai era irreversível no mesmo dia em que descobriu que está grávida de sua primeira filha. Com uma escrita que abrange tanto a narrativa de si quanto a narrativa do outro, além das esferas públicas e privadas, Danticat cria em Brother, Im Dying um locus de fazer auto/biográfico que dialoga com questões de diáspora, identidade cultural e memória. Os ensaios publicados em Create Dangerously (2010) e as várias entrevistas concedidas por Danticat também reforçam meu argumento que Edwidge Danticat exerce seu papel de artista engajada através de seu fazer principalmente, mas não exclusivamente literário. Desta forma, a autora constrói uma possibilidade de resistência ao discurso hegemônico que opera tanto em seu país de origem quanto em seu país de residência.


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Vegetables of the Apiaceae plant family such as carrots, parsnip, celery and parsley,contain in minor quantities, a group of bioactive aliphatic C17-polyacetylenes (falcarinol,falcarindiol, falcarindiol-3- acetate). Recent studies have highlighted important biologicalfunctions in vitro and in vivo (animal studies) although the beneficial effect in humannutrition attributable to an increased in polyacetylenes diet are yet to be confirmed(Lund, 1990).Carrots not only contain relatively high polyacetylene content but also form a significantpart of many countries dietary habits. Carrots are also present in some ready-to-eat foodssuch as chilled freshly prepared salads, as part of the increasingly popular minimallyprocessed foods. Whereas the effect of conventional processing (boiling, vacuum processing) on the levels of polyacetylenes has been relatively well studied, the effect of minimal mechanical operations such as “peeling”, “mechanical cutting” and “chlorine washing” remains unknown.


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This study reports the levels of nitrate and nitrite of 34 vegetable samples, including different varieties of cabbage, lettuce, spinaches, parsley and turnips, collected in several locations of an intensive agricultural area (Modivas, Vila do Conde, northern Portugal). Nitrate levels ranged between 54 and 2440 mg NO-3 kg-1, while nitrite levels ranged between 1.1 and 57 mg NO-2 kg-1. The maximum residue levels established for nitrate in spinach and lettuce samples were not exceeded. Nitrate and nitrite levels reported in the literature for the same type of samples are reviewed, as well as the contribution of vegetables to nitrate and nitrite dietary exposure of populations.


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Ce mémoire examine les poétiques de trois poètes très différentes, mais dont les œuvres peuvent être qualifiées d'indéterminées et de radicales : Emily Dickinson (1830-1886), Gertrude Stein (1874-1946) et Caroline Bergvall (née en 1962). Dickinson et Stein sont anglo-américaines, tandis que Bergvall est d’origine franco-norvégienne, bien qu'elle choisisse d’écrire en anglais. Toutes les trois rompent la structure syntaxique conventionnelle de l’anglais par leurs poétiques, ce qui comporte des implications esthétiques et politiques. Dans ce qui suit, j’analyse l’indétermination de leurs poétiques à partir de la notion, décrite par Lyn Hejinian, de la description comme appréhension qui présente l’écriture comme un mode de connaissance plutôt qu'un moyen d’enregistrer ce que le poète sait déjà. La temporalité de cette activité épistémologique est donc celle du présent de l’écriture, elle lui est concomitante. J'affirme que c'est cette temporalité qui, en ouvrant l’écriture aux événements imprévus, aux vicissitudes, aux hésitations, aux erreurs et torsions de l’affect, cause l'indétermination de la poésie. Dans le premier chapitre, j'envisage l'appréhension chez Gertrude Stein à travers son engagement, tout au long de sa carrière, envers « le présent continu » de l’écriture. Le deuxième chapitre porte sur le sens angoissé de l’appréhension dans la poésie de Dickinson, où le malaise, en empêchant ou en refoulant une pensée, suspend la connaissance. Le langage, sollicité par une expérience qu'il ne peut lui-même exprimer, donne forme à l'indétermination. Un dernier chapitre considère l’indétermination linguistique du texte et de l’exposition Say Parsley, dans lesquels Bergvall met en scène l’appréhension du langage : une appréhension qui survient plutôt chez le lecteur ou spectateur que chez la poète.