24 resultados para paraphrasing


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Refactoring is the process of changing the structure of a program without changing its behaviour. Refactoring has so far only really been deployed effectively for sequential programs. However, with the increased availability of multicore (and, soon, manycore) systems, refactoring can play an important role in helping both expert and non-expert parallel programmers structure and implement their parallel programs. This paper describes the design of a new refactoring tool that is aimed at increasing the programmability of parallel systems. To motivate our design, we refactor a number of examples in C, C++ and Erlang into good parallel implementations, using a set of formal pattern rewrite rules. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Jacques Ranciere's work on aesthetics has received a great deal of attention recently. Given his work has enormous range – taking in art and literature, political theory, historiography, pedagogy and worker's history – Andrew McNamara and Toni Ross (UNSW) seek to explore his wider project in this interview, while showing how it leads to his alternative insights into aesthetics. Rancière sets aside the core suppositions linking the medium to aesthetic judgment, which has informed many definitions of modernism. Rancière is emphatic in freeing aesthetic judgment from issues of medium-specificity. He argues that the idea of autonomy associated with medium-specificity – or 'truth to the medium' – was 'a very late one' in modernism, and that post-medium trends were already evident in early modernism. While not stressing a simple continuity between early modernism and contemporary art, Ranciere nonetheless emphasizes the ethical and political ramifications of maintaining an a-disciplinary stance.


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Micro-credit has often been used as a poverty alleviation strategy. However, there is little evidence to suggest that micro-credit alone can promote economic activities because micro-credit does not teach anything by itself (Brett 2006; Mayoux 1999; Sievers & Vandenberg 2007). Mistakenly, the focus of micro-credit has been the alleviation of immediate poverty, rather than the development of economic activity that would provide a long term solution. Paraphrasing the age old saying, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach him to fish and you will feed him for a life time" micro-credit enables the fisherman to buy a net, but in many cases does nothing to ensure that he knows how to use it to benefit his family and the community. If the borrower doesn't know how to use the net, he will return to his old way of doing things-but with the added burden of having to pay back the debt. Given the state of extreme poverty experienced by the vast majority of the population in developing countries, borrowed money is often used for purposes other than creating the foundations for a sustainable economic growth. Typical examples of how micro-credit is generally used include covering funeral costs, buying food, medicines, and other similarly important necessities. The main problem that derives from using loans in this way is that apart from not improving living conditions in a sustainable manner, borrowers are also exposed to the risk of over-indebtedness, with its subsequent human and social implications.


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Jacques Rancière's work on aesthetics has received a great deal of attention in recent years. Given his work has enormous range – covering art and literature, political theory, historiography, pedagogy and worker's history – Andrew McNamara and Toni Ross (UNSW) explore his wider critical ambitions in this interview, while showing how it leads to alternative insights into aesthetics. Rancière sets aside the core suppositions linking the medium to aesthetic judgment, which has informed many definitions of modernism. Rancière is emphatic in freeing aesthetic judgment from issues of medium-specificity. He argues that the idea of autonomy associated with medium-specificity – or 'truth to the medium' – was 'a very late one' in modernism, and that post-medium trends were already evident in early modernism. While not stressing a simple continuity between early modernism and contemporary art, Ranciere nonetheless emphasizes the on-going ethical and political ramifications of maintaining an a-disciplinary stance.


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'Contemporary Australia: Women' is the second in a series of triennial exhibitions at the Gallery of Modern Art in Queensland, providing a survey of contemporary art practices across the country. This exhibition's focus on women artists comes in the wake of a number of high profile international exhibitions looking at women artists in both contemporary and historical contexts. This review situates the exhibition within this field and considers its significance.


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What is contemporary art and what are the key components of contemporary culture? This review demonstrates where Terry Smith provides important answers to this question. The books thus help to improve understanding of how art has changed in recent decades and how a global culture now shapes its parameters. This review does not however concur that Smith provides a convincing case for a complete cultural paradigm transformation.


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Desde que foi publicado, em 1975, Lavoura arcaica vem intrigando os leitores com a sua dessemelhança. Em meio a livros que absorviam a violência do regime militar brasileiro, Raduan Nassar surgiu com uma obra estranha, que se nutria de uma linguagem poética profundamente ressonante, do pensamento monoteísta mediterrâneo, da herança cultural árabe, da subversão pela via da sexualidade. O tempo passou, o escritor abandonou a literatura, muita coisa interessante foi dita sobre o romance, mas seus enigmas são ainda sementes lançadas em solo fértil. Lavoura arcaica é mais uma releitura da prolífica parábola do filho pródigo, presente no Evangelho de Lucas e reelaborada inúmeras vezes ao longo dos seus dois mil anos de existência. A história do jovem rebelde que decide romper os laços com a família para se lançar no mundo tem se mostrado generosa para com a imaginação de muitos autores, que se dispuseram a reescrevê-la com o filtro de suas óticas particulares. Alguns deles estão no presente trabalho: Gide, Kipling, Kafka, Rilke, Dalton Trevisan, Lúcio Cardoso e também o teólogo católico Henri Nouwen. Apesar das variações, a volta para casa ocupa em todas as narrativas um lugar privilegiado. Essa é uma história, afinal, sobre os motivos que levam o sujeito a ir embora e, mais ainda, sobre as razões que fazem com que regresse. Arrependimento, recomeço, fraqueza, derrota, amor? A despeito das muitas antíteses que encontramos no texto de Raduan, elas não exigem que façamos uma escolha entre o arcaico e o moderno, entre ficar ou partir, entre o individual e o coletivo, entre a contenção e a entrega. Essa é a questão: Lavoura arcaica não é um livro sobre a luta do bem contra o mal, da liberdade contra a opressão, mas um painel que mostra como tudo isso se mistura na mesma paisagem ou, parafraseando o personagem André, como as coisas só se unem se desunindo


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阐述了可信赖机器翻译( TMT)的基本概念, TMT七原则和七判据, TMT与术语标准化的关系,并讨论了对外来词的音译和双语联合表示法的应用等问题。


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Understanding what is meant by plagiarism. How to ensure that you are not accused of plagiarism or cheating. How to properly reference material you copy.


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Plagiarism continues to be a concern within academic institutions. The current study utilised a randomised control trial of 137 new entry tertiary students to assess the efficacy of a scalable short training session on paraphrasing, patch writing and plagiarism. The results indicate that the training significantly enhanced students' overall knowledge about in-text referencing protocols. Importantly, this knowledge was found to translate into applied skills, with the intervention group performing significantly better in a practical skills application task. Moreover, the findings suggest that it is confidence in writing in English, not language background per se, which plays a significant role in students' practical skills in referencing and their confidence in performing assignment preparation tasks that can help them avoid claims of inadvertent plagiarism.


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The discourse about love, in the Western modern world, is an effect of the power that constructs bodies that matter, paraphrasing Butler, which represents a performative reiterarion of the domination drive, forming and ego of love through the imposition of a cultural super-ego. The domination, a real process of social constraint, is concomitant to its ideological secret, which lead us to the expression domideology , inspired by Sousa Filho, to determine the unconscious domination of the ideological discourse, Through a critical analysis of the bases of Freudian discourse about love, we question, inspired by Foucault, the sexual nature of the drive, to put it in a place insecure of critics to the substance metaphysics expression used by Nietzsche. In our point of view, the domination drive is a critical tool for the individual to think about, as interpellated by the love domideology , making believe the only interpretation of the social interchange is love, nuclear element of our modern Western love complex


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In this work, we study the types of paraphrases used by the students of the Language and Literature Course when they reformulate a source text in the theoretical section of the monographs produced as texts for the conclusion of the course. Our main goal is to know how the process of textual reformulation takes place in the production of the monographic gender. From the used theoretical orientation (Fuchs,1982; 1994; Charaudeau and Maingueneau, 2006; Fávero et al, 2007; Hilgert, 1997, 2002, 2006; among others) we have worked with the paraphrase notion as an activity of discoursive reformulation, considering as the basic groundings the situation of communication and the subjects, or the wider context. In a more specific way, we have considered that the paraphrase performs alterations in the formal level, in the semantic level and in the functional level. Besides that, we sought to articulate the practice of paraphrasing to the gender of discourse in which it appears and to the contextual implications involved in the producing of the gender in question, and in doing so we were grounded in Baktin´s (2003) and Maingueneau´s (1998; 2001) postulates. For the analysis of the corpus that consists of 19 monographs, we have used the three categories defined by Hilgert (2002, 2006):expansion, condensation and parallelism as a way of identifying, describing and characterizing the types of paraphrases used by the students who produced the monographs when they take up Travaglia´s (1996) text about the language conceptions. The results show that the use of the paraphrastic parallelism (with 69.45 % in relation to only 18.41% of condensation and 12.13 % of expansion) was the most recurrent in the reformulations performed by the students who produced the monographs and this manifestation was characterized mainly by the lexical-semantic repetition of fragments of the source text. We have concluded that the high incidence of paraphrastic parallelism is an indication that the student does not have a command of the ways of production and circulation of the discoursive genders uttered in the academic-scientific realm


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A presente dissertação discute a relação entre política e cultura na configuração de uma dada interpretação da realidade do homem e da natureza amazônica, no início da década de 1970. A análise parte das comemorações do Sesquicentenário da “Adesão” do Pará à Independência do Brasil, promovidas pelo Governo do Estado, através do Conselho Estadual de Cultura do Pará (CEC-PA), de 11 a 15 de agosto de 1973, que contou com o apoio do Conselho Federal de Cultura (CFC). Como órgãos oficiais de cultura, eles abrigaram um grupo de intelectuais de notório reconhecimento nos meios culturais nacionais e regionais, com o objetivo de levar a diante a “missão civilizadora” que os governos militares se arrogaram, no sentido de preparar o “povo” – ou parcela dele -, para o advento do “Brasil Grande Potência” que acreditavam estar em curso. No âmbito local, os intelectuais do CEC-PA deram sua parcela de contribuição a esse objetivo, que visava integrar culturalmente o país, paralelamente às integrações econômica e política. Como um “acontecimento monstro” - parafraseando o historiador francês Pierre Nora -, as comemorações do Sesquicentenário nos fornecem uma abertura para a compreensão desse passado recente da história local e nacional e do papel do CEC-PA na elaboração e divulgação autorizada de uma dada concepção da realidade amazônica.