955 resultados para pancreas islet cell
Insulin resistance is a feature of many common disorders including obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus. In these disorders, the β-cells compensate for the insulin resistance for long periods of time with an increase in secretory capacity, an increase in β-cell mass, or both. To determine whether the β-cell response might relate to a circulating growth factor, we have transplanted normal islets under the kidney capsule of normoglycemic insulin-resistant mice with two different models of insulin resistance: lean mice that have a double heterozygous deletion of the insulin receptor and insulin receptor substrate-1 (DH) or the obese, hyperglycemic ob/ob mice. In the grafts transplanted into both hosts, there was a marked increase in β-cell mitotic activity and islet mass that was comparable with that observed in the endogenous pancreas. By contrast, islets of the DH mouse transplanted into normal mice showed reduced mitotic index. These data suggest the insulin resistance is associated with a circulating islet cell growth factor that is independent of glucose and obesity.
Exogenous androgenic steroids applied to pregnant sheep programmes a PCOS-like phenotype in female offspring. Via ultrasound guidance we applied steroids directly to ovine fetuses at d62 and d82 of gestation, and examined fetal (day 90 gestation) and postnatal (11 months old) pancreatic structure and function. Of three classes of steroid agonists applied (androgen - Testosterone propionate (TP), estrogen - Diethystilbesterol (DES) and glucocorticoid - Dexamethasone (DEX)), only androgens (TP) caused altered pancreatic development. Beta cell numbers were significantly elevated in prenatally androgenised female fetuses (P=0.03) (to approximately the higher numbers found in male fetuses), whereas alpha cell counts were unaffected, precipitating decreased alpha:beta cell ratios in the developing fetal pancreas (P=0.001), sustained into adolescence (P=0.0004). In adolescence basal insulin secretion was significantly higher in female offspring from androgen-excess pregnancies (P=0.045), and an exaggerated, hyperinsulinaemic response to glucose challenge (P=0.0007) observed, whereas prenatal DES or DEX treatment had no effects upon insulin secretion. Postnatal insulin secretion correlated with beta cell numbers (P=0.03). We conclude that the pancreas is a primary locus of androgenic stimulation during development, giving rise to postnatal offspring whose pancreas secreted excess insulin due to excess beta cells in the presence of a normal number of alpha cells.
Le récepteur DcR3 (Decoy receptor 3) est un membre de la famille des récepteurs aux facteurs de nécrose tumorale (TNF). Il est fortement exprimé dans les tissus humains normaux ainsi que les tumeurs malignes. DcR3 est un récepteur pour trois ligands de la famille du TNF tels que FasL, LIGHT et TL1A. Étant une protéine soluble donc dépourvue de la portion transmembranaire et intracytoplasmique, le récepteur DcR3 est incapable d’effectuer une transduction de signal intracellulaire à la suite de son interaction avec ses ligands. De ce fait, DcR3 joue un rôle de compétiteur pour ces derniers, afin d’inhiber la signalisation via leurs récepteurs fonctionnels tels que Fas, HVEM/LTbetaR et DR3. Lors de nos précédentes études, nous avons pu démontrer, que DcR3 pouvaist moduler la fonction des cellules immunitaires, et aussi protéger la viabilité des îlots de Langerhans. À la suite de ces résultats, nous avons généré des souris DcR3 transgéniques (Tg) en utilisant le promoteur du gène β-actine humaine afin d’étudier plus amplement la fonction de ce récepteur. Les souris Tg DcR3 ont finalement développé le syndrome lupus-like (SLE) seulement après l’âge de 6 mois. Ces souris présentent une variété d'auto-anticorps comprenant des anticorps anti-noyaux et anti-ADN. Elles ont également manifesté des lésions rénales, cutanées, hépatiques et hématopoïétiques. Contrairement aux modèles de lupus murin lpr et gld, les souris DcR3 sont plus proche du SLE humain en terme de réponse immunitaire de type Th2 et de production d'anticorps d'anti-Sm. En péus, nous avons constaté que les cellules hématopoïétiques produisant DcR3 sont suffisantes pour causer ces pathologies. DcR3 peut agir en perturbant l’homéostasie des cellules T pour interférer avec la tolérance périphérique, et ainsi induire l'autoimmunité. Chez l'humain, nous avons détecté dans le sérum de patients SLE des niveaux élevés de la protéine DcR3. Chez certains patients, comme chez la souris, ces niveaux sont liés directement aux titres élevés d’IgE. Par conséquent, DcR3 peut représenter un facteur pathogénique important du SLE humain. L’étude des souris Tg DcR3, nous a permis aussi d’élucider le mécanisme de protection des îlots de Langerhans. Le blocage de la signalisation des ligands LIGHT et TL1A par DcR3 est impliqué dans une telle protection. D'ailleurs, nous avons identifié par ARN microarray quelques molécules en aval de cette interaction, qui peuvent jouer un rôle dans le mécanisme d’action. Nous avons par la suite confirmé que Adcyap1 et Bank1 joue un rôle critique dans la protection des îlots de Langerhans médiée par DcR3. Notre étude a ainsi élucidé le lien qui existe entre la signalisation apoptotique médiée par Fas/FasL et la pathogénèse du SLE humain. Donc, malgré l’absence de mutations génétiques sur Fas et FasL dans le cas de cette pathologie, DcR3 est capable de beoquer cette signalisation et provoquer le SLE chez l’humain. Ainsi, DcR3 peut simultanément interférer avec la signalisation des ligands LIGHT et TL1A et causer un phénotype plus complexe que les phénotypes résultant de la mutation de Fas ou de FasL chez certains patients. DcR3 peut également être utilisé comme paramètre diagnostique potentiel pour le SLE. Les découvertes du mécanisme de protection des îlots de Langerhans par DcR3 ouvrent la porte vers de nouveaux horizons afin d'explorer de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques pour protéger la greffe d'îlots.
It has been reported that the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 is expressed in islet cells and is localized to both insulin and somatostatin granules [Blondel, O., Moody, M. M., Depaoli, A. M., Sharp, A. H., Ross, C. A., Swift, H. & Bell, G. I. (1994) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91, 7777-7781]. This subcellular localization was based on electron microscope immunocytochemistry using antibodies (affinity-purified polyclonal antiserum AB3) directed to a 15-residue peptide of rat inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3. We now show that these antibodies cross-react with rat, but not human, insulin. Accordingly, the anti-inositol trisphosphate receptor subtype 3 (AB3) antibodies label electron dense cores of mature (insulin-rich) granules of rat pancreatic beta cells, and rat granule labeling was blocked by preabsorption of the AB3 antibodies with rat insulin. The immunostaining of immature, Golgi-associated proinsulin-rich granules with AB3 antibodies was very weak, indicating that cross-reactivity is limited to the hormone and not its precursor. Also, the AB3 antibodies labeled pure rat insulin crystals grown in vitro but failed to stain crystals grown from pure human insulin. By immunoprecipitation, the antibodies similarly displayed a higher affinity for rat than for human insulin. We could not confirm the labeling of somatostatin granules using AB3 antibodies.
Maternal malnutrition was shown to affect early growth and leads to permanent alterations in insulin secretion and sensitivity of offspring. In addition, epidemiological studies showed an association between low birth weight and glucose intolerance in adult life. To understand these interactions better, we investigated the insulin secretion by isolated islets and the early events related to insulin action in the hind-limb muscle of adult rats fed a diet of 17% protein (control) or 6% protein [low (LP) protein] during fetal life, suckling and after weaning, and in rats receiving 6% protein during fetal life and suckling followed by a 17% protein diet after weaning (recovered). The basal and maximal insulin secretion by islets from rats fed LP diet and the basal release by islets from recovered rats were significantly lower than that of control rats. The dose-response curves to glucose of islets from LP and recovered groups were shifted to the right compared to control islets, with the half-maximal response (EC 50) occurring at 16.9 ± 1.3, 12.4 ± 0.5 and 8.4 ± 0.1 mmol/L, respectively. The levels of insulin receptor, as well as insulin receptor substrate-1 and phosphorylation and the association between insulin receptor substrate-1 and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase were greater in rats fed a LP diet than in control rats. In recovered rats, these variables were not significantly different from those of the other two groups. These results suggest that glucose homeostasis is maintained in LP and recovered rats by an increased sensitivity to insulin as a result of alterations in the early steps of the insulin signal transduction pathway.
Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), originally identified as a cytokine secreted by T lymphocytes, was found recently to be both a pituitary hormone and a mediator released by immune cells in response to glucocorticoid stimulation. We report here that the insulin-secreting beta cell of the islets of Langerhans expresses MIF and that its production is regulated by glucose in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. MIF and insulin colocalize by immunocytochemistry within the secretory granules of the pancreatic islet beta cells, and once released, MIF appears to regulate insulin release in an autocrine fashion. In perifusion studies performed with isolated rat islets, immunoneutralization of MIF reduced the first and second phase of the glucose-induced insulin secretion response by 39% and 31%, respectively. Conversely, exogenously added recombinant MIF was found to potentiate insulin release. Constitutive expression of MIF antisense RNA in the insulin-secreting INS-1 cell line inhibited MIF protein synthesis and decreased significantly glucose-induced insulin release. MIF is therefore a glucose-dependent, islet cell product that regulates insulin secretion in a positive manner and may play an important role in carbohydrate metabolism.
Adrenergic stimulation has an inyortant role in the pancreatic It-cell proliferation and insulin secretion. In the present study. we have investigaled how sympathetic system mgulales the panrrealic n I rnerui nr ht an:ilyiing I'pinephi inn 1111 ), Norepinephrinc (NE) and /1-adrenergic receptor changes in the brain as (%eli is in the I swirls. Fill and NII showed a significant decrease in the brain regions, pancreas and plasma :rt 72Ius iller partial prurcrealectonty. We observed an increase in the circulating insulin levels at 72 hrs. Scatchard analysis using I CHI propranolol showed a significant increase in the number of loth the low affinity and high affinity t-adrenergic receplors in cerebral cortex and hypothalamus of partially pancreatectornised rats during peak DNA synthesis. The affinity of the receptors decrea,ed significantly in the low and high affinity receptors of cerebral cortex and the high affinity hypothalamic receptors. In file brain stein, low affinity receptors were increased significantly during regeneration whereas there was no change in the high affinity receptors. The pancreatic ff-adrenergic receptors were also up regulated at 72 firs after partial panerealectony. In vitro studies showed that /i-adrenergic receptors are positive regulators of islet cell proliferation and insulin secretion. Thus our results suggest that the t-adrenergic receptors are functionally enhanced during pancreatic regeneration, which in turn increases pancreatic ft-cell proliferation an(hilisulin secretion in wean hug rats.
We evaluated insulin release and insulin sensitivity in women with basal and/or postprandial hyperglycemia but normal oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in previous pregnancy (GHG). These women were individually matched with females without previous hyperglycemia (NGT). Both groups consisted of normal glucose-tolerant women at the time of this study. They underwent OGTT (75g; n= 32 pairs) and hyperglycemic clamp experiments (10mmoll-1; n=27 pairs) with plasma glucose, insulin, and C-peptide measurements and calculation of insulinogenic index, first- and second-phase insulin release, and insulin sensitivity index (ISI). The GHG group showed higher glycosylated hemoglobin levels (6.2±0.6% versus 5.8±0.8%; P<0.05); lower insulinogenic index at 30min (134.03±62.69pmolmmol-1 versus 181.59±70.26pmolmmoll-1; P<0.05) and diminished C-peptide response in relation to glucose (4.05±0.36nmolmmol-1 versus 4.23±0.36nmolmmol-1; P<0.05) at OGTT. Both groups did not show difference in insulin secretion and ISI by hyperglycemic clamp technique. We concluded that in up to 12 years from index pregnancy, women with previous GHG, presenting normal glucose tolerance and well-matched with their controls, showed β-cell dysfunction without change in ISI. As women with previous GHG are at risk of type 2 diabetes, β-cell dysfunction may be its primary defect. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Hyperplastic changes of the neuroendocrine cell system may have the potential to evolve into neoplastic diseases. This is particularly the case in the setting of genetically determined and hereditary neuroendocrine tumor syndromes such as MEN1. The review discusses the MEN1-associated hyperplasia-neoplasia sequence in the development of gastrinomas in the duodenum and glucagon-producing tumors in the pancreas. It also presents other newly described diseases (e.g., glucagon cell adenomatosis and insulinomatosis) in which the tumors are (or most likely) also preceded by islet cell hyperplasia. Finally, the pseudohyperplasia of PP-rich islets in the pancreatic head is defined as a physiologic condition clearly differing from other hyperplastic-neoplastic neuroendocrine diseases.
Chronic systemic immunosuppression in cell replacement therapy restricts its clinical application. This study sought to explore the potential of cell-based immune modulation as an alternative to immunosuppressive drug therapy in the context of pancreatic islet transplantation. Human amniotic epithelial cells (AEC) possess innate anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties that were utilized to create localized immune privilege in an in vitro islet cell culture system. Cellular constructs composed of human islets and AEC (islet/AEC) were bioengineered under defined rotational cell culture conditions. Insulin secretory capacity was validated by glucose challenge and immunomodulatory potential characterized using a peripheral blood lymphocyte (PBL) proliferation assay. Results were compared to control constructs composed of islets or AEC cultured alone. Studies employing AEC-conditioned medium examined the role of soluble factors, and fluorescence immunocytochemistry was used to identify putative mediators of the immunosuppressive response in isolated AEC monocultures. Sustained, physiologically appropriate insulin secretion was observed in both islets and islet/AEC constructs. Activation of resting PBL proliferation occurred on exposure to human islets alone but this response was significantly (p <0.05) attenuated by the presence of AEC and AEC-conditioned medium. Mitogen (phytohaemagglutinin, 5 µg/ml)-induced PBL proliferation was sustained on contact with isolated islets but abrogated by AEC, conditioned medium, and the islet/AEC constructs. Immunocytochemical analysis of AEC monocultures identified a subpopulation of cells that expressed the proapoptosis protein Fas ligand. This study demonstrates that human islet/AEC constructs exhibit localized immunosuppressive properties with no impairment of ß-cell function. The data suggest that transplanted islets may benefit from the immune privilege status conferred on them as a consequence of their close proximity to human AEC. Such an approach may reduce the need for chronic systemic immunosuppression, thus making islet transplantation a more attractive treatment option for the management of insulin-dependent diabetes.
This thesis concerns the mechanism through which enteral delivery of glucose results in a larger insulin response than an equivalent parenteral glucose load. Preliminary studies in which mice received a glucose solution either intragastrically or intraperitoneally confirmed this phenomenon. An important regulatory system in this respect is the entero-insular axis, through which insulin secretion is influenced by neural and endocrine communication between the gastrointestinal tract and the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. Using an in vitro system involving static incubation of isolated (by collagenase digestion) islets of Langerhans, the effect of a variety of gastrointestinal peptides on the secretion of the four main islet hormones, namely insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide, was studied. The gastrointestinal peptides investigated in this study were the secretin family, comprising secretin, glucagon, gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP), peptide histidine isoleucine (PHI) and growth hormone releasing factor (GRF). Gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) was also studied. The results showed that insulin release was stimulated by all peptides studied except PHI, glucagon release was stimulated by all peptides tested, except GRF which suppressed glucagon release, somatostatin release was stimulated by GIP and GRF but suppressed by VIP, PHI, glucagon and secretin, and PP release was stimulated by GIP and GRF, but suppressed by PHI. The insulinotropic effect of GRP was investigated further. A perifusion system was used to examine the time-course of insulin release from isolated islets after stimulation with GRP. GRP was shown to be insulinotropic only in the presence of physiologically elevated glucose concentrations and both first and second phases of insulin release were augmented. There was no effect at substimulatory or very high glucose concentrations. Studies using a cultured insulin-secreting islet cell line, the RINm5F cell line, were undertaken to elucidate the intracellular mechanism of action of GRP. This peptide did not enhance insulin release via an augmentation of glucose metabolism, or via the adenylate cyclase/cyclic AMP secondary messenger system. The pattern of changes of cytosolic free calcium in response to GRP, which involved both mobilization of intracellular stores and an influx of extracellular calcium, suggested the involvement of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate breakdown as a mediator of the effect of GRP on insulin secretion.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08