24 resultados para palaeotemperature


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Chironomid-temperature inference models based on North American, European and combined surface sediment training sets were compared to assess the overall reliability of their predictions. Between 67 and 76 of the major chironomid taxa in each data set showed a unimodal response to July temperature, whereas between 5 and 22 of the common taxa showed a sigmoidal response. July temperature optima were highly correlated among the training sets, but the correlations for other taxon parameters such as tolerances and weighted averaging partial least squares (WA-PLS) and partial least squares (PLS) regression coefficients were much weaker. PLS, weighted averaging, WA-PLS, and the Modern Analogue Technique, all provided useful and reliable temperature inferences. Although jack-knifed error statistics suggested that two-component WA-PLS models had the highest predictive power, intercontinental tests suggested that other inference models performed better. The various models were able to provide good July temperature inferences, even where neither good nor close modern analogues for the fossil chironomid assemblages existed. When the models were applied to fossil Lateglacial assemblages from North America and Europe, the inferred rates and magnitude of July temperature changes varied among models. All models, however, revealed similar patterns of Lateglacial temperature change. Depending on the model used, the inferred Younger Dryas July temperature decrease ranged between 2.5 and 6°C.


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Ancient sandstones include important reservoirs for hydrocarbons (oil and gas), but, in many cases, their ability to serve as reservoirs is heavily constrained by the effects of carbonate cements on porosity and permeability. This study investigated the controls on distribution and abundance of carbonate cements within the Jurassic Plover Formation, Browse Basin, North West Shelf, Australia. Samples were analysed petrographically with point counting of 59 thin sections and mineralogically with x-ray diffraction from two wells within the Torosa Gas Field. Selected samples were also analysed for stable isotopes of O and C. Sandstones are classified into eleven groups. Most abundant are quartzarenites and then calcareous quartzarenites. Lithology ranged between sandstones consisting of mostly quartz with scant or no carbonate in the form of cement or allochems, to sandstones with as much as 40% carbonate. The major sources of carbonate cement in Torosa 1 and Torosa 4 sandstones were found to be early, shallow marine diagenetic processes (including cementation), followed by calcite cementation and recrystallisation of cements and allochems during redistribution by meteoric waters. Blocky and sparry calcite cements, indicative of meteoric environments on the basis of stable isotope values and palaeotemperature assessment, overprinted the initial shallow marine cement phase in all cases and meteoric cements are dominant. Torosa 4 was influenced more by marine settings than Torosa 1, and thus has the greater potential for calcite cement. The relatively low compaction of calcite-cemented sandstones and the stable isotope data suggest deep burial cementation was not a major factor. Insufficient volcanic rock fragments or authigenic clay content infers alteration of feldspars was not a major source of calcite. Very little feldspar is present, altered or otherwise. Hence, increased alkalinity from feldspar dissolution is not a contributing factor in cement formation. Increased alkalinity from bacterial sulphate reduction in organic–rich fine sediments may have driven limited cementation in some samples. The main definable and significant source of diagenetic marine calcite cement originated from original marine cements and the nearby dissolution of biogenic sources (allochems) at relatively shallow depths. Later diagenetic fluids emplaced minor dolomite, but this cement did not greatly affect the reservoir quality in the samples studied.


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The present maturity of Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks in Tazhong area, Tarim basin, is studied using several organic petrology methods and conodont CAI method. The highest palaeotemperature that the Cambrian-Ordovician undergone is revealed by Laser Roman Microprobe (LRM) analysis and by simulating experiment of the kerogen chemical kinetics. In according to all above study, the thermal history of Cambrian and Ordovician is reconstructed based on numerical simulating approaches. The characteristics of secondary hydrocarbon generating are studied by inclusions analysis. The reflectances of the samples in the drills located in Tazhong area show that the maturities of Cambrian source rocks are in the stages of condense oil-dry gas, and that of Ordovician source rocks range from peak of oil generating to wet gas stage. The palaeotemperature data of Cambrian-Orovician source rocks from well Tacan 1, based on LRM analysis, are in coincidence with that from other methods. Also are the palaeotemperature data of Cambrian-Orovician source rocks in well Tacan 1 based on the simulating experiments of kerogen pyrolysis, similar to the homogenization temperatures of inclusions in the source rocks. Aaccording to the vitrinite inflectance data of the TZ12 well and Tacan 1 well, the paleotemperature gradients are analysized and reconstructed. These data show that the paleotemperature gradient in Tazhong area was the highest during Cambrian-Ordovician period, it was up to 3.5°C/100m. Following, the temperature gradient descended gradually and it reached to the lowest at present (2.2°C/100m). The histories of maturation and hydrocarbon generation of Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks in Tazhong area are researched systematically and quantitatively, the results show that periods of oil generation from Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks lasted for a long time from Ordovician to Carbonferious periods because the central Cambrian stratum in the north slope of Tazhong area is buried differently in depth. The top of the Cambrian entered into the peak of oil generation in middle-late Ordovician, and most area of the north slope of Tazhong area entered into the peak of oil generation in Carbonferious period, and on the uplift belt some of source rocks entered into the peak of oil generation in Permian period. In early Devonian, the central of the Lower Ordovician source rocks near the Manjiaer depression reached the peak of oil generation and near the top of the Tazhong uplift did not reached the peak of oil generation until early Cretaceous. The middle-upper Ordovician entered into the peak of oil generation in early-middle Jurassic. The time of the middle-upper Ordovician in the top of the uplift belt entering into the peak of oil generation was delayed, because the source rock was buried shallowly, and it did not reached the peak of oil generation until middle Cretaceous. Middle-upper Ordovician in the top of the north slope has been in the peak of oil generation now, it is consistent with the maturity (1.0-1.2%Ro) of the source rocks. The characteristics of the inclusions formed by kerogens are different from that by crystal-enclosed organic matters(OM) during secondary hydrocarbon generation of Cambrian and Ordovician source rocks. The secondary hydrocarbon generation mainly occurred in Mesozoic-Cenozoic period, in an area of about 9000km2 in the north slope. The intensity of the secondary hydrocarbon generation of Cambrian and Ordovician is up to 21kg/torg and 36kg/torg) respectively. Using the staged gas chromatography, the high-over maturated carbonate source rocks are analysized to release the adsorbed OM, inclusions OM and crystal-enclosed OM, respectively, and to evaluate their relative contributions to secondary hydrocarbon generation. The three periods of oil and gas migration and petroleum pools formation in Tazhong area are determined according to organic inclusions and solid bitumen.


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The emerging tephrostratigraphy of NW Europe spanning the last termination (ca. 15–9 ka) provides the potential for synchronizing marine, ice-core and terrestrial records, but is currently compromised by stratigraphic complications, geochemical ambiguity and imprecise age estimates for some layers. Here we present new tephrostratigraphic, radiocarbon and chironomid-based
palaeotemperature data from Abernethy Forest, Scotland, that refine the ages and stratigraphic positions of the Borrobol and Penifiler tephras. The Borrobol Tephra (14.14–13.95 cal ka BP) was deposited in a relatively warm period equated with Greenland Interstadial sub-stage GI-1e. The younger Penifiler Tephra (14.09–13.65 cal ka BP) is closely associated with a cold oscillation equated with GI-
1d. We also present evidence for a previously undescribed tephra layer that has a major-element chemical signature identical to the Vedde Ash. It is associated with the warming trend at the end of the Younger Dryas, and dates between 11.79 and 11.20 cal ka BP.


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The freshwater ostracod Tonnacypris glaciallis (Sars, 1890) is reported from the European Pleistocene for the first time. The historical allocation of the species is discussed, and the species composition and characteristics of Tonnacypris is Diebel & Pietrzeniuk (1975) and its phylozoogeography are considered. The significance of T. glacialis is reviewed, particularly from the viewpoint of the possible implications of parthenogenesis (and occasional-male production) for the Quaternary history of the genus, and for the use of the species in palaeoenvironmental reconstruction. It is suggested that the Pleistocene fossil occurrence of I: glacialis in modern temperate latitudes is a robust indicator of mean summer temperatures of 6 degrees C.


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In this paper we show for the first time that calcite granules, produced by the earthworm Lumbricus terrestris, and commonly recorded at sites of archaeological interest, accurately reflect temperature and soil water δ18O values. Earthworms were cultivated in an orthogonal combination of two different (granule-free) soils moistened by three types of mineral water and kept at three temperatures (10, 16 and 20 ºC) for an acclimatisation period of three weeks followed by transfer to identical treatments and cultivation for a further four weeks. Earthworm-secreted calcite granules were collected from the second set of soils. δ18O values were determined on individual calcite granules (δ18Oc) and the soil solution (δ18Ow). The δ18Oc values reflect soil solution δ18Ow values and temperature, but are consistently enriched by 1.51 (±0.12) ‰ in comparison to equilibrium in synthetic carbonates. The data fit the equation 1000 ln α = [20.21 ± 0.92] (103 T-1) - [38.58 ± 3.18] (R2 = 0.95; n = 96; p < 0.0005). As the granules are abundant in modern soils, buried soils and archaeological contexts, and can be dated using U-Th disequilibria, the developed palaeotemperature relationship has enormous potential for application to Holocene and Pleistocene time intervals.


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Fossils of chironomid larvae (non-biting midges) preserved in lake sediments are well-established palaeotemperature indicators which, with the aid of numerical chironomid-based inference models (transfer functions), can provide quantitative estimates of past temperature change. This approach to temperature reconstruction relies on the strong relationship between air and lake surface water temperature and the distribution of individual chironomid taxa (species, species groups, genera) that has been observed in different climate regions (arctic, subarctic, temperate and tropical) in both the Northern and Southern hemisphere. A major complicating factor for the use of chironomids for palaeoclimate reconstruction which increases the uncertainty associated with chironomid-based temperature estimates is that the exact nature of the mechanism responsible for the strong relationship between temperature and chironomid assemblages in lakes remains uncertain. While a number of authors have provided state of the art overviews of fossil chironomid palaeoecology and the use of chironomids for temperature reconstruction, few have focused on examining the ecological basis for this approach. Here, we review the nature of the relationship between chironomids and temperature based on the available ecological evidence. After discussing many of the surveys describing the distribution of chironomid taxa in lake surface sediments in relation to temperature, we also examine evidence from laboratory and field studies exploring the effects of temperature on chironomid physiology, life cycles and behaviour. We show that, even though a direct influence of water temperature on chironomid development, growth and survival is well described, chironomid palaeoclimatology is presently faced with the paradoxical situation that the relationship between chironomid distribution and temperature seems strongest in relatively deep, thermally stratified lakes in temperate and subarctic regions in which the benthic chironomid fauna lives largely decoupled from the direct influence of air and surface water temperature. This finding suggests that indirect effects of temperature on physical and chemical characteristics of lakes play an important role in determining the distribution of lake-living chironomid larvae. However, we also demonstrate that no single indirect mechanism has been identified that can explain the strong relationship between chironomid distribution and temperature in all regions and datasets presently available. This observation contrasts with the previously published hypothesis that climatic effects on lake nutrient status and productivity may be largely responsible for the apparent correlation between chironomid assemblage distribution and temperature. We conclude our review by summarizing the implications of our findings for chironomid-based palaeoclimatology and by pointing towards further avenues of research necessary to improve our mechanistic understanding of the chironomid-temperature relationship.


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Comparisons of climate model hindcasts with independent proxy data are essential for assessing model performance in non-analogue situations. However, standardized palaeoclimate data sets for assessing the spatial pattern of past climatic change across continents are lacking for some of the most dynamic episodes of Earth’s recent past. Here we present a new chironomid-based palaeotemperature dataset designed to assess climate model hindcasts of regional summer temperature change in Europe during the late-glacial and early Holocene. Latitudinal and longitudinal patterns of inferred temperature change are in excellent agreement with simulations by the ECHAM-4 model, implying that atmospheric general circulation models like ECHAM-4 can successfully predict regionally diverging temperature trends in Europe, even when conditions differ significantly from present. However, ECHAM-4 infers larger amplitudes of change and higher temperatures during warm phases than our palaeotemperature estimates, suggesting that this and similar models may overestimate past and potentially also future summer temperature changes in Europe.


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Since multi-site reconstructions are less affected by site-specific climatic effects and artefacts, regional palaeotemperature reconstructions based on a number of sites can provide more robust estimates of centennial- to millennial-scale temperature trends than individual, site-specific records. Furthermore, reconstructions based on multiple records are necessary for developing continuous climate records over time scales longer than covered by individual sequences. Here, we present a procedure for developing such reconstructions based on relatively short (centuries to millennia), discontinuously sampled records as are typically developed when using biotic proxies in lake sediments for temperature reconstruction. The approach includes an altitudinal correction of temperatures, an interpolation of individual records to equal time intervals, a stacking procedure for sections of the interval of interest that have the same records available, as well as a splicing procedure to link the individual stacked records into a continuous reconstruction. Variations in the final, stacked and spliced reconstruction are driven by variations in the individual records, whereas the absolute temperature values are determined by the stacked segment based on the largest number of records. With numerical simulations based on the NGRIP δ18O record, we demonstrate that the interpolation and stacking procedure provides an approximation of a smoothed palaeoclimate record if based on a sufficient number of discontinuously sampled records. Finally, we provide an example of a stacked and spliced palaeotemperature reconstruction 15000–90 calibrated 14C yr BP based on six chironomid records from the northern and central Swiss Alps and eastern France to discuss the potential and limitations of this approach.


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Acritarchs have received limited attention in palynological studies of the Cenozoic, although they have much potential both for refining Neogene and Quaternary stratigraphy, especially in mid- and high northern latitudes, and developing palaeoceanographical reconstructions. Here we formally describe and document the stratigraphical and palaeotemperature ranges (from foraminiferal Mg/Ca) of four new acritarch species: Cymatiosphaera? aegirii sp. nov., Cymatiosphaera? fensomei sp. nov., Cymatiosphaera? icenorum sp. nov. and Lavradosphaera canalis sp. nov. In reviewing the stratigraphical distributions of all species of the genus Lavradosphaera De Schepper & Head, 2008, we demonstrate their correlation potential between the North Atlantic and Bering Sea in the Pliocene. Additionally, Lavradosphaera lucifer De Schepper & Head, 2008 and Lavradosphaera canalis sp. nov., while not themselves overlapping stratigraphically, have morphological intermediates that do partially overlap and may represent an evolutionary trend consequent upon climate cooling in the Late Pliocene. Finally, we show that the highest abundances of the acritarchs presented here were living in the eastern North Atlantic, in surface-water temperatures not very different from today.


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Although commonly reported in marine and freshwater environments, little is known about the biological sources of long chain alkyl 1,13- and 1,15-diols, and factors controlling their distributions. Here we analyzed the occurrence and distribution of these lipids in a comprehensive set of marine surface sediments and compare their distributions with environmental conditions like sea surface temperature (SST), salinity and nutrient concentrations. Fractional abundances of the C28 1,13-, C30 1,13- and C30 1,15-diols show a strong correlation with SST and based on these results, we propose the Long chain Diol Index (LDI), which expresses the C30 1,15-diol abundance relative to those of C28 1,13-, C30 1,13- and C30 1,15-diols. The LDI shows a strong linear correlation with SST (LDI = 0.033 × SST + 0.095; R2 = 0.969, n = 162) over a temperature range of -3 to 27 °C. Long chain diol distributions in sediments from the South Atlantic close to the Congo River outflow (West Africa) provided a 43 kyr LDI SST record. This record reflects several known climatic events and shows similarities with an alkenone-derived SST record obtained using the same suite of sediments, both in trend and in terms of absolute SST. This confirms the potential of the LDI as a proxy for palaeo-SST reconstruction.


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Stable isotope analyses of marine bivalve growth increment samples have been used to estimate early Oligocene (29.4 - 31.2) Ma and early Miocene (24.0 Ma) seafloor palaeotemperature from the southwestern continental margin of the Ross Sea. Measured d18O values average +2.5 ? in the early Miocene and range between +1.26 to +3.24 ? in the early Oligocene. The results show that palaeoceanographic conditions in McMurdo Sound during the mid-Cenozoic were significantly different from those of today. The minimum estimated spring through late summer seasonal temperature range was 3°C during the early Miocene and between 1 and 5°C during the early Oligocene. This compares to the equivalent modern day range of <0.5°C within the sound. Absolute seawater temperatures at <100 m depth were of the order of 5 to 7°C during both time slices, compared to modern day values of -1.4 to - 1.9°C in the same area. The results are in broad agreement with early Oligocene Mg/Ca temperature estimates from deep Atlantic foraminifera as well as estimates from local terrestrial palynology and palaeobotany.


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87Sr/86Sr data of belemnites are presented from a Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous succession from the Falkland Plateau (Deep Sea Drilling Project Sites 511 and 330) that was deposited in a periodically anoxic, semi-enclosed shallow water basin. Diagenetically screened strontium-isotope values of 0.706789 rise to 0.707044 before increasing sharply to 0.707428 in the uppermost part of the sampled succession. Comparison with published strontium calibration curves suggests that the oldest samples were Callovian to Oxfordian in age, whilst the remainder of the Jurassic part of the succession consisted of Kimmeridgian and Early Tithonian age sediments. The nannofossil, dinoflagellate and molluscan assemblages provide comparable age determinations. The strontium-isotope analysis of the youngest belemnites points to a Hauterivian-Barremian age, whilst age interpretations based upon the fauna provide a wide age range from the Barremian to early Albian. Strontium-isotope stratigraphy of this succession hence offers increased age resolution providing data regarding the timing of episodes of bottom water anoxia which have been recorded throughout the South Atlantic Basin. Well-preserved belemnite specimens display an oxygen-isotope range between +0.08 and -2.22? (PDB, Peedee belemnite international standard) and a carbon-isotope range from +2.35 to -1.33? (PDB). Delta13C values become increasingly negative through the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous and in concert with the 87Sr/86Sr data reveal a trend that could be accounted for by increasing levels of weathering and erosion. The oxygen-isotope data if interpreted in terms of palaeotemperature are consistent with warm palaeotemperatures in the Kimmeridgian and slightly cooler temperatures for the Tithonian and Early Cretaceous parts of the succession. The proposed relative Kimmeridgian warmth (based upon strontium-isotope age assignments) is thus in good agreement with other published palaeotemperature records.


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Long chain 1,13- and 1,15-alkyl diols form the base of a number of recently proposed proxies used for climate reconstruction. However, the sources of these lipids and environmental controls on their distribution are still poorly constrained. We have analyzed the long chain alkyl diol (LCD) composition of cultures of ten eustigmatophyte species, with three species from different families grown at various temperatures, to identify the effect of species composition and growth temperature on the LCD distribution. The results were compared with the LCD distribution of sixty-two lake surface sediments, and with previously reported LCD distributions from marine environments. The different families within the Eustigmatophyceae show distinct LCD patterns, with the freshwater family Eustigmataceae most closely resembling LCD distributions in both marine and lake environments. Unlike the other two eustigmatophyte families analyzed (Monodopsidaceae and Goniochloridaceae), C28 and C30 1,13-alkyl diols and C30 and C32 1,15-alkyl diols are all relatively abundant in the family Eustigmataceae, while the mono-unsaturated C32 1,15-alkyl diol was below detection limit. In contrast to the marine environment, LCD distributions in lakes did not show a clear relationship with temperature. The Long chain Diol Index (LDI), a proxy previously proposed for sea surface temperature reconstruction, showed a relatively weak correlation (R2 = 0.33) with mean annual air temperature used as an approximation for annual mean surface temperature of the lakes. A much-improved correlation (R2 = 0.74, p-value<0.001) was observed applying a multiple linear regression analysis between LCD distributions and lake temperatures reconstructed using branched tetraether lipid distributions. The obtained regression model provides good estimates of temperatures for cultures of the family Eustigmataceae, suggesting that algae belonging to this family have an important role as a source for LCDs in lacustrine environments, or, alternatively, that the main sources of LCDs are similarly affected by temperature as the Eustigmataceae. The results suggest that LCDs may have the potential to be applicable as a palaeotemperature proxy for lacustrine environments, although further calibration work is still required.