998 resultados para padrão ideal


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Dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Mestrado em Comunicação da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul - USCS


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Este trabalho analisa o conceito de norma sob uma perspectiva estritamente teórica. Observa-se que a fixação de uma norma prescritiva está indiretamente associada a princípios de natureza ideológica, que estão também subjacentes ao enfoque teórico das principais correntes da lingüística contemporânea.


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Research on Legal Deontology dedicated to theoretical and applied ethics on judicial conduct grounded in legal principles and rules set out in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Organic Law of the National Judiciary, also contemplating propositional instruments covered by the constitutional system, which conveys behavioural paradigms inserted in the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, in the Universal Statute of the Judge and in the Latin-American Code of Judicial Ethics, as well as highlight the influence of those instruments in the Brazilian Ethical Code of the Magistrates and in the official complementary training of judges in charge of Judiciary Schools. The study provides the theoretical influxes of moral norm, passing by behavioural social norm to consolidate the ideal standards of judicial conduct into legal standards and related instruments. The Legal Deontology directed to the ethical judicial conduct is confronted with the stereotype that society expressed in relation to the judge's person, who is the political agent that interprets the law for making decisions which directly influences the realization of access to justice, that is constitutionally guaranteed to all. Core values inserted in the constitutional system intended to discipline the judicial conduct are presented and analysed under a critical view, since they are enclosed in prescriptive language that conveys behavioural aspects open to interpretation and which compliance is revealed as a proposition focused on promoting a better solution of interest’s conflicts under the responsibility of those who constitute the distinctive corporation of the Judiciary. The theme’s contextualization also focuses on applied ethics, based on the approach of normative and propositional instruments of deontological content, still focusing on the study of real cases examined by the Brazilian National Council of Justice, as part of its correctional goals.


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Dentro da classe Reptilia, a ordem Testudines possui algumas características exclusivas, tais como a fusão das costelas e da coluna vertebral e a perda dos músculos intercostais, inviabilizando a ventilação costal. Além disso, as posições naturais que os Testudines exibem podem influenciar a mecânica ventilatória. O presente estudo teve como objetivo testar a influência do posicionamento do corpo sobre a mecânica ventilatória através da complacência estática e dinâmica e analisar através da respirometria aberta o padrão ventilatório e o custo metabólico da ventilação através da exposição em normóxia, hipóxia e hipercarbia em Trachemys scripta e Chelonoidis carbonarius. Os volumes pulmonares, complacência estática e dinâmica em C. carbonarius foram inferiores aos de T. scripta e outras espécies de Testudines já estudadas. Verificou-se também influência das posições sobre a mecânica ventilatória nas duas espécies, sendo a posição de membros e cabeça retraídos na carapaça apresentando os menores valores (p<0,05). Hipóxia e hipercarbia estimularam o aumento da ventilação nas duas espécies estudadas (p<0,05), sendo observadas maiores alterações da frequência ventilatória e volume corrente em C. carbonarius. Os valores de custo metabólico da ventilação foram baixos devido à uma diminuição no consumo de oxigênio em hipóxia e hipercarbia, indicando depressão metabólica em ambas as espécies ou então o método para calcular esse custo não ser ideal. Ao relacionar os dados de consumo de oxigênio com os de ventilação, verificou-se a possibilidade de shunt cardíaco esquerdo-direito. Será necessário calcular o trabalho mecânico da ventilação a fim de entender melhor a mecânica ventilatória nas duas espécies e posteriormente relacionar os dados de ventilação e custo metabólico da ventilação com os de trabalho mecânico.


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In this computational study we investigate the role of turbulence in ideal axisymmetric vortex breakdown. A pipe geometry with a slight constriction near the inlet is used to stabilise the location of the breakdown within the computed domain. Eddy-viscosity and differential Reynolds stress models are used to model the turbulence. Changes in upstream turbulence levels, flow Reynolds and Swirl numbers are considered. The different computed solutions are monitored for indications of different breakdown flow configurations. Trends in vortex breakdown due to turbulent flow conditions are identified and discussed.


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In this paper, two ideal formation models of serrated chips, the symmetric formation model and the unilateral right-angle formation model, have been established for the first time. Based on the ideal models and related adiabatic shear theory of serrated chip formation, the theoretical relationship among average tooth pitch, average tooth height and chip thickness are obtained. Further, the theoretical relation of the passivation coefficient of chip's sawtooth and the chip thickness compression ratio is deduced as well. The comparison between these theoretical prediction curves and experimental data shows good agreement, which well validates the robustness of the ideal chip formation models and the correctness of the theoretical deducing analysis. The proposed ideal models may have provided a simple but effective theoretical basis for succeeding research on serrated chip morphology. Finally, the influences of most principal cutting factors on serrated chip formation are discussed on the basis of a series of finite element simulation results for practical advices of controlling serrated chips in engineering application.


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Research has established a close relationship between learning environments and learning outcomes (Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria, 2008; Woolner, Hall, Higgins, McCaughey & Wall, 2007) yet little is known about how students in Australian schools imagine the ways that their learning environments could be improved to enhance their engagement with the processes and content of education and children are rarely consulted on the issue of school design (Rudduck & Flutter, 2004). Currently, school and classroom designers give attention to operational matters of efficiency and economy, so that architecture for children’s education is largely conceived in terms of adult and professional needs (Halpin, 2007). This results in the construction of educational spaces that impose traditional teaching and learning methods, reducing the possibilities of imaginative pedagogical relationships. Education authorities may encourage new, student-centred pedagogical styles, such as collaborative learning, team-teaching and peer tutoring, but the spaces where such innovations are occurring do not always provide the features necessary to implement these styles. Heeding the views of children could result in the creation of spaces where more imaginative pedagogical relationships and student-centred pedagogical styles can be implemented. In this article, a research project conducted with children in nine Queensland primary schools to investigate their ideas of the ideal ‘school’ is discussed. Overwhelmingly, the students’ work emphasised that learning should be fun and that learning environments should be eco-friendly places where their imaginations can be engaged and where they learn from and in touch with reality. The children’s imagined schools echo ideas that have been promoted over many decades by progressive educators such as John Dewey (1897, in Provenzo, 2006) (“experiential learning”), AS Neill (in Cassebaum, 2003) (Summerhill school) and Ivan Illich (1970) (“deschooling”), with a vast majority of students suggesting that, wherever possible, learning should take place away from classrooms and in environments that support direct, hands-on learning.


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Amidst a proliferation of bestseller books, blockbuster films, television documentaries and sensational news reports, public awareness campaigns have claimed their place in a growing chorus of concern about the crime of human trafficking. These campaigns aim to capture the public’s support in efforts to eliminate a ‘modern slave trade’ in which individuals seeking a better life are transported across borders and forced into exploitative labour conditions. Constrained by the limitations of primary campaign materials (posters, print ads, billboards) typically allowing for only a single image and minimal text, it is unlikely that these awareness campaigns can accurately convey the complexity of the trafficking problem. This chapter explores how the depictions of trafficking victims in awareness campaigns can exclude those who do not fit a restrictive narrative mould. Nils Christie’s pivotal work on the construction of society’s ideal victim is the lens through which this paper examines the literal ‘poster child’ of the anti-trafficking movement.


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Discourses of public education reform, like that exemplified within the Queensland Government’s future vision document, Queensland State Education-2010 (QSE-2010), position schooling as a panacea to pervasive social instability and a means to achieve a new consensus. However, in unravelling the many conflicting statements that conjoin to form education policy and inform related literature (Ball, 1993), it becomes clear that education reform discourse is polyvalent (Foucault, 1977). Alongside visionary statements that speak of public education as a vehicle for social justice are the (re)visionary or those reflecting neoliberal individualism and a conservative politics. In this paper, it is argued that the latter coagulate to form strategic discursive practices which work to (re)secure dominant relations of power. Further, discussion of the characteristics needed by the “ideal” future citizen of Queensland reflect efforts to ‘tame change through the making of the child’ (Popkewitz, 2004, p.201). The casualties of this (re)vision and the refusal to investigate the pathologies of “traditional” schooling are the children who, for whatever reason, do not conform to the norm of the desired school child as an “ideal” citizen-in-the-making and who become relegated to alternative educational settings.


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The details of an application of the finite strip method to the elastic buckling analysis of thin-walled structures with various boundary conditions and subjected to single or combined loadings of longitudinal compression, transverse compression, bending and shear are presented. The presence of shear loading is accounted for by modifying the displacement functions which are commonly used in cases when shear is absent. A program based on the finite strip method was used to obtain the elastic buckling stress, buckling plot and buckling mode of thin-walled structures and some of these results are presented.


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EVE Online, released in 2003 by CCP Games, is a space-themed Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG). This sandbox style MMOG has a reputation for being a difficult game with a punishing learning curve that is fairly impenetrable to new players. This has led to the widely held belief among the larger MMOG community that “EVE players are different”, as only a very particular type of player would be dedicated to learning how to play a game this challenging. Taking a critical approach to the claim that “EVE players are different”, this paper complicates the idea that only a certain type of player capable of playing the most hardcore of games will be attracted to this particular MMOG. Instead, we argue that EVE’s “exceptionalism” is actually the result of conscious design decisions on the part of CCP games, which in turn compel particular behaviours that are continually reinforced as the norm by the game’s relatively homogenous player community.