1000 resultados para packaging material


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The objective of this Master´s Thesis was to conduct a wide scale preliminary survey regarding the package requirements of a cultured dairy package, and to compare the currently used material polystyrene to other suitable packaging materials. Polystyrene has a long history of use in dairy cups, but in recent years its price has increased significantly compared to other common packaging materials. The overall environmental effects of a package and a package material are today a part of designing a sustainable product life cycle. In addition, in certain contexts there has been discussion of the risks posed by styrene polymer for the environment and for humans. These risks are also discussed in this thesis. Polystyrene (PS) is still the most widely used material in dairy cups. In recent years, polypropylene (PP) cups have appeared in increasing numbers on market shelves. This study focuses on the differences of the suitable polymers and examines the suitability of alternative “suitable” polymers with regards to dairy packaging. Aside from focusing on the cup manufacturer, this thesis also examines its subject matter from the viewpoint of the dairy customer, as well as observing the concrete implications of material changes in the overall value chain. It was known in advance that material permeability would be one of the determining factors and that gas transmission testing would be a significant part of the thesis. Mechanical tests were the second part of the testing process, providing information regarding package strength and protectiveness during the package’s life cycle. Production efficiency, along with uninterrupted stable production, was another important factor that was taken into consideration. These two issues are sometimes neglected in similar contexts due to their self-evident nature. In addition, materials used in production may have a surprising significance to the production and efficiency. Consistent high quality is also partly based on material selection. All of the aforementioned factors have been documented and the results have been analyzed by the development team at Coveris Rigid Finland. Coveris is now calculating the total finance effects and capacities should the material changes be implemented in practice. There are many factors in favor of switching to polypropylene at the moment. The overall production costs, as well as the environmental effects of resin production are the primary influences for said switch from the converters’ perspective.


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This study reports on the influence of heat and hydrogen peroxide combination on the inactivation kinetics of two heat resistant molds: Neosartorya fischeri and Paecilomyces variotii. Spores of different ages (1 and 4 months) of these molds were prepared and D-values (the time required at certain temperature/hydrogen peroxide combination to inactivate 90% of the mold ascospores) were determined using thermal death tubes. D-values found for P. variotii ranged from 1.2 to 25.1 s after exposure to different combinations of heat (40 or 60 degrees C) and hydrogen peroxide (35 or 40% w/w) while for N. fischeri they varied from 2.7 to 14.3 s after exposure to the same hydrogen peroxide concentrations and higher temperatures (60 or 70 degrees C). The influence of temperature and hydrogen peroxide concentration on the d-values varied with the genus of mold and their ages. A synergistic effect of heat and hydrogen peroxide in reducing D-values of Paecilomyces variotti and N. fischeri has been observed. In addition to strict control of temperature, time and hydrogen concentration, hygienic storage and handling of laminated paperboard material must be considered to reduce the probability of package's contamination. All these measures together will ensure package's sterility that is imperative for the effectiveness of aseptic processing and consequently to ensure the microbiological stability of processed foods during shelf-life. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on määrittää liiketoimintailmapiiri ja markkinapotentiaali Kiinan nestepakkauskartonkimarkkinoilla. Tutkimus tukee nestepakkauskartonkivalmistajan vientitoimintoja. Pääosin käytännön tiedoista koostuva tutkimus suoritettiin keräämällä sekundaääritietoa ja haastattelemalla alan erikoisasiantuntijoita. Suuri ja kasvava väestö sekä nopeasti kehittyvä talous tukee nestepakkauskartonkimarkkinoiden kasvua Kiinassa. Viimeaikainen globalisaatio haittapuolineen saattaa kuitenkin horjuttaa poliittista ja sosiaalista tasapainoa ja tätä kautta ylellisyys hyödykkeiden kuten kartonkipakattujen tuotteiden kysyntää Kiinassa. Tuontirajoitukset Kiinaan ovat laskemassa valtion tämän hetkisen kansainvälistymispolitiikan seurauksena. Kartonki vahvistaa asemaansa kilpailevien pakkausmateriaalien joukossa. Kiinan kokonaisnestepakkauskartonkimarkkinat kasvavat vuosittain 10,7 % ja ovat vuonna 2001 noin 100 000 tonnia.


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Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää suomalaisen kartonkikuljetuspakkausfirman, Eltete TPM Oy:n, tulevaisuudennäkymät selvittämällä voiko puisen kuljetuspakkausmateriaalin korvata kartonkisilla materiaaleilla. Kyseinen tutkimus suoritetaan selvittämällä toimialanmuutokseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kuten ostokäyttäytymistä, innovaation ominaisuuksia, säädöksiä, kilpailuympäristöä sekä lopuksi tutkimalla mitä kuljetuspakkauksien asiakkaat haluavat ja tarvitsevat. Kyseisen tutkimuksen kohdeasiakkaiksi valittiin suurimmat kodinkoneyritykset Euroopassa ja tutkimusmenetelmäksi postikysely. Suoritetun markkinointitutkimuksen tulokset kodinkoneyritysten pakkausratkaisuista sekä kilpailija-analyysi osoittivat, että todella on olemassa kasvava kysyntä kierrätettäville kartonkisille kuljetuspakkausratkaisuille, kuten Eltete TPS - Framepack solution on, sekä että Eltete TPM Oy:llä on voimavaroja tulevaisuudessa nousta markkinajohtajaksi muuttuvalla kuljetuspakkaussektorilla.


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The aim of the thesis was both to study wooden packaging waste reuse and refining generated in the forestry machine factory environment, and to find alternative wooden packaging waste utilization options in order to create a new operating model which would decrease the overall amount of waste produced. As environmental and waste legislation has become more rigid and companies' own environmental management systems’ requirements and control have increased, companies have had to consider their environmental aspects more carefully. Companies have to take into account alternative ways of reducing waste through an increase in reuse and recycling. A part of this waste is from different forms of packaging. In the metal industry the most heavily used packaging material is wooden packaging, as such material is heavy and the packaging has to be able to bear heavy stress. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the requirements of packaging and packaging waste legislation, as well as environmental management systems governing companies’ processing of their packaging waste, are studied. The theoretical part includes a process study of systems, which direct packaging waste and wooden packaging waste refining. In addition, methods related to the continuous improvement of these processes are introduced. This thesis concentrates on designing and creating a new operating model in relation to wooden packaging waste processing. The main target was to find an efficient model in order to decrease the total amount of wooden packaging waste and to increase refining. The empirical part introduces methods for approaches to wooden packaging waste re-utilization, as well as a description of a new operating model and its impact.


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There is a growing search for continuous improvement within the companies which creates an obligation of reducing and when it is possible eliminating waste. Production Planning and Control Department (PCP) is not out of this question, making necessary the application of methods and creation of tools that eliminate steps which do not add value to the planning process. This paper aims to develop a tool which concentrates in just one place all the necessary information to make the packaging material requirement planning (MRP) in a agribusiness company. Besides, it also aims, in a more visual way and using devices that prevent mistakes (Poka-Yoke), to reduce the number of reviews and mistakes made by analysts. As a result, an Excel spreadsheet was developed. This spreadsheet shows what happens with the status of planning and receiving of packaging, giving some advices when some critical situation happens. The use of Lean Manufacturing Method and the action research method helped to well define the problem and to reduce the number of steps, spreadsheets and time of process in 80%, 60% and 75%, respectively


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This study aimed at enumerating molds (heat-labile and heat-resistant) on the surface of paperboard material to be filled with tomato pulps through an aseptic system and at determining the most heat-and hydrogen peroxide-resistant strains. A total of 118 samples of laminated paperboard before filling were collected, being 68 before and 50 after the hydrogen peroxide bath. Seven molds, including heat-resistant strains (Penicillium variotii and Talaromyces flavus) with counts ranging between 0.71 and 1.02 CFU/cm(2) were isolated. P. variotii was more resistant to hydrogen peroxide than T. flavus and was inactivated after heating at 85 degrees C/15 min. When exposed to 35 % hydrogen peroxide at 25 degrees C, T. flavus (F5E2) and N. fischeri (control) were less resistant than P. variotti (F1A1). P. citrinum (F7E2) was shown to be as resistant as P. variotti. The D values (the time to cause one logarithmic cycle reduction in a microbial population at a determined temperature) for spores of P. variotii (F1A1) and N. fischeri (control) with 4 months of age at 85 and 90 degrees C were 3.9 and 4.5 min, respectively. Although the contamination of packages was low, the presence of heat-and chemical-resistant molds may be of concern for package sterility and product stability during shelf-life. To our knowledge, this is the first report that focuses on the isolation of molds, including heat-resistant ones, contaminating paperboard packaging material and on estimating their resistance to the chemical and physical processes used for packaging sterilization.


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Active packaging is becoming an emerging food technology to improve quality and safety of food products. One of the most common approaches is based on the release of antioxidant/antimicrobial compounds from the packaging material. In this work an antifungal active packaging system based on the release of carvacrol and thymol was optimized to increase the post-harvest shelf life of fresh strawberries and bread during storage. Thermal properties of the developed packaging material were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Volatile compounds in food samples contained in active packaging systems were monitored by using headspace solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography analysis (HS-SPME-GC-MS) at controlled conditions. The obtained results provided evidences that exposure to carvacrol and thymol is an effective way to enlarge the quality of strawberries and bread samples during distribution and sale.


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Active packaging is becoming an emerging food technology to improve quality and safety of food products. One of the most common approaches is based on the release of antioxidant/antimicrobial compounds from the packaging material. In this work an antifungal active packaging system based on the release of carvacrol and thymol was optimized to increase the post-harvest shelf life of fresh strawberries and bread during storage. Thermal properties of the developed packaging material were determined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Volatile compounds in food samples contained in active packaging systems were monitored by using headspace solid phase microextraction followed by gas chromatography analysis (HS-SPMEGC-MS) at controlled conditions. The obtained results provided evidences that exposure to carvacrol and thymol is an effective way to enlarge the quality of strawberries and bread samples during distribution and sale.


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Novel nano-biocomposite films based on poly (lactic acid) (PLA) were prepared by incorporating thymol, as the active additive, and modified montmorillonite (D43B) at two different concentrations. A complete thermal, structural, mechanical and functional characterization of all nano-biocomposites was carried out. Thermal stability was not significantly affected by the addition of thymol, but the incorporation of D43B improved mechanical properties and reduced the oxygen transmission rate by the formation of intercalated structures, as suggested by wide angle X-ray scattering patterns and transmission electron microscopy images. The addition of thymol decreased the PLA glass transition temperature, as the result of the polymer plasticization, and led to modification of the elastic modulus and elongation at break. Finally, the amount of thymol remaining in these formulations was determined by liquid chromatography (HPLC-UV) and the antioxidant activity by the DPPH spectroscopic method, suggesting that the formulated nano-biocomposites could be considered a promising antioxidant active packaging material.


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Dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) air plasma is a novel technique for in-package decontamination of food, but it has not been yet applied to the packaging material. Characterization of commercial polylactic acid (PLA) films was done after in-package DBD plasma treatment at different voltages and treatment times to evaluate its suitability as food packaging material. DBD plasma increased the roughness of PLA film mainly at the site in contact with high voltage electrode at both the voltage levels of 70 and 80 kV. DBD plasma treatments did not induce any change in the glass transition temperature, but significant increase in the initial degradation temperature and maximum degradation temperature was observed. DBD plasma treatment did not adversely affect the oxygen and water vapor permeability of PLA. A very limited overall migration was observed in different food simulants and was much below the regulatory limits. Industrial relevance: In-package DBD plasma is a novel and innovative approach for the decontamination of foods with potential industrial application. This paper assesses the suitability of PLA as food packaging material for cold plasma treatment. It characterizes the effect of DBD plasma on the packaging material when used for in-package decontamination of food. The work described in this research offers a promising alternative to classical methods used in fruit and vegetable industries where in-package DBD plasma can serve as an effective decontamination process and avoids any post-process recontamination or hazards from the package itself.


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The interest and societal demand on the use of natural, biodegradable and renewable resources has increased in the last few years. In addition, food producers and consumers have improved their requirements for the quality of processed food, particularly in the field of increasing shelf-life while preserving organoleptic and nutritional properties. Active packaging technologies have greatly developed in the last decade by trying to satisfy the need for long-life processed food in addition to antioxidant/antimicrobial components in the packaging material. These components are intended to be released in a controlled way to food. These rising trends have been reflected in the field of food packaging by the use of chemicals extracted and obtained from plants in active packaging formulations. Herbs and spices have shown great potential to be used as renewable, biodegradable and valuable sources of chemicals, such as polyphenols, with high antioxidant/antimicrobial performance. This review aims to present the latest published work in this area.


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Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia kartonkipohjaisten pakkausmateriaalien läpäisyominaisuuksia sekä pakkausten tiiveyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työssä verrattiin skaivatun ja skaivaamattoman raakareunan sekä tölkkien pohjaratkaisujen ominaisuuksia vesihöyryn- ja hapen läpäisevyydessä, kun käytetty kartonki oli molemmin puolin polymeeripäällystetty. Tiiveysominaisuuksia tutkittiin myös vuotomittauksin, värjäyksin ja elektronimikroskoopilla. Kuivan elintarvikkeen säilytystestillä ja kilpailijapakkausanalyyseillä oli tarkoituksena myös saada selville eri pakkausmateriaalien ja pakkauksien läpäisevyys- ja tiiveysominaisuuksia. Pakkauksen saumoilla oli yhtä suuri tai suurempi vaikutus vesihöyryn läpäisyssä kuin itse materiaalilla, kun pakkaus oli molemmin puolin polymeeripäällystetty kartonkikuppi. Skaivatun sauman vesihöyrynläpäisy oli vain 4-10 % pienempi kuin raakareunallisen sauman. Pakkauksen ulkopuolisten raakareunojen suojaaminen pienensi vesihöyrynläpäisevyyttä 30 %. Kun pakkauksen sisäpuolen raaka-reuna oli suojattu teipillä, saumoilla ei ollut niin suurta vaikutusta vesihöyryn läpäisyyn verrattuna materiaaliin. Raakareunan määrällä tölkin pohjassa tai pienillä vuodoilla tölkin saumoissa ei ollut merkitystä vesihöyryn läpäisyyn. Hapenläpäisyssä oli tärkeää ehyt barrierkerros. Polymeerisen barrierkerroksen reiät ja sauman skaivaus vaikuttivat enemmän kuin vesihöyryn läpäisyssä. Mitä enemmän tölkin pohjassa oli raakareunaa, sitä suurempi oli sen hapenläpäisy. Pakkauksen konvertointi, koneen säädöt ja lämmön kohdistus, ovat saattaneet aiheuttaa värjäyksellä havaitut barrierkerroksen mikroreiät. Kaupalliset kuiva-ainepakkaukset sisälsivät pääasiassa alumiinilaminaatin vesihöyryn, hapen ja valon suojana, kun tuotteena oli maitojauhetta ja rasvaa sisältävä elintarvike. Kuitenkin, jos pakkausmateriaali sisälsi vain ohuen sumutetun alumiinikerroksen, sen barrieriominaisuus ei ollut yhtä hyvä kuin alumiinilaminaatin. Äidinmaidonkorvikkeen säilytystestissä seurattiin eri analyysein tuotteen laatua kolmen kuukauden säilytyksen ajan. Pakkauksen vesihöyryn läpäisyominaisuus osoittautui tärkeimmäksi, sillä kosteuden vaikutus tuotteen laadun heikkenemisessä oli suurin. Hapen vaikutus on myös olennainen ja siten hyvä hapenestokerros sekä tiiveys ovat myös tärkeitä pakkauksen ominaisuuksia.


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Jätemäärät Suomessa ja useimmissa muissakin maissa ovat kasvavia tehostuneesta kierrätyksestä huolimatta. Kaatopaikka on edelleen yleisin jätteen loppusijoituspaikka. Sinne päätyy paljon kierrätettäväksi kelpaavaa materiaalia muun muassa kuitumateriaalia, joka olisi käyttökelpoista uusiomassan raaka-ainetta. Metso Paper Oy on kehittänyt prosessin, jolla voidaan erottaa kuitumateriaali kuiva- tai energiajätteestä. Prosessista on rakennettu siirrettavä koelaitteisto, jonka tarkoituksena on osoittaa, että kuidun talteenotto kuivajätteestä on mahdollista sekä taloudellisesti mielekästä. Työn alkuosassa tarkastellaan uusiokuidun ominaisuuksia ja sen käyttökohteita. Lisäksi tarkastellaan kuivajätteen hyödyntämistä hylsykartongin ja kierrätettävän muovin raaka-aineena. Työn tavoitteena on arvioida erilaisten raaka-aineiden soveltuvuutta prosessiin koeajotulosten pohjalta sekä tarkastella saavutettuja massan laatuarvoja ja niiden soveltuvuutta erilaisiin paperi- ja kartonkituotteisiin. Ominaisuuksiltaan uusiokuitu on aina ensikuitua heikompi. Kuivajätteestä voidaan prosessilla erottaa kuitua, joka laadultaan kelpaa ainakin ruskeisiin pakkausmateriaaleihin.


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Työn tavoitteena oli kartonkivuoan kriittisten menestystekijöiden ja kilpailuaseman selvittäminen jäähdytettyjen ruokatuotteiden markkinoilla Euroopassa. Kilpailija- ja tavoiteanalyysi suoritettiin kahden suomalaisen pakkaajan kesken. Pakkaajien haastattelut toteutettiin joko henkilökohtaisena tai sähköpostihaastatteluna. Muovi on yleisimmin käytetty jäähdytettyjen ruokatuotteiden pakkausmateriaali. Alumiinivuokien osuus on merkittävä erityisesti laatikkoruokien pakkauksena. Kartonkivuoille on kuitenkin havaittavissa selvää menestyspotentiaalia jäähdytettyjen ruokien pakkauksena. Kartonkivuokien hyvä imago ja edistyksellinen tuotekehitystyö mahdollistavat pakkaajien erityisvaatimuksien täyttämisen ja menestymisen markkinoilla. Kartonkivuoilla on useita ainutlaatuisia kilpailuetu- ja menestystekijöitä, kuten hyvä ulkonäkö ja painojälki. Suurin haaste on saada ruokatuotteiden pakkaajat tietoisiksi kartonkivuokien tuomista pakkausmahdollisuuksista.