991 resultados para pH measurement


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Ambiguous expiration dates on milk cartons can mislead consumers into prematurely disposing unspoiled milk and potentially drinking spoiled milk. These misconceptions can lead to wastage that harms the environment, or potential discomfort and illness. The incorporation of pH-sensitive indicators into plastic milk cartons has the potential to replace stamped expiration dates as the traditional method of milk spoilage indication. We studied the correlation between bacteria count and milk pH to establish pH measurement as an effective indicator of milk quality. We then developed a method for incorporating bromothymol blue, a pH-sensitive color-changing dye, into a hydrogel made of polyacrylamide. This hydrogel can be added to existing packaging for milk or other products with detectable pH changes. Additionally, we conducted a consumer survey and analyzed current food packaging trends in the market. Our research indicates that a spoilage-indicating milk carton could have strong market potential as food industries increasingly adopt intelligent packaging designs.


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Der pH-Wert stellt in der Chemie, Physik, Biologie, Pharmazie und Medizin eine wichtige Meßgröße dar, da eine Vielzahl von Reaktionen durch den pH-Wert bestimmt wird. In der Regel werden zur pH-Wert-Messung Glaselektroden eingesetzt. Hierbei konnte der pH-sensitive Bereich zwar bis auf einige Mikrometer reduziert werden, aber die Gesamtab-messungen betragen immer noch 15-20 cm. Mit der Einführung miniaturisierter Reaktionsgefäße ist daher der Bedarf an miniaturisierten Sensoren enorm gestiegen. Um in solchen Gefäßen Reaktionsparameter wie z. B. den pH-Wert zu kontrollieren, müssen die Gesamtabmessungen der Sensoren verringert werden. Dies lässt sich mit Hilfe der Mikrostrukturtechnik von Silizium realisieren. Hiermit lassen sich Strukturen und ganze Systeme bis in den Nanometerbereich herstellen. Basierend auf Silizium und Gold als Elektrodenmaterial wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit verschiedene Interdigitalstrukturen hergestellt. Um diese Strukturen zur pH-Wert-Messungen einsetzen zu können, müssen sie mit einer pH-sensitiven Schicht versehen werden. Hierbei wurde Polyanilin, ein intrinsisch leitendes Polymer, aufgrund seine pH-abhängigen elektrischen und optischen Verhaltens eingesetzt. Die Beschichtung dieser Sensoren mit Polyanilin erfolgte vorwiegend elektrochemisch mit Hilfe der Zyklovoltammetrie. Neben der Herstellung reiner Polyanilinfilme wurden auch Kopolymerisationen von Anilin und seinen entsprechenden Aminobenzoesäure- bzw. Aminobenzensulfonsäurederivaten durchgeführt. Ergebnisse dazu werden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zur Charakterisierung der resultierenden Polyanilin- und Kopolymerfilme auf den Inter-digitalstrukturen wurden mit Hilfe der ATR-FT-IR-Spektroskopie Spektren aufgenommen, die gezeigt und diskutiert werden. Eine elektrochemische Charakterisierung der Polymere erfolgte mittels der Zyklovoltammetrie. Die mit Polyanilin bzw. seinen Kopolymeren beschichteten Sensoren wurden dann für Widerstandsmessungen an den Polymerfilmen in wässrigen Medien eingesetzt. Polyanilin zeigt lediglich eine pH-Sensitivität in einem pH-Bereich von pH 2 bis pH 4. Durch den Einsatz der Kopolymere konnte dieser pH-sensitive Bereich jedoch bis zu einem pH-Wert von 10 ausgeweitet werden. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung der Sensoren wurde das Konzept der interdigitalen Elektroden-paare auf Cantilever übertragen. Die pH-sensitive Zone konnte dabei auf 500 µm2 bei einer Gesamtlänge des Sensors (Halter mit integriertem Cantilever) von 4 mm reduziert werden. Neben den elektrischen pH-abhängigen Eigenschaften können auch die optischen Eigen-schaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Detektion herangezogen werden. Diese wurden zunächst mit Hilfe der UV-VIS-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die erhaltenen Spektren werden gezeigt und kurz diskutiert. Mit Hilfe eines Raster-Sonden-Mikroskops (a-SNOM, Firma WITec) wurden Reflexionsmessungen an Polyanilinschichten durchgeführt. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung wurden Siliziumdioxidhohlpyramiden (Basisfläche 400 µm2) mit Spitzenöffnungen in einem Bereich von 50-150 nm mit Polyanilin beschichtet. Auch hier sollten die optischen Eigenschaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Wert-Sensorik ausgenutzt werden. Es werden erste Messungen an diesen Strukturen in Transmission diskutiert.


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This paperwork presents the complete circuitry used to build a microcontroller-based pH-meter. Key control software is also discussed. An industry-standard glass combination electrode has been employed for pH detection. Electrode parameter extraction procedure is presented. Good measurement results, with 1 % error, have been attained. Copyright© (2006) by the International Measurement Federation (IMEKO).


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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This work presents an innovative integration of sensing and nano-scaled fluidic actuation in the combination of pH sensitive optical dye immobilization with the electro-osmotic phenomena in polar solvents like water for flow-through pH measurements. These flow-through measurements are performed in a flow-through sensing device (FTSD) configuration that is designed and fabricated at MTU. A relatively novel and interesting material, through-wafer mesoporous silica substrates with pore diameters of 20 -200 nm and pore depths of 500 µm are fabricated and implemented for electro-osmotic pumping and flow-through fluorescence sensing for the first time. Performance characteristics of macroporous silicon (> 500 µm) implemented for electro-osmotic pumping include, a very large flow effciency of 19.8 µLmin-1V-1 cm-2 and maximum pressure effciency of 86.6 Pa/V in comparison to mesoporous silica membranes with 2.8 µLmin-1V-1cm-2 flow effciency and a 92 Pa/V pressure effciency. The electrical current (I) of the EOP system for 60 V applied voltage utilizing macroporous silicon membranes is 1.02 x 10-6A with a power consumption of 61.74 x 10-6 watts. Optical measurements on mesoporous silica are performed spectroscopically from 300 nm to 1000 nm using ellipsometry, which includes, angularly resolved transmission and angularly resolved reflection measurements that extend into the infrared regime. Refractive index (n) values for oxidized and un-oxidized mesoporous silicon sample at 1000 nm are found to be 1.36 and 1.66. Fluorescence results and characterization confirm the successful pH measurement from ratiometric techniques. The sensitivity measured for fluorescein in buffer solution is 0.51 a.u./pH compared to sensitivity of ~ 0.2 a.u./pH in the case of fluorescein in porous silica template. Porous silica membranes are efficient templates for immobilization of optical dyes and represent a promising method to increase sensitivity for small variations in chemical properties. The FTSD represents a device topology suitable for application to long term monitoring of lakes and reservoirs. Unique and important contributions from this work include fabrication of a through-wafer mesoporous silica membrane that has been thoroughly characterized optically using ellipsometry. Mesoporous silica membranes are tested as a porous media in an electro-osmotic pump for generating high pressure capacities due to the nanometer pore sizes of the porous media. Further, dye immobilized mesoporous silica membranes along with macroporous silicon substrates are implemented for continuous pH measurements using fluorescence changes in a flow-through sensing device configuration. This novel integration and demonstration is completely based on silicon and implemented for the first time and can lead to miniaturized flow-through sensing systems based on MEMS technologies.


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The hydrogen ion activity (pH) is a very important parameter in environment monitoring, biomedical research and other applications. Optical pH sensors have several advantages over traditional potentiometric pH measurement, such as high sensitivity, no need of constant calibration, easy for miniaturization and possibility for remote sensing. Several pH indicators has been successfully immobilized in three different solid porous materials to use as pH sensing probes. The fluorescent pH indicator fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate (FITC) was covalently bound onto the internal surface of porous silica (pore size ~10 nm) and retained its pH sensitivity. The excited state pK* a of FITC in porous silica (5.58) was slightly smaller than in solution (5.68) due to the free silanol groups (Si-OH) on the silica surface. The pH sensitive range for this probe is pH 4.5 - 7.0 with an error less than 0.1 pH units. The probe response was reproducible and stable for at least four month, stored in DI water, but exhibit a long equilibrium of up to 100 minutes. Sol-gel based pH sensors were developed with immobilization of two fluorescent pH indicators fluorescein-5-(and-6)-sulfonic acid, trisodium salt (FS) and 8-hydroxypyrene- 1,3,6-trisulfonic acid (HPTS) through physical entrapment. Prior to immobilization, the indicators were ion-paired with a common surfactant hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) in order to prevent leaching. The sol-gel films were synthesized through the hydrolysis of two different precursors, ethyltriethoxysilane (ETEOS) and 3- glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTMS) and deposited on a quartz slide through spin coating. The pK a of the indicators immobilized in sol-gel films was much smaller than in solutions due to silanol groups on the inner surface of the sol-gel films and ammonium groups from the surrounding surfactants. Unlike in solution, the apparent pK a of the indicators in sol-gel films increased with increasing ionic strength. The equilibrium time for these sensors was within 5 minutes (with film thickness of ~470 nm). Polyethylene glycol (PEG) hydrogel was of interest for optical pH sensor development because it is highly proton permeable, transparent and easy to synthesize. pH indicators can be immobilized in hydrogel through physical entrapment and copolymerization. FS and HPTS ion-pairs were physically entrapped in hydrogel matrix synthesized via free radical initiation. For covalent immobilization, three indicators, 6,8-dihydroxypyrene-1,3- disulfonic acid (DHPDS), 2,7-dihydroxynaphthalene-3,6-disulfonic acid (DHNDS) and cresol red were first reacted with methacrylic anhydride (MA) to form methacryloylanalogs for copolymerization. These hydrogels were synthesized in aqueous solution with a redox initiation system. The thickness of the hydrogel film is controlled as ~ 0.5 cm and the porosity can be adjusted with the percentage of polyethylene glycol in the precursor solutions. The pK a of the indicators immobilized in the hydrogel both physically and covalently were higher than in solution due to the medium effect. The sensors are stable and reproducible with a short equilibrium time (less than 4 minutes). In addition, the color change of cresol red immobilized hydrogel is vivid from yellow (acidic condition) to purple (basic condition). Due to covalently binding, cresol red was not leaching out from the hydrogel, making it a good candidate of reusable "pH paper".


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Zein was investigated for use as an oral-drug delivery system by loading prednisolone into zein microparticles using coacervation. To investigate the adaptability of this method to other drugs, zein microparticles were loaded with hydrocortisone, which is structurally related to prednisolone; or mesalazine, which is structurally different having a smaller LogP and ionizable functional groups. Investigations into the in vitro digestibility, and the electrophoretic profile of zein, and zein microparticles were conducted to shed further insight on using this protein as a drug delivery system. Hydrocortisone loading into zein microparticles was comparable with that reported for prednisolone, but mesalazine loading was highly variable. Depending on the starting quantities of hydrocortisone and zein, the average amount of microparticles equivalent to 4 mg hydrocortisone, (a clinically used dose), ranged from 60-115 mg, which is realistic and practical for oral dosing. Comparatively, an average of 2.5 g of microparticles was required to deliver 250 mg of mesalazine (a clinically used dose), so alternate encapsulation methods that can produce higher and more precise mesalazine loading are required. In vitro protein digestibility revealed that zein microparticles were more resistant to digestion compared to the zein raw material, and that individual zein peptides are not preferentially coacervated into the microparticles. In combination, these results suggest that there is potential to formulate a delivery system based on zein microparticles made using specific subunits of zein that is more resistant to digestion as starting material, to deliver drugs to the lower gastrointestinal tract.


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Tetragonal ZrO(2), synthesized by solution combustion technique, was found to be photocatalytically active for the degradation of anionic dyes. The compound was characterized by FT-Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, FT-infrared spectroscopy, UV-vis spectroscopy, BET surface area analysis, and zero point charge pH measurement. A high concentration of surface hydroxyl groups was observed over the catalyst, as confirmed by XPS and FUR. The photocatalytic degradation of orange G, amido black, remazol brilliant blue R, and alizarin cyanine green (ACG) was carried out with this material. The effect of pH, inorganic. salts, and H(2)O(2) on the activity of the catalyst was also studied, and it was found that the catalyst maintained its activity at a wide range of pH and in the presence of inorganic salts. Having established that ZrO(2) was photocatalytically active, mixed oxide catalysts of TiO(2)-ZrO(2) were also tested for the photocatalytic degradation of ACG, and the 50% ZrO(2)-TiO(2) mixed oxides showed activity that was comparable to the activity of TiO(2).


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The Al-pillared clay catalyst obtained by exposing activated clay powder to sulfuric acid and aluminium salts and calcining in air at 373-673 K, was found to be highly active for the title reaction. The results indicated that pillared layer clay of the mixed oxide has been employed as parent catalysts for their definite structure and special properties which can be modified by the substitution of L and B acid sites cations. Solid acid catalyst of Supported aluminium was found to be highly active and selective at the 373-473 K temperature range for heterogeneous esterification. The activity is mainly attributed to the Lewis (and a considerably small number of Bronsted) acid sites whose number and strength increased due to pillaring. The water produced in the esterification can be induced by Al3+, which makes the catalyst surface to form strong B acid. Their acidities are obtained by pH measurement. If only B acid sites are > 70%, and pH < 1 in the 2-ethoxyethanol, there exists an activity of esterification. The used catalyst gave identical results with that of the fresh one. X-ray diffraction spectra show that the composition and active phase of the used catalysts are the same as the fresh ones. The kinetic study of the reaction was carried out by an integral method of analysis. The kinetic equation of surface esterification is y = 2.36x - 0.98.


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Haplotypes linked to the βS gene represent patterns of DNA polymorphisms along chromosome 11 of individuals bearing the βS gene. Analysis of haplotypes, in addition to serving as an important source for anthropological studies about the ethnic origin of a population, contributes to a better understanding of the variations in clinical severity of sickle cell anemia. The aim of the present study was to determine βS gene haplotypes in a group of patients with sickle cell anemia treated at the Dalton Barbosa Cunha Hematology Center (Hemonorte) in Natal, Brazil and the Oncology and Hematology Center in Mossoró, Brazil. Blood samples were obtained from 53 non-related patients (27 males and 26 females), aged between 3 months and 61 years (mean age: 16.9 ± 12.1 years). Laboratory analyses consisted of the following: erythrogram, reticulocyte count, hemoglobin electrophoresis at alkaline pH, measurement of hemoglobin A2 and Fetal hemoglobin, solubility test and molecular analysis to determine βS gene haplotypes. DNA samples were extracted by illustra blood genomicPrep Mini Spin kit and βS gene haplotypes were determined by PCR-RFLP, using Xmn I, Hind III, Hinc II and Hinf I restriction enzymes for analysis of six polymorphic restriction sites in the beta cluster. Of 106 βS chromosomes studied, 75.5% were Central African Republic (CAR) haplotype, 11.3% Benin (BEN) and 6.6% Cameroon (CAM). The atypical haplotypes had a frequency of 6.6%. More than half the patients (58.5%) were identified as CAR/CAR genotype carriers, 16.9% heterozygous CAR/BEN, 13.2% CAR/CAM and 1.9% BEN/BEN. Patients with atypical haplotype in one or two chromosomes accounted for 9.5% (CAR/Atp, BEN/Atp and Atp/Atp). The genotype groups showed no statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) in their laboratory parameters. This is the first study related to βS haplotypes conducted in state of Rio Grande do Norte and the higher frequency of Cameroon halotype found, compared to other Brazilian states, suggests the existence of a peculiarity of African origin


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Improvement of the operational stability of amperometric sensors based on Prussian Blue (PB) modified glassy carbon electrodes is presented. The long term performance of the sensors was evaluated by injection of hydrogen peroxide (5 μM in potassium buffer) solutions in a flow-injection system during a period of 5-10 h. The following parameters were investigated and correlated with the performance of the sensor: the times for electrodeposition and electrochemical activation, temperature, storage time, pH, composition of the buffer solution and of volume sample injected. These analytical characteristics of the modified electrode can be emphasized: initial sensitivity of 0.3 A cm-2 M-1, detection limit of ca. 0.5 μM, precise results (r.s.d.< 1.5%) and possibility to carry out around 50 samples (50 μL) per hour.


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The Brazilian Consensus on Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease considers gastroesophageal reflux disease to be a chronic disorder related to the retrograde flow of gastroduodenal contents into the esophagus and/or adjacent organs, resulting in a variable spectrum of symptoms, with or without tissue damage. Considering the limitations of classifications currently in use, a new classification is proposed that combines three criteria - clinical, endoscopic, and pH-metric - providing a comprehensive and more complete characterization of the disease. The diagnosis begins with the presence of heartburn, acid regurgitation, and alarm manifestations (dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, GI bleeding, nausea and/or vomiting, and family history of cancer). Also, atypical esophageal, pulmonary, otorhinolaryngological, and oral symptoms may occur. Endoscopy is the first approach, particularly in patients over 40 yr of age and in those with alarm symptoms. Other exams are considered in particular cases, such as contrast radiological examination, scyntigraphy, manometry, and prolonged pH measurement. The clinical treatment encompasses behavioral modifications in lifestyle and pharmacological measures. Proton pump inhibitors in manufacturers' recommended doses are indicated, with doubling of the dose in more severe cases of esophagitis. The minimum time of administration is 6 wk. Patients who do not respond to medical treatment, including those with atypical manifestations, should be considered for surgical treatment. Of the complications of gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett's esophagus presents a potential development of adenocarcinoma; biopsies should be performed, independent of Barrett's esophagus extent or location. In this regard the designation short Barrett's is not important in terms of management and prognosis. © 2002 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology.


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Objective. To assess the potential for contamination of wastewaters from pig farming. Methods. Wastewaters from pig farming were stored in a tank. After 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120 days of hydraulic retention, they were added to lysimeters filled with argillaceous, sandy, or medium soil. Finally, these lysimeters were submitted to simulations of either a rainy season or a dry season. The number of colony-forming units (CFUs) of total coliforms, fecal coliforms, and fecal streptococci was measured in the effluents of the storage tank (for the various periods of hydraulic retention), in the percolate from the lysimeters, and in the three types of soil. The microbiological analyses were carried out using the membrane filter technique. The pH analyses were done potentiometrically. Results. For the three microorganisms, the largest decrease in bacterial counts in the storage tanks occurred with 90 or 120 days of retention. There was a marked decrease in the bacterial count in the percolates of the three soils. For the three soil types the greatest reduction in bacterial counts was found in medium soil, due to its acidity (pH < 7.0). Hydraulic retention was not sufficient to ensure the sanitary adequacy of the wastewaters and their use for irrigation, given that fecal coliform values were above 1 000 CFU per 100 mL. Therefore, adding the residues to the soil was considered a second stage of treatment. Conclusions. The retention of wastewaters followed by adding them to soil was effective in minimizing the contaminating effect of pig farming residues. The storage time for wastewaters from pig farming could be decreased from 120 to 90 days.


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Studies on firefly (Lampyridae) luciferases have focused on nearctic species of Photinus and Photuris and Euroasiatic species of Lampyris, Luciola, Hotaria, and Pyrocoelia. Despite accounting for the greatest diversity of fireflies in the world, no molecular studies have been carried out on the highly diverse genera from the neotropical region. Here we report the luciferase cDNA cloning for the larva of the Brazilian firefly Cratomorphus distinctus. The cDNA has 1978 bp and codes for a 547-residue-long polypeptide. Noteworthy, sequence comparison as well as functional properties show the highest degree of similarity with Lampyris noctiluca (93%) and Pyrocoelia spp. (91%) luciferases, suggesting a close phylogenetic relationship despite the geographical distance separating these species. The bioluminescence emission spectrum peaks at 550 nm and, as expected, is sensitive to pH, shifting to 605 nm at pH 6. The kinetic properties of the recombinant luciferase were similar to those of other firefly luciferases. © 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.