972 resultados para pH Electrode
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Although plant growth is often limited at high pH, little is known about root-induced changes in the rhizospheres of plants growing in alkaline soils. The effect of Mn deficiency in Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana cv. Pioneer) and of legume inoculation in lucerne (Medicago sativa L. cv. Hunter River), on the rhizosphere pH of plants grown in highly alkaline bauxite residue was investigated. Rhizosphere pH was measured quantitatively, with a micro pH electrode, and qualitatively, with an agar/pH indicator solution. Manganese deficiency in Rhodes grass increased root-induced acidification of the rhizosphere in a soil profile in which N was supplied entirely as NO3-. Rhizosphere pH in the Mn deficient plants was up to 1.22 pH units lower than that of the bulk soil, while only 0.90 to 0.62 pH units lower in plants supplied with adequate Mn. When soil N was supplied entirely as NO3-, rhizosphere acidification was more efficient in inoculated lucerne (1.75 pH unit decrease) than in non-inoculated lucerne (1.16 pH unit decrease). This difference in capacity to lower rhizosphere pH is attributable to the ability of the inoculated lucerne to fix atmospheric N2 rather than relying on the soil N (NO3 ) reserves as the non-inoculated plants. Rhizosphere acidification in both Rhodes grass and lucerne was greatest in the meristematic root zone and least in the maturation root zone.
The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2,5-dimercapto-1,3,4-thiadiazole (DTTPSG-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to +0.8 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; nu=20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.0 V and other at 0.31 V. However, the cathodic wave peak, around 0.0 V, is irregular and changes its form in each cycle. This peak at about 0.0 V is the reduction current for mercury(II) accumulated in the DTTPSG-CPE. The anodic wave peak at 0.31 V is well-defined and does not change during the cycles. The resultant material was characterized by cyclic and differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry performed with the electrode in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n=6) of 0.05 and 0.20 mg (L)-(1) Hg(II) was 2.8 and 2.2% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The method was satisfactory and used to determine the concentration of mercury(II) in natural waters contaminated by this metal.
This paperwork presents the complete circuitry used to build a microcontroller-based pH-meter. Key control software is also discussed. An industry-standard glass combination electrode has been employed for pH detection. Electrode parameter extraction procedure is presented. Good measurement results, with 1 % error, have been attained. Copyright© (2006) by the International Measurement Federation (IMEKO).
Organo-clay complex of ligand-hexadecyltrimethylammonium with montmorillonite was made for the purpose of application as a preconcentration agent in a chemically modified carbon paste electrode for determination of mercury (II) in aqueous solution. It was found out that the adsorption of Hg(II) by organo-clay complex is independent of the pH of the solution. It was also found out that the adsorption of the remaining metals Cd(II), Ps(II), Cu(II), Zn(II), and Ni(II) was dependent on the changes in pH solutions and increased when it varies from 1 to 8. The resultant material was characterized by cyclic and differential pulse anodic voltammetry using a modified graphite paste electrode in different supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, possible interferences and other variables.
A montmorillonite from Wyoming-USA was used to prepare an organo-clay complex, named 2-thiazoline-2-thiol-hexadecyltrimethylammonium-clay (TZT-HDTA-clay), for the purpose of the selective adsorption of the heavy metals ions and possible use as a chemically modified carbon paste electrode (CMCPE). Adsorption isotherms of Hg 2+, Pb 2+, Cd 2+, Cu 2+, and Zn 2+ from aqueous solutions as a function of the pH were studied at 298 K. Conditions for quantitative retention and elution were established for each metal by batch and column methods. The organo-clay complex was very selective to Hg(II) in aqueous solution in which other metals and ions were also present. The accumulation voltammetry of Hg(II) was studied at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with this material. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to the pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. A carbon paste electrode modified by TZT-HDTA-clay showed two peaks: one cathodic peak at about 0.0 V and an anodic peak at 0.25 V, scanning the potential from -0.2 to 0.8 V (0.05 M KNO 3 vs. Ag/AgCl). The anodic peak at 0.25 V presents excellent selectivity for Hg(II) ions in the presence of foreign ions. The detection limit was estimated as 0.1 μg L -1. The precision of determination was satisfactory for the respective concentration level. 2005 © The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.
In the United States, rumenocentesis has been recommended especially for early diagnosis of subacute rumen acidosis (SARA). The objective of the current study was to evaluate health risks due to the technique ofrumenocentesis and to measure pH in ruminal juice using a commercial indicator paper (Pehanon) and a pH electrode (reference method). After 11 dairy cows underwent rumenocentesis, the clinical status of those animals was evaluated daily, and cows were slaughtered as well as pathologically--anatomically examined on day 7. During the observation period, the following pathological clinical signs were evident: forced inspiration (3 cows), transient episode of hyperthermia (2 cows), increased tension of the abdominal wall (8 cows) and positive foreign body tests (3 cows). One cow had to be culled on day 7 because of severe generalised septic peritonitis spreading from the site of rumenocentesis. At slaughter, hematoma formation in the area of the puncture site was found in 9 out of 10 cows. It was concluded that the severe complications encountered with this technique do not legitimate rumenocentesis as a routine procedure for collection of rumen juice samples in cows under Swiss conditions. The correlation between the pH reference method and the commercial indicator paper was the high (r = 0.926).
Ocean acidification (OA) is the reduction in seawater pH due to the absorption of human-released CO2 by the world's oceans. The average surface oceanic pH is predicted to decline by 0.4 units by 2100. However, kelp metabolically modifies seawater pH via photosynthesis and respiration in some temperate coastal systems, resulting in daily pH fluctuations of up to ±0.45 units. It is unknown how these fluctuations in pH influence the growth and physiology of the kelp, or how this might change with OA. In laboratory experiments that mimicked the most extreme pH fluctuations measured within beds of the canopy-forming kelp Ecklonia radiata in Tasmania, the growth and photosynthetic rates of juvenile E. radiata were greater under fluctuating pH (8.4 in the day, 7.8 at night) than in static pH treatments (8.4, 8.1, 7.8). However, pH fluctuations had no effect on growth rates and a negative effect on photosynthesis when the mean pH of each treatment was reduced by 0.3 units. Currently, pH fluctuations have a positive effect on E. radiata but this effect could be reversed in the future under OA, which is likely to impact the future ecological dynamics and productivity of habitats dominated by E. radiata.
The construction of a tubular hydrogen ion-selective potentiometric electrode without inner reference solution, based on the tridodecylamine (TDDA) ionophore, and its evaluation in a flow system are described. TDDA was dissolved in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether, dispersed in a PVC membrane and applied directly to a conducting support which consisted of an epoxy resin and graphite mixture. The electrode was designed with a tubular geometry to effort facilities to be coupled as part of a flow injection network. The main working characteristics such as response time, linear pH range, selectivity and life time were evaluated and compared with those obtained which a conventionally shaped electrode based on the same sensor. The electrode showed a slope of 51-52 mV dec-1 within a linear pH range from 4.0 up to 12.0.
Electrocoagulation/flotation process was applied to treat biodiesel wastewater using aluminium electrodes. Firstly, a literature survey was conducted to choose the process variables and then, operational parameters including initial pH, electrode distance and reaction time were tested. Experimental results showed the best parameter that can be used in a factorial design for further studies. The results indicate that electrocoagulation/flotation is very efficient to reduce oil and grease, the effluent was very clear after treatment and small amount of sludge was produced.
A simple, precise, rapid and low-cost potentiometric method for captopril determination in pure form and in pharmaceutical preparations is proposed. Captopril present in tablets containing known quantity of drug was potentiometrically titrated in aqueous solution with NaOH using a glass pH electrode, coupled to an autotitrator. No interferences were observed in the presence of common components of the tablets as lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, starch and magnesium stearate. The analytical results obtained by applying the proposed method compared very favorably with those obtained by the United States Pharmacopoeia Standard procedure. Recovery of captopril from various tablet dosage formulations range from 98.0 to 102.0%.
Glass is a unique material with a long history. Several glass products are used daily in our everyday life, often unnoticed. Glass can be found not only in obvious applications such as tableware, windows, and light bulbs, but also in tennis rackets, windmill turbine blades, optical devices, and medical implants. The glasses used at present as implants are inorganic silica-based melt-derived compositions mainly for hard-tissue repair as bone graft substitute in dentistry and orthopedics. The degree of glass reactivity desired varies according to implantation situation and it is vital that the ion release from any glasses used in medical applications is controlled. Understanding the in vitro dissolution rate of glasses provides a first approximation of their behavior in vivo. Specific studies concerning dissolution properties of bioactive glasses have been relatively scarce and mostly concentrated to static condition studies. The motivation behind this work was to develop a simple and accurate method for quantifying the in vitro dissolution rate of highly different types of glass compositions with interest for future clinical applications. By combining information from various experimental conditions, a better knowledge of glass dissolution and the suitability of different glasses for different medical applications can be obtained. Thus, two traditional and one novel approach were utilized in this thesis to study glass dissolution. The chemical durability of silicate glasses was tested in water and TRIS-buffered solution at static and dynamic conditions. The traditional in vitro testing with a TRISbuffered solution under static conditions works well with bioactive or with readily dissolving glasses, and it is easy to follow the ion dissolution reactions. However, in the buffered solution no marked differences between the more durable glasses were observed. The hydrolytic resistance of the glasses was studied using the standard procedure ISO 719. The relative scale given by the standard failed to provide any relevant information when bioactive glasses were studied. However, the clear differences in the hydrolytic resistance values imply that the method could be used as a rapid test to get an overall idea of the biodegradability of glasses. The standard method combined with the ion concentration and pH measurements gives a better estimate of the hydrolytic resistance because of the high silicon amount released from a glass. A sensitive on-line analysis method utilizing inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer and a flow-through micro-volume pH electrode was developed to study the initial dissolution of biocompatible glasses. This approach was found suitable for compositions within a large range of chemical durability. With this approach, the initial dissolution of all ions could be measured simultaneously and quantitatively, which gave a good overall idea of the initial dissolution rates for the individual ions and the dissolution mechanism. These types of results with glass dissolution were presented for the first time during the course of writing this thesis. Based on the initial dissolution patterns obtained with the novel approach using TRIS, the experimental glasses could be divided into four distinct categories. The initial dissolution patterns of glasses correlated well with the anticipated bioactivity. Moreover, the normalized surface-specific mass loss rates and the different in vivo models and the actual in vivo data correlated well. The results suggest that this type of approach can be used for prescreening the suitability of novel glass compositions for future clinical applications. Furthermore, the results shed light on the possible bioactivity of glasses. An additional goal in this thesis was to gain insight into the phase changes occurring during various heat treatments of glasses with three selected compositions. Engineering-type T-T-T curves for glasses 1-98 and 13-93 were stablished. The information gained is essential in manufacturing amorphous porous implants or for drawing of continuous fibers of the glasses. Although both glasses can be hot worked to amorphous products at carefully controlled conditions, 1-98 showed one magnitude greater nucleation and crystal growth rate than 13-93. Thus, 13-93 is better suited than 1-98 for working processes which require long residence times at high temperatures. It was also shown that amorphous and partially crystalline porous implants can be sintered from bioactive glass S53P4. Surface crystallization of S53P4, forming Na2O∙CaO∙2SiO2, was observed to start at 650°C. The secondary crystals of Na2Ca4(PO4)2SiO4, reported for the first time in this thesis, were detected at higher temperatures, from 850°C to 1000°C. The crystal phases formed affected the dissolution behavior of the implants in simulated body fluid. This study opens up new possibilities for using S53P4 to manufacture various structures, while tailoring their bioactivity by controlling the proportions of the different phases. The results obtained in this thesis give valuable additional information and tools to the state of the art for designing glasses with respect to future clinical applications. With the knowledge gained we can identify different dissolution patters and use this information to improve the tuning of glass compositions. In addition, the novel online analysis approach provides an excellent opportunity to further enhance our knowledge of glass behavior in simulated body conditions.
2-Aminothiazole covalently attached to a silica gel surface was prepared in order to obtain an adsorbent for Hg(II) ions having the following characteristics: good sorption capacity, chemical stability under conditions of use, and, especially, high selectivity. The accumulation voltammetry of mercury(II) was investigated at a carbon paste electrode chemically modified with silica gel functionalized with 2-aminothiazole (SIAMT-CPE). The repetitive cyclic voltammogram of mercury(II) solution in the potential range -0.2 to + 0.6 V versus Ag/AgCl (0.02 mol L-1 KNO3; V = 20 mV s(-1)) show two peaks one at about 0.1 V and other at 0.205 V. The anodic wave peak at 0.205 V is well defined and does not change during the cycles and it was therefore further investigated for analytical purposes using differential pulse anodic stripping voltammetry in differents supporting electrolytes. The mercury response was evaluated with respect to pH, electrode composition, preconcentration time, mercury concentration, cleaning solution, possible interferences and other variables. The precision for six determinations (n = 6) of 0.02 and 0.20 mg L-1 Hg(II) was 4.1 and 3.5% (relative standard deviation), respectively. The detection limit was estimated as 0.10 mu g L-1 mercury(II) by means of 3:1 current-to-noise ratio in connection with the optimization of the various parameters involved and using the highest-possible analyser sensitivity. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)