22 resultados para p80


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Le virus du papillome humain (VPH) est l’agent étiologique du cancer du col utérin, ainsi que d’autre néoplasies anogénitales et des voies aérodigestives supérieures. La réplication de son génome d’ADN double brin est assurée par les protéines virales E1 et E2, de concert avec la machinerie cellulaire de réplication. E1 assure le déroulement de l’ADN en aval de la fourche de réplication, grâce à son activité hélicase, et orchestre la duplication du génome viral. Nos travaux antérieurs ont démontré que le domaine N-terminal de E1 contient un motif de liaison à la protéine cellulaire p80/UAF1 qui est hautement conservé chez tous les VPH anogénitaux. L’intégrité de ce motif est essentielle au maintien de l’épisome viral. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont d’abord déterminé que le motif de liaison à UAF1 n’est pas requis pour l’assemblage du pré-réplisome viral, mais important pour la réplication subséquente de l’ADN du VPH. Nous avons constaté qu’en présence de E1 et E2, UAF1 est relocalisé dans des foyers nucléaires typiques de sites de réplication du virus et qu’en outre, UAF1 s’associe physiquement à l’origine de réplication du VPH. Nous avons aussi déterminé que l’inhibition du recrutement de UAF1 par la surexpression d’un peptide dérivé de E1 (N40) contenant le motif de liaison à UAF1 réduit la réplication de l’ADN viral. Cette observation soutient le modèle selon lequel UAF1 est relocalisé par E1 au réplisome pour promouvoir la réplication de l’ADN viral. UAF1 est une protéine à domaine WD40 n’encodant aucune activité enzymatique et présumée exploiter des interactions protéine-protéine pour accomplir sa fonction. Nous avons donc investigué les protéines associées à UAF1 dans des cellules du col utérin et avons détecté des interactions avec les enzymes de déubiquitination USP1, USP12 et USP46, ainsi qu’avec la phosphatase PHLPP1. Nous avons établi que E1 forme un complexe ternaire avec UAF1 et n’importe laquelle des USP associés : USP1, USP12 ou USP46. Ces USP sont relocalisés au noyau par E1 et s’associent à l’ADN viral. De plus, l’activité enzymatique des USP est essentielle à la réplication optimale du génome viral. Au contraire, PHLPP1 ne forme pas de complexe avec E1, puisque leurs interactions respectives avec UAF1 sont mutuellement exclusives. PHLPP1 contient un peptide de liaison à UAF1 homologue à celui de E1. Ce peptide dérivé de PHLPP1 (P1) interagit avec le complexe UAF1-USP et, similairement au peptide N40, antagonise l’interaction E1-UAF1. Incidemment, la surexpression du peptide P1 inhibe la réplication de l’ADN viral. La génération de protéines chimériques entre P1 et des variants de E1 (E1Δ) défectifs pour l’interaction avec UAF1 restaure la capacité de E1Δ à interagir avec UAF1 et USP46, ainsi qu’à relocaliser UAF1 dans les foyers nucléaires contenant E1 et E2. Ce recrutement artificiel de UAF1 et des USP promeut la réplication de l’ADN viral, un phénotype dépendant de l’activité déubiquitinase du complexe. Globalement, nos travaux suggèrent que la protéine E1 du VPH interagit avec UAF1 afin de recruter au réplisome un complexe de déubiquitination dont l’activité est importante pour la réplication de l’ADN viral.


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We have molecularly cloned a cDNA encoding a protein uniquely expressed and hyperphosphorylated at tyrosine residues in a Ki-1 lymphoma cell that contained chromosomal translocation t(2;5). The encoded protein p80 was shown to be generated by fusion of a protein-tyrosine kinase and a nucleolar protein B23/nucleophosmin (NPM). The coding sequence of this cDNA turned out to be virtually identical to that of the fusion cDNA for NPM-anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) previously cloned from the transcript of the gene at the breakpoint of the same translocation. Overexpression of p80 in NIH 3T3 cells induced neoplastic transformation, suggesting that the p80 kinase is aberrantly activated. The normal form of p80 was predicted to be a receptor-type tyrosine kinase on the basis of its sequence similarity to the insulin receptor family of kinases. However, an immunofluorescence study using COS cells revealed that p80 was localized to the cytoplasm. Thus, subcellular translocation and activation of the tyrosine kinase presumably by its structural alteration would cause the malignant transformation. We also showed that a mutant p80 lacking the NPM portion was unable to transform NIH 3T3 cells. Thus, the NPM sequence is essential for the transforming activity, suggesting that the chromosomal translocation is responsible for the oncogenesis. Finally, Shc and insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) were tyrosine-phosphorylated and bound to p80 in p80-transformed cells. However, mutants of p80 that were defective for binding to and phosphorylation of Shc and insulin receptor substrate 1 could transform NIH 3T3 cells. Association of these mutants with GRB2 was still observed, suggesting that interaction of p80 with GRB2 but not with Shc or IRS-1 was relevant for cell transformation.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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A direct transform technique is applied to the initial and boundary value problem involving diffraction of a cylindrical pulse by a half plane, on which impedance type of boundary conditions must be met by the total field. The solution to the time harmonic incident plane wave is deduced as a particular case of the general time-dependent problem considered here and we avoid the Wiener–Hopf technique which leads to very complicated factorization and which masks the role of the impedance factor Z′ (a small quantity) in the expression for the scattered field.


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Interleukin-12 (IL-12), p80, and IL-23 are structurally related cytokines sharing a p40 subunit. We have recently demonstrated that celecoxib and its COX-2-independent analogue 4-trifluoromethyl-celecoxib (TFM-C) inhibit secretion but not transcription of IL-12 (p35/p40) and p80 (p40/p40). This is associated with a mechanism involving altered cytokine-chaperone interaction in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In the present study, we found that celecoxib and TFM-C also block secretion of IL-23 (p40/p19 heterodimers). Given the putative ER-centric mode of these compounds, we performed a comprehensive RTPCR analysis of 23 ER-resident chaperones/foldases and associated co-factors. This revealed that TFM-C induced 1.5-3-fold transcriptional up-regulation of calreticulin, GRP78, GRP94, GRP170, ERp72, ERp57, ERdj4, and ERp29. However, more significantly, a 7-fold up-regulation of homocysteine-inducible ER protein (HERP) was observed. HERP is part of a high molecular mass protein complex involved in ER-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Using co-immunoprecipitation assays, we show that TFM-C induces protein interaction of p80 and IL-23 with HERP. Both HERP siRNA knockdown and HERP overexpression coupled to cycloheximide chase assays revealed that HERP is necessary for degradation of intracellularly retained p80 by TFM-C. Thus, our data suggest that targeting cytokine folding in the ER by small molecule drugs could be therapeutically exploited to alleviate in appropriate inflammation in autoimmune conditions.


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Objetivo: Evaluar la percepción que tienen los trabajadores acerca del sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en la población asistencial y administrativa en un Hospital de III nivel de atención., Bogotá-Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de corte transversal en población de trabajadores asistenciales y administrativos. Se aplicó el “Cuestionario Nórdico Sobre Seguridad en el Trabajo NOSACQ 50 Spanish” validado. La muestra fue probabilística estratificada aleatoria, en 308 trabajadores (230 asistenciales y 78 administrativos). Resultados: El promedio de edad fue 39.5± 12 años, con mayor frecuencia de género femenino (74.68%), estado civil soltero (38.96%) y nivel educativo técnico (34.40%). La percepción que tienen los trabajadores acerca del sistema de seguridad y salud en el trabajo fue independiente de su tipo de actividad laboral administrativa y asistencial (p>0.05), la mayor percepción en ambos grupos fue la confianza de los trabajadores en la eficacia del sistema de seguridad (2.71 y 2.77), y las de menor percepción presentaron el empoderamiento de seguridad de gestión (2.35 y 2.46) y la seguridad como prioridad de los empleados y rechazo del riesgo (2.35 y 2.40). Conclusiones: Los trabajadores del Hospital tienen un nivel adecuado de buena percepción acerca de los aspectos de seguridad y salud en el trabajo donde se evidenció que la fortaleza es la confianza de los trabajadores en la eficacia del sistema y la debilidad del sistema se encuentra en la falta de empoderamiento y rechazo al riesgo.


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Suppression of depolarizing postsynaptic potentials and isolated GABA-A receptor-mediated fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials by the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, oxotremorine-M (10 microM), was investigated in adult and immature (P14-P30) rat piriform cortical (PC) slices using intracellular recording. Depolarizing postsynaptic potentials evoked by layers II-III stimulation underwent concentration-dependent inhibition in oxotremorine-M that was most likely presynaptic and M2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated in immature, but M1-mediated in adult (P40-P80) slices; percentage inhibition was smaller in immature than in adult piriform cortex. In contrast, compared with adults, layer Ia-evoked depolarizing postsynaptic potentials in immature piriform cortex slices in oxotremorine-M, showed a prolonged multiphasic depolarization with superimposed fast transients and spikes, and an increased 'all-or-nothing' character. Isolated N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor-mediated layer Ia depolarizing postsynaptic potentials (although significantly larger in immature slices) were however, unaffected by oxotremorine-M, but blocked by dl-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid. Fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials evoked by layer Ib or layers II-III-fiber stimulation in immature slices were significantly smaller than in adults, despite similar estimated mean reversal potentials ( approximately -69 and -70 mV respectively). In oxotremorine-M, only layer Ib-fast inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were suppressed; suppression was again most likely presynaptic M2-mediated in immature slices, but M1-mediated in adults. The degree of fast inhibitory postsynaptic potential suppression was however, greater in immature than in adult piriform cortex. Our results demonstrate some important physiological and pharmacological differences between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic systems in adult and immature piriform cortex that could contribute toward the increased susceptibility of this region to muscarinic agonist-induced epileptiform activity in immature brain slices.


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The derivative of the voltabsommetric scans, together with previous nano-electrogravimetric and X-ray diffraction results, allow different electrochemical processes to be distinguished during the Prussian blue (PB) voltammetric scan. Potassium, proton, and hydrated proton counterions involved in PB electrochemistry are related here to the electrochemical reactions of specific Fe sites. Potassium counterions show two different sites for their insertion: one located in the crystalline framework and another in ferrocyanide vacancies. From the monitoring of electroactive Fe sites, the covalent-exchange model is suggested as one of the first approaches to explain the origin of the PB magnetic ordering observed at room temperature during voltammetric scanning.


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The process of sanding wood is little known and industries use it in a practical way without having studied their best conditions before. There are few studies involving this type of machining. On this basis, this paper studied the effects of varying moisture content of the wood surface quality after the sanding process. It was used a sanding machine with flat horizontal cut parallel to the fibers, using: 02 different species (Pinus elliottii and Corymbia citriodora); 01 sanding abrasive (aluminum oxide) and 03 different particle size abrasives ( P80 , P100 and P120 ) . Initially, the pieces were acclimatized ( 2 ± 7% , 12% and 17% ± 2 ± 2 ) and subsequently passed by the sanding process, and therefore, the surface roughness was analyzed. For each condition, were performed 06 repetitions totaling 54 trials for each species. We analyzed the effects of wood moisture by capturing the power sanding, rougheness, acoustic emission and maximum temperature during the sanding process. The variation of moisture content produced changes in the surface quality of the finished parts, and these changes were more marked in Pinus than Corymbia. During the sanding process of the specimens with 7 % and 12 % humidity, there was a lower noise emission, power consumption and heating surface. When checking the roughness of these parts after this process, it was observed that the surface quality of them were superior in the parts sanded containing 17 % moisture


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This article discusses data obtained through a qualitative study carried out from 2012 to 2013, the aim of which was to investigate the knowledge of teachers and managers of Early Childhood Education regarding laws and documents published in Brazil since 1980, geared towards this stage of Basic Education. The results suggest that subjects have a knowledge of the laws and documents relating to Early Childhood Education, but that there are major gaps that could affect their practices in nurseries and pre-schools, and the construction of their professional identities


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Two murine leukemia viruses (MuLVs), Rauscher (R-MuLV) and Moloney (Mo-MuLV) MuLVs, were studied to identify the biosynthetic pathways leading to the generation of mature virion proteins. Emphasis was placed on the examination of the clone 1 Mo-MuLV infected cell system.^ At least three genetic loci vital to virion replication exist on the MuLV genome. The 'gag' gene encodes information for the virion core proteins. The 'pol' gene specifies information for the RNA-dependent-DNA-polymerase (pol), or reverse transcriptase (RT). The 'env' gene contains information for the virion envelope proteins.^ MuLV specified proteins were synthesized by way of precursor polyproteins, which were processed to yield mature virion proteins. Pulse-chase kinetic studies, radioimmunoprecipitation, and peptide mapping were the techniques used to identify and characterize the MuLV viral precursor polyproteins and mature virion proteins.^ The 'gag' gene of Mo-MuLV coded for two primary gene products. One 'gag' gene product was found to be a polyprotein of 65,000 daltons M(,r) (Pr65('gag)). Pr65('gag) contained the antigenic and structural determinants of all four viral core proteins--p30, p15, pp12 and p10. Pr65('gag) was the major intracellular precursor polyprotein in the generation of mature viral core proteins. The second 'gag' gene product was a glycosylated gene product (gPr('gag)). An 85,000 dalton M(,r) polyprotein (gPr85('gag)) and an 80,000 dalton M(,r) (gPr80('gag)) polyprotein were the products of the 'gag' genes of Mo-MuLV and R-MuLV, respectively. gPr('gag) contained the antigenic and structural determinants of the four virion core proteins. In addition, gPr('gag) contained peptide information over and above that of Pr65('gag). Pulse-chase kinetic studies in the presence of tunicamycin revealed a separate processing pathway of gPr('gag) that did not seem to involve the generation of mature virion core proteins. Subglycosylated gPr('gag) was found to have a molecular weight of 75,000 daltons (Pr75('gag)) for both Mo-MuLV and R-MuLV.^ The Mo-MuLV 'pol' gene product was initially synthesized as a read-through 'gag-pol' intracellular polyprotein containing both antigenic and structural determinants of both the 'gag' and 'pol' genes. This read-through polyprotein was found to be a closely spaced doublet of two similarly sized proteins at 220-200,000 daltons M(,r) (Pr220/200('gag-pol)). Pulse-chase kinetic studies revealed processing of Pr220/200('gag-pol) to unstable intermediate intracellular proteins of 145,000 (Pr145('pol)), 135,000 (Pr135('pol)), and 125,000 (Pr125('pol)) daltons M(,r). Further chase incubations demonstrated the appearance of an 80,000 dalton M(,r) protein, which represented the mature polymerase (p80('pol)).^ The primary intracellular Mo-MuLV 'env' gene product was found to be a glycosylated polyprotein of 83,000 daltons M(,r) (gPr83('env)). gPr83('env) contained the antigenic and structural determinants of both mature virion envelope proteins, gp70 and p15E. In addition, gPr83('env) contained unique peptide sequences not present in either gp70 or p15E. The subglycosylated form of gPr83('env) had a molecular weight of 62,000 daltons (Pr62('env)).^ Virion core proteins of R-MuLV and Mo-MuLV were examined. Structural homology was observed betwen p30s and p10s. Significant structural non-homology was demonstrated between p15s and pp12s. ^


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Telomerase, a ribonucleoprotein complex, adds hexameric repeats called “telomeres” to the growing ends of chromosomal DNA. Characterization of mammalian telomerase has been elusive because of its low level of expression. We describe a bioinformatics approach to enrich and characterize the human telomerase complex. Using local sequence homology search methods, we detected similarity of the Tetrahymena p80 subunit of telomerase with the autoantigen Ro60. Antibodies to Ro60 immunoprecipitated the telomerase activity. Ro60 and p80 proteins were cross-recognizable by antibodies to either protein. Telomerase activity and the RNA component of telomerase complex were localized to a doublet in a native gel from the Ro60 antibody-precipitated material. The enriched material showed specific binding to a TTA GGG probe in vitro in an RNA template-dependent manner. Polyclonal antibodies to the doublet also immunoprecipitated the telomerase activity. These results suggest an evolutionary conservation of the telomerase proteins.


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We have previously developed a novel technique for isolation of cDNAs encoding M phase phosphoproteins (MPPs). In the work described herein, we further characterize MPP10, one of 10 novel proteins that we identified, with regard to its potential nucleolar function. We show that by cell fractionation, almost all MPP10 was found in isolated nucleoli. By immunofluorescence, MPP10 colocalized with nucleolar fibrillarin and other known nucleolar proteins in interphase cells but was not detected in the coiled bodies stained for either fibrillarin or p80 coilin, a protein found only in the coiled body. When nucleoli were separated into fibrillar and granular domains by treatment with actinomycin D, almost all the MPP10 was found in the fibrillar caps, which contain proteins involved in rRNA processing. In early to middle M phase of the cell cycle, MPP10 colocalized with fibrillarin to chromosome surfaces. At telophase, MPP10 was found in cellular structures that resembled nucleolus-derived bodies and prenucleolar bodies. Some of these bodies lacked fibrillarin, a previously described component of nucleolus-derived bodies and prenucleolar bodies, however, and the bulk of MPP10 arrived at the nucleolus later than fibrillarin. To further examine the properties of MPP10, we immunoprecipitated it from cell sonicates. The resulting precipitates contained U3 small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA) but no significant amounts of other box C/D snoRNAs. This association of MPP10 with U3 snoRNA was stable to 400 mM salt and suggested that MPP10 is a component of the human U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein.