4 resultados para overparenting


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Is there a point where parental effort can be too much? While the link between parenting effort and the wellbeing of children has been firmly established, contemporary discussion has proposed that extreme levels of parental protection of and responsiveness to children could be counterproductive. Research has not yet addressed this phenomenon to ascertain if overparenting is a genuinely different type of parenting approach. The purpose of the present study was to gain insight into the parenting actions considered by parenting professionals (psychologists and school guidance counsellors) to be overparenting. One hundred and twenty-eight professionals responded to an online survey about their observations of overparenting, with eighty-six respondents providing lists of the types of actions they believed were behavioural examples of the term. The survey data revealed that certain types of actions were considered to be indicative of overparenting, and that particular beliefs and outcomes may be involved in this parenting approach. Implications for parenting advice and education programs, and further research are discussed.


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This project investigated the concept of overparenting, parenting which over uses valued parenting practices, such as protection and care for offspring. It established a clearer definition of overparenting as related to school-aged children, created a measure of overparenting, and showed that overparenting actions/beliefs to do with homework may impact on a child/adolescent's sense of responsibility for their academic achievements. Previously, most parenting research and education focussed on parenting approaches which deliver insufficient effort for children. This project showed that excessive responsiveness or assistance may also be detrimental.


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A high level of parental involvement is widely considered to be essential for optimal child and adolescent development and wellbeing, including academic success. However, recent consideration has been given to the idea that extremely high levels of parental involvement (often called ‘overparenting’ or ‘helicopter parenting’) might not be beneficial. This study used a newly created overparenting measure, the Locke Parenting Scale (LPS), to investigate the association of overparenting and children’s homework. Eight hundred and sixty-six parents completed online questionnaires about their parenting beliefs and intentions, and their attitudes associated with their child’s homework. Parents with higher LPS scores tended to take more personal responsibility for the completion of their child’s homework than did other parents, and ascribed greater responsibility for homework completion to their child’s teacher. However, increased perceived responsibility by parents and teachers was not accompanied by a commensurate reduction in what they perceived was the child’s responsibility. Future research should examine whether extreme parental attitudes and reported behaviours translate to validated changes in actual homework support.


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Les livres et programmes sur la petite-enfance se multiplient et, de plus en plus, l’accent est mis autant par les experts que l’État sur les premières années de la vie de l’enfant. Le regard semble davantage posé sur les compétences des parents pour privilégier le développement cognitif et moteur de leur progéniture, avec l’objectif de pouvoir éviter à cette dernière des trajectoires considérées comme « déviantes ». Ce regard atteint cependant différemment les parents d’une même société. Alors qu’il s’adresse à un groupe restreint de parents ne stimulant peut-être pas assez leurs enfants de la manière promulguée par l’État, certains auteurs mettent de l’avant une tendance d’autres parents à surstimuler leur enfant (Corwin, 2006; Guthrie et Matthews, 2002; Duclos, 2006; Proulx, 2004; Elkind, 1983; Honoré, 2008; Rosenfeld et Wise, 2000). Pour d’autres encore, cette injonction de « produire » un enfant « compétent » s’ajoute à des stress déjà présents tels que la pauvreté ou la pression au travail. La tendance à surstimuler, surprogrammer ou surautonomiser les enfants dans le but de « produire » des enfants « compétents » est qualifiée d’hyper-parentage, de parentage excessif ou de surparentage et n’est pas sans rappeler la course à la performance étudiée pour les adultes par Ehrenberg (2001[1991]) ou de Gaulejac (2005). En suivant ce dernier auteur ou Perrenoud (2008), pour qui la tendance à gérer la famille comme une entreprise proviendrait d’une « contagion » du monde du travail, cette recherche porte sur le lien entre la manière dont les parents envisagent le cheminement de leur enfant et leur propre expérience de travail, en comparaison avec les discours des experts et de l’État.