31 resultados para osteopathy
Reduced bone mineral density (BMD) is frequently found in individuals with untreated celiac disease (CD), possibly due to calcium and vitamin D malabsorption, release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, and misbalanced bone remodeling. A gluten-free diet (GFD) promotes a rapid increase in BMD that leads to complete recovery of bone mineralization in children. Children may attain normal peak bone mass if the diagnosis is made and treatment is given before puberty, thereby preventing osteoporosis in later life. A GFD improves, but rarely normalizes, BMD in patients diagnosed with CD in adulthood. In some cases, nutritional supplementation may be necessary. More information on therapeutic alternatives is needed
A 6-year-old male, Belgian shepherd dog was presented with lethargy, oliguria, hematuria, and reluctance to move. The dog developed hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to renal pelvis transitional cell carcinoma. A nephrectomy was performed and after a year, the dog was completely asymptomatic, and no evidence of metastatic disease was present.
Background: Most of the primary pulmonary tumors in dogs are malignant and from epithelial origin, being bronchioalveolar tumors more prevalent. Adenocarcinoma of clear cells, however, is a very rare pulmonary tumor and its origin is still unknown. It is related to several clinical abnormalities, including hypertrophic osteopathy, an unusual paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by a periosteal reaction along the shaft of long bones. Because of the unusual presentation of the pulmonary adenocarcinoma, the aim of this study was to describe the radiographic, histopathological, and immunohistochemical fi ndings of a dog affl icted with hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to an undifferentiated pulmonary adenocarcinoma of clear cells. Case: A 12-year-old, 45 kg, not castrated male Great Dane dog was presented with painful swelling of all four limbs and moderate respiratory distress. Radiographic examination and computed tomography of the limbs showed palisade-like periosteal bone proliferation involving radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia, fi bula, tarsus, metacarpal, metatarsal and digits, suggesting hypertrophic osteopathy. Radiographic examination and computed tomography of the lungs also showed a round mass well delimited localized in the right diaphragmatic lobe. A lobectomy of the right diaphragmatic lobe and partial lobectomy of accessory lobe were performed. A poorly differentiated clear squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed by histological examination. An immune-panel of CK5/CK6, CK7, p63 and TTF-1 was used for immunophenotyping. Immunostaining was weakly positive for CK5/CK6 and negative to all others. Therefore, the diagnosis was poorly differentiated clear cell adenocarcinoma. The dog showed improvement in clinical signs seven days after surgery. One month postoperatively, radiographic examination of the limbs showed less intense periosteal reaction and initiation of bone remodeling. Discussion: Primary pulmonary tumors are considered very infrequent in small animals, but its true incidence rate is dif- fi cult to establish in animal populations. The histological origin of the tumor in the present case, as verifi ed in the literature, is not well established by histological analysis. In these situations, the immunohistochemistry panel may be useful. The modifi cation of the diagnosis between histological analysis and by immunohistochemistry, among other factors, might be due to transdifferentiation from one phenotype to another at various stages in the neoplastic process. The clear cell appearance observed in this case may be verifi ed in all types of carcinoma due to intracellular accumulation of glycogen, most of which is dissolved during the preparation of paraffi n sections. This uncommon neoplasm apparently did not infl uence the radiographic or tomographic fi ndings of the hypertrophic osteopathy in the present case. The frequency of metastases depends on the histological type of the tumor, being common in the pulmonary adenocarcinoma and usually to tracheobronchial lymph nodes and pulmonary parenchyma. Although in this case the imaging studies did not show metastases to other pulmonary lobes, the histological exams showed metastatic lesions that may be associated to the dog’s death after the surgery.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Published in 1946 under title: Osteopathy as a career.
Objective: 1) to assess the preparedness to practice and satisfaction in learning environment amongst new graduates from European osteopathic institutions; 2) to compare the results of preparedness to practice and satisfaction in learning environment between and within countries where osteopathy is regulated and where regulation is still to be achieved; 3) to identify possible correlations between learning environment and preparedness to practice. Method: Osteopathic education providers of full-time education located in Europe were enrolled, and their final year students were contacted to complete a survey. Measures used were: Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM), the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and a demographic questionnaire. Scores were compared across institutions using one-way ANOVA and generalised linear model. Results: Nine European osteopathic education institutions participated in the study (4 located in Italy, 2 in the UK, 1 in France, 1 in Belgium and 1 in the Netherlands) and 243 (77%) of their final-year students completed the survey. The DREEM total score mean was 121.4 (SEM: 1.66) whilst the AAMC was 17.58 (SEM:0.35). A generalised linear model found a significant association between not-regulated countries and total score as well as subscales DREEM scores (p<0.001). Learning environment and preparedness to practice were significantly positively correlated (r=0.76; p<0.01). Discussion: A perceived higher level of preparedness and satisfaction was found amongst students from osteopathic institutions located in countries without regulation compared to those located in countries where osteopathy is regulated; however, all institutions obtained a 'more positive than negative' result. Moreover, in general, cohorts with fewer than 20 students scored significantly higher compared to larger student cohorts. Finally, an overall positive correlation between students' preparedness and satisfaction were found across all institutions recruited.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Qualidade e Tecnologias da Saúde.
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on tehdä toistettavuus- ja validiteettitutkimuksien tekeminen helpommaksi manuaalisen lääketieteen ihmisille. Manuaalisessa lääketieteessä käytettyjä testejä ja hoitomenetelmiä ei ole tutkittu tarpeeksi eikä niiden käytettävyyttä ole tieteellisesti todennettu. Työtä varten on käännetty FIMM:n (Kansainvälinen manuaalisen lääketieteen yhdistys) toistettavuus- ja validiteettitutkimusprotokolla. Sen avulla voi jokainen koulutettu manuaalisen hoitoalan ammattilainen tehdä toistettavuus- ja validiteettitutkimuksia kansainvälisesti julkaistaviksi. Protokollan mukaisesti tehdyt tutkimukset ovat vertailukelpoisia ja helposti toistettavia. Käännöksen tarkoituksena on tuoda tutkimusprotokolla tunnetuksi Suomessa. Tutkimusprotokollan myötä toivotaan manuaalisten hoitoalojen ammattilaisten tekevän kasvavassa määrin vastaavanlaisia tutkimuksia ammatillistumisen lisäämiseksi. FIMM:n protokollan mukaisesti toteutettiin kappatutkimus SI-nivelen liikkuvuutta testaavasta seated flexion testistä. Testistä ei ole aikaisemmin tehty toistettavuus- ja validiteettitutkimusta. Opinnäytetyössä esitellään seated flexion testin suorittamisen eri tapoja. Aikarajoituksista johtuen tutkimuksen kaikkia vaiheita ei suoritettu protokollan edellyttämällä tasolla. Testivaiheessa kappa-arvo jäi alle kliinisesti merkittävän 0,4 arvon. Alhaisen kappa-arvon takia ei voida osoittaa testin toistettavuutta ja validiteettia. Johtopäätöksenä tutkimuksesta voidaan todeta, että seated flexion testistä tarvitaan lisää vastaavanlaisia kappatutkimuksia.
Due to the increasing survival of thalassemic patients, osteopathy is a mounting clinical problem. Low bone mass alone cannot account for the high fracture risk described; impaired bone quality has been speculated but so far it cannot be demonstrated noninvasively. We studied bone quality in thalassemia major using trabecular bone score (TBS), a novel texture measurement extracted from spine dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), proposed in postmenopausal and secondary osteoporosis as an indirect index of microarchitecture. TBS was evaluated in 124 adult thalassemics (age range 19-56 years), followed-up with optimal transfusional and therapeutical regimens, and in 65 non-thalassemic patients (22-52 years) undergoing DXA for different bone diseases. TBS was lower in thalassemic patients (1.04 ± 0.12 [range 0.80-1.30]) versus controls (1.34 ± 0.11 [1.06-1.52]) (p < 0.001), and correlated with BMD. TBS and BMD values correlated with age, indicating that thalassemia negatively affects both bone quality and quantity, especially as the patient gets older. TBS was 1.02 ± 0.11 [0.80-1.28] in the osteoporotic thalassemic patients, 1.08 ± 0.12 [0.82-1.30] in the osteopenic ones and 1.15 ± 0.10 [0.96-1.26] in those with normal BMD. No gender differences were found (males: 1.02 ± 0.13 [0.80-1.30], females 1.05 ± 0.11 [0.80-1.30]), nor between patients with and without endocrine-metabolic disorders affecting bone metabolism. Our findings from a large population with thalassemia major show that TBS is a valuable tool to assess noninvasively bone quality, and it may be related to fragility fracture risk in thalassemic osteopathy.
BACKGROUND: In 2004, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) was offered by physicians in one-third of Swiss hospitals. Since then, CAM health policy has changed considerably. This study aimed to describe the present supply and use of CAM in hospitals in the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and to explore qualitatively the characteristics of this offer. METHODS: Between June 2011 and March 2012, a short questionnaire was sent to the medical directors of hospitals (n = 46), asking them whether CAM was offered, where and by whom. Then, a semi-directive interview was conducted with ten CAM therapists. RESULTS: Among 37 responses (return rate 80%), 19 medical directors indicated that their hospital offered at least one CAM and 18 reported that they did not. Acupuncture was the most frequently available CAM, followed by manual therapies, osteopathy and aromatherapy. The disciplines that offered CAM most frequently were rehabilitation, gynaecology and obstetrics, palliative care, psychiatry, and anaesthetics. In eight out of ten interviews, it appeared that the procedures for introducing a CAM in the hospital were not tightly supervised by the hospital and were mainly based on the goodwill of the therapists, rather than clinical/scientific evidence. CONCLUSION: The number of hospitals offering CAM in the French-speaking part of Switzerland seemed to have risen since 2004. The selection of a CAM to be offered in a hospital should be based on the same procedure of evaluation and validation as conventional therapy, and if the safety and efficiency of the CAM is evidence-based, it should receive the same resources as a conventional therapy.
Background: In 2004, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) was offered by physicians in one third of Swiss hospitals. Since then, CAM health policy has considerably changed. This study aims at describing the present supply and use of CAM in hospitals of the French-speaking part of Switzerland, and qualitatively explores the characteristics of this supply. Methods: Between June 2011 and March 2012, a short questionnaire was sent to the medical directors of hospitals (N=46), asking them whether a CAM was offered, where and by whom. Then, a semi-directive interview was conducted with 10 CAM therapists. Results: Among 37 responses (return rate 80%), 19 medical directors indicated that their hospital offered at least one CAM and 18 reported that they did not. Acupuncture was the most frequently proposed CAM, followed by manual therapies, osteopathy and aromatherapy. The disciplines that offered CAM most frequently were rehabilitation, gynaecology- obstetrics, palliative care, psychiatry and anaesthesiology. In eight out of ten interviews, it appeared that the procedures for introducing a CAM in the hospital were not tightly supervised by the hospital but were mainly based on the goodwill of the therapists, rather than clinical/scientific evidence. Conclusion: Hospitals offering CAM in the French-speaking part of Switzerland seems to have risen since 2004. The selection of CAM to be offered in a hospital should be based on the same procedure of evaluation and validation as conventional care, and if their safety and efficiency is evidence-based, they should receive the same structural resources.
In 1992, the American academy of paediatrics has recommended that infants be placed on their backs to sleep, because prone sleeping has been correlated with sudden infant death syndrome. Following this article, medical paediatric community has documented an exponential increase in the diagnosis of posterior cranial deformities, which were considered as the consequence of unrelieved pressure onto the occiput during infant sleep. These last 15 years, management of posterior positional plagiocephaly has evolved but is still not standardized; it varies according to local specificities, and medical or parental preferences. Treatment of deformational plagiocephaly includes preventive counseling, repositioning adjustments and exercises, physiotherapy, osteopathy, treatment by dynamic cranial orthosis. On extremely rare occasions, corrective surgery is proposed. This article aims at reviewing the epidemiologic, diagnostic, and various therapeutic options of posterior positional plagiocephaly.
El presente trabajo es el resultado de un exhaustivo proceso investigativo a cerca de los factores de riesgo que predisponen al futbolista de alta competencia a padecer una entidad patológica severamente incapacitante como es la Pubalgia, la cual interfiere en el desempeño del mismo. Inicialmente el trabajo se centra en la revisión y comprensión de los conceptos básicos relacionados con salud, perfil del fisioterapeuta, actividad física, altas demandes cinéticas, anatomía y biomecánica normal de la Pélvis y sus alteraciones, definición de la Pubalgia, los principales factores de riesgo tanto intrínsecos como extrínsecos y el manejo médico y fisioterapéutico de esta entidad patológica.
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and osteoposes are chronic diseases with great socioeconomic consequences, mainly due to the late complications and consequent disabilities. The potential effects of DM on bone metabolism remain a very conroversial issue, and disagreement exists with regard to the clinical implications of diabetic osteopenia and the mechanism of its ocurrence. The issue is further complicated by the contribuicion of the especific factors, such as duration of disease an dthe degree of metabolic control. The objective of this study is to identify the osteopathy in children and adolescents with DM 1 assisted in the hospital of pediatrics, UFRN, through biochemical markers of bone and mineral metabolism and the extent of bone mineral density. The study was composed by 74 diabetics type 1 patients (DM1) of both gender and aged 6 to 20 yars. Normoglicêmic group was composed by 97 healthy subjects of both genders, which showed the same age range of DM1, in addition to same socioeconomic class. These individuals qere students from the networks of public education in the city of Natal-RN, randomly invited to paticipate in our study. Both groups DM1 and NG were divided intofour subgroups, according to the classification of tanner , T1, T2, T3, T4 for achieving a benchmark. Diabetic individuals showed up with a poor glycemic control. the group DN1 T4 showed an incresead value for total protein, albumin, urea and microalbumiuria are predictors of grumelura injury in DM1 patients . The total alkaline phosphatase activitywas kept on high levels for both groups because they are in a stature development age. For osteocalcin there were decreased levels for groups Dm1 T1, T2, and T3 when compared to their NG (s), suggesting that this decrease could be associated with reduction in the number and/or differentiation os osteoblasts thereby contributing to reducing bone formation. There were no changes in the activity of TRAP. The serum concentrations of total and ionized calcium, phosphorus and magnesium were included within the RV. It was observed that the BMD (Z- SCORE ) has always been within the RV for both groups, despite to DM1 T4. Taking all together, our results support the hypothesis that children and adolescents with type 1 DM present the risk in the long run to suffer a reduction in the bone mass, associated to poor glicemic control and disease duration. It could limit the bone growth and increase the probality of development of osteopenia, as well as other complications surch as retinopathy and renal failure