194 resultados para orthotopic


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Virotherapy, the use of oncolytic properties of viruses for eradication of tumor cells, is an attractive strategy for treating cancers resistant to traditional modalities. Adenoviruses can be genetically modified to selectively replicate in and destroy tumor cells through exploitation of molecular differences between normal and cancer cells. The lytic life cycle of adenoviruses results in oncolysis of infected cells and spreading of virus progeny to surrounding cells. In this study, we evaluated different strategies for improving safety and efficacy of oncolytic virotherapy against human ovarian adenocarcinoma. We examined the antitumor efficacy of Ad5/3-Δ24, a serotype 3 receptor-targeted pRb-p16 pathway-selective oncolytic adenovirus, in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic agents. We observed synergistic activity in ovarian cancer cells when Ad5/3-Δ24 was given with either gemcitabine or epirubicin, common second-line treatment options for ovarian cancer. Our results also indicate that gemcitabine reduces the initial rate of Ad5/3-Δ24 replication without affecting the total amount of virus produced. In an orthotopic murine model of peritoneally disseminated ovarian cancer, combining Ad5/3-Δ24 with either gemcitabine or epirubicin resulted in greater therapeutic benefit than either agent alone. Another useful approach for increasing the efficacy of oncolytic agents is to arm viruses with therapeutic transgenes such as genes encoding prodrug-converting enzymes. We constructed Ad5/3-Δ24-TK-GFP, an oncolytic adenovirus encoding the thymidine kinase (TK) green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein. This novel virus replicated efficiently on ovarian cancer cells, which correlated with increased GFP expression. Delivery of prodrug ganciclovir (GCV) immediately after infection abrogated viral replication, which might have utility as a safety switch mechanism. Oncolytic potency in vitro was enhanced by GCV in one cell line, and the interaction was not dependent on scheduling of the treatments. However, in murine models of metastatic ovarian cancer, administration of GCV did not add therapeutic benefit to this highly potent oncolytic agent. Detection of tumor progression and virus replication with bioluminescence and fluorescence imaging provided insight into the in vivo kinetics of oncolysis in living mice. For optimizing protocols for upcoming clinical trials, we utilized orthotopic murine models of ovarian cancer to analyze the effect of dose and scheduling of intraperitoneally delivered Ad5/3-Δ24. Weekly administration of Ad5/3-Δ24 did not significantly enhance antitumor efficacy over a single treatment. Our results also demonstrate that even a single intraperitoneal injection of only 100 viral particles significantly increased the survival of mice compared with untreated animals. Improved knowledge of adenovirus biology has resulted in creation of more effective oncolytic agents. However, with more potent therapy regimens an increase in unwanted side-effects is also possible. Therefore, inhibiting viral replication when necessary would be beneficial. We evaluated the antiviral activity of chlorpromazine and apigenin on adenovirus replication and associated toxicity in fresh human liver samples, normal cells, and ovarian cancer cells. Further, human xenografts in mice were utilized to evaluate antitumor efficacy, viral replication, and liver toxicity. Our data suggest that these agents can reduce replication of adenoviruses, which could provide a safety switch in case of replication-associated side-effects. In conclusion, we demonstrate that Ad5/3-Δ24 is a useful oncolytic agent for treatment of ovarian cancer either alone or in combination with conventional chemotherapeutic drugs. Insertion of genes encoding prodrug-converting enzymes into the genome of Ad5/3-Δ24 might not lead to enhanced antitumor efficacy with this highly potent oncolytic virus. As a safety feature, viral activity can be inhibited with pharmacological substances. Clinical trials are however needed to confirm if these preclinical results can be translated into efficacy in humans. Promising safety data seen here, and in previous publications suggest that clinical evaluation of the agent is feasible.


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Despite progress in conventional cancer treatment regimes, metastatic disease essentially remains incurable and new treatment alternatives are needed. Virotherapy is a relatively novel approach in cancer treatment. It harnesses the natural ability of oncolytic viruses to kill the cells they proliferate in and to spread to neighboring cells, thereby amplifying the therapeutic effect of the initial input dose. The use of replicating, oncolytic viruses for cancer treatment necessitates introduction of various genetic modifications to the viral genome, thereby restraining replication exclusively to tumor cells and eventually obtaining selective eradication of the tumor without side effects to healthy tissue. Furthermore, various modifications can be applied to the viral capsid in hope of gaining effective transduction of target tissue. In other words, the entry of viruses into tumor tissue can be augmented by allowing the virus to utilize non-native receptors for entry. Genetic capsid modifications may also help to avoid some major hurdles in systemic delivery that ultimately lead to the rapid clearance of the virus from the blood and virus induced toxicity. In addition to genetic modifications that alter the phenotype of the virus, some pharmacologic agents may be utilized to enhance the virus entry to target site. Liver kupffer cells (KC) are responsible for the majority of viral clearance after systemic viral delivery and they play a major role in adenovirus induced acute toxicity. The therapeutic window could possibly be widened by transiently depleting KCs, allowing smaller viral input doses and diminishing KC related toxicity. The transductional efficacy of various capsid modified viruses was analyzed in vitro and in vivo in murine orthotopic breast cancer model. The effect of capsid modifications on the oncolytic efficacy, i.e. the ability of the viruses to kill cancer cells, was evaluated in vitro and in vivo in murine cancer models. We concluded that capsid modifications result in transductional enhancement, and that enhanced transduction translates into more potent oncolysis in vitro and in vivo. When KC depleting agents were used in vivo prior to viral injections, enhanced tumor transduction was seen, but this effect was not translated into enhanced antitumor activity. Transcriptional regulation of replicative oncolytic viruses is a prerequisite for virotherapy. Tumor or tissue specific promoters can be used to control the transcription of adenoviral early genes to gain cancer specific viral replication. Specific deletions in viral regions essential for virus replication in normal cells can further increase the safety by allowing viral genome replication in cancer cells featuring specific mutations. Genetically modified viruses were shown to be able to kill putative cancer stem cells that are thought to be responsible for post treatment relapses and metastasis. Further, pharmacologic intervention reduced viral replication and thereby might offer an additional safety switch in case viral replication related side effects are encountered.


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Although the treatment of most cancers has improved steadily, only few metastatic solid tumors can be cured. Despite responses, refractory clones often emerge and the disease becomes refractory to available treatment modalities. Furthermore, resistance factors are shared between different treatment regimens and therefore loss of response typically occurs rapidly, and there is a tendency for cross-resistance between agents. Therefore, new agents with novel mechanisms of action and lacking cross-resistance to currently available approaches are needed. Modified oncolytic adenoviruses, featuring cancer-celective cell lysis and spread, constitute an interesting drug platform towards the goals of tumor specificity and the implementation of potent multimodal treatment regimens. In this work, we demonstrate the applicability of capsid-modified, transcriptionally targeted oncolytic adenoviruses in targeting gastric, pancreatic and breast cancer. A variety of capsid modified adenoviruses were tested for transductional specificity first in gastric and pancreatic cancer cells and patient tissues and then in mice. Then, oncolytic viruses featuring the same capsid modifications were tested to confirm that successful transductional targeting translates into enhanced oncolytic potential. Capsid modified oncolytic viruses also prolonged the survival of tumor bearing orthotopic models of gastric and pancreatic cancer. Taken together, oncolytic adenoviral gene therapy could be a potent drug for gastric and pancreatic cancer, and its specificity, potency and safety can be modulated by means of capsid modification. We also characterized a new intraperitoneal virus delivery method in benefit for the persistence of gene delivery to intraperitoneal gastric and pancreatic cancer tumors. With a silica implant a steady and sustained virus release to the vicinity of the tumor improved the survival of the orthotopic tumor bearing mice. Furthermore, silica gel-based virus delivery lowered the toxicity mediating proimflammatory cytokine response and production of total and anti-adenovirus neutralizing antibodies (NAbs). On the other hand, silica shielded the virus against pre-excisting NAbs, resulting in a more favourable biodistribution in the preimmunized mice. The silica implant might therefore be of interest in treating intraperitoneally disseminated disease. Cancer stem cells are thought to be resistant to conventional cancer drugs and might play an important role in cancer relapse and the formation of metastasis. Therefore, we examined if transcriptionally modified oncolytic adenoviruses are able to kill these cells. Complete eradication of CD44+CD24-/low putative breast cancer stem cells was seen in vitro, and significant antitumor activity was detected in CD44+CD24-/low –derived tumor bearing mice. Thus, genetically engineered oncolytic adenoviruses have potential in destroying cancer initiating cells, which may have relevance for the elimination of cancer stem cells in humans.


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Eturauhassyöpä on yksi yleisimmistä syövistä länsimaissa. Eturauhassyöpä on yleensä hitaasti kehittyvä tauti. Edetessään se voi kuitenkin muuntua aggressiivisemmaksi ja aiheuttaa metastaaseja, jotka ovat pääasiallisena syynä taudin kuolleisuuteen. Androgeenit ovat merkittäviä tekijöitä eturauhassyövän patogeneesissä ja eturauhassyöpäkudos on useimmiten riippuvainen androgeeneista. Tämän vuoksi hoidon tavoitteena on estää niiden eritys kirurgisella tai kemiallisella kastraatiolla ja/tai estää androgeenien vaikutus antiandrogeeneilla. Eturauhassyöpää sekä sen hoitoon tarkoitettuja uusia lääkehoitomahdollisuuksia tutkitaan kiivaasti. Eturauhassyövän tutkimiseen on kehitetty lukematon määrä erilaisia in vivo -malleja. Koska eturauhassyöpä on yleensä androgeeneille herkkä, kuvaavat androgeeniresponsiiviset eläinmallit ihmisen tautia parhaiten. Eturauhassyövän mallintamiseen in vivo voidaan käyttää eri eläinlajeja, mutta hiiri on ylivoimaisesti käytetyin mallieläin. Immuunipuutteisiin hiiriin voidaan aiheuttaa kasvaimia inokuloimalla ihmisen kasvainsoluja tai osia ihmisen kasvaimista. Ortotooppisesti eturauhaseen inokuloitavat kasvainmallit mallintavat eturauhassyövässä esiintyvää syöpäsolujen ja stroomasolujen välistä epänormaalia vuorovaikutusta. Muuntogeeniset hiirimallit ovat yhä yleisempiä eturauhassyövän tutkimuksessa. Muuntogeenisilla malleilla voidaan mallintaa taudin kehittymistä ja sen etenemistä kokonaisuudessaan parhaiten. Eturauhasessa olevaa kasvainta ja sen kasvua on vaikea seurata ilman prostataspesifisen antigeenin (PSA) pitoisuuden mittausta tai erityisiä kuvantamistekniikoita. Tällaisia menetelmiä, kuten optista kuvantamista, käytetään yhä enemmän hyödyksi erilaisissa eturauhassyövän in vivo -malleissa. Tutkielman kokeellisen osan tavoitteena oli optimoida bioluminesenssiin perustuva optinen kuvantamismenetelmä androgeeniresponsiivisessa LNCaP-luc2-solulinjassa ortotooppisessa eturauhassyöpämallissa. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen perustuu kasvainsolujen ilmentämän lusiferaasin katalysoimaan reaktioon, jossa entsyymin substraatti, lusiferiini, hapettuu ja tuottaa näkyvää valoa. Lisäksi tavoitteena oli tutkia lääkehoitojen ja kastraation vasteita mallissa. Bioluminesenssiin perustuvalla kuvantamisella oli mahdollista seurata eturauhaskasvainten kasvua noninvasiivisesti, reaaliaikaisesti ja toistuvasti. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen avulla kasvainten kvantitointi oli nopeampaa kuin ultraäänikuvantamisen avulla, ja kasvainten kasvua oli myös mahdollista seurata useammin kuin seerumin PSA-mittausten avulla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen todettiin korreloivan paremmin PSA-pitoisuuden kanssa kuin kasvaimen todelliseen kokoon lopetushetkellä. Seerumin PSA-pitoisuus korreloi kuitenkin bioluminesenssimittausta paremmin eturauhaskasvaimen kokoon tässä kokeessa. Kasvainten oletettua suurempaa kokoa voidaan pitää todennäköisimpänä syynä sille, ettei lääkehoitojen tai kastraation todettu vaikuttavan kasvainten kasvuun bioluminesenssikuvantamisella mitattuna. Bioluminesenssikuvantaminen ei sovellu suurille eikä nekroottisille kasvaimille, sillä kuvantamismenetelmä toimii vain elävillä soluilla. Bioluminesenssikuvantamisen hyödyntämisen kannalta oleellista tässä mallissa on myös lusiferiini-injektion onnistuminen. Jatkotutkimuksia tarvitaan edelleen mallin validoimiseksi mm. lääkehoitojen vasteiden osoittamiseksi.


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Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is now offered as an experimental procedure to preserve the fertility of young patients with a high risk for premature ovarian failure resulting from cancer therapy. This is the only available option to preserve the fertility of prepubertal patients treated with gonadotoxic chemotherapy. At present, thousands of patients all over the world have undergone this procedure with the hope of later restoring their fertility. Although the efficiency of the transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue to restore ovarian function has been established, reports of pregnancy are still very scarce. Here, we describe the second published full-term spontaneous pregnancy after an orthotopic and heterotopic transplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue in a 31-year-old woman previously treated by conditioning therapy for bone marrow transplantation for Hodgkin's disease. This birth gives compelling evidence for the graft origin of the gamete and confirms the efficacy of ovarian tissue transplantation in restoring human natural fertility after oncological treatment. This case report stresses the importance of proposing the ovarian tissue cryopreservation procedure to all young patients who require potentially sterilizing treatment, with all alternative options to preserve fertility being duly taken into consideration.


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PURPOSE: Animal models are important for pre-clinical assessment of novel therapies in metastatic bladder cancer. The F344/AY-27 model involves orthotopic colonisation with AY-27 tumour cells which are syngeneic to F344 rats. One disadvantage of the model is the unknown status of colonisation between instillation and sacrifice. Non-invasive optical imaging using red fluorescence reporters could potentially detect tumours in situ and would also reduce the number of animals required for each experiment.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: AY-27 cells were stably transfected with either pDsRed2-N1 or pcDNA3.1tdTomato. The intensity and stability of fluorescence in the resultant AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and AY-27/tdTomato stable cell lines were compared using Xenogen IVIS®200 and Olympus IX51 systems.

RESULTS: AY-27/tdTomato fluorescence intensity was 60-fold brighter than AY-27/DsRed2-N1 and was sustained in AY-27/tdTomato cells following freezing and six subsequent sub-cultures. After sub-cutaneous injection, fluorescence intensity from AY-27/tdTomato cells was threefold stronger than that detected from AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells. IVIS®200 detected fluorescence from AY-27/tdTomato and AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells colonising resected and exteriorised bladders, respectively. However, the deep-seated position of the bladder precluded in vivo imaging. Characteristics of AY-27/tdTomato cells in vitro and in tumours colonising F344 rats resembled those of parental AY-27 cells. Tumour transformation was observed in the bladders colonised with AY-27/DsRed2-N1 cells.

CONCLUSIONS: In vivo whole-body imaging of internal red fluorescent animal tumours should use pcDNA3.1tdTomato rather than pDsRed2-N1. Optical imaging of deep-seated organs in larger animals remains a challenge which may require proteins with brighter red or far-red fluorescence and/or alternative approaches.


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A new efficient type of gadolinium-based theranostic agent (AGuIX®) has recently been developed for MRI-guided radiotherapy (RT). These new particles consist of a polysiloxane network surrounded by a number of gadolinium chelates, usually 10. Owing to their small size (<5 nm), AGuIX typically exhibit biodistributions that are almost ideal for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. For example, although a significant proportion of these particles accumulate in tumours, the remainder is rapidly eliminated by the renal route. In addition, in the absence of irradiation, the nanoparticles are well tolerated even at very high dose (10 times more than the dose used for mouse treatment). AGuIX particles have been proven to act as efficient radiosensitizers in a large variety of experimental in vitro scenarios, including different radioresistant cell lines, irradiation energies and radiation sources (sensitizing enhancement ratio ranging from 1.1 to 2.5). Pre-clinical studies have also demonstrated the impact of these particles on different heterotopic and orthotopic tumours, with both intratumoural or intravenous injection routes. A significant therapeutical effect has been observed in all contexts. Furthermore, MRI monitoring was proven to efficiently aid in determining a RT protocol and assessing tumour evolution following treatment. The usual theoretical models, based on energy attenuation and macroscopic dose enhancement, cannot account for all the results that have been obtained. Only theoretical models, which take into account the Auger electron cascades that occur between the different atoms constituting the particle and the related high radical concentrations in the vicinity of the particle, provide an explanation for the complex cell damage and death observed.


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Bone tissue engineering may provide an alternative to autograft, however scaffold optimisation is required to maximize bone ingrowth. In designing scaffolds, pore architecture is important and there is evidence that cells prefer a degree of non-uniformity. The aim of this study was to compare scaffolds derived from a natural porous marine sponge (Spongia agaricina) with unique architecture to those derived from a synthetic polyurethane foam. Hydroxyapatite scaffolds of 1 cm3 were prepared via ceramic infiltration of a marine sponge and a polyurethane (PU) foam. Human foetal osteoblasts (hFOB) were seeded at 1x105 cells/scaffold for up to 14 days. Cytotoxicity, cell number, morphology and differentiation were investigated. PU-derived scaffolds had 84-91% porosity and 99.99% pore interconnectivity. In comparison marine sponge-derived scaffolds had 56-61% porosity and 99.9% pore interconnectivity. hFOB studies showed that a greater number of cells were found on marine sponge-derived scaffolds at than on the PU scaffold but there was no significant difference in cell differentiation. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) showed that Si ions were released from the marine-derived scaffold. In summary, three dimensional porous constructs have been manufactured that support cell attachment, proliferation and differentiation but significantly more cells were seen on marine-derived scaffolds. This could be due both to the chemistry and pore architecture of the scaffolds with an additional biological stimulus from presence of Si ions. Further in vivo tests in orthotopic models are required but this marine-derived scaffold shows promise for applications in bone tissue engineering.


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RESUMO: O transplante hepático ortotópico é uma terapêutica aceite para casos selecionados de falência hepática terminal. O procedimento tem-­‐se aperfeiçoado, evidenciado pelo aumento da taxa de sobrevida de 30 para 75% aos 5 anos, mas cerca de 13 a 27% dos enxertos desenvolve falência primária (PNF) ou disfunção primária (DF) após o transplante. As consequências são devastadoras para a sobrevida do doente e do enxerto. A sua etiologia é multifactorial, incluindo factores relacionados com o dador e o receptor, tempos de isquémia, agressões cirúrgicas, bem como características anatomopatológicas do enxerto. A lesão de isquémia/reperfusão mantem-­‐se como um factor de risco intra operatório, com implicações directas sobre toda a evolução do transplante : existe uma relação íntima entre a PNF e a DF, a preservação do enxerto, a lesão de isquémia/reperfusão, e a falência do transplante. Além disso, está comprovada evidência que sugere que a lesão de I/R torna um aloenxerto mais vulnerável por aumento da imunogenicidade, aumentando a probabilidade de episódios de rejeição precoce e tardia. Com base na prática clínica quotidiana do CHBPT HCC, estudaram-­‐se 54 casos de transplante hepático, agrupados segundo grupos por alocação do enxerto respectivo: Grupo 1(n=27): dador cadáver para receptor cirrótico, Grupo 2 (n=15): dador cadáver para receptor PAF, Grupo 3 (n=12): dador PAF para receptor cirrótico. Observaram-­‐se as alterações histológicas e moleculares sobre o enxerto até ao final da operação do receptor, e as suas consequências clínicas,avaliando: -­‐ As diferentes capacidades de resistência e cada enxerto à lesão de isquémia/reperfusão. -­‐ As situações em que os factores do receptor se sobrepõem às do enxerto na definição do prognóstico, e vice versa. -­‐ A relevância das lesões histológicas e moleculares precoces no tecido hepático na evolução do enxerto e do receptor. Foram colhidas biópsias por agulha dos 54 enxertos hepáticos,42 provenientes de cadáver com coração batente(morte cerebral) e 12 provenientes de dador vivo com PAF, em três tempos diferentes do processo de colheita e transplante hepático: ­‐ A primeira(T0)antes da clampagem da aorta do dador -­‐ A segunda (T1) no final da isquémia fria -­‐ A terceira (T2) após a reperfusão do enxerto, durante o encerramento da parede abdominal. A estas amostras foi extraído RNA total, convertido em cDNA por transcrição reversa e feita a análise da expressão dos genes da CTLA4, IL-­‐1β, IL-­‐4, IL-­‐6, IL-­‐13, TNF-­‐α, Perforina, Selectina, (SELE), Fas-­‐ligando, Granzima-­‐B, Heme-­‐Oxigenase 1(HO1)e Óxido Nítrico Sintetase(iNOS2A)por PCR quantitativo segundo o método do Ct comparativo, utilizando como referência a expressão dos genes da amostra não-­‐isquémica –T0. Os fragmentos de todas as biópsias foram seccionados, para envio de amostra comparativa para processamento histológico habitual, sem qualquer alteração ao protocolo seguido habitualmente na Unidade de Transplantação do Hospital Curry Cabral. A presença de alguns parâmetros histológicos definidos, como esteatose, necrose, vacuolização, congestão sinusoidal e infiltração neutrofílica, foi registada e contabilizada numa classificação numérica. O seguimento clínico e laboratorial, bem como o acompanhamento de eventuais complicações, foi registado e correlacionado com os dados das colheitas de órgãos e com os dados das biópsias. Foram consideradas as seguintes variáveis, como as mais relevantes e objectivas para a interpretação da evolução clínica, tendo sido comparadas estatisticamente com os dados recolhidos, laboratoriais e clínicos: disfunção do enxerto, 207 pós operatórias, número de internamentos igual ou superior a 2 e rejeição crónica e/ou morte do receptor. Foram identificadas características clínicas menos favoráveis, a considerar, nalgumas circunstâncias: género feminino do receptor (sobretudo associado a enxerto masculino, p=0,077), isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos (p=0,074), isquémia quente superior a 90 minutos (p=0,099). Na análise laboratorial, distinguiram-­‐se duas características histológicas desfavoráveis e irreversíveis, como índice de mau prognóstico: a necrose e a balonização (p=0,029); no painel genético escolhido neste estudo,a expressão basal de IL-­‐1β(p=0,028), de SELE p=0,013)e de FAS-­‐L (p=0,079)relacionaram-­‐se com pior prognóstico. Algumas características protectoras intrínsecas dos enxertos só se revelaram indirectamente, como menor infiltração neutrofílica e maior expressão de HO1 e de iNOS nos enxertos PAF, não tendo sido possível provar uma interferência directa nos resultados clínicos. Não se obteve expressão mensurável de genes anti-­‐ inflamatórios nas biopsias hepáticas processadas neste estudo, como a IL13 e a I 4: assim, com a metodologia utilizada, não foi possível obter um perfil de expressão genética associado a boa evolução clínica. O perfil inverso foi sugerido apenas pela expressão basal dos 3 genes mencionados (FAS-­‐L,IL-­‐1β e SELE)no mesmo painel, com o protocolo seguido neste conjunto de 54 doentes. As características do receptor sobrepuseram-­‐se às do enxerto no caso de: -­‐ diagnóstico de PAF no receptor, que determinou uma maior predisposição para a disfunção do enxerto, o que, por sua vez, determina uma menor sobrevida. No entanto, o diagnóstico de PAF no receptor exibe uma curva de sobrevida mais favorável. -­‐ receptores com um baixo balanço de risco (BAR)definiram características favoráveis para enxertos com níveis baixos e moderados de esteatose, fazendo que esta característica, definida como um risco acrescido, não só não se manifestasse clinicamente,como parecesse um factor favorável. As características do enxerto sobrepuseram-­‐se às do receptor no caso de: -­‐ tempo de isquémia fria superior a 500 minutos -­‐ balonização, necrose, FAS-­‐L,IL-­‐1β e SELE em T0 A integração dos resultados moleculares e morfológicos com a evolução clínica, realça o papel da mobilização precoce de neutrófilos nos desempenhos menos favoráveis do enxerto hepático. -------------ABSTRACT: Orthotopic liver transplantation is na accepted therapeutic procedure for selected cases of terminal liver failure. The procedure has been improved, evidenced by the rise of survival rates from 30 to 70% at 5 years, but 13 to 27% of the liver grafts develops primary non function (PNF) or primary dysfunction (PDF) after transplantation. The consequences are devastating for the survival of the patient and of the graft. Its etiology is multifactorial, including factos related with the donor and with the recipient, ischemic times, surgical aggressions, as well as the histological characteristics of the graft. The ischemia/reperfusion lesion is still an intraoperative risk factor, with direct implications in the whole transplant outcome: there is a close interrelation between PNF and DF, graft preservation, ischemia / reperfusion lesion and graft failure. Beyond his, there is proved evidence that suggests that I/R lesion turns the allograft more vulnerable by increasing its immunogenity, increasing the probability of precocious and late rejection episodes. Based on the daily clinical practice at CHBPT /HCC, 54 cases of hepatic transplantation have been studied, grouped by allocation of each graft: Group (n=27):deceased do nortocirrhotic recipient, Group 2 (n=15): deceased donor to FAP recipient, Group 3 (n=12): FAP living donor to cirrhotic recipient. The histologic and molecular changes in the liver graft were observed until the end of the recipiente operation,together with its clinical consequences, evaluating:-­‐The different capacity of resistance of each graft to the ischemia / reperfusion lesion -­‐ The situations where the recipiente factos overlap the ones of the graft, in the definition of prognosis, and vice versa.-­‐ The relevance of the precocious histologic and molecular lesions of the hepatic tissue in the clinical outcome of the graft and the recipient. Needle biopsies were obtained from 54 liver grafts, 42 deceased brain dead donors and 12 from FAP living donors, at three diferente times of the harvesting and the hepatic transplantation: The first one (T0) before clamping the donor aorta -­‐ The second one (T2) in the end of cold ischemia time -­‐ The third one (T) after the reperfusion of the graft, during the closure of the abdominal wall. Total RNAwas extracted to these samples, converted to cDNA by reverse transcription and the analysis of gene expression was made for CTLA4,IL-­‐1β,IL-­‐4,IL-­‐6,IL-­‐13,TNF-­‐α,Perforin,E Selectin (SELE),Fas-­‐ligand,Granzyme-­‐B,Heme-­‐oxigenase 1 (HO1) and Nitric Oxide Sintetase (iNOS2A) by quantitative PCR, according with the Ct comparative method, using the expression of the non ischemic sample – T0. The fragments of all the biopsies were divided, to send a comparative sample to the usual histologic processement, keeping the same usual protocol at the Transplantation Unit of Curry Cabral Hospital. The presence of some defined histologic parameters, such as steatosis, necrosis, vacuolization, sinusoidal congestion and neutrophilic infiltration, was registered and catalogued in a numeric classification. The clinical and laboratory follow-­‐up, as well as the following of eventual complications, was registered and correlated with the data from organ procurement operations and with the data from the biopsies. The following variables were considered as the most relevant and objective ones, to the interpretation of the clinical evolution, being statistically compared with the clinical and laboratorial collected data: graft dysfunction, post-­‐operative complications, number of readmissions of 2 or more and chronic rejection and /or recipiente death. There were identified some unfavorable clinical characteristics, to be considered under certain circumstances: recipiente female gender (specially associated with malegraft, p=0,077), cold ischemia time of more than 500 minutes (p=0,074), warm ischemia time of more than 90 minutes (p=0,099). In the laboratory analysis, two histologic characteristics were identified as unfavorable and irreversible, associated with bad prognosis: necrosis and balonization (p=0,029); in the gene panel selected in this study, the basal expression of IL-­‐1β (p=0,028), SELE (p=0,013) and FAS-­‐L (p=0,079)were related with worse prognosis.Some intrinsic protective characteristics of the grafts were only indirectly revealed, such as less neutrophilic infiltration and bigger expression of HO1 and iNOS in FAP grafts, being impossible to prove any direct inte ference in the clinical results. A relevant and measurable expression of the anti inflammatory genes IL13 and IL4 was not obtained: with the used methodology, it was impossible to obtain a gene expression profile associated with a favorable clinical outcome.The inverse profile was suggested only by the basal expression of the three mentioned genes (FAS-­‐L, IL-­‐ 1β e SELE) in the same gene panel, according with the followed protocol in this group of 54 patients. The characteristics of the recipient overlapped those from the graft, in the case of :-­‐ FAP diagnosis in the recipient, which determined a bigger predisposition to graft dysfunction, which by itself determines a shorter survival. However, FAP diagnosis in the recipiente depicts a more favorable survival curve. -­‐ Recipients with a low balance risk índex (BAR) defined favorable characteristics to grafts with low and moderate grades of steatosis, making that this characteristic, associated with bad prognosis, looked like a favorable factor, and with no clinical interference. The graft characteristics overlapped those from the receptor in the case of: -­‐ Cold ischemic time more than 500 minutes -­‐ Balonization, necrosis, FAS-­‐L, IL-­‐1β and SELE at T0. The integration of molecular and morphologic results with the clinical evolution, stresses the role of a precocious neutrophils mobilization in the worse outcomes of liver grafts.


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Background: In 1989, we introduced a 1-stage procedure with orthotopic colonic transplants for esophageal stenosis. A pitfall of this procedure is frequent reflux and/or stasis in the transplants from the cologastric anastomosis. Since 1993, we have used a new antireflux wrap (ARW) using an anterior wrap technique similar to the Dor procedure but fixed to the right crus of the diaphragm.Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate ARWs.Method: From 1993 to 2008, the records of 67 patients with an ARW were compared with 27 without ARW (either operated on before 1993 or ARW was not appropriate) after colonic transplant for caustic esophageal stenosis. Both groups otherwise underwent the same surgical procedure. Postoperative esophagograms done on postoperative day 10 were reviewed for the presence of gastrocolonic reflux and stasis in the transplant.Results: The reflux rate on the initial esophagogram was reduced from 48.1% to 7.5% using ARW. The incidence of reflux on later esophagograms was 40.0% with no ARW and 21.4% with ARW. The 25% long-term rate of stasis in the colonic transplant was not increased with ARW.Conclusions: A loose ARW in patients with colonic esophageal replacements reduces gastrocolic reflux without increasing the rate of stasis. In the long term, children adapt better to stasis than to reflux and are thus protected from occult inflammation.


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Neuroblastoma (NB) is a neural crest-derived childhood tumor characterized by a remarkable phenotypic diversity, ranging from spontaneous regression to fatal metastatic disease. Although the cancer stem cell (CSC) model provides a trail to characterize the cells responsible for tumor onset, the NB tumor-initiating cell (TIC) has not been identified. In this study, the relevance of the CSC model in NB was investigated by taking advantage of typical functional stem cell characteristics. A predictive association was established between self-renewal, as assessed by serial sphere formation, and clinical aggressiveness in primary tumors. Moreover, cell subsets gradually selected during serial sphere culture harbored increased in vivo tumorigenicity, only highlighted in an orthotopic microenvironment. A microarray time course analysis of serial spheres passages from metastatic cells allowed us to specifically "profile" the NB stem cell-like phenotype and to identify CD133, ABC transporter, and WNT and NOTCH genes as spheres markers. On the basis of combined sphere markers expression, at least two distinct tumorigenic cell subpopulations were identified, also shown to preexist in primary NB. However, sphere markers-mediated cell sorting of parental tumor failed to recapitulate the TIC phenotype in the orthotopic model, highlighting the complexity of the CSC model. Our data support the NB stem-like cells as a dynamic and heterogeneous cell population strongly dependent on microenvironmental signals and add novel candidate genes as potential therapeutic targets in the control of high-risk NB.


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Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) tumors are the most common malignant primary brain tumors in adults. Although many GBM tumors are believed to be caused by self-renewing, glioblastoma-derived stem-like cells (GSCs), the mechanisms that regulate self-renewal and other oncogenic properties of GSCs are only now being unraveled. Here we showed that GSCs derived from GBM patient specimens express varying levels of the transcriptional repressor repressor element 1 silencing transcription factor (REST), suggesting heterogeneity across different GSC lines. Loss- and gain-of-function experiments indicated that REST maintains self-renewal of GSCs. High REST-expressing GSCs (HR-GSCs) produced tumors histopathologically distinct from those generated by low REST-expressing GSCs (LR-GSCs) in orthotopic mouse brain tumor models. Knockdown of REST in HR-GSCs resulted in increased survival in GSC-transplanted mice and produced tumors with higher apoptotic and lower invasive properties. Conversely, forced expression of exogenous REST in LR-GSCs produced decreased survival in mice and produced tumors with lower apoptotic and higher invasive properties, similar to HR-GSCs. Thus, based on our results, we propose that a novel function of REST is to maintain self-renewal and other oncogenic properties of GSCs and that REST can play a major role in mediating tumorigenicity in GBM. STEM CELLS 2012;30:405-414.


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La maladie de Wilson est une maladie héréditaire due à un déficit du transporteur du cuivre, l’ATP7B. Cette maladie se présente sous forme d’insuffisance hépatique aiguë ou chronique, pour lesquels le traitement médical actuel consiste en l’administration d’agents chélateurs, ce qui ne résulte cependant pas en une guérison complète de la maladie. La transplantation orthotopique du foie est le seul traitement définitif actuellement, avec tous les désavantages qu’elle comporte. Un traitement alternatif à cette option est donc souhaitable. Cette étude porte sur la faisabilité de la transplantation d’hépatocytes chez le modèle animal de la maladie de Wilson, le rat Long Evans Cinnamon (LEC), avec pour buts d’en déterminer la sécurité et l’efficacité tant sur le plan clinique (amélioration de la survie, prévention de l’hépatite) que pathologique. Douze rats LEC ont reçu une injection intrasplénique de 2,6 x 105 – 3,6 x 107 hépatocytes prélevés chez des rats donneurs de souche LE. Ils ont été suivis durant 6 mois puis sacrifiés. Ils ont ensuite été comparés à un groupe contrôle de douze autres rats LEC. Aucune différence significative n’a été notée au niveau du poids, du bilan hépatique et des concentrations de cuivre biliaire et hépatique. Cependant, une amélioration de l’activité oxydase de la céruloplasmine post-transplantation a été démontrée chez le groupe de rats transplantés (49,6 ± 31,5 versus 8,9 ± 11,7). Les rats transplantés ont aussi eu une amélioration sur tous les critères histologiques étudiés. Enfin, l’ARNm de l’atp7b a été retrouvé chez 58% des rats transplantés avec un taux d’expression de 11,9% ± 13,6 par rapport à un rat LE normal. L’immunohistochimie a quant à elle démontré la présence de l’atp7b chez tous les rats transplantés. Les résultats obtenus sont considérés favorables à ce traitement alternatif, et indiquent que la transplantation d’hépatocytes est une technique sécuritaire qui peut contribuer à renverser le processus pathologique en cours dans la maladie de Wilson.


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Une dérégulation de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 est observée dans plus de 30% des cancers et des mutations activatrices de RAS sont observées dans 30% à 50% des adénomes colorectaux. À la suite d’une analyse extensive de biopsies de tumeurs colorectales humaines par micromatrices tissulaires (TMA), nous avons observé que 44% des tissus cancéreux exprimaient MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 10% des tissus normaux. L'analyse des TMA a également révélé que 79% des tumeurs arboraient un marquage nucléaire de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, contre 4 % pour les tissus normaux. Bien que la voie MEK/ERK1/2 soit fréquemment activée dans les cancers, le rôle précis des isoformes de MEK1 et de MEK2 n'a jamais été clairement établie. De même, l'impact de cette localisation nucléaire aberrante de phospho-MEK1/2, dans l'initiation et la progression des cancers colorectaux, est inconnu. Lors d'un premier projet, nous avons démontré, que l’expression de MEK1 ou MEK2 activé est suffisante pour transformer in vitro des cellules intestinales épithéliales de rat (IEC-6). L'expression des mutants actifs de MEK1 ou MEK2 est suffisante pour induire une dérégulation de la prolifération cellulaire et engendrer la formation d'adénocarcinomes invasifs dans un modèle de greffe orthotopique du côlon chez la souris. Nous avons également démontré que l'inhibition de MEK2 par shRNA supprime complètement la prolifération des lignées humaines de cancer du côlon, alors que la suppression de MEK1 a peu d'effet sur la capacité de prolifération. Le deuxième projet, nous a permis d'observer que l'expression d'un mutant nucléaire de MEK1 dans les cellules IEC-6 transforme drastiquement les cellules. Une augmentation de prolifération, une résistance à l'anoikose, un dérèglement du cycle cellulaire, de l'instabilité chromosomique (CIN), de la tétra/aneuploïdie sont observés. La caractérisation des mécanismes responsables de cette localisation aberrante de MEK1/2 phosphorylés, a permis d'identifier la protéine Sef, un régulateur de la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK/ERK1/2. Nous avons démontré que l'expression d'une forme oncogénique de Ras (H-RasV12) inhibe l'expression de Sef, engendrant alors une accumulation nucléaire de MEK1/2 activés. Plus encore, la réexpression de Sef restaure la localisation cytoplasmique de MEK1/2 et renverse les propriétés tumorigéniques ainsi que l'aneuploïdie induite par Ras activé. Un troisième projet, visant la caractérisation des mécanismes associés à la CIN et à l'aneuploïde engendrés par l'activation aberrante de la voie de Ras-ERK1/2, a permis d'observer que l'hyperactivation de ERK1/2 induit des anomalies mitotiques menant à la binucléation. Une localisation erronée et une surexpression de la kinase Aurora A, de même que des protéines de passage du complexe chromosomique (CPC), Aurora B, Survivine et INCENP, sont observées. L'inhibition partielle de l'activation de ERK1/2 par de faible dose de PD184352, un inhibiteur de MEK1/2, est suffisante pour renverser la surexpression de ces régulateurs mitotiques, de même que corriger les anomalies de la mitose et réduire la tétra/aneuploïdie engendrée par Ras oncogénique. Ainsi, nous avons démontré, pour la première fois, que la voie des MAP kinases ERK1/2 est impliquée dans la CIN, la tétraploïdie et l'aneuploïdie. Nos résultats suggèrent que la perte de Sef est un événement oncogénique précoce, qui contribue à la localisation nucléaire aberrante de MEK1/2 qui est observée dans les tumeurs colorectales. Cette localisation anormale de MEK1/2 est associée à l'initiation de la transformation, la progression tumorale et la CIN, via l'activité soutenue de ERK1/2. Ces informations sont capitales et démontrent l’importance de la voie de signalisation Ras/Raf/MEK/ERK1/2 dans le processus de tumorigénèse colorectale.


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Le neuroblastome (NB) est la tumeur solide extracranienne la plus fréquente et mortelle chez les jeunes enfants. Il se caractérise par une résistance à la chimiothérapie possiblement en partie dû à la présence de cellules initiatrices de tumeurs (TICs). Des études ont mis en évidence le rôle de CD133 comme un marqueur des TICs dans divers types de cancers. Les buts de notre travail étaient d’abord de démontrer les vertus de TICs des cellules exprimant CD133 et ensuite, en utilisant une analyse globale du génome avec des polymorphismes nucléotidiques simples (SNPs), d’effectuer une analyse différentielle entre les TICs et les autres cellules du NB afin d’en identifier les anomalies génétiques spécifiques. Des lignées cellulaires de NB ont été triées par cytométrie de flux afin d’obtenir deux populations: une enrichie en CD133 (CD133high), l’autre faible en CD133 (CD133low). Afin de déterminer si ces populations cellulaires présentent des propriétés de TICs, des essais sur les neurosphères, les colonies en agar mou et les injections orthotopiques de 500 cellules sélectionnées dans 11 souris ont été réalisées. Après une isolation de l’ADN des populations sélectionnées, nous avons effectué une analyse génotypique par SNP utilisant les puces « Affymetrix Genome-Wide Human SNP Array 6.0 ». Pour vérifier l’expression des gènes identifiés, des Western Blots ont été réalisés. Nos résultats ont démontré que la population CD133 avait des propriétés de TICs in vitro et in vivo. L’analyse génotypique différentielle a permis d’identifier deux régions communes (16p13.3 and 19p13.3) dans la population CD133high ayant des gains et deux autres régions (16q12.1 and 21q21.3) dans la population CD133low possédant des pertes d’hétérozygoties (LOH). Aucune perte n’a été observée. Parmi les gènes étudiés, l’expression protéique d’éphrine-A2 était corrélée à celle de CD133 dans 6 tumeurs et 2 lignées cellulaires de NB. De plus, l’augmentation de la concentration d’anticorps anti-éphrine-A2 dans le milieu diminue la taille des neurosphères. Ainsi, la population CD133high, qui a des vertus de TICs, possède des caractéristiques génotypiques différentes par rapport à celle CD133low. La présence d’éphrine-A2 dans les cellules exprimant CD133 souligne son importance dans le développement des TICs. Ces résultats suggèrent la présence de potentielle cible pour de nouvelles thérapeutiques ciblant les TICs mise en évidence par l’étude génomique.