129 resultados para orthopédie
Theoretical background: The construct of resilience is now used in many fields, such as in sports, corporate governance and in health care system. Against the backdrop of the unique system of rehabilitation in Germany, that empowers people to participate in a social and pro-fessional way, the concept of resilience is becoming increasingly important. Accordingly this cross-sectional study should explore the resilience of orthopedic and psychosomatic patients in more detail.Questions: Are there differences in the sample that lead to different sub-samples based on the RS-13? Are there differences between the sub-samples in terms of socio-demographic data, psychosocial problems, psychological stress, stress in the workplace and the experi-ence of stress? Do socio-demografic, employment, psycho-social and psychological varia-bles influence resilience?Method: For this investigation the data of n = 131 patients was used. The data was collected in an orthopedic clinic of rehabilitation and in a psychosomatic clinic of rehabilitation. On the basis of the results of the short Resiliencescale RS-13 the sample was split into two sub-samples of N1 = 51 patients with low resilience and N2 = 80 patients with higher resilience. The questions were examined by regarding the Brief Symptom Checklist (BSCL), the Ultra-Kurz-Screening (UKS), the Stressscale (from the DASS-Questionnaire) and the Employee Attitude Survey (BAuA). Additionally a literature research was done in databases like Psy-Content, Psyndex and Springerlink to acquire the theoretical background.Results: Within the sample, there were two sub-samples, one which included patients with low resilience while the other was characterized by high resilience. Patients with low resili-ence did not differ by considering the variables of age, sex, marital status, children, educa-tion, occupational status, industry and job stress. Patients with high resilience are older and rarer incap
In Belle Epoque towns marked by the industrial and medical surge, a new technical therapy, called mechanotherapy, emerged, stemming from Swedish medical gymnastics and auxiliary to orthopaedics. Aiming mostly at treating scoliosis, this therapy by movement attracted a sizeable female clientele to these towns, because of the hygienic and social conceptions feeding collective imagination linked to the bodies of scoliotic young girls. Taking the French-speaking Swiss towns of Lausanne and Geneva as examples, the article first seeks to describe the emergence of mechanotherapy as a medical and urban phenomenon. It then addresses the role played by scoliosis in this orthopaedic practice, and examines the clientele attracted to the towns, among which well-born young girls seem to be predominant.
Cet article tente de circonscrire l'économie des discours gymniques médicaux et orthopédiques entre 1817 et 1847. Il s'agit de décrire l'institutionnalisation d'une investigation des corps (masculins et féminins) au sein de l'orthopédie. Nous analyserons la manière dont les acteurs de la spécialisation contribuent à alimenter le processus en systématisation des pratiques d'exercice corporel, en nous appuyant sur les controverses - méthodologiques, pratiques et symboliques -, inhérentes au processus de structuration de l'espace social médical, et particulièrement à la formation de l'orthopédie.
Infections after total joint arthroplasty are rare but come with severe consequences. Timely, adequate and standardized treatment beginning at the onset of symptoms will have a major impact on the handling of this dreaded complication. In absences of clear guidelines, errors are often committed, with occasionally severe consequences for the patient. In this article, the 10 most frequent errors starting with diagnostics till antibiotic and surgical treatment will be discussed.
(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) En 1780, le médecin Jean-André Venel fonde à Orbe, dans le canton de Vaud, le premier institut orthopédique connu dans le monde, proposant une version clinique d'un savoir-faire médical ancestral. A travers des sources qui réactualisent les travaux consacrés à Venel, cet article retrace les origines de son institution et de sa pensée médicale, dans un contexte de production et de diffusion d'un savoir particulier en termes de technique du corps et de médecine de l'enfant. Revisitant la figure légendaire - ou mythique ? - de ce que l'histoire de la médecine a retenu comme étant le « père de l'orthopédie », l'article s'interroge par la même occasion sur les conditions d'émergence d'une spécialité médicale au sortir de l'Ancien Régime, et de son impact dans les premières décennies du XIXe siècle. In 1780, the physician Jean-André Venel creates in Orbe (canton of Vaud) the first orthopedic institute of the world, offering a clinical version of an ancient medical savoir-faire. By using sources that enable us to update the scholarship on Venel, this article traces the origins of his institute and of his medical thought, in the context of the production and diffusion of a specialized knowledge on the body and on children. With this new perspective on the legendary, if not mythical, figure, whom the history of medicine has canonized as the "father of orthopedia", this article also examines the conditions of emergence of a medical specialization at the end of the Ancien Régime and its impact in the first decades of the nineteenth century.
(ENGLISH VERSION BELOW) Dieser Beitrag fügt sich in eine post-doktorale Forschung über die Geschichte der Orthopädie ein, die unter dem Mandat des Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) geleitet wird und teilerweise auf die Archiv der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Orthopädie (aktuelle Swiss Orthopaedics) beruht. Die Autorin untersucht die Herausforderungen, welche die Geschichte der Orthopädie in der Schweiz prägten und berücksichtigt dabei die Anpassungsstrategien einer medizinischen und technischen Disziplin in einer sich wandelnden Gesellschaft. Zusammenfassung der Beitrag und Informationen auf der Website der Zeitschrift: http://econtent.hogrefe.com/toc/tum/72/7 This article is inspired by a post-doctorale research about the history of orthopedics, mandated by the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), and partly supported by the Archiv of the Swiss Society of Orthopedics (nowadays Swiss Orthopaedics). By examining the implications that have shaped the history of orthopedics in Switzerland, the author seeks to shed light on the strategies that were implemented in adopting a medical and technical discipline within a transforming society. Summary of the article and information on the journal's website: http://econtent.hogrefe.com/toc/tum/72/7
1891/07 (A3).
1892/01 (A4)-1892/12.
1894 (A1894).
1891/08 (A3).
1895/01 (A7).