911 resultados para order-winner
Tapa, jolla yritys vastaa sen räätälöityvien tuotteiden kysyntään, määrittää yrityksen menestymisen. Sen on ymmärrettävä mikä arvo asiakkaalle syntyy, kun sen yksilökohtaiset tarpeet otetaan huomioon tuotetta räätälöitäessä. Toisaalta, yrityksen on ymmärrettävä kustannus, joka näiden tarpeiden huomioon ottamimisesta syntyy. Yhdistämällä nämä tiedot oikein tilaus-toimitus-prosessin suunnittelussa ja valinnassa voidaan kutakin valittua asiakasta tai asiakasryhmää palvella kannattavasti. Tämän diplomityöntavoite on kehittää tutkimuksen toimeksiantajan Vahterus Oy:n tilaus-toimitus-prosessia. Perusteena ovat kolmen tärkeimmän asiakasryhmän tarpeet sekä tieto nykyisestä prosessista. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen perusta luodaan tutustumalla kirjallisuuteen räätälöinnistä, asiakaslähtöisyydestä sekä toimitus-prosessien eriyttämisestä. Order-winner ja order-qualifier kriteerien selvittäminen ja niiden käyttö oikean prosessin valinnassa muodostaa tutkimuksen teoreettisen ytimen. Empiriaosassa analysoitiin case-yrityksen nykyisen tilaus-toimitus-prosessin toiminta. Prosessin kehittämistyön pohjaksi selvitetettiin case-yrityksen kolmen tärkeimmän asiakasryhmän erityispiirteet ja tarpeet haastattelututkimuksella. tilaus-toimitus-prosessin analyysissä havaittiin huomattavaa asiakasryhmäkohtaista vaihtelua läpimenoajoissa. Tämä johtui tilatun tuotteen tyypistä sekä asiakkaiden erityisvaatimuksista. Haastattelututkimuksessa vahvistuinäkemys asiakasryhmien tilaus-toimitus-prosessille asettamien vaatimuksien selkeistä eroista. Johtopäätöksenä esitetään erilaisia toimitusstrategioita eri asiakasryhmille. Kustannus-tehokkuutta ja nopeutta vaativalle asiakasryhmälle prosessia tehostetaan suunnitteluprosessin automatisoinnilla. Joustavuutta vaativaa, korkeampia kustannuksia sallivaa asiakasryhmää palvellaan paremmin kehittämällä projektihallinnan ja myynnin työkaluja sekä henkilökunnan osaamista. Tutkimuksen tärkein kontribuutio yritykselle oli asiakasryhmien erojen tiedostaminen ja niiden huomioon ottaminen toimitustrategioiden ja organisaation jatkuvassa kehittämisessä.
The objective of the thesis was to create a framework that can be used to define a manufacturing strategy taking advantage of the product life cycle method, which enables PQP enhancements. The starting point was to study synkron implementation of cost leadership and differentiation strategies in different stages of the life cycles. It was soon observed that Porter’s strategies were too generic for the complex and dynamic environment where customer needs deviate market and product specifically. Therefore, the strategy formulation process is based on the Terry Hill’s order-winner and qualifier concepts. The manufacturing strategy formulation is initiated with the definition of order-winning and qualifying criteria. From these criteria there can be shaped product specific proposals for action and production site specific key manufacturing tasks that they need to answer in order to meet customers and markets needs. As a future research it is suggested that the process of capturing order-winners and qualifiers should be developed so that the process would be simple and streamlined at Wallac Oy. In addition, defined strategy process should be integrated to the PerkinElmer’s SGS process. SGS (Strategic Goal Setting) is one of the PerkinElmer’s core management processes. Full Text: Null
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
With the focus on quality of services, this work uses a methodology based on questionnaires for evaluating companies and consumers, with the objective of studying the dimensions of quality within the segment of Brazilian e-commerce. The research conducted a study to identify the situation of companies regarding the dimensions of quality and, among costumers, a survey was done to determine their requirements with regard to these dimensions and to identify those dimensions considered as winning factors when making the orders. The results demonstrate that customers consider reliability to be the most important order winner, followed by safety and communications. The study of these enterprises demonstrates that their quality of service is good, however there is a need for improvements in the business processes related to the dimensions of service quality.
The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate winner-loser performance when financial markets are facing crisis. This is examined through the idea that does the prior loser portfolios outperform the prior winner portfolios during the three major crises: The depression of the 1990s, the IT-Bubble and the Subprime -crisis. Firstly, the winner and loser portfolios superiority is counted by using the cumulative excess returns from the examination period. The portfolios were formed by counting the excess returns and locating them in to the order of superiority. The excess returns are counted by using one year pre-data before the actual examination period. The results of this part did not support the results of De Bondt & Thaler’s (1985) paper. Secondly, it is investigated how the Finnish and the US macroeconomic factors are seen to be affecting the stock market valuation in Finnish Stock Markets during economic crises. This is done to explain better the changes in the successes of the winner-loser performance. The crises included different amount of selected macro factors. Two latest crises involved as well few selected US macro factors. Exclusively the IT-Bubble -crisis had the most statistically significant results with the US factors. Two other crises did not receive statistically significant results. An extra research was produced to study do the US macro factors impact more significantly on Finnish stock exchange after lags. The selected lags were three, six, nine and twelve months. Three and six month lagged US macro factors during the IT-Bubble -crisis improved the results. The extra research did not improve the results of the Subprime -crisis.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Very high field (29)Si-NMR measurements using a fully (29)Si-enriched URu(2)Si(2) single crystal were carried out in order to microscopically investigate the hidden order (HO) state and adjacent magnetic phases in the high field limit. At the lowest measured temperature of 0.4 K, a clear anomaly reflecting a Fermi surface instability near 22 T inside the HO state is detected by the (29)Si shift, (29)K(c). Moreover, a strong enhancement of (29)K(c) develops near a critical field H(c) ≃ 35.6 T, and the ^{29}Si-NMR signal disappears suddenly at H(c), indicating the total suppression of the HO state. Nevertheless, a weak and shifted (29)Si-NMR signal reappears for fields higher than H(c) at 4.2 K, providing evidence for a magnetic structure within the magnetic phase caused by the Ising-type anisotropy of the uranium ordered moments.
Biased Random-key Genetic Algorithms For The Winner Determination Problem In Combinatorial Auctions.
Abstract In this paper, we address the problem of picking a subset of bids in a general combinatorial auction so as to maximize the overall profit using the first-price model. This winner determination problem assumes that a single bidding round is held to determine both the winners and prices to be paid. We introduce six variants of biased random-key genetic algorithms for this problem. Three of them use a novel initialization technique that makes use of solutions of intermediate linear programming relaxations of an exact mixed integer-linear programming model as initial chromosomes of the population. An experimental evaluation compares the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms with the standard mixed linear integer programming formulation, a specialized exact algorithm, and the best-performing heuristics proposed for this problem. The proposed algorithms are competitive and offer strong results, mainly for large-scale auctions.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
We report measurements of the nonlinear (NL) refractive index n(2) of lead-germanium films (LGFs) containing Cu and Cu(2)O nanoparticles (NPs). The thermally managed eclipse Z-scan technique with 150 fs pulses from a laser operating at 800 nm was used. The NL refractive index measured, n(2)=6.3x10(-12) cm(2)/W has electronic origin and the NL absorption coefficient alpha(2) is smaller than 660 cm/GW. The figure of merit n(2)/lambda alpha(2) is enhanced by more than two orders of magnitude in comparison with the result for the LGFs without the copper based NPs. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
Aims. In an earlier paper we introduced a new method for determining asteroid families where families were identified in the proper frequency domain (n, g, g + s) ( where n is the mean-motion, and g and s are the secular frequencies of the longitude of pericenter and nodes, respectively), rather than in the proper element domain (a, e, sin(i)) (semi-major axis, eccentricity, and inclination). Here we improve our techniques for reliably identifying members of families that interact with nonlinear secular resonances of argument other than g or g + s and for asteroids near or in mean-motion resonant configurations. Methods. We introduce several new distance metrics in the frequency space optimal for determining the diffusion in secular resonances of argument 2g - s, 3g - s, g - s, s, and 2s. We also regularize the dependence of the g frequency as a function of the n frequency (Vesta family) or of the eccentricity e (Hansa family). Results. Our new approaches allow us to recognize as family members objects that were lost with previous methods, while keeping the advantages of the Carruba & Michtchenko (2007, A& A, 475, 1145) approach. More important, an analysis in the frequency domain permits a deeper understanding of the dynamical evolution of asteroid families not always obtainable with an analysis in the proper element domain.
A class of semilinear evolution equations of the second order in time of the form u(tt)+Au+mu Au(t)+Au(tt) = f(u) is considered, where -A is the Dirichlet Laplacian, 92 is a smooth bounded domain in R(N) and f is an element of C(1) (R, R). A local well posedness result is proved in the Banach spaces W(0)(1,p)(Omega)xW(0)(1,P)(Omega) when f satisfies appropriate critical growth conditions. In the Hilbert setting, if f satisfies all additional dissipativeness condition, the nonlinear Semigroup of global solutions is shown to possess a gradient-like attractor. Existence and regularity of the global attractor are also investigated following the unified semigroup approach, bootstrapping and the interpolation-extrapolation techniques.
The Bell-Lavis model for liquid water is investigated through numerical simulations. The lattice-gas model on a triangular lattice presents orientational states and is known to present a highly bonded low density phase and a loosely bonded high density phase. We show that the model liquid-liquid transition is continuous, in contradiction with mean-field results on the Husimi cactus and from the cluster variational method. We define an order parameter which allows interpretation of the transition as an order-disorder transition of the bond network. Our results indicate that the order-disorder transition is in the Ising universality class. Previous proposal of an Ehrenfest second order transition is discarded. A detailed investigation of anomalous properties has also been undertaken. The line of density maxima in the HDL phase is stabilized by fluctuations, absent in the mean-field solution. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3253297]
Bulk Zn(1-x)Co(x)O samples were synthesized via standard solid-state reaction route with different Co molar concentrations up to 21%. A detailed microstructural analysis was carried out to investigate alternative sources of ferromagnetism, such as secondary phases and nanocrystals embedded in the bulk material. Conjugating different techniques we confirmed the Zn replacement by Co ions in the wurtzite ZnO structure, which retains, however, a high crystalline quality. No segregated secondary phases neither Co-rich nanocrystals were detected. Superconducting quantum interference device magnetometry demonstrates a paramagnetic Curie-Weiss behavior with antiferromagnetic interactions. We discuss the observed room temperature paramagnetism of our samples considering the current models for the magnetic properties of diluted magnetic semiconductors. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3459885]