910 resultados para optimization model


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A fuzzy waste-load allocation model, FWLAM, is developed for water quality management of a river system using fuzzy multiple-objective optimization. An important feature of this model is its capability to incorporate the aspirations and conflicting objectives of the pollution control agency and dischargers. The vagueness associated with specifying the water quality criteria and fraction removal levels is modeled in a fuzzy framework. The goals related to the pollution control agency and dischargers are expressed as fuzzy sets. The membership functions of these fuzzy sets are considered to represent the variation of satisfaction levels of the pollution control agency and dischargers in attaining their respective goals. Two formulations—namely, the MAX-MIN and MAX-BIAS formulations—are proposed for FWLAM. The MAX-MIN formulation maximizes the minimum satisfaction level in the system. The MAX-BIAS formulation maximizes a bias measure, giving a solution that favors the dischargers. Maximization of the bias measure attempts to keep the satisfaction levels of the dischargers away from the minimum satisfaction level and that of the pollution control agency close to the minimum satisfaction level. Most of the conventional water quality management models use waste treatment cost curves that are uncertain and nonlinear. Unlike such models, FWLAM avoids the use of cost curves. Further, the model provides the flexibility for the pollution control agency and dischargers to specify their aspirations independently.


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We present a scheme to generate clusters submodels with stage ordering from a (symmetric or a nonsymmetric one) multistage stochastic mixed integer optimization model using break stage. We consider a stochastic model in compact representation and MPS format with a known scenario tree. The cluster submodels are built by storing first the 0-1 the variables, stage by stage, and then the continuous ones, also stage by stage. A C++ experimental code has been implemented for reordering the stochastic model as well as the cluster decomposition after the relaxation of the non-anticipativiy constraints until the so-called breakstage. The computational experience shows better performance of the stage ordering in terms of elapsed time in a randomly generated testbed of multistage stochastic mixed integer problems.


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In this paper, a stochastic programming approach is proposed for trading wind energy in a market environment under uncertainty. Uncertainty in the energy market prices is the main cause of high volatility of profits achieved by power producers. The volatile and intermittent nature of wind energy represents another source of uncertainty. Hence, each uncertain parameter is modeled by scenarios, where each scenario represents a plausible realization of the uncertain parameters with an associated occurrence probability. Also, an appropriate risk measurement is considered. The proposed approach is applied on a realistic case study, based on a wind farm in Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we study the optimal natural gas commitment for a known demand scenario. This study implies the best location of GSUs to supply all demands and the optimal allocation from sources to gas loads, through an appropriate transportation mode, in order to minimize total system costs. Our emphasis is on the formulation and use of a suitable optimization model, reflecting real-world operations and the constraints of natural gas systems. The mathematical model is based on a Lagrangean heuristic, using the Lagrangean relaxation, an efficient approach to solve the problem. Computational results are presented for Iberian and American natural gas systems, geographically organized in 65 and 88 load nodes, respectively. The location model results, supported by the computational application GasView, show the optimal location and allocation solution, system total costs and suggest a suitable gas transportation mode, presented in both numerical and graphic supports.


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In this research, we propose a facial expression recognition system with a layered encoding cascade optimization model. Since generating an effective facial representation is a vital step to the success of facial emotion recognition, a modified Local Gabor Binary Pattern operator is first employed to derive a refined initial face representation and we then propose two evolutionary algorithms for feature optimization including (i) direct similarity and (ii) Pareto-based feature selection, under the layered cascade model. The direct similarity feature selection considers characteristics within the same emotion category that give the minimum within-class variation while the Pareto-based feature optimization focuses on features that best represent each expression category and at the same time provide the most distinctions to other expressions. Both a neural network and an ensemble classifier with weighted majority vote are implemented for the recognition of seven expressions based on the selected optimized features. The ensemble model also automatically updates itself with the most recent concepts in the data. Evaluated with the Cohn-Kanade database, our system achieves the best accuracies when the ensemble classifier is applied, and outperforms other research reported in the literature with 96.8% for direct similarity based optimization and 97.4% for the Pareto-based feature selection. Cross-database evaluation with frontal images from the MMI database has also been conducted to further prove system efficiency where it achieves 97.5% for Pareto-based approach and 90.7% for direct similarity-based feature selection and outperforms related research for MMI. When evaluated with 90° side-view images extracted from the videos of the MMI database, the system achieves superior performances with >80% accuracies for both optimization algorithms. Experiments with other weighting and meta-learning combination methods for the construction of ensembles are also explored with our proposed ensemble showing great adpativity to new test data stream for cross-database evaluation. In future work, we aim to incorporate other filtering techniques and evolutionary algorithms into the optimization models to further enhance the recognition performance.


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An economic-statistical model is developed for variable parameters (VP) (X) over bar charts in which all design parameters vary adaptively, that is, each of the design parameters (sample size, sampling interval and control-limit width) vary as a function of the most recent process information. The cost function due to controlling the process quality through a VP (X) over bar chart is derived. During the optimization of the cost function, constraints are imposed on the expected times to signal when the process is in and out of control. In this way, required statistical properties can be assured. Through a numerical example, the proposed economic-statistical design approach for VP (X) over bar charts is compared to the economic design for VP (X) over bar charts and to the economic-statistical and economic designs for fixed parameters (FP) (X) over bar charts in terms of the operating cost and the expected times to signal. From this example, it is possible to assess the benefits provided by the proposed model. Varying some input parameters, their effect on the optimal cost and on the optimal values of the design parameters was analysed.


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To mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reduce U.S. dependence on imported oil, the United States (U.S.) is pursuing several options to create biofuels from renewable woody biomass (hereafter referred to as “biomass”). Because of the distributed nature of biomass feedstock, the cost and complexity of biomass recovery operations has significant challenges that hinder increased biomass utilization for energy production. To facilitate the exploration of a wide variety of conditions that promise profitable biomass utilization and tapping unused forest residues, it is proposed to develop biofuel supply chain models based on optimization and simulation approaches. The biofuel supply chain is structured around four components: biofuel facility locations and sizes, biomass harvesting/forwarding, transportation, and storage. A Geographic Information System (GIS) based approach is proposed as a first step for selecting potential facility locations for biofuel production from forest biomass based on a set of evaluation criteria, such as accessibility to biomass, railway/road transportation network, water body and workforce. The development of optimization and simulation models is also proposed. The results of the models will be used to determine (1) the number, location, and size of the biofuel facilities, and (2) the amounts of biomass to be transported between the harvesting areas and the biofuel facilities over a 20-year timeframe. The multi-criteria objective is to minimize the weighted sum of the delivered feedstock cost, energy consumption, and GHG emissions simultaneously. Finally, a series of sensitivity analyses will be conducted to identify the sensitivity of the decisions, such as the optimal site selected for the biofuel facility, to changes in influential parameters, such as biomass availability and transportation fuel price. Intellectual Merit The proposed research will facilitate the exploration of a wide variety of conditions that promise profitable biomass utilization in the renewable biofuel industry. The GIS-based facility location analysis considers a series of factors which have not been considered simultaneously in previous research. Location analysis is critical to the financial success of producing biofuel. The modeling of woody biomass supply chains using both optimization and simulation, combing with the GIS-based approach as a precursor, have not been done to date. The optimization and simulation models can help to ensure the economic and environmental viability and sustainability of the entire biofuel supply chain at both the strategic design level and the operational planning level. Broader Impacts The proposed models for biorefineries can be applied to other types of manufacturing or processing operations using biomass. This is because the biomass feedstock supply chain is similar, if not the same, for biorefineries, biomass fired or co-fired power plants, or torrefaction/pelletization operations. Additionally, the research results of this research will continue to be disseminated internationally through publications in journals, such as Biomass and Bioenergy, and Renewable Energy, and presentations at conferences, such as the 2011 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. For example, part of the research work related to biofuel facility identification has been published: Zhang, Johnson and Sutherland [2011] (see Appendix A). There will also be opportunities for the Michigan Tech campus community to learn about the research through the Sustainable Future Institute.


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A range of societal issues have been caused by fossil fuel consumption in the transportation sector in the United States (U.S.), including health related air pollution, climate change, the dependence on imported oil, and other oil related national security concerns. Biofuels production from various lignocellulosic biomass types such as wood, forest residues, and agriculture residues have the potential to replace a substantial portion of the total fossil fuel consumption. This research focuses on locating biofuel facilities and designing the biofuel supply chain to minimize the overall cost. For this purpose an integrated methodology was proposed by combining the GIS technology with simulation and optimization modeling methods. The GIS based methodology was used as a precursor for selecting biofuel facility locations by employing a series of decision factors. The resulted candidate sites for biofuel production served as inputs for simulation and optimization modeling. As a precursor to simulation or optimization modeling, the GIS-based methodology was used to preselect potential biofuel facility locations for biofuel production from forest biomass. Candidate locations were selected based on a set of evaluation criteria, including: county boundaries, a railroad transportation network, a state/federal road transportation network, water body (rivers, lakes, etc.) dispersion, city and village dispersion, a population census, biomass production, and no co-location with co-fired power plants. The simulation and optimization models were built around key supply activities including biomass harvesting/forwarding, transportation and storage. The built onsite storage served for spring breakup period where road restrictions were in place and truck transportation on certain roads was limited. Both models were evaluated using multiple performance indicators, including cost (consisting of the delivered feedstock cost, and inventory holding cost), energy consumption, and GHG emissions. The impact of energy consumption and GHG emissions were expressed in monetary terms to keep consistent with cost. Compared with the optimization model, the simulation model represents a more dynamic look at a 20-year operation by considering the impacts associated with building inventory at the biorefinery to address the limited availability of biomass feedstock during the spring breakup period. The number of trucks required per day was estimated and the inventory level all year around was tracked. Through the exchange of information across different procedures (harvesting, transportation, and biomass feedstock processing procedures), a smooth flow of biomass from harvesting areas to a biofuel facility was implemented. The optimization model was developed to address issues related to locating multiple biofuel facilities simultaneously. The size of the potential biofuel facility is set up with an upper bound of 50 MGY and a lower bound of 30 MGY. The optimization model is a static, Mathematical Programming Language (MPL)-based application which allows for sensitivity analysis by changing inputs to evaluate different scenarios. It was found that annual biofuel demand and biomass availability impacts the optimal results of biofuel facility locations and sizes.


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This paper presents an alternative model to deal with the problem of optimal energy consumption minimization of non-isothermal systems with variable inlet and outlet temperatures. The model is based on an implicit temperature ordering and the “transshipment model” proposed by Papoulias and Grossmann (1983). It is supplemented with a set of logical relationships related to the relative position of the inlet temperatures of process streams and the dynamic temperature intervals. In the extreme situation of fixed inlet and outlet temperatures, the model reduces to the “transshipment model”. Several examples with fixed and variable temperatures are presented to illustrate the model's performance.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Access to healthcare is a major problem in which patients are deprived of receiving timely admission to healthcare. Poor access has resulted in significant but avoidable healthcare cost, poor quality of healthcare, and deterioration in the general public health. Advanced Access is a simple and direct approach to appointment scheduling in which the majority of a clinic's appointments slots are kept open in order to provide access for immediate or same day healthcare needs and therefore, alleviate the problem of poor access the healthcare. This research formulates a non-linear discrete stochastic mathematical model of the Advanced Access appointment scheduling policy. The model objective is to maximize the expected profit of the clinic subject to constraints on minimum access to healthcare provided. Patient behavior is characterized with probabilities for no-show, balking, and related patient choices. Structural properties of the model are analyzed to determine whether Advanced Access patient scheduling is feasible. To solve the complex combinatorial optimization problem, a heuristic that combines greedy construction algorithm and neighborhood improvement search was developed. The model and the heuristic were used to evaluate the Advanced Access patient appointment policy compared to existing policies. Trade-off between profit and access to healthcare are established, and parameter analysis of input parameters was performed. The trade-off curve is a characteristic curve and was observed to be concave. This implies that there exists an access level at which at which the clinic can be operated at optimal profit that can be realized. The results also show that, in many scenarios by switching from existing scheduling policy to Advanced Access policy clinics can improve access without any decrease in profit. Further, the success of Advanced Access policy in providing improved access and/or profit depends on the expected value of demand, variation in demand, and the ratio of demand for same day and advanced appointments. The contributions of the dissertation are a model of Advanced Access patient scheduling, a heuristic to solve the model, and the use of the model to understand the scheduling policy trade-offs which healthcare clinic managers must make. ^


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This document briefly summarizes the pavement management activities under the existing Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) Pavement Management System. The second part of the document provides projected increase in use due to the implementation of the Iowa DOT Pavement Management Optimization System. All estimates of existing time devoted to the Pavement Management System and project increases in time requirements are estimates made by the appropriate Iowa DOT office director or function manager. Included is the new Pavement Management Optimization Structure for the three main offices which will work most closely with the Pavement Management Optimization System (Materials, Design, and Program Management).


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The missions of the research are to assist the Iowa Department of Transortation (Iowa DOT) to: Define pavement management (PM) optimization; Identify the characteristics of PM optimization systems being developed or implemented; Identify specific and achievable objectives for the Iowa DOT pavement management optimization; Evaluate different PM optimization methodologies; Identify a methodology to perform PM optimization that best satisfies the Iowa DOT's objectives; Develop a plan for the implementation of the PM optimization selected. The project is divided into three (3) phases. The first phase has been completed and accomplished the first three missions (identified above). The second phase has been completed and accomplished the next two missions. Phase three will accomplish the last mission.