975 resultados para operating space diagram
Recent years have seen the introduction of new and varied designs of activated sludge plants. With increasing needs for higher efficiencies and lower costs, the possibility of a plant that operates more effectively has created the need for tools that can be used to evaluate and compare designs at the design stage. One such tool is the operating space diagram. It is the aim of this paper to present this tool and demonstrate its application and relevance to design using a simple case study. In the case study, use of the operating space diagram suggested changes in design that would improve the flexibility of the process. It also was useful for designing suitable control strategies.
An operational space map is an efficient tool to compare a large number of operational strategies to find an optimal choice of setpoints based on a multicriterion. Typically, such a multicriterion includes a weighted sum of cost of operation and effluent quality. Due to the relative high cost of aeration such a definition of optimality result in a relatively high fraction of the effluent total nitrogen in the form of ammonium. Such a strategy may however introduce a risk into operation because a low degree of ammonium removal leads to a low amount of nitrifiers. This in turn leads to a reduced ability to reject event disturbances, such as large variations in the ammonium load, drop in temperature, the presence of toxic/inhibitory compounds in the influent etc. Hedging is a risk minimisation tool, with the aim to "reduce one's risk of loss on a bet or speculation by compensating transactions on the other side" (The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995)). In wastewater treatment plant operation hedging can be applied by choosing a higher level of ammonium removal to increase the amount of nitrifiers. This is a sensible way to introduce disturbance rejection ability into the multi criterion. In practice, this is done by deciding upon an internal effluent ammonium criterion. In some countries such as Germany, a separate criterion already applies to the level of ammonium in the effluent. However, in most countries the effluent criterion applies to total nitrogen only. In these cases, an internal effluent ammonium criterion should be selected in order to secure proper disturbance rejection ability.
In this paper, a new v-metric based approach is proposed to design decentralized controllers for multi-unit nonlinear plants that admit a set of plant decompositions in an operating space. Similar to the gap metric approach in literature, it is shown that the operating space can also be divided into several subregions based on a v-metric indicator, and each of the subregions admits the same controller structure. A comparative case study is presented to display the advantages of proposed approach over the gap metric approach. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To report the comparative results of a selective posterior or lateral retroperitoneoscopic approach (RPA) for nephroureterectomy in children. Patients and methods Following an established experience with RPA, 36 complete and 19 partial nephrouretectomies were prospectively randomized to a posterior and lateral retroperitoneoscopic approach. The patients were aged 4 months to 14 years, with a body weight at operation of 5.7-82 kg. For posterior RPA the child is positioned prone, with three access ports. The operating space was created with balloon dissection and maintained with CO2 insufflation. The child was then rotated 30 degrees with the kidney in the dependent position, and the operator and assistant standing on the affected side. In the lateral approach the child is in the lateral decubitus position with the operator and assistant facing the dorsal aspect of the patient. Results There was no significant difference in operative duration between the lateral and posterior approaches for nephrectomy (65 and 47 min) or partial nephrectomy (85 and 75 min). Two lateral nephrectomies required open conversion (one upper pole and one lower pole). Conclusion The posterior approach gives easy and quick access to the renal pedicle. It is preferable for complete nephrectomy alone and partial or polar excision. In children under 5 years old a near complete ureterectomy can be achieved. The lateral approach creates more inferomedial space, gives better access to ectopic kidneys and allows complete ureterectomy in all cases, Access to the pedicle in the normal position requires more frequent positioning of the kidney. Care must be taken as peritoneal tears are more common.
No âmbito da unidade curricular Dissertação/Projeto/Estágio do 2ºano do Mestrado em Engenharia mecânica – Ramo Gestão Industrial do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, o presente trabalho de dissertação foi enquadrado num projeto industrial de melhoria com Instituto Kaizen, empresa de consultoria operacional. O projeto foi desenvolvido numa empresa de produção de componentes em ferro nodular destinados à indústria automóvel do mercado europeu, a Sakthi Portugal,SA. A realização deste projeto teve como objetivo a implementação do sistema de planeamento em Pull (produção puxada) na logística interna da Sakthi Portugal,SA recorrendo à metodologia Kaizen. Esta metodologia consiste na aplicação de ferramentas de TFM - Total Flow Management, integradas no Kaizen Management System. Neste projeto recorreu-se especialmente a um dos pilares que o constituem, o pilar do “Fluxo da Logística Interna”. Neste pilar encontram-se as várias metodologias utilizadas na otimização do fluxo de material e informação na logística interna. Estas metodologias foram aplicadas, com o objetivo do sistema produtivo operar de acordo com a necessidade do cliente, obtendo deste modo a minimização dos custo e o aumento da produtividade e qualidade. Em resultado da aplicação da metodologia seguida, foi possível atingir-se os objetivos definidos inicialmente e em alguns casos foi possível superar esses objetivos. Em função da abordagem integrada que foi seguida, conseguiu-se uma diminuição do “lead time” do processo de fabrico, redução dos produtos em curso de fabrico, libertação de espaço e redução de inventários. Estas melhorias resultaram numa movimentação interna na fábrica mais facilitada e num aumento global da produtividade. Como consequência positiva dos efeitos deste trabalho, pode-se apontar o facto de que a Sakthi Portugal SA aumentou a sua competitividade por tornar-se numa empresa mais dinâmica, mais adaptada ao mercado e com níveis de satisfação do cliente muito superiores.
This dissertation covers four areas of particular interest for the successful application of radiant heating in industrial environments. In it the author tackles the problem of how to predict the thermal comfort produced both by single heaters and also systems of heaters; proposes a method for modelling the mechanisms by which heaters interact with the buildings in which they are installed, in the static and dynamic cases; explores techniques for measuring the radiation produced by heaters; and presents experiments concerned with finding the temperatures and power balances prevailing during normal operation. It is contended that, whilst the generally accepted guides for sizing and operating space heating plant were a good first approximation, there are intrinsic subtleties arising from the fact that the primary mode of heat transfer in this instance is radiative. These nuances are concerned with how best to maximise the heat transfer from the heat source to the heated object; the placement of heaters within a system; and an assessment of the various techniques and strategies involved in controlling a radiant heating system. The conclusions reached are that: if sized and controlled correctly radiant heating systems offer considerable operational advantages over other types of space heating systems in certain applications, in terms of both economy and controllability. The efficacy of radiant heating systems is affected primarily by the control strategy implemented; secondarily, by the structure of the building into which it is installed; and only marginally by all other factors.
Since the 1950s the global consumption of natural resources has skyrocketed, both in magnitude and in the range of resources used. Closely coupled with emissions of greenhouse gases, land consumption, pollution of environmental media, and degradation of ecosystems, as well as with economic development, increasing resource use is a key issue to be addressed in order to keep the planet Earth in a safe and just operating space. This requires thinking about absolute reductions in resource use and associated environmental impacts, and, when put in the context of current re-focusing on economic growth at the European level, absolute decoupling, i.e., maintaining economic development while absolutely reducing resource use and associated environmental impacts. Changing behavioural, institutional and organisational structures that lock-in unsustainable resource use is, thus, a formidable challenge as existing world views, social practices, infrastructures, as well as power structures, make initiating change difficult. Hence, policy mixes are needed that will target different drivers in a systematic way. When designing policy mixes for decoupling, the effect of individual instruments on other drivers and on other instruments in a mix should be considered and potential negative effects be mitigated. This requires smart and time-dynamic policy packaging. This Special Issue investigates the following research questions: What is decoupling and how does it relate to resource efficiency and environmental policy? How can we develop and realize policy mixes for decoupling economic development from resource use and associated environmental impacts? And how can we do this in a systemic way, so that all relevant dimensions and linkages—including across economic and social issues, such as production, consumption, transport, growth and wellbeing—are taken into account? In addressing these questions, the overarching goals of this Special Issue are to: address the challenges related to more sustainable resource-use; contribute to the development of successful policy tools and practices for sustainable development and resource efficiency (particularly through the exploration of socio-economic, scientific, and integrated aspects of sustainable development); and inform policy debates and policy-making. The Special Issue draws on findings from the EU and other countries to offer lessons of international relevance for policy mixes for more sustainable resource-use, with findings of interest to policy makers in central and local government and NGOs, decision makers in business, academics, researchers, and scientists.
N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido derivatives are polar multifunctional substances. A set of these compounds was synthesised by successive substitution on the enamine side, resulting in similar substances with different polarities, providing a set of model compounds with respect to the study of substituent effects on physico-chemical properties. Experimental aqueous solubility data, at T = 298.15 K, of N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzamidine, PhCNH2NCSNEt2 (1),N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-phenylbenzamidine, PhCNHPhNCSNEt2 (2), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N'-monoethylbenzamidine, PhCNHEtNCSNEt2 (3), N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)-N',N'-diethylbenzamidine, PhCNEt2NCSNEt2 (4), and N-(diethylaminothiocarbonyl)benzimido ethylester, PhCOEtNCSNEt2 (5) were measured at T = 298.15 K. The obtained data are supplemented by COSMO-RS aqueous solubility predictions as well as other environmentally important partition coefficients. This information is shown in a two-dimensional chemical space diagram, providing indications about the compartment into which the bulk of the compounds is likely to concentrate. The expected quality of COSMO-RS predictions for this type of screening exercise is illustrated on a set of pesticides with established thermophysical property data.
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We study the spin-1/2 Heisenberg models on an anisotropic two-dimensional lattice which interpolates between the square lattice at one end, a set of decoupled spin chains on the other end, and the triangular-lattice Heisenberg model in between. By series expansions around two different dimer ground states and around various commensurate and incommensurate magnetically ordered states, we establish the phase diagram for this model of a frustrated antiferromagnet. We find a particularly rich phase diagram due to the interplay of magnetic frustration, quantum fluctuations, and varying dimensionality. There is a large region of the usual two-sublattice Neel phase, a three-sublattice phase for the triangular-lattice model, a region of incommensurate magnetic order around the triangular-lattice model, and regions in parameter space where there is no magnetic order. We find that the incommensurate ordering wave vector is in general altered from its classical value by quantum fluctuations. The regime of weakly coupled chains is particularly interesting and appears to be nearly critical. [S0163-1829(99)10421-1].
We present the first version of a new tool to scan the parameter space of generic scalar potentials, SCANNERS (Coimbra et al., SCANNERS project., 2013). The main goal of SCANNERS is to help distinguish between different patterns of symmetry breaking for each scalar potential. In this work we use it to investigate the possibility of excluding regions of the phase diagram of several versions of a complex singlet extension of the Standard Model, with future LHC results. We find that if another scalar is found, one can exclude a phase with a dark matter candidate in definite regions of the parameter space, while predicting whether a third scalar to be found must be lighter or heavier. The first version of the code is publicly available and contains various generic core routines for tree level vacuum stability analysis, as well as implementations of collider bounds, dark matter constraints, electroweak precision constraints and tree level unitarity.