972 resultados para online training


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Background: The integrated treatment of first episode psychosis has been shown to improve functionality and negative symptoms in previous studies. In this paper, we describe a study of integrated treatment (individual psychoeducation complementary to pharmacotherapy) versus treatment as usual, comparing results at baseline with those at 6-month re-assessment (at the end of the study) for these patients, and online training of professionals to provide this complementary treatment, with the following objectives: 1) to compare the efficacy of individual psychoeducation as add-on treatment versus treatment as usual in improving psychotic and mood symptoms; 2) to compare adherence to medication, functioning, insight, social response, quality of life, and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, between both groups; and 3) to analyse the efficacy of online training of psychotherapists. Methods/design: This is a single-blind randomised clinical trial including patients with first episode psychosis from hospitals across Spain, randomly assigned to either a control group with pharmacotherapy and regular sessions with their psychiatrist (treatment as usual) or an intervention group with integrated care including treatment as usual plus a psychoeducational intervention (14 sessions). Training for professionals involved at each participating centre was provided by the coordinating centre (University Hospital of Alava) through video conferences. Patients are evaluated with an extensive battery of tests assessing clinical and sociodemographic characteristics (Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorders, Strauss and Carpenter Prognostic Scale, Global Assessment of Functioning Scale, Morisky Green Adherence Scale, Functioning Assessment Short Test, World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument WHOQOL-BREF (an abbreviated version of the WHOQOL-100), and EuroQoL questionnaire), and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels are measured in peripheral blood at baseline and at 6 months. The statistical analysis, including bivariate analysis, linear and logistic regression models, will be performed using SPSS. Discussion: This is an innovative study that includes the assessment of an integrated intervention for patients with first episode psychosis provided by professionals who are trained online, potentially making it possible to offer the intervention to more patients.


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The aim of this study was to develop an Internet-based self-directed training program for Australian healthcare workers to facilitate learning and competence in delivery of a proven intervention for caregivers of people with dementia: The New York University Caregiver Intervention (NYUCI). The NYUCI is a nonpharmacological, multicomponent intervention for spousal caregivers. It is aimed at maintaining well-being by increasing social support and decreasing family discord, thereby delaying or avoiding nursing home placement of the person with dementia. Training in the NYUCI in the United States has, until now, been conducted in person to trainee practitioners. The Internet-based intervention was developed simultaneously for trainees in the U.S. and Australia. In Australia, due to population geography, community healthcare workers, who provide support to older adult caregivers of people with dementia, live and work in many regional and rural areas. Therefore, it was especially important to have online training available to make it possible to realize the health and economic benefits of using an existing evidence-based intervention. This study aimed to transfer knowledge of training in, and delivery of, the NYUCI for an Australian context and consumers. This article details the considerations given to contextual differences and to learners’ skillset differences in translating the NYUCI for Australia.


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Information and communication technologies are increasingly being used to remotely deliver psychological services. This delivery method confers clear advantages to both client and therapist, including the accessibility of services by otherwise unserved populations and cost-effective treatment. Remote services can be delivered in a real-time or delayed manner, providing clients with a wealth of therapy options not previously available. The proliferation of these services has outstripped the development and implementation of all but the most rudimentary of regulatory frameworks, potentially exposing clients to substandard psychological services. Integrating mandatory training on the delivery of online psychological services into accredited postgraduate psychology courses would aid in addressing this issue. The purpose of this article is to outline issues of consideration in the development and implementation of such a training programme. An online etherapy training programme developed by Swinburne University's National eTherapy Centre will be used as an example throughout.


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The provision of effective training of supervisors and operators is essential if sugar factories are to operate profitably and in an environmentally sustainable and safe manner. The benefits of having supervisor and operator staff with a high level of operational skills are reduced stoppages, increased recovery, improved sugar quality, reduced damage to equipment, and reduced OH&S and environmental impacts. Training of new operators and supervisors in factories has traditionally relied on on-the-job training of the new or inexperienced staff by experienced supervisors and operators, supplemented by courses conducted by contractors such as Sugar Research Institute (SRI). However there is clearly a need for staff to be able to undertake training at any time, drawing on the content of online courses as required. An improved methodology for the training of factory supervisors and operators has been developed by QUT on behalf of a syndicate of mills. The new methodology provides ‘at factory’ learning via self-paced modules. Importantly, the training resources for each module are designed to support the training programs within sugar factories, thereby establishing a benchmark for training across the sugar industry. The modules include notes, training guides and session plans, guidelines for walkthrough tours of the stations, learning activities, resources such as videos, animations, job aids and competency assessments. The materials are available on the web for registered users in Australian Mills and many activities are best undertaken online. Apart from a few interactive online resources, the materials for each module can also be downloaded. The acronym SOTrain (Supervisor and Operator Training) has been applied to the new training program.


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O presente estudo foi realizado no âmbito da formação continuada de professores através das interações numa Comunidade de Prática online (CoP online). Nas CoPs ocorrem a partiha de dúvidas e problemas comuns ao trabalho dos docentes. Quando as interações são mediadas por computadores, sejam estas síncronas ou assíncronas, ultrapassam as barreiras de espaço e tempo, se adequando ao cotidiano dos professores, invariavelmente tomado por múltiplas atividades. Nesta investigação delineamos os seguintes objetivos: i) Construir uma CoP online ancorada no software social Facebook, como espaço virtual de interação entre os participantes; ii) Comprender as interações através duma CoP online como etapa na construção de competências; iii) Criar e desenvolver um programa de formações presenciais e online com vistas à desenvover as competências de Questionamento e Argumentação; e, iv) Avaliar os impactos da formação através da CoP online no desenvolvimento das competências do Questionamento e da Argumentação enquanto estratégia de promoção do ensino ativo. Como estratégia, optamos em promover as interações através do Facebook por não ocasionar custos aos participantes e por atender ao modelo de presença virtual já existente. Participaram das interações professores em exercício da Autarquia do Ensino Superior de Garanhuns (AESGA), situada no interior de Pernambuco, Brasil. As interações decorreram no período de Abril de 2012 até Março de 2013, numa comunidade fechada, de livre adesão através de convite. Para solidificar a aprendizagem através da CoP online promovemos dois ciclos de formação, um presencial e um online. Em ambas as intervenções visamos o desenvolvimento das competências do Questionamento e da Argumentação por entendermos que estas são competências instrumentais para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Crítico e da reflexão essenciais ao docente na revisão constante de suas práticas. Nas sessões online, realizadas com o apoio do Skype e concretizadas no software ArguQuest para dinamizar atividades práticas no desenvolvimento das competências do Questionamento e da Argumentação do professor, oportunizando a este a construção coletiva de estratégias alternativas de ensino e de aprendizagem, fundamentadas no ensino ativo. O estudo foi realizado através dum estudo de caso único, alicerçado no paradigma naturalista e de abordagem qualitativa. Os dados de cariz numérico fundamentaram as análises qualitativas, promovendo também a triangulação dos dados. As interações entre os professores foram analisadas através do modelo IAM (Interaction Analysis Model) proposto por Gunawardena, Lowe e Anderson (1997), que tem como objetivo determinar se o conhecimento foi cosntruído através das interações e qual o grau de mudança do entendimento decorrente das interações. Para verificar esta construção do conhecimento analisamos os excertos de episódios interativos com apoio do software de análise qualitativa WebQDA (Neri de Souza, Costa & Neri de Souza, 2012). A análise das situações de aprendizagem planejadas e desenvolvidas demonstraram que as TIC, nomeadamente os softwares sociais, podem ser aplicados com eficiência no desenvolvimento de competências dos professores em exercício, apresentando-se como alternativa para a promoção da formação continuada de docentes. Em relação ao desenvolvimento das competências do Questionamento e da Argumentação, percebemos que os docentes foram sensibilizados para trabalhar com uma metodologia interativa, promovendo um ambiente favorável à aprendizagem ativa. Através da aplicação adaptada do modelo de construção de conhecimento preconizado no ArguQuest, foi possível acompanhar a prática do docente junto aos seus alunos, ampliando o seu repertório didático, e, sobretudo, implantando uma forma de aprender fundamentada na construção compartilhada de Questionamentos e Argumentos.


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Free online training resources on using web 2.0 tools for busy lecturers. - 'Outstanding ICT initiative of the year' winner of the JISC award is commended for 'commitment to open access to online content' A wealth of openly available multimedia content won the JISC/Times Higher Award. Created by University of Westminster lecturer Russell Stannard's websites build upon pioneering work using video to mark students' work. Using screen recording software, Stannard recorded himself walking through various Web 2.0 technologies with a voice-over, which were then uploaded to a website - www.teachertrainingvideos.com. The site quickly proved popular and rapidly built into a bank of over 30 videos.


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This article discusses the lessons learned from developing and delivering the Vocational Management Training for the European Tourism Industry (VocMat) online training programme, which was aimed at providing flexible, online distance learning for the European tourism industry. The programme was designed to address managers ‘need for flexible, senior management level training which they could access at a time and place which fitted in with their working and non-work commitments. The authors present two main approaches to using the Virtual Learning Environment, the feedback from the participants, and the implications of online Technology in extending tourism training opportunities


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This paper describes the planning, implementation and current progress of the Deakin Online Project which aims to establish a virtual campus for Deakin University. The project is built upon the WebCT Vista© learning management system. Strategies for eTeaching and eLearning are analysed and the dangers and opportunities are identified. Approaches to the preparation of both students and faculty for working in the online environment are discussed including online training, mentoring schemes and a dedicated teaching and learning support unit. An in-depth account of the project is presented which is potentially useful to any organization considering embarking on online teaching on a large scale.


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Background The diagnosis of displacement in scaphoid fractures is notorious for poor interobserver reliability.

Questions/purposes We tested whether training can improve interobserver reliability and sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy for the diagnosis of scaphoid fracture displacement on radiographs and CT scans.

Methods Sixty-four orthopaedic surgeons rated a set of radiographs and CT scans of 10 displaced and 10 nondisplaced scaphoid fractures for the presence of displacement, using a web-based rating application. Before rating, observers were randomized to a training group (34 observers) and a nontraining group (30 observers). The training group received an online training module before the rating session, and the nontraining group did not. Interobserver reliability for training and nontraining was assessed by Siegel’s multirater kappa and the Z-test was used to test for significance.

Results There was a small, but significant difference in the interobserver reliability for displacement ratings in favor of the training group compared with the nontraining group. Ratings of radiographs and CT scans combined resulted in moderate agreement for both groups. The average sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of diagnosing displacement of scaphoid fractures were, respectively, 83%, 85%, and 84% for the nontraining group and 87%, 86%, and 87% for the training group. Assuming a 5% prevalence of fracture displacement, the positive predictive value was 0.23 in the nontraining group and 0.25 in the training group. The negative predictive value was 0.99 in both groups.

Conclusions Our results suggest training can improve interobserver reliability and sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the diagnosis of scaphoid fracture displacement, but the improvements are slight. These findings are encouraging for future research regarding interobserver variation and how to reduce it further.


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Teachers in many parts of the world are mandated reporters of child abuse and maltreatment but very little is known concerning how they question children in suspicious circumstances. Teachers (n=36), who had previously participated in a mock interview scenario designed to characterize their baseline use of various question-types when attempting to elicit sensitive information from children, were given online training in choosing effective questions. They engaged in simulated interviews with a virtual avatar several times in one week and then participated in a mock interview scenario. The amount and proportion of open-ended questions they used increased dramatically after training. The overall number of questions, and amount and proportions of specific and leading questions decreased. In particular, large decreases were observed in more risky yes-no and other forced-choice questions. Given that most teachers may feel the need to ask a child about an ambiguous situation at some point during their careers it is worthwhile to incorporate practice asking effective questions into their training, and the present research suggests that an e-learning format is effective. Additionally, effective questions encourage the development of narrative competence, and we discuss how teachers might include open-ended questions during regular classroom learning.