168 resultados para onion


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Onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most cultivated and consumed vegetables in Brazil and its importance is due to the large laborforce involved. One of the main pests that affect this crop is the Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci), but the spatial distribution of this insect, although important, has not been considered in crop management recommendations, experimental planning or sampling procedures. Our purpose here is to consider statistical tools to detect and model spatial patterns of the occurrence of the onion thrips. In order to characterize the spatial distribution pattern of the Onion Thrips a survey was carried out to record the number of insects in each development phase on onion plant leaves, on different dates and sample locations, in four rural properties with neighboring farms under different infestation levels and planting methods. The Mantel randomization test proved to be a useful tool to test for spatial correlation which, when detected, was described by a mixed spatial Poisson model with a geostatistical random component and parameters allowing for a characterization of the spatial pattern, as well as the production of prediction maps of susceptibility to levels of infestation throughout the area.


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ABSTRACT Trichoderma species are non-pathogenic microorganisms that protect against fungal diseases and contribute to increased crop yields. However, not all Trichoderma species have the same effects on crop or a pathogen, whereby the characterization and identification of strains at the species level is the first step in the use of a microorganism. The aim of this study was the identification – at species level – of five strains of Trichoderma isolated from soil samples obtained from garlic and onion fields located in Costa Rica, through the analysis of the ITS1, 5.8S, and ITS2 ribosomal RNA regions; as well as the determination of their individual antagonistic ability over S. cepivorum Berkeley. In order to distinguish the strains, the amplified products were analyzed using MEGA v6.0 software, calculating the genetic distances through the Tamura-Nei model and building the phylogenetic tree using the Maximum Likelihood method. We established that the evaluated strains belonged to the species T. harzianum and T. asperellum; however it was not possible to identify one of the analyzed strains based on the species criterion. To evaluate their antagonistic ability, the dual culture technique, Bell’s scale, and the percentage inhibition of radial growth (PIRG) were used, evidencing that one of the T. asperellum isolates presented the best yields under standard, solid fermentation conditions.


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Selostus: Sadonkorjuuajan vaikutus sipulin varastohävikkiin ja varastoinnin jälkeiseen versomiseen


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial distribution of thrips in different crops, and the correlation between meterological parameters and the flight movements of this pest, using immunomarking. The experiment was conducted in cultivated areas, with tomato (Solanum lycopersicum), potato (Solanum tuberosum), and onion (Allium cepa); and non-cultivated areas, with weedy plants. The areas with tomato (100 days), potato (20 days), and weeds were sprayed with casein, albumin, and soy milk, respectively, to mark adult thrips; however, the areas with onion (50 days) and tomato (10 days) were not sprayed. Thrips were captured with georeferenced blue sticky traps, transferred into tubes, and identified by treatment area with the Elisa test. The dependence between the samples and the capture distance was determined using geostatistics. Meteorlogical parameters were correlated with thrips density in each area. The three protein types used for immunomarking were detected in different proportions in the thrips. There was a correlation between casein-marked thrips and wind speed. The thrips flew a maximum distance of 3.5 km and dispersed from the older (tomato) to the younger crops (potato). The immunomarking method is efficient to mark large quantities of thrips.


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ABSTRACT In the present study, onion plants were tested under controlled conditions for the development of a climate model based on the influence of temperature (10, 15, 20 and 25°C) and leaf wetness duration (6, 12, 24 and 48 hours) on the severity of Botrytis leaf blight of onion caused by Botrytis squamosa. The relative lesion density was influenced by temperature and leaf wetness duration (P <0.05). The disease was most severe at 20°C. Data were subjected to nonlinear regression analysis. Beta generalized function was used to adjust severity and temperature data, while a logistic function was chosen to represent the effect of leaf wetness on the severity of Botrytis leaf blight. The response surface obtained by the product of two functions was expressed as ES = 0.008192 * (((x-5)1.01089) * ((30-x)1.19052)) * (0.33859/(1+3.77989 * exp (-0.10923*y))), where ES represents the estimated severity value (0.1); x, the temperature (°C); and y, the leaf wetness (in hours). This climate model should be validated under field conditions to verify its use as a computational system for the forecasting of Botrytis leaf blight in onion.


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Asphodelus tenuifolius is becoming a more common weed in rain-fed area in Pakistan. Laboratory and greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the effect of different environmental factors on germination and emergence of A.tenuifolius. Results showed that A.tenuifolius can tolerate a wide range of varying environmental factors. Greatest percentage of germination (80%) was recorded at 15 ºC constant temperature; however, considerable germination occurred at 20 and 25 ºC. Light for 10 h photoperiod stimulate germination of Asphodelus tenuifolius compared with complete darkness. Germination was totally inhibited at osmotic stress higher than -0.8 MPa. There was no significant difference in germination at pH 6 to 8; however, there was a slightly decrease at pH 9, compared with distilled water. Asphodelus tenuifolius was very sensitive to salinity; however, a few seeds of A.tenuifolius were able to germinate even at 150 mM NaCl concentration. Greatest emergence occurred with seed placed at soil surface and emergence decreased with increase in burial depth. No emergence occurred from 4 cm or greater. This information may aid in developing tools and strategies for management.


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Chickpea yield potential is limited by weed competition in typical chickpea growing areas of Pakistan where zero tillage crop grown on moisture conserved from rains received during the months of September and August. The objective of this work was to evaluate the growth and yield characteristics of chickpea grown in coexistence with increasing densities of wild onion (Asphodelus tenuifolius). The experiment was comprised of six density levels viz. zero, 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 plants m-2 of A. tenuifolius. A decrease in chickpea primary and secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight and seed yield was observed due to more accumulation of dry matter per increasing densities of A. tenuifolius. The increase in A. tenuifolius density accelerated chickpea yield losses and reached the maximum values of 28, 35, 42, 50, 58 and 96% at 20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 A. tenuifolius plants m-2, respectively. The yield loss estimation model showed that chickpea losses with infinite A. tenuifolius density were 60%. Yield reduction could be predicted by 2.52% with increase of one A. tenuifolius plant m-2. It is concluded that A. tenuifolius has a strong influence on chickpea seed yield and showed a linear response at the range of densities studied.


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Intercropping systems are seen as advantageous as they can provide higher crop yield and diversity along with fewer issues related to pests and weeds than monocultures. However, plant interactions in intercropped crop species and between crops and weeds in these systems are still not well understood. The main objective of this study was to investigate interactions between onion (Allium cepa) and yellow wax bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) in monocultures and intercropping with and without the presence of a weed species, either Chenopodium album or Amaranthus hybridus. Another objective of this study was to compare morphological traits of C. album from two different populations (conventional vs. organic farms). Using a factorial randomized block design, both crop species were planted either in monoculture or intercropped with or without the presence of one of the two weeds. The results showed that intercropping onion with yellow wax bean increased the growth of onion but decreased the growth of yellow wax bean when compared to monocultures. The relative yield total (RYT) value was 1.3. Individual aboveground dry weight of both weed species under intercropping was reduced about 5 times when compared to the control. The poor growth of weeds in intercropping might suggest that crop diversification can help resist weed infestations. A common garden experiment indicated that C. album plants from the conventional farm had larger leaf area and were taller than those from the organic farm. This might be associated with specific evolutionary adaptation of weeds to different farming practices. These findings contribute to the fundamental knowledge of crop-crop interactions, crop-weed competition and adaptation of weeds to various conditions. They provide insights for the management of diversified cropping systems and integrated weed management as practices in sustainable agriculture.


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This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.


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This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.


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Onion (Allium cepa) was grown in the field within temperature gradient tunnels (providing about -2.5degreesC to +2.5degreesC from outside temperatures) maintained at either 374 or 532 mumol mol(-1) CO2. Plant leaf area was determined non-destructively at 7 day intervals until the time of bulbing in 12 combinations of temperature and CO2 concentration. Gas exchange was measured in each plot at the time of bulbing, and the carbohydrate content of the leaf (source) and bulb (sink) was determined. Maximum rate of leaf area expansion increased with mean temperature. Leaf area duration and maximum rate of leaf area expansion were not significantly affected by CO2. The light-saturated rates of leaf photosynthesis (A(sat)) were greater in plants grown at normal than at elevated CO2 concentrations at the same measurement CO2 concentration. Acclimation of photosynthesis decreased with an increase in growth temperature, and with an increase in leaf nitrogen content at elevated CO2. The ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO2 (C-i/C-a ratio) was 7.4% less for plants grown at elevated compared with normal CO2. A(sat) in plants grown at elevated CO2 was less than in plants grown at normal CO2 when compared at the same C-i Hence, acclimation of photosynthesis was due both to stomatal acclimation and to limitations to biochemical CO2 fixation. Carbohydrate content of the onion bulbs was greater at elevated than at normal CO2. In contrast, carbohydrate content was less at elevated compared with normal CO2 in the leaf sections in which CO2 exchange was measured at the same developmental stage. Therefore, acclimation of photosynthesis in fully expanded onion leaves was detected despite the absence of localised carbohydrate accumulation in these field-grown crops.


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Epidemiological data suggest that those who consume a diet rich in quercetin-containing foods may have a reduced risk of CVD. Furthermore, in vitro and ex vivo studies have observed the inhibition of collagen-induced platelet activation by quercetin. The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible inhibitory effects of quercetin ingestion from a dietary source on collagen-stimulated platelet aggregation and signalling. A double-blind randomised cross-over pilot study was undertaken. Subjects ingested a soup containing either a high or a low amount of quercetin. Plasma quercetin concentrations and platelet aggregation and signalling were assessed after soup ingestion. The high-quercetin soup contained 69 mg total quercetin compared with the low-quercetin soup containing 5 mg total quercetin. Plasma quercetin concentrations were significantly higher after high-quercetin soup ingestion than after low-quercetin soup ingestion and peaked at 2.59 (SEM 0.42) mu mol/l. Collagen-stimulated (0.5 mu g/ml) platelet aggregation was inhibited after ingestion of the high-quercetin soup in a time-dependent manner. Collagen-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation of a key component of the collagen-signalling pathway via glycoprotein VI, Syk, was significantly inhibited by ingestion of the high-quercetin soup. The inhibition of Syk tyrosine phosphorylation was correlated with the area under the curve for the high-quercetin plasma profile. In conclusion, the ingestion of quercetin from a dietary source of onion soup could inhibit some aspects of collagen-stimulated platelet aggregation and signalling ex vivo. This further substantiates the epidemiological data suggesting that those who preferentially consume high amounts of quercetin-containing foods have a reduced risk of thrombosis and potential CVD risk.


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Onion (Allium cepa) was grown in the field within temperature gradient tunnels (providing about -2.5 degrees C to +2.5 degrees C from outside temperatures) maintained at either 374 or 532 mumol mol (-1) CO2. Plant leaf area was determined non-destructively at 7 day intervals until the time of bulbing in 12 combinations of temperature and CO2 concentration. Gas exchange was measured in each plot at the time of bulbing, and the carbohydrate content of the leaf (source) and bulb (sink) was determined. Maximum rate of leaf area expansion increased with mean temperature. Leaf area duration and maximum rate of leaf area expansion were not significantly affected by CO2. The light-saturated rates of leaf photosynthesis (A(sat)) were greater in plants grown at normal than at elevated CO2 concentrations at the same measurement CO2 concentration. Acclimation of photosynthesis decreased with an increase in growth temperature, and with an increase in leaf nitrogen content at elevated CO2. The ratio of intercellular to atmospheric CO2 (C-i/C-a ratio) was 7.4% less for plants grown at elevated compared with normal CO2. A(sat) in plants grown at elevated CO2 was less than in plants grown at normal CO2 when compared at the same C-i Hence, acclimation of photosynthesis was due both to stomatal acclimation and to limitations to biochemical CO2 fixation. Carbohydrate content of the onion bulbs was greater at elevated than at normal CO2. In contrast, carbohydrate content was less at elevated compared with normal CO2 in the leaf sections in which CO2 exchange was measured at the same developmental stage. Therefore, acclimation of photosynthesis in fully expanded onion leaves was detected despite the absence of localised carbohydrate accumulation in these field-grown crops.