190 resultados para omental bursa


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Object The aim of this study is to access the efficacy of the omental bursa (lesser sac) as a receptacle of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and to use it as an alternative to the ventriculoatrial or ventriculopleural shunts when the peritoneum reduces or loses its CSF absorption capacity. Methods Three patients with hydrocephalus presented with malfunctioning of ventriculoperitoneal shunts, secondary to peritoneal blockage caused by previous episodes of shunt infections in two and peritonitis in one patient. All patients underwent previous shunt revisions due to ventriculitis and shunt obstruction ranging from three to eight times. In order to keep the peritoneal cavity as the main receptacle of CSF absorption site, the distal catheter was inserted in the omental bursa, through the foramen of Winslow, jointly by a pediatric surgeon. We denominated this new technique of CSF diversion as ventriculoomental bursa (VOB) shunting. The children have been followed at least for 1 year (range 12 to 28 months) with no recurrence of shunt. Conclusions VOB shunting may be considered an acceptable technique to CSF shunting when the anterior peritoneum loses or decreases its CSF absorption capacity.


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Fifty Bursa of Fabricius (BF) were examined by conventional optical microscopy and digital images were acquired and processed using Matlab® 6.5 software. The Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) was generated using Neuroshell® Classifier software and the optical and digital data were compared. The ANN was able to make a comparable classification of digital and optical scores. The use of ANN was able to classify correctly the majority of the follicles, reaching sensibility and specificity of 89% and 96%, respectively. When the follicles were scored and grouped in a binary fashion the sensibility increased to 90% and obtained the maximum value for the specificity of 92%. These results demonstrate that the use of digital image analysis and ANN is a useful tool for the pathological classification of the BF lymphoid depletion. In addition it provides objective results that allow measuring the dimension of the error in the diagnosis and classification therefore making comparison between databases feasible.


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Abstract: We herein report human dermatitis caused by the tropical fowl mite Ornithonyssus bursa (Berlese). The cases occurred in an apartment in a residential district of Porto Alegre City, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, where three members of the same family presented with pruritic lesions on the arms and legs. On inspecting the bathroom, several mites measuring approximately 1.0mm in length were observed coming from a nest of Rufous Hornero, Furnarius rufus (Gmelin). This is the first report of O. bursa in the urban area of Porto Alegre City, from a nest of F. rufus that bites humans.


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La découverte en 2001 d'une église et de son pavement sur le site de Derecik près de la ville de Büyükorhan en Turquie a suscité de premières fouilles par les archéologues du Musée archéologique de Bursa, capitale de province, la même année. La présentation des mosaïques en 2006 aux participants d'un colloque organisé par l'Université Uludag de Bursa a permis l'intervention d'une équipe suisse sur les lieux dès 2007. Deux années de fouille et d'observations ont conduit à distinguer plusieurs phases de construction de l'église elle-même et de l'emplacement sur lequel elle est implantée. Un temple de construction légère l'a précédée, vraisemblablement dédié à Zeus, et au moins trois phases de construction la caractérisent, complétées par des aménagements postérieurs. L'occupation des lieux est attestée depuis le IIe siècle ap. J.-C., sinon avant, jusqu'aux invasions arabes du VIIIe siècle ap. J.-C.


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The hypothalamic damage induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium l-glutamate (MSG) induces several metabolic abnormalities, resulting in a rat hyperleptinemic-hyperadipose phenotype. This study was conducted to explore the impact of the neonatal MSG treatment, in the adult (120 days old) female rat on: (a) the in vivo and in vitro mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and angiotensin II (AII); (b) the effect of leptin on ACTH- and AII-stimulated mineralocorticoid secretions by isolated corticoadrenal cells; and (c) abdominal adiposity characteristics. Our data indicate that, compared with age-matched controls, MSG rats displayed: (1) enhanced and reduced mineralocorticoid responses to ACTH and AII treatments, respectively, effects observed in both in vivo and in vitro conditions; (2) adrenal refractoriness to the inhibitory effect of exogenous leptin on ACTH-stimulated aldosterone output by isolated adrenocortical cells; and (3) distorted omental adiposity morphology and function. This study supports that the adult hyperleptinemic MSG female rat is characterized by enhanced ACTH-driven mineralocorticoid function, impaired adrenal leptin sensitivity, and disrupted abdominal adiposity function. MSG rats could counteract undesirable effects of glucocorticoid excess, by developing a reduced AII-driven mineralocorticoid function. Thus, chronic hyperleptinemia could play a protective role against ACTH-mediated allostatic loads in the adrenal leptin resistant, MSG female rat phenotype.


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In vertebrate animals, pleural and peritoneal cavities are repositories of milky spots (MS), which constitute an organised coelom-associated lymphomyeloid tissue that is intensively activated by Schistosoma mansoni infection. This study compared the reactive patterns of peritoneal MS to pleural MS and concluded from histological analysis that they represent independent responsive compartments. Whole omentum, lungs and the entire mediastinum of 54 S. mansoni-infected mice were studied morphologically. The omental MS of infected animals were highly activated, modulating from myeloid-lymphocytic (60 days of infection) to lymphomyeloid (90 days of infection) and lymphocytic or lymphoplasmacytic (160 days of infection) types. The non-lymphoid component predominated in the acute phase of infection and was expressed by monocytopoietic, eosinopoietic and neutropoietic foci, with isolated megakaryocytes and small foci of late normoblasts and mast cells. Nevertheless, pleural or thoracic MS of infected mice were monotonous, consisting of small and medium lymphocytes with few mast and plasma cells and no myeloid component. Our data indicate that compartmentalisation of the MS response is dependent on the lymphatic vascularisation of each coelomic cavity, limiting the effects or consequences of any stimulating or aggressive agents, as is the case with S. mansoni infection.


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BACKGROUND: Laparoscopic techniques have been proposed as an alternative to open surgery for therapy of peptic ulcer perforation. They provide better postoperative comfort and absence of parietal complications, but leakage occurs in 5% of cases. We describe a new method combining laparoscopy and endoluminal endoscopy, designed to ensure complete closure of the perforation. METHODS: Six patients with anterior ulcer perforations (4 duodenal, 2 gastric) underwent a concomitant laparoscopy and endoluminal endoscopy with closure of the orifice by an omental plug attracted into the digestive tract. RESULTS: All perforations were sealed. The mean operating time was 72 minutes. The mean hospital stay was 5.5 days. There was no morbidity and no mortality. At the 30-day evaluation all ulcers but one (due to Helicobacter pylori persistence) were healed. CONCLUSIONS: This method is safe and effective. Its advantages compared with open surgery or laparoscopic patching as well as its cost-effectiveness should be studied in prospective randomized trials.


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Référence bibliographique : Rol, 57466


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Fifty Bursa of Fabricius (BF) were examined by conventional optical microscopy and digital images were acquired and processed using Matlab® 6.5 software. The Artificial Neuronal Network (ANN) was generated using Neuroshell® Classifier software and the optical and digital data were compared. The ANN was able to make a comparable classification of digital and optical scores. The use of ANN was able to classify correctly the majority of the follicles, reaching sensibility and specificity of 89% and 96%, respectively. When the follicles were scored and grouped in a binary fashion the sensibility increased to 90% and obtained the maximum value for the specificity of 92%. These results demonstrate that the use of digital image analysis and ANN is a useful tool for the pathological classification of the BF lymphoid depletion. In addition it provides objective results that allow measuring the dimension of the error in the diagnosis and classification therefore making comparison between databases feasible.


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Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of phytogenic additives and glutamine plus glutamic acid, associated or not, on histomorphometry of bursa of Fabricius and small intestine, oocyst count and lesion scores, and carbon turnover of duodenal mucosa of broiler chickens infected with Eimeria acervulina. A total of 450 male broiler chickens was distributed into a completely randomized design with six treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of control diet (CD); CD + coccidiosis vaccine; CD + antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidial (APE/AC); CD + glutamine and glutamic acid (Gln/Glu); CD + phytogenic additives (PA); CD + Gln/Glu + PA. Birds on treatment CD + vaccine were vaccinated via drinking water at three days of age against coccidiosis. At 16 days of age all birds of all treatments were inoculated orally and individually with 500,000 oocysts of Eimeria acervulina. There was no treatment effect on lesion score in the intestinal epithelium of birds. The smaller number of excreted oocysts was observed in groups of birds fed diets containing APE/AC and PA. Were observed better results of villus height and crypt depth for duodenum and ileum of birds of treatments containing Gln/Glu at 7 days of age, and Gln/Glu and PA at 21 days of age. Higher percentage of cortical area from bursa follicles was observed in birds fed diets supplemented with Gln/Glu and PA at 7, 14 and 21 days of age. Increased turnover of intestinal mucosa was observed in treatments containing Gln/Glu, indicating acceleration in development and regeneration of damaged tissue. Glutamine plus glutamic acid and phytogenic additives can provide improvements to structure, and thus to intestinal function, as well as to better immune response against the infectious challenges. Phytogenic additives can be used for coccidiosis control of broiler chickens where the use of antibiotic performance enhancers and anticoccidials is prohibited.


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The effects of water and feed fasting for 24, 48 and 72 hours post-hatching on blood parameters (mean corpuscular volume, MCV; red blood-cell, RBC; hematocrit, HCT; hemoglobin, HGB; plasma glucose, CGP; plasma total protein, PP, and differential leukocytes count), and on body, liver, spleen, bursa, and yolk sac weights were analyzed. Erythrogram data were obtained with a blood cell counter. Total plasma protein and plasma glucose were determined by using the Bradford method (1976) and a glucose PAP liquiform kit (Labtest, cat. n. 84), respectively. Specific leukocyte counts were carried out on blood smears stained with Rosenfeld solution. According to the obtained data, water and feed post-hatching fasting reduced MCV values, which also were lower in males than that in females. Fasting for 48 hours promoted an increase in PP, while fasting for 72 hours reduced HCT. Chicks submitted to fasting presented lower body weights as compared to fed chicks, but their liver weight did not increase between 48 and 72 hours of age. Fasting decreased spleen weight, but bursa and yolk sac weight were not affected. Data showed that female and male chicks react in a similar way to post-hatching fasting, which affects body weight, liver and spleen weight, and HCT and PP values. Moreover, 72 hours of fasting affected more intensely HCT and MCV values.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lipoma arborescens é uma condição rara de moléstia intra-articular, usualmente monoarticular, caracterizada por extensa proliferação dos vilos sinoviais e hiperplasia da gordura subsinovial. O tecido sinovial é progressivamente substituído por células maduras de gordura na membrana sinovial. O presente trabalho é o relato de caso de uma condição rara de lipoma arborescens tanto intra-articular (glenoumeral) como da bursa subacromial-subdeltoide além de ruptura do tendão do supraespinhoso. As apresentações clínicas, histológicas e radiográficas assim como o tratamento são discutidos no presente estudo. A apresentação do caso contempla também a avaliação radiográfica, ressonância magnética e exame patológico. Apesar do lipoma arborescens ser uma condição rara, tal hipótese deve ser considerada frente a um caso com hiperproliferação sinovial e lipossubstituição da sinovial.